Being Good at Something

tom32071 said:
I'm fair to middlin' at a lot of things but not really good at anything. I don't mind though. I haven't really found anything that I really sparkle at.
Oh well, jack of all trades, master of none. I don't feel like you really have to be great at anything. :)

Why can't a person's "greatness" come from the fact that they are a jack of all trades?

Besides, it's only our crazy society that worships being The Best of The Best, and what do they know?

luke wilson said:
Hi HowToBe,

Thanks for the link. Interesting site. Can not believe I never knew about it, wonders of networking.

According to it, my life path is 6.

This is how it starts

You possess great compassion and seek to be of service to others. You have concern for the weak and the downtrodden.


Hahaha just kidding, nice site.

I understand why you would make light of that. Thing is, your "missing middle" is where your emotional or other "baseline" is, OSIT. You know the saying about sugar and how the "high" it gives is exactly equal to the "low" you fall to when the insulin kicks in to balance your glucose levels? Well, I have been feeling that to the extent you are below this baseline dealing with your current emotional issues, to this same extent you will be above that baseline once you have solved your problems.

In this scenario, you would actually do well to discover how low a human being can go and still have a soul, or soul potential, because that low can be exactly reflected by STO qualities when all the "negative" emotional weight has been lifted, OSIT.

Trust the force, luke. And don't underestimate this Work. (something Obi-Wan forgot to say!) :)
Hi Luke Wilson,

I just came across a quote from Kim McMillen's book When I Loved Myself Enough, which helped me clarify a bit more about this business of wanting to be talented or gifted.

When I loved myself enough I came to see I am not special but I am unique.

Most of us are not "special" but everyone of us is unique, and the world would not be what it is without us in it. So maybe part of the Work is finding out what our uniqueness is (know thyself) and doing our very best to make that uniqueness serve the Universe, in whatever little corner of it we find ourselves in. Perhaps some of this concern about being "talented" means you're worried about the scale of influence you have. "Talented" or famous people have a lot of influence, but who can say how long it lasts? One good dedicated school teacher in a small town can have more good influence in the long term than most any movie star or musician. Or think of the main character in the movie "It's a Wonderful Life". What matters is what you do here and now, where you are. The Divine Cosmic Mind will look after the rest.

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