Belgrade: 13-year-old shoots dead eight classmates and a security guard


The Living Force
This was brought to me by one of my participants in my online-teaching. It seems to be a horrible thing.
I found an article on SWR which I copy here - translated by

"A student shot at fellow students and staff in a Belgrade school on Wednesday, killing nine people.

The first shots were fired at the school in the Vracar district in the centre of the Serbian capital Belgrade at 08:40 on Wednesday morning. The police immediately sent all available police patrols to the school, the Serbian Interior Ministry said. The suspected perpetrator, a 13-year-old seventh-grade student, was found in the schoolyard and arrested.

Deadly shooter had weapons and Molotov cocktails
He was carrying two of his father's weapons and four Molotov cocktails. According to senior police officer Veselin Milic, the shooter first killed the member of the security staff and then three students in a corridor. He then entered a history classroom and opened fire again.

He had apparently chosen the room because he was near the entrance, Milic said. The attacker called the police himself after the attack.

The police did not give any information on the motive and background of the youth. It was working at full speed to "clarify all the facts and circumstances that led to this tragedy", the Interior Ministry said.

Belgrade perpetrator had prepared death list
He had apparently been preparing the crime for a month and had drawn up a death list in advance. Police showed reporters a sketch of classrooms allegedly made by the student. Milic said the gunman had made a list of names of children he wanted to "liquidate" in the attack.

Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic said the weapons used were licensed and normally kept in a safe. However, the student, who had trained at shooting ranges, apparently knew the code. The boy's father was also arrested.
Six other students and a teacher were injured. One pupil's life is in danger, the media portal reported.

Milan Nedeljkovic of the district administration in Vracar said the school's security guard stood in the way of the shooter, likely preventing further casualties. The guard "wanted to prevent the tragedy and he was the first victim," Nedeljkovic told journalists outside the school building.

One student described the shooter as a "quiet guy" who had good grades. He was rather reserved. She had not expected "something like this to happen".

After the fatal shooting, the Serbian government has ordered three days of national mourning. This was announced by Education Minister Branko Ruzic at a press conference in the Serbian capital on Wednesday.

Such acts are extremely rare in Serbia and in the entire Balkan region. Not a single school shooting has been reported in recent years."


The woman who told me about this, said, that this boy had been mobbed over years and finally obviously saw no other way . . . . Very sad . . .
The woman was also shocked, saying: "We are not in America, this was Beograd". And while we were talking along I heard some really cruel and awful things that happened in Vienna during the last 2 weeks. Someone cut off hands and feet from another man, a girl raped in an Underground station at 8 in the morning . .. .
Not sure about the original article, but here is he Guardian's report:

A 13-year-old boy opened fire in a Belgrade classroom in an apparently planned attack that killed eight children and a school security guard and injured a further six pupils as well as his teacher.

Police named the shooter as Kosta Kecmanović and said he had been a pupil at the school in the centre of the Serbian capital since 2019. They said he had used two of his father’s guns for the shooting and may have been plotting the attack for a month.

The head of Belgrade police, Veselin Milić, said the teenager also had two petrol bombs and “made a list of kids he planned to kill and their classes”. Milić identified the dead pupils as seven girls and a boy born between 2009 and 2011.

“The sketch looks like something from a video game or a horror movie, which indicates that he planned in detail, by classes, whom to liquidate,” he added.

So far, seems like the shooter was thought to be a "quiet guy" and that he "got good grades". Doesn't look like many really knew him well though.

Milan Milošević, the father of a pupil at the Vladislav Ribnikar school, said his daughter was in the class where the gun was fired. “She managed to escape. [The boy] … first shot the teacher and then started shooting randomly,” he told the broadcaster N1.

Milošević, who said he rushed to the school after hearing of the shooting, added: “I saw the security guard lying under the table. I saw two girls with blood on their shirts. They say [the shooter] was quiet and a good pupil.”
This would be the link to original Serbian news.

The shooter was born on 30.07.2009, by the Serbian law he can not be prosecuted becouse he is under 14 and still a child.
He stated that he planned all by him self in his room, made the plan and the list with targets (prime target) , all was written in English. (See foto) .
He fired around 60 shots, killed 7 girls, 1 boy, 1 school security guard, injured his history teacher and 6 other pupils.
He was skilful with the gun, managed to shoot security guard from 15-20 m distance. His father stated that he took him to shooting range few times, last year, father is arrested.
After shooting, boy have called the police and peacefully surrendered.
He is showing no regret for what he have done, 'I am a psychopath' he stated to the officers.
This all goes much deeper that "angry boy want to get even with his enemies /friends" , how main stream media want to present it.
I wonder what kind of programming have been used on child , of course rol of the parents who didn't know what is going on???


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Dont pay attention to the original serbian news. Its sensationalistic crap.

In a nutshell: (and as it is in the media) boy, 13, bullied at school, brings 9mm pistol CZ Shadow at school and kills 9 people (8 kids and 1 school's security employee), and injures 6. He calls police himself. At the spot police finds his plans which he draw on the piece of paper how to kill kids. Plans are, for some reason, in english (school is ordinary serbian school, not some kind of international)

What is interesting? In this days in 2013. similar incident happened. In vicinity of Belgrade, man gets up early in the morning, goes from house to house and kills 13 of his neighbours. Man lately dies in the hospital, police shut him.

Both incidents happened after some "heavy negotiations about Kosovo". Man shoots pistol in the morning in the vilage and no one hears it, and is not alarmed with the noise from the gun shots. (Police was called by the man's wife, when she saw him seeing something from the window, grabbing his gun, telling her to call the police and storming out of the house) Kid of 13 kills 9 people with one pistol (anyone who ever held a weapon in hands knows that is not easy, even with automatic rifle. And real shooting is not like in the games). (The injured have at least 3 wounds each). Serbia is poor country, but school is in rich part of the rich city. So, if you want for videos and photos of the aftermath (usual patethic, staged and emotionaly disturbing) to look classy and international, thats exactly the neigbourhood and the school you would choose. The average serbian school, kids and parents are not looking like that.

Immediately after the shooting talk started in the media on gun control, and how the limit for the criminal charge must be droped to 12 years old, and how the "whole society is bad" (think: USA media scenario) Not only in serbian media, but in ex-yugoslav countries and the Balkans. My girlfriend is teacher at the high school, they are ordered not to hold regular classes but to talk to kids how gun are not good.

I would say Breivik scenario, tailored for this part of the world, with multiple goals.

Here, the BBC is translating the serbian media (and makes error with numbers):

Some more coincidences with numbers which is interesting to me (and I'm not saying that is any true and not just my imagination):

March 2003. Serbia's prime minister assassinated. ONE DAY after some "heavy talks with the intenational community about Kosovo).

Kosovo is big topic in the serbian society.

April 2013. Man goes on shooting rampage, kills 13 ONE DAY after "talks and referendum about Kosovo".

May 2023. Kid goes on shooting rampage, kills 9 ONE DAY after Vucic had "heavy talks about Kosovo".

Could be nothing of course, but its interesting.

I wouldnt pay attentipn on incident from 2007. The man was mad. Released from hospital and killed his family and relatives.
Immediately after the shooting talk started in the media on gun control, and how the limit for the criminal charge must be droped to 12 years old, and how the "whole society is bad" (think: USA media scenario) Not only in serbian media, but in ex-yugoslav countries and the Balkans. My girlfriend is teacher at the high school, they are ordered not to hold regular classes but to talk to kids how gun are not good.
The "Americanization" of Serbia has been attempted many times, and is still an ongoing process. Even though Serbia is geographically surrounded by NATO "sympathizers," it is still holding its ground, although globalist Vucic, who has probably been "placed" by the US to destabilize Serbia, is "selling" parts of Serbia and undermining its sovereignty.

Mass shootings are a trademark of the West to accelerate disintegration. Another CIA "mind control" activation?
Mass shootings are a trademark of the West to accelerate disintegration. Another CIA "mind control" activation?
I thought of that , but amidst the great noise around :Was he abused, was he a victim of teasing, or violence at school, was the system to blame, television, reality games or something else... There are are couple of facts that cannot be questioned:
-He came to chool with 2 guns and 5 chargers, and molotov cocktail
From 57 shots he hit 14 victims, 8 killed, among them he killed first security guard from distance, police claim 14 meters.. Killed teacher in class first, so she do not prevent further action.
Im not familiar with shooting but I doubt that precision can be managed after "few visits" to shooting range with father.
-Cold concentration, plan, drawings,target lists and the time of the event, before his 14 birthday.. And law in Serbia says, not guilty till 14th..So its also looks like a plan. (Father can be charged for unapropriate weapon keeping... 60 days jail maybe and money penalty.) so not real consequences..
Whatever on the side is to blame for me he is a picture od sociopath or psychopath. This all planning does not look like mind control maneuvre, like someone wake up in morning and click in head to shoot.. Those are the months of strategy and planing, not to forget shooting training...
It may or may not be related, but i thought it was notable that on the same day in Germany a 39 year old man attacked children outside of a protestant primary school in Berlin, Germany, seriously injuring 2 girls of around 8 years old. In the article linked to below, there were no other details provided about the attacker, although more may have come out since.

2 girls seriously injured in knife attack at primary school in Germany, 9 dead after 13-year-old student shoots up high school in Serbia --
Today, there was another attack in Beograd.

I can't find this news on foreign media, only Croatian and Serbian.
Novi napad u Beogradu. Učenica nožem ozlijedila nastavnicu i učenika (New attack in Beograd. The student injured the teacher and the student with a knife.)

A FORMER student attacked a student (15) and a teacher with a knife today who tried to prevent her from attacking her at the private high school "Ruđer Bošković" in Belgrade. Fortunately, the attacked were not seriously injured. The girl cut both the student and the teacher on the hand with a knife.

The crazed former student was subdued on the spot and arrested. As reported by, this is a student who graduated from that school a few months ago.

A police investigation is underway. The Telegraph also reported that the girl committed the attack with a kitchen knife. The school has been evacuated and everyone is outside.
View attachment 74073It looks like there's a social contagion going on in Serbia.
I'll translate these headlines later if someone else doesn't do it in the meantime.
I would say just social programming for the "region". Done trhough the media of course. The same goes for what @Anamarija wrote. The incident is not consequence of something in the real world , its trigger to start events in the real world. Churning out headlines such those, for example.

But, on the "brighter" side, we are "the world", have our own programming "Texas style" campaign! :clap:

(We: the Balkan and ex-yu)
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