

Dagobah Resident
hey guys, haven't been on here much lately. Before I scamper off to give guitar lessons, i'd like to say that I believe i am in some of the final stages of getting over depression. I don't feel so "blaaaaah" anymore. I feel like I am in control. There isn't such a big "heaviness" that i'm carrying around. I feel lighter, better. I even exercised last night.

Thanks for all the good advice.
Nice to hear from ya! I was actually planning on writing a post in the next few days asking about you, since I noticed you hadn't logged on in 5 or 6 days (you were rather active before that). Hope everything is getting better, and remember having the forum here during the rough moments CAN help you get through the tough times. :)
I'm also glad to hear you are doing better, although I had not known you were having difficulties. What has changed lately to break you out of your depression and allow you to work out again?
Glad to see you back and feeling better, Abstract. I was wondering where you were too. :)
That's great to hear, abstract. :) Keep it up!

But a word of caution, the detoxing can go in cycles as you hit new patches. If you start to feel bad again, remember that it will only be a passing phase if you stay on the diet.
That's great to hear! I look forward to your posts from your new perspective....

Well, you know, I had the exact same thoughts as Heimdallr and was thinking of creating a topic called "What Happened to abstract lately?." :) But then I checked and noticed that you were logging in but not really posting much, so yeah, let's say a bit concern about you. Great to hear that you are doing okay.

And you wouldn't believe it but, my 15 year old just bought a electric guitar!! Now the last time I played a guitar was like 35 years ago, so you know kind of like frozen fingers! Any on-line resources that you would recommend? Great to have you back.
Hey abstract -- I had been thinking things had been too quiet around here the last week or so as well. Feels good to be missed, eh? Glad to have you back!
[quote author=abstract]
There isn't such a big "heaviness" that i'm carrying around. I feel lighter, better.

Welcome back, abstract. :)

When you have a moment, read this.

[quote author=abstract]
I even exercised last night.

It's good to get your heart rate up at least once a day if you can. Beforehand one never feels like going, but before that internal dialogue starts just put your sneakers on and leave the house. Once you're done, you feel so good and are always glad you've been. The trick is to make it part of your lifestyle, every day, like brushing your teeth. It benefits your body and your general well being (mind and spirit as well) in so many ways that you're not even aware of, besides the obvious.

The sheer volume of health info here can be pretty daunting. What I do is I change one little thing, and then as soon as it becomes habit, then I change another little thing, and so on and so on.

I for example only dropped coffee and switched from the evil chemical laden cigarettes you buy over the counter to rolling my own cigarettes with natural tobacco. Just those two things made the world of difference. And then I also started taking spirulina, omega 3:6:9 (all in one) and a multivitamin each day.

That's all for now. Somewhere down the line I'll introduce one more little change, and further on one more little change again and so on.

Do things at you're own pace, that you're comfortable with. Even with the mountain of information available here on the forum and all the recommended books. The only way to get to the other side, is to read them one at a time. Little steps, consciously, and enjoy it, because it is fun.

And the network’s always here. :) That’s the best part.
Guess we were all wondering where you'd been! I was gonna make a post too but checked your profile and saw you were active but not posting. Glad to hear you're doing well! Just want to let you know your progress here has been inspiring to me because, among other things, you've been able to voice concerns that resonate with me that I had been reluctant to post about.
Shijing said:
Hey abstract -- I had been thinking things had been too quiet around here the last week or so as well. Feels good to be missed, eh? Glad to have you back!
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