Being 'got at' by non-physical forces to cause harm to others


Jedi Master
I am 53 years old and have had several distinct experiences over my lifetime where I have been 'got at' by non-physical force(s) to do harm to other(s). Several times this has been successful and I have done so but fortunately, no lasting harm was caused on these occasions. Mostly, it has been a case of me being prodded to completely lose my temper at someone. Of course, that could happen anyway but on these occasions, I could feel a force exterior to me being applied. However, there are two particular occasions where if I had been unable to control myself the results would have been catastrophic.

The first incident was IIRC in my late teens or early twenties. I was on a transatlantic flight so the jet would have been cruising at a high altitude. I had been seated right next to the entry/exit door and was enjoying the extra legroom when I suddenly got the urge to get up and open the door. I have no idea if this is even possible mid-flight but the urge was almost overwhelming. It seemed to come over me and be an exterior force acting upon me, not unlike a magnet being moved until it was exerting its force upon a piece of metal. Needless to say, I did not do so but it took every ounce of my willpower to stop myself from doing this. The exertion caused me to break out into a sweat and I was gripping the seat to keep myself seated. I kept looking around behind me thinking that I would be able to see who was attacking me. I was so discombobulated that it did not occur to me that it would hardly be anyone physically sitting on the same 'plane that would be attacking me. It wasn't until some time later that I realised to my embarrassment that this was an attack from either someone at a distance or a non-physical entity. This was thirty or so years before I found the Cassiopaean material but I was heavily into massage, meditation and psychic practices at the time so the idea of being attacked like this was not incomprehensible to me. The attack went on for quite some time but fortunately, I managed to keep myself together and I had never felt such relief as when the 'plane touched down at our destination.

The second major potential disaster was at the end of my twenties when I was visiting my parents. I had just done the washing up and was in the process of drying up when my mother said something that enraged me beyond all reason. I had in my hand a large chef's knife, not unlike the prop used in the [in]famous Psycho shower scene. I had this overwhelming urge to attack my mother with it and stab her again and again and again. This absolutely terrified me because this feeling was so unutterably alien to me. Now, it was hardly unknown for my mother to say or do something that would irritate me, bless her, but nothing to that degree. If on a scale of my personal irritation of one to ten with one being very slightly irritated and ten being me completely losing my cool and temper and giving the unfortunate recipient the full vent of my mind and mouth this reaction was well beyond that. My normal reaction to her on this occasion would have elicited perhaps a 'two' i.e. irritated but not enough to make an issue out of it or say anything/she did not intend me to be irritated, it was me being overly touchy. However, the reaction I felt was more like a fifty. A completely insane reaction and it scared me to my core, both at the time and afterwards, that I could have such a reaction. Again, needless to say I did not carry out the attack but had an intense inner battle to not do so. I even began to think at one stage in a completely dispassionate and pragmatic frame of mind that if I did carry out the attack I would also have to kill my father who was also in the kitchen and then myself. As you might imagine to be able to think in such a way was another layer of distress on top of the existing distress I was under.

Looking back now I can, of course, see these incidents in the light of the work carried out here. Don Juan said that 'they gave us their minds' and the dispassionate predator was in full force within me on this second occasion. I am no saint and am well aware that I have a predatory instinct within me that has come out to play before but nothing like this. The feeling that overcame me and almost overwhelmed me on this second occasion was so alien to who I am. If anything I am a softie that has allowed people to take advantage of me although I am doing a better job of that these days. Now, of course, having found this Forum I can imagine that that is just how a psychopath thinks.

Some years after this, perhaps in my mid-thirties I came across the work of Robert Bruce who has written books on psychic self-defence and astral projection. In one of his books he relays an incident of psychic attack where he was driven to throw his son who was a baby or very young at the time from a multi-storey car park. He did not but he said that it took all of his will power to prevent himself from doing this. He also said that occasionally one hears in the news of a frenzied knife attack like the one I almost did or something else truly abhorrent that someone did and how it was very likely that the individual concerned was suffering from a psychic attack. Occasionally I will see such incidents in the news and can't help but think that there but for the grace of God went I. I have seen incidences of both a frenzied knife attack out of the blue and of a passenger opening or trying to open the entry/exit door when at altitude :umm:. My heart goes out to those who have suffered a psychic attack and not been able to forestall terrible acts. They would spend the rest of their life locked up and tormented by what they had done if they did not actually die at the time.

N.B. I was not sure where to put this so I apologise if I have put this in the wrong part of the Forum. Also, I am not entirely sure why I have posted this. Perhaps it may prove of use to someone? If, however, it is considered noise and that a thread lock is in order then I apologise.
Yeah and possession can cause periods that aren't remembered too so someone may not even remember the threats or acts they did via possession. I probably should know more in this area than I do. Things aren't overly ideal on this planet. What does one say to someone in some stage of possession? Depends on the particular situation I would guess but in general it kind of feels like getting too involved or not enough involved are both wrong and knowing the correct thing to do is close to impossible.
Very disturbing events for you! I wonder if it was a psychic attack - or more along the lines of meeting your own capacity for evil as Jordan Peterson talks about? I mean, I figure that if an external force can act on you, then there has to be something internal that that force can work with - that's how I see it at this time anyway but others might have a better take on that.

I know that I sometimes find myself with unsavoury impulses arising and mostly I can keep them under control because I don't want to do harm to others - though I wonder if knowing those impulses better would help me have better boundaries which sometimes means not being very nice - something that I haven't always been very good at though I'm putting it into practice somewhat clumsily. Brene Brown makes a paradoxical point that the better your boundaries, the kinder and more compassionate you can be - a warrior in a garden instead of a gardener in a war.

The first incident was IIRC in my late teens or early twenties. I was on a transatlantic flight so the jet would have been cruising at a high altitude. I had been seated right next to the entry/exit door and was enjoying the extra legroom when I suddenly got the urge to get up and open the door. I have no idea if this is even possible mid-flight but the urge was almost overwhelming. It seemed to come over me and be an exterior force acting upon me, not unlike a magnet being moved until it was exerting its force upon a piece of metal. Needless to say, I did not do so but it took every ounce of my willpower to stop myself from doing this. The exertion caused me to break out into a sweat and I was gripping the seat to keep myself seated. I kept looking around behind me thinking that I would be able to see who was attacking me. I was so discombobulated that it did not occur to me that it would hardly be anyone physically sitting on the same 'plane that would be attacking me. It wasn't until some time later that I realised to my embarrassment that this was an attack from either someone at a distance or a non-physical entity. This was thirty or so years before I found the Cassiopaean material but I was heavily into massage, meditation and psychic practices at the time so the idea of being attacked like this was not incomprehensible to me. The attack went on for quite some time but fortunately, I managed to keep myself together and I had never felt such relief as when the 'plane touched down at our destination.

I too have had a similar feeling strategic enclosure. Even though knowing what would happen if I did such a thing, the urge kept entering my head. There is a part of me that is very dangerous and can be destructive. I have to keep it under lock and key. Certain emotions and situations can bring it to the surface. I give continuous Thanks for this forum because it has helped me to learn what triggers that part of myself and how to redirect that energy into a positive action. Up until a few years ago I only hurt myself, however when I was in a physically agonizing circumstance, that energy left a loved one of mine with black and blue marks. In another instance I pushed someone to the ground. None of these actions were intentional however I felt horror inflicting such pain on any one.

Being awre of my physical and mental ability to injure others, I keep to myself and when around others I am very mindful of my triggers and accept others as they are and keep it moving. Thank you for sharing.
Very disturbing events for you! I wonder if it was a psychic attack - or more along the lines of meeting your own capacity for evil as Jordan Peterson talks about? I mean, I figure that if an external force can act on you, then there has to be something internal that that force can work with - that's how I see it at this time anyway but others might have a better take on that.

I think it is both. I know myself well enough now that I know that I am capable of great evil but also great good. Most of the time I naturally incline to the latter but I am not perfect and sometimes I am weak. I have had mental health issues most of my life and I do not always look after myself well which makes me weak and vulnerable to attack. Also, I had an invisible friend as a small child and although my memories of him are vague I am pretty sure that he played on my compassion and gave me a sob story that meant I gave him a home in me. I suspect he is still there and has played his part in my misfortunes through life. Lastly, I suspect that I was abducted as a child by 4D STS primarily because of a recurring nightmare I had as a small child which involved a dragon. Both of these matters may be relevant but they also may not. I listen to Jordan Peterson regularly and every time he touches on the potential for unspeakable evil that lies within us, yes, even me who is so speshul, part of me winces inside because I see that in myself very strongly. I hope that if I keep working on myself then any adverse influences like those I have mentioned will naturally lessen if not totally disappear. This is what the C's recommend we should do IIRC i.e. raise our frequency. I am trying for what it is worth so we'll see.

I know that I sometimes find myself with unsavoury impulses arising and mostly I can keep them under control because I don't want to do harm to others - though I wonder if knowing those impulses better would help me have better boundaries which sometimes means not being very nice - something that I haven't always been very good at though I'm putting it into practice somewhat clumsily. Brene Brown makes a paradoxical point that the better your boundaries, the kinder and more compassionate you can be - a warrior in a garden instead of a gardener in a war.

That was an interesting watch. Peterson says something not dissimilar with regard to making our shadow part of us. By recognising and accepting our capacity for evil but choosing to not carry that out it makes us strong and dangerous. Not dangerous in the sense of causing harm to others but in the sense of being robust and strong and able to manifest good without being soft and nice. He also frequently refers to the Big 5 Personality traits and in particular to dis/agreeableness. I have not taken the test yet although I intend to. However, I would be most surprised if I did not score highly, or even, very highly in agreeableness. I was raised to be nice and to put others before myself so can very easily be too nice and let other's take advantage of me in unhealthy ways. Recently however I have started to try and be a little less agreeable when necessary which I think is probably no bad thing. As the lady in the video above says, boundaries are good.

I too have had a similar feeling strategic enclosure. Even though knowing what would happen if I did such a thing, the urge kept entering my head. There is a part of me that is very dangerous and can be destructive. I have to keep it under lock and key. Certain emotions and situations can bring it to the surface. I give continuous Thanks for this forum because it has helped me to learn what triggers that part of myself and how to redirect that energy into a positive action. Up until a few years ago I only hurt myself, however when I was in a physically agonizing circumstance, that energy left a loved one of mine with black and blue marks. In another instance I pushed someone to the ground. None of these actions were intentional however I felt horror inflicting such pain on any one.

Being awre of my physical and mental ability to injure others, I keep to myself and when around others I am very mindful of my triggers and accept others as they are and keep it moving. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you 1peacelover and thank you for sharing your struggles in this regard. I know that feeling of the urge coming over one, the recognition of this yet the continuance of that urge despite one's repugnance for that urge which you mention all too well. It is a horrible feeling; it feels like one is being besieged and one only has one's own will power to stop oneself from giving in to that horrible urge. I still feel shame at some of my behaviour in the past when I treated people badly but would not forget these incidents if I could. They help to remind me of what I am possible of if I lose control so am thankful of that. Like you, I tend to keep myself to myself and generally avoid going out of my flat unless necessary. However, I am hopeful that as I get stronger as I continue to work on myself I can reduce this avoidant behaviour and have a healthier relationship with the world. I echo your gratitude for this Forum; I have learnt so very much from here and am all the better for it. My father and a longtime friend have both commented in recent months that I have changed for the better and I like to think that this Forum has been instrumental in that.

I wish you all the very best with your personal demons and thank you for sharing them :hug2: .
Thank you all for sharing something I too resonate with for a very long time. If not for the knowledge and perspective I have gained through this forum the past decade and particularly Laura's initial work, I dread to think what my destiny would/could have been. No matter how painful the past, I too don't want to forget. The memories help keep me on track to seek more knowledge and clarity and definitely truth. :hug2:
I think that many people have experienced similar things as you, se - and not knowing what the possible causes could stem from, have gone through similar 'crisis of conscience', so to speak. We are, many of us, sensitive receivers that are capable of picking up all kinds messages, signals and even impulses that are in no way our own - or a part of what is true, essential and good in ourselves I think. But, not being trained to think on how we think, given little to no instruction in how to constructively be ourselves, or provided with knowledge of the outside influences that can cause arousal of negative thoughts and behavior, we have faced the possibility of losing our moorings.

This is clearly why working on ourselves is so important of course, and why gaining as much control as possible of our 'elephants' is paramount as you know. And now, quite unlike in years passed, we've got in our toolkit a number of practices and ways of approaching things that put us in a much better place from which to work on such potentially troubling things as mentioned here. We have only to try them in the spirit of experimentation and make good use of the will to master ourselves. No easy or simple thing, but certainly worth the efforts involved to be sure.

As a side note, last I heard Robert Bruce had not been doing well at all. He may have had good intentions in trying to help individuals and he may have been a skilled 'astral projector', but I think that he was sorely lacking in some types of knowledge and paid a heavy price for it. So, one more reason and reminder to stay away from many of the metaphysical "teachers" out there and the experiences they encourage, it seems.

I am hopeful that as I get stronger as I continue to work on myself I can reduce this avoidant behaviour and have a healthier relationship with the world. I echo your gratitude for this Forum; I have learnt so very much from here and am all the better for it. My father and a longtime friend have both commented in recent months that I have changed for the better and I like to think that this Forum has been instrumental in that.

That's just terrific to hear, se. And really the proof that what you've been learning and doing does make a difference in you that others you care about can actually see.
I think that many people have experienced similar things as you, se - and not knowing what the possible causes could stem from, have gone through similar 'crisis of conscience', so to speak. We are, many of us, sensitive receivers that are capable of picking up all kinds messages, signals and even impulses that are in no way our own - or a part of what is true, essential and good in ourselves I think. But, not being trained to think on how we think, given little to no instruction in how to constructively be ourselves, or provided with knowledge of the outside influences that can cause arousal of negative thoughts and behavior, we have faced the possibility of losing our moorings.

This is clearly why working on ourselves is so important of course, and why gaining as much control as possible of our 'elephants' is paramount as you know. And now, quite unlike in years passed, we've got in our toolkit a number of practices and ways of approaching things that put us in a much better place from which to work on such potentially troubling things as mentioned here. We have only to try them in the spirit of experimentation and make good use of the will to master ourselves. No easy or simple thing, but certainly worth the efforts involved to be sure.

As a side note, last I heard Robert Bruce had not been doing well at all. He may have had good intentions in trying to help individuals and he may have been a skilled 'astral projector', but I think that he was sorely lacking in some types of knowledge and paid a heavy price for it. So, one more reason and reminder to stay away from many of the metaphysical "teachers" out there and the experiences they encourage it seems.

That's just terrific to hear, se. And really the proof that what you've been learning and doing really does make a difference in you that others you care about can actually see.

Thank you for your kind words and thoughtful post Ennio :-) .

I am very sorry to hear the news about Robert Bruce; he always struck me as a good-hearted man. I can't find anything online about this. I hope he is okay :-(. I have put any thoughts of learning astral projection on the back burner since I found the C's material. I always knew that there was great malevolence in the world but it is far worse than I thought. I am sure that astral travel would be a fun adventure but not without risk. I think I would be far better served dealing with this 3D world and all the challenges that it offers. That can be quite the adventure in itself.
From childhood i was always being attack :) If is not demons then is other race , we have to learn how to protect. Sometimes we also attract bad forces ofcourse dependent on your behaviour. When this kind of things happend You need to know why ? What i start to realized that the negative forces trying to full us, because we see the world in 3D and they have possibilities to see Us from also another dimenssion. Since i'm here in Cassiopea Forum i learn more how to understand the creatures :D i mean all the spiritual world. Because of influences of my past life time i had to face some negative forces, but finally with You i can protect myslef and others if need. It's a lot to write about this, but i think that\s why we are all connected, becuase we see the reality of 3D. That there is something more than illusion. We are all energy.
I have put any thoughts of learning astral projection on the back burner since I found the C's material. I always knew that there was great malevolence in the world but it is far worse than I thought. I am sure that astral travel would be a fun adventure but not without risk.
Something Ibn al-'Arabi said in The Sufi Path of Knowledge:

Nowadays most people interested in the spirituality of the East desire the "experience," though they may call what they are after "intimate communion with God." Those familiar with the standards and norms of spiritual experience set down by disciplined paths are usually appalled at the way Westerners seize upon any apparition from the domain outside of normal consciousness as a manifestation of the "spiritual." In fact there are innumerable realms in the unseen world, some of them far more dangerous than the worst jungles of the visible world. No person familiar with the teachings of Sufism would dare lay himself open to such forces... [Chittick, The Sufi Path of Knowledge]

Something to keep in mind.
This made me sad:

Cambridge student who died in Madagascar 'opened plane door'

"A Cambridge University student fell to her death in Madagascar after opening the door of a small plane in mid-air, police have said.

Alana Cutland, 19, from Milton Keynes in Buckinghamshire, died last week, the Foreign Office confirmed.

Police on the African island said it was not yet clear why she opened the door of the light aircraft."
I've never been driven to hurt others like has been said, but I was once driven to hurt myself in an odd way. I was visiting a friend and was on his balcony just smoking a cig and chatting. Anyway, I was chatting away and suddenly lurched towards the edge of the balcony and all my body weight was driving me over the ledge. My elder brother (RIP) was there at the time, and pulled me back. I would plunged about 30 feet and really hurt myself it I'd fallen over. Since then I've been hyper conscious of watching my surroundings when in unusual situations.

Vigilance, the concept cannot be understood enough! Interesting thread, thanks for sharing.
I've never been driven to hurt others like has been said, but I was once driven to hurt myself in an odd way. I was visiting a friend and was on his balcony just smoking a cig and chatting. Anyway, I was chatting away and suddenly lurched towards the edge of the balcony and all my body weight was driving me over the ledge. My elder brother (RIP) was there at the time, and pulled me back. I would plunged about 30 feet and really hurt myself it I'd fallen over. Since then I've been hyper conscious of watching my surroundings when in unusual situations.

Vigilance, the concept cannot be understood enough! Interesting thread, thanks for sharing.

Thank God your brother was there! Do you have any memory of the incident in terms of how you felt? I wonder if you felt your body was acting on its own volition or if you felt like your consciousness was taking a backseat while someone else took over? With me I could definitely feel that I was being 'got at' so I am wondering how it felt for you. Thanks for sharing your experience. I am glad that you came through it okay. I think you are wise to be hyper conscious of your surroundings after that. I must admit that I tend to be very vigilant when I leave home and especially if I am up a ladder or on top of a building and anywhere near the edge.
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