Ben Davidson (from YouTube Suspicious 0bservers) on Red Ice Creations


Jedi Master
Although I have not yet listened to it, there is a downloadable interview (hour 1 for non-members) with Ben Davidson of Suspicious 0bservers fame on Red Ice Creations.

In my mind at least this is interesting as I have pretty much gathered that much of what is coming from Red Ice is COINTELPRO oriented. So, what's the deal here? I haven't yet listened to it (just caught this from listening to Ben's latest report today, S0 News January 31, 2014: Blue Lava, Big CME). Certainly hope this does not mean Ben is selling out and/or involved in disinfo stuff. :rolleyes:

Here is the descriptive header for the interview's topic as posted on Red Ice:

Ben Davidson - Hour 1 - Suspicious0bservers: Space Weather & The Next Mini Ice Age
January 29, 2014

Ben Davidson is the researcher behind the Suspicious0bservers channel on YouTube, a channel that has rocketed in only 2 years to over 28 million views with 2 million added a month. Ben was classically trained in law and legal research, before taking up independent research in diverse sciences. His online presence has been a constant source of data dissemination, inspiring public interest in a variety of scientific fields, including the 'electric universe' theories. Ben focuses on the daily solar environment and the electromagnetic interactions between the sun, earth, and the galaxy. We'll discuss the variable sun, its effects on earth and climate change. Ben elaborates on the connection between space weather, the natural environment and human condition. In the second hour, we discuss earthquakes, volcanoes and comets. How can we prepare for possible catastrophic changes on the horizon? Later, Ben talks about consciousness and placebo effect.
Well, let me just say that we have had people on sott radio that we don't agree with 100%, but we are interested in what they are saying or doing. So, Red Ice doesn't have to be backing this guy just to have him on their show. And he doesn't have to be into Red Ice to be on their show to promote his ideas.

I'm about half way through and it's a pretty good talk. Yeah, he hasn't been doing it as long as we have, and he doesn't go as deep nor has he done the historical work, but he seems to be catching on pretty fast. Only time will tell.
Laura, thank you, yes I've listened to the interview while working, and based on what I've heard for this one hour segment, he continues to provide good info. :)
Leòmhann said:
Laura, thank you, yes I've listened to the interview while working, and based on what I've heard for this one hour segment, he continues to provide good info. :)

He turned a little naive at the end.
I have to admit I've been tempted more than once to communicate with him to see whether he has yet checked out the data found in your works and our group. I wonder if it would be a helpful idea to place the information out to him on the metaphorical coffee table (maybe via FB if he's got a FB page?) ... hmmm ...
If I remember correctly, he's heard of some of it, but his legal background does show itself in this regard. Dealing with EU is fine because it's just alternative analysis that's proven itself, but things like a potential 'dark star' et al, needs factual verification it seems before he'll give it any real attention, the problem is that by the time any real data is available to the public, like himself, it will be pretty much useless. This limits the scope of his material, but he's good at the part he's confined himself to like the morning data review, nicely summed up each day.
Thank you for the recommendation, Leòmhann. Listening to it now.

Laura said:
I'm about half way through and it's a pretty good talk. Yeah, he hasn't been doing it as long as we have, and he doesn't go as deep nor has he done the historical work, but he seems to be catching on pretty fast. Only time will tell.

Yep, apparently his channel was registered only on May 2, 2011, and as the radio show announcement says, his channel "rocketed in only 2 years to over 28 million views with 2 million added a month." Well, that is certainly a solid beginning. Wonder what is his secret of such a huge success. :huh: Might be useful, actually.

I also tried looking for some background info on him, and as expected, there is also a lot of defamation going on and people "uncovering" ties he has to big bucks through his farther, etc. But I didn't look thoroughly enough to form an opinion, so fwiw. But it would be great to have him as a guest on one of the SOTT shows and see how it goes!
I enjoyed the interview for the most part. He was very level-headed and sees a lot of what is going on, although he misses the importance of comets and dust loading. I expected the conversation to turn to weather modification at some point, which it did, but it wasn't the major focus thankfully.

And, of course, towards the end he demonstrates that he is also missing another of the major puzzle pieces that is psychopathy/pathocracy. Once you grasp that the people in charge are so power hungry that they will actually behave irrationally, -- not even in their own best interests, let alone those of the planet -- everything else kind of falls into place.

Keit said:
Yep, apparently his channel was registered only on May 2, 2011, and as the radio show announcement says, his channel "rocketed in only 2 years to over 28 million views with 2 million added a month." Well, that is certainly a solid beginning. Wonder what is his secret of such a huge success. :huh: Might be useful, actually.

I also tried looking for some background info on him, and as expected, there is also a lot of defamation going on and people "uncovering" ties he has to big bucks through his farther, etc. But I didn't look thoroughly enough to form an opinion, so fwiw. But it would be great to have him as a guest on one of the SOTT shows and see how it goes!

I regularly watch his videos. It would be easy to attribute his quick success to COINTELPRO and lots of financial backing, but I'm not so sure. I think he has the recipe down very well and seems to have built it through simple hard work.

He spotted a gap in the market; people are really getting interested in this stuff.
He provides quality videos packed with information and fancy graphics from space data sites.
He does this consistently, every day, and is very committed to it.
The videos are short enough, usually under 5 minutes.
And he has done more in-depth videos explaining how to understand all of the info that he quickly throws out in the daily videos.
He also has a good, clear narration voice, and suitable music.
Carlisle said:
He spotted a gap in the market; people are really getting interested in this stuff.
He provides quality videos packed with information and fancy graphics from space data sites.
He does this consistently, every day, and is very committed to it.
The videos are short enough, usually under 5 minutes.
And he has done more in-depth videos explaining how to understand all of the info that he quickly throws out in the daily videos.
He also has a good, clear narration voice, and suitable music.
Yes. It's a quick morning wrapup in video, which is best for most people to quickly grasp the basics. Having a basic clear narration voice helps as well, no matter what subject matter... was watching part of a homeless doc on RT this morning and some guy helping or running one of the soup kitchens had a voice that sounded perfect for narration... clear and resonant, reminded me of Tom Brocaw or however it's spelled... actually that's who I thought it was until his face showed on screen. It's the attention to detail, the daily commitment to doing these morning vids before work everyday... and then the word of mouth factor sets in.... which can really sell a product in any market until it bumps up against the status quo, and so far, it hasn't strayed from the basics in alignment to the EU crowd. He clearly stays away from anything outside that group think... so forget comets, dark stars and the like until such data gets some sort of EU clearance from the Thunderbolts crowd... so no fringe thinking... which is acceptable to the mass audience... and would cost him his following... but he's a good stepping stone and will most likely factor in the fringe material once it comes into view... reality check on the unknown variables. He simply doesn't deal with those unknowns.. like most people, it's simply not on his radar screen. This shows up with specialists everywhere... from finance to intel etc.
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