Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

Walzt's whole family supports Trump. Some people won't see this even if looking right at it. Similar to how certain tribes on the new continent could not see the great ships from Europe sailing right up to them because there was nothing in their 'conceptual continuity' that could explain such a sight. :huh:

According to this article, it's not his whole family:
Several family members of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the Democrat Party’s vice presidential nominee, have come out in support of Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump.
The people in the photo wearing shirts supporting Trump are related to Walz on his grandfather’s brother’s side, a representative confirmed to the Daily Mail.
And, of course, his brother who hasn't spoken to him in 8 years. There could be more than what is mentioned in the article, but they aren't mentioned.
Just got a prompt to take this class/seminar through Columbia called Inside the Situation Room. Is it worth their $500 ticket price just to see what is said (in terms of high comedy)? I think not.
Kind of at a loss for words:
This knarly dude has a few messages from the Hells Angels on the Colorado gang situation.
Gnarly dude is certainly correct about the racism charges drawn by mentioning the border crisis, but we've seen this happen so completely in Europe - the social/institutional pressure not to discuss crime if the perpetrators look a certain way. I know leftists who think immigration status is a "race," that Islam is a "race," and even that socioeconomic standing is a "race," ever-expanding the definition of "race" so that charges of racism can work ever more broadly. Many I know are are proud of the "snowflake" appellation, each a precious and unique individual, but, conversely, seem to paint everyone else as an anonymous member of an identify group, a hive-minded constituent of a collective.
I know leftists who think immigration status is a "race," that Islam is a "race," and even that socioeconomic standing is a "race," ever-expanding the definition of "race" so that charges of racism can work ever more broadly.
I never thought about it like that, what a strange concept. It's like there's no 'inside' - such identity seems based on what's outside. I have noticed that people have to preface a lot of what they say with some external, social identity: "As a black man I can agree with that", or "As a white liberal woman, I stand for...", or "Conservative Christians cannot go along with...".
Just a little meme I threw together after her obviously Hollywood-quality role at the debate - not to mention her amazing transformation from "Dumb as a Rock" to "Trump Eviscerator"...


  • Turn_the_Page_movie.jpg
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A local real estate broker offers relocation services to the locals who would vacate to canada if Trump wins the election in 2024

CASPER — A local real estate broker’s poking fun at the presidential race has been getting a lot of laughs, led to a couple of sales and generated a lot of politically charged text messages.

Chad Lummus, who leads Casper’s Coldwell Banker The Legacy Group franchise and The Lummus Real Estate Team, believes there could be a new wave of response after Tuesday’s debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.

It’s a simple joke, over the smiling faces of the Republican and Democratic front-runners is “Moving to CANADA!?” in giant letters. Underneath that in smaller letters is, “We Can Sell Your Home!”

The insinuation is that no matter who wins — Trump or Harris — people are going to be so disillusioned they want to move out of the United States. And Lummus is happy to help make that happen.

For much of the summer the billboard along Caper’s busy CY Avenue featured Trump and President Joe Biden. But now that Biden’s out of the race and Harris is in, it’s been updated.

“At the first debate with Biden on the billboard, it had been up for a little while and it actually went viral on its own,” Lummus said. “I didn’t do anything, but people were taking pictures and sharing it right after the debate.”

He expects it’ll create a similar buzz after Tuesday’s much-anticipated debate.

Lummus, who has had his company for nine years, said he likes to “think outside of the box,” and prior his “moving to Canada” campaign, always had a standard real estate billboard, which he thought was “boring.”

When he proposed a political message around the threats people make to leave the country because of the presidential results, his sales rep at first didn’t believe he was serious.

But the company helped him design it.

“I said go ahead and put it up and he said something like, ‘Let the chaos begin,’” Lummus said. “It went up and that first day I was getting a ton of text messages from friends and clients and other real estate agents, with messages like, ‘Dude, that’s awesome.’”

Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 19-41-57 Trump Or Kamala Casper Realtor Ready For People… Cowboy Stat...png

Politically Neutral

Lummus believes everyone who sees the billboard understands it’s political satire and is “very neutral.” It doesn’t take sides and assumes that no matter the outcome, some people are going to be so fed up they just want out of America.

He said people have thanked him for “having fun with it all.”

While he did not specifically intend the billboard to drive sales and instead just create a buzz for his business, it has resulted in a couple of sales. Those have already more than covered the cost of the advertising.

When it came time to change for the new quarter, he did not hesitate to keep the political theme.

“Hopefully, it puts a smile on people’s face,” he said.

While billboards are old school, Lummus said with social media today it is getting harder for those in the “ocean” of Casper real estate agents to stand out. He thinks billboards and postcards are helping differentiate his team.

As for after the election, Lummus said he is already thinking about the next message.

“Maybe whoever is elected I can put their photo up and say, ‘Are you still planning on moving?’” he said.

Has he ever sold a house to anyone who has moved to Canada?

“No,” he said. “In fact, from what I understand, Canada is not accepting any new residents right now from the United States.”

Contact Dale Killingbeck at
A local real estate broker offers relocation services to the locals who would vacate to canada if Trump wins the election in 2024

CASPER — A local real estate broker’s poking fun at the presidential race has been getting a lot of laughs, led to a couple of sales and generated a lot of politically charged text messages.

Chad Lummus, who leads Casper’s Coldwell Banker The Legacy Group franchise and The Lummus Real Estate Team, believes there could be a new wave of response after Tuesday’s debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.

It’s a simple joke, over the smiling faces of the Republican and Democratic front-runners is “Moving to CANADA!?” in giant letters. Underneath that in smaller letters is, “We Can Sell Your Home!”

The insinuation is that no matter who wins — Trump or Harris — people are going to be so disillusioned they want to move out of the United States. And Lummus is happy to help make that happen.

For much of the summer the billboard along Caper’s busy CY Avenue featured Trump and President Joe Biden. But now that Biden’s out of the race and Harris is in, it’s been updated.

“At the first debate with Biden on the billboard, it had been up for a little while and it actually went viral on its own,” Lummus said. “I didn’t do anything, but people were taking pictures and sharing it right after the debate.”

He expects it’ll create a similar buzz after Tuesday’s much-anticipated debate.

Lummus, who has had his company for nine years, said he likes to “think outside of the box,” and prior his “moving to Canada” campaign, always had a standard real estate billboard, which he thought was “boring.”

When he proposed a political message around the threats people make to leave the country because of the presidential results, his sales rep at first didn’t believe he was serious.

But the company helped him design it.

“I said go ahead and put it up and he said something like, ‘Let the chaos begin,’” Lummus said. “It went up and that first day I was getting a ton of text messages from friends and clients and other real estate agents, with messages like, ‘Dude, that’s awesome.’”

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Politically Neutral

Lummus believes everyone who sees the billboard understands it’s political satire and is “very neutral.” It doesn’t take sides and assumes that no matter the outcome, some people are going to be so fed up they just want out of America.

He said people have thanked him for “having fun with it all.”

While he did not specifically intend the billboard to drive sales and instead just create a buzz for his business, it has resulted in a couple of sales. Those have already more than covered the cost of the advertising.

When it came time to change for the new quarter, he did not hesitate to keep the political theme.

“Hopefully, it puts a smile on people’s face,” he said.

While billboards are old school, Lummus said with social media today it is getting harder for those in the “ocean” of Casper real estate agents to stand out. He thinks billboards and postcards are helping differentiate his team.

As for after the election, Lummus said he is already thinking about the next message.

“Maybe whoever is elected I can put their photo up and say, ‘Are you still planning on moving?’” he said.

Has he ever sold a house to anyone who has moved to Canada?

“No,” he said. “In fact, from what I understand, Canada is not accepting any new residents right now from the United States.”

Contact Dale Killingbeck at
“In fact, from what I understand, Canada is not accepting any new residents right now from the United States.”
From the United States...? Curious.
I don't want to tell any of you that coming to Canada is a trap, and it's no longer as glorious as we used to brag...but I guess I just did. Oh well I suppose we do have a lot of (indigenous) land (stolen) to camp on (you will still have more rights than them here so feel free)...and no supporting freedom. Or convoys. (I'm not even sure if I'm legally allowed to write this now, eh?)
Breaking ☠️⚰️

Who is Tony West?

Kamala Harris’ brother-in-law married her sister Maya in 1998, and was one of her first political advisors, helping with the 2003 San Francisco District Attorney race.

Tony West served in Clinton and Obama’s DOJ, where is he accused of setting up a Ponzi scheme which fleeced billion from taxpayers.

As head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division, Tony West took advantage of the Treasury Department’s secret “Judgment Fund”, a slush account used to pay inflated settlements without Congressional oversight.

The Government Accountability Office admitted they have no idea how many settlements are paid yearly by the Judgment Fund, no receipts are published, and attorneys’ fees awarded are not disclosed.

President Trump banned this fund when he took office, but Biden made it legal again in 2021.

In 2009, Tony West was placed IN CHARGE of the DOJs specific division that litigates and settles lawsuits, paid out by the Judgement Fund.

Tony West’s first order of business, according to one of his deputy's emails, was to find the “best way” to use this settlement fund to “allocate” money toward his friend’s organizations.

“Settlements became the vehicle for paying off political allies,” according to Daniel Huff, former counsel to the Senate and House Judiciary Committees.

One of Tony West’s biggest scores was a 2010 settlement with 91 Hispanic and female farmers who claimed they were illegally discriminated against.

Tony West intervened and “engineered a stunning turnabout” according to the New York Times. The DOJ agreed to a $1.33 billion settlement, including thousands of farmers who were never even involved in the case, and Native American farmers.

he left-wing NY Times admitted at the time that Tony West’s settlement was a “runaway train, driven by racial politics . . . and law firms that stand to gain more than $130 million in fees.”

The settlement payment grew to over $4.4 billion, creating a $60 million windfall for the lead lawyer, Joseph M. Sellers, who just so happened to also be a member of the Obama/Biden transition team.

Tony West also concocted a series of shady bank settlements with victims of the housing crisis, with questionable provisions requiring banks to make almost a billion dollars in mandatory donations to Democrat-supporting activist groups, excluding all conservative property rights orgs.

The Tony West corrupt settlement system was again used in 2016 to make Volkswagen fund a $2 billion White House electric car initiative that Congress had blocked. Tony then got a job with Uber, which profits greatly with the shift to EV.

A WH email literally shows staff saying they ought to “build a statue to West and bow down to this statue each day” after they receive their $200k per day.

The agreement was co-signed by then-California AG Kamala Harris, all while being advised by Tony West, her soon-to-be White House counsel, if she wins.

Bonus case: DOJ used Tony West’s settlement system to pay FBI Agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page $2 million after their anti-Trump texts were published.

The US now has laws that pick and choose which illegal aliens are even susceptible to deportation.
158 Democrats vote against bill to deport illegal immigrants who commit sex crimes
The Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act passed the House of Representatives along bipartisan lines on Wednesday. All present Republicans voted for the bill, as did 51 Democratic lawmakers. The measure passed 266 to 158.
In addition to deporting migrants convicted of sex crimes, the legislation would also deem illegal immigrants who admit to domestic violence or sex-related charges – or are convicted of them – to be inadmissible in the U.S.
Democrats have panned the bill as xenophobic, however.
So, some Democrats are saying that they are not xenophobic, thus they prefer to have migrant sex offenders in the country.
Oh...dear:-( (1 minute video)

"The vice president said any intruder at her home “is getting shot,” right after hearing about a girl gunned down at Apalachee High"

I apologize for the laughter emoji, but the stupidity and utter lack of ability to “feel the room is hysterical to me. Certainly the subject of the post is in no way funny.
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