Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

Are TPTB looking to "retire" Biden by setting him up for a major scandal?
The timing of this is certainly suspicious, I've also wondered if it's a set up to get rid of him by the dems. These are very serious charges and it adds weight to the up coming investigations that will begin in congress. When he first took office, I like many others, didn't think he'd last to long because of his mental failings not something like this.

It seems like things are heating up in the US and more and more people are fed up with all the nonsense. The Republican majority in Congress and what they've accomplished so far is very inspiring but it's going to be a hard battle and what they can do has its limits. I watched the voting everyday and listened to Interviews with the 20 who held back their vote. What an impressive bunch they are, intelligent, well informed and passionate about stopping the destruction. Seems like spirits have been lifted a bit with this victory.

It's a roller coaster ride of emotions, up and down but I've actually been enjoying the show recently and that's an accomplishment.
Are TPTB looking to "retire" Biden by setting him up for a major scandal?
Tucker Carlson is all over it:
It appears Joe Biden’s shelf life of usefulness has finally expired.

Democrats were successful in 2020, inserting an crooked politician with dementia into the White House and stealing the election from the most popular sitting president in history. But when Old Joe announced recently that he would run again in 2024 it was too much for the power brokers in the regime. Joe had to go.

And so suddenly — after years of corruption, criminal activity, and perversion, the regime this week leaked information that Joe Biden was illegally holding classified documents in his garage and at his offices.

Joe needs to go.

Tucker Carlson tonight compared this week’s assault on Joe Biden to the demise of Andrew Cuomo.

News Cameramen stand outside building with Classified Documents (The Penn-Biden Center)

Yet Another Stash Of Classified Documents Discovered During Biden’s Colonoscopy
At publishing time, doctors had confirmed the colonoscopy also turned up another hard drive linked to Hunter Biden.

CAR-A-LAGO continues...

TUCKER CARLSON: This is bigger than just a story about classified documents

Partial transcript from the above video link:

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"[...] So now that we have Trump's tax returns, what do they show? Well, they show that Donald Trump got a lot poorer once he got into politics. In fact, he may be the only person in Washington you can say that about. Whatever you think of Trump, it turns out he was not in it for the money. Hardly.

As for Joe Biden, well, you can't say that about Joe Biden. Joe Biden has never had a private sector job. For more than 50 years, he has worked at your expense for the US government. Yet somehow he's gotten rich in the process. How did that happen? How did Joe Biden do that? Well, Joe Biden does not want you to know. So now, this is the great part. Joe Biden is the one who is hiding his tax returns. Joe no longer links to Joe Biden's tax returns for the years 2016 to 2018. As of tonight, those links have been deactivated. If you go there, you will find yourself taken by force to a Democratic party fundraising website. So in other words, stop asking questions and give us money.

But it does make you wonder what exactly was happening from 2016 to 2018 that Joe Biden might want to hide. Fair question, but no one in the media seems interested in finding the answer. We do know that during that same period, 2016 to 2018, there was a lot of weird accounting going on at Joe Biden's house in Delaware, the same house where yet another cache of classified documents was just found. Yet another.

In 2018, Hunter Biden was looking to rent property in California. Now, in a background check form as part of his rental application, Hunter Biden claimed that, in fact, he owned the Delaware house that Joe Biden, his dad, says that he owned. So they're both claiming to own the same house. Hunter Biden then also listed the address of that house as his primary residence on his driver's license, an official government document. Now, this is the very same home where Joe Biden has spent a third of his presidency in addition to his beach house in Rehoboth without maintaining any visitor logs.

Now this is worth knowing. And we don't know this because The New York Times or ABC News dispatched one of its crack reporters who found it. No. We know it because an anonymous Twitter account called @JJTalking found this background check form on Hunter Biden's laptop. Miranda Devine of the New York Post has also done extensive reporting on it. And the document raises quite a few questions, not all of which we can answer, by the way. But the obvious ones include: Did Hunter Biden actually buy his father's home in Delaware? Was he making rent payments to live there? Does that amount that he was paying refer to another property?

It was a big amount. On the form, Hunter Biden claims he's paying nearly $50,000 a month in housing costs. $50,000 a month. Where'd that money come from? You wouldn't think Hunter Biden would be able to earn that kind of money at the time, this is pre-laptop. But Hunter Biden had already been thrown out of the U.S. Navy for cocaine use. He'd already abandoned a rental car with a crack pipe inside along with his I.D. He had already left his wife for his sister-in-law.

Now, all of this was public information. So how did a disgraced drug addict with no job skills make enough money to make a $50,000 a month payment? Who is paying and how much are they paying him, and why were they paying him? And by the way, what classified documents keep appearing in homes that Hunter Biden lived in? Those seem like fair questions. We have a right to ask them. Joe Biden doesn't feel like answering them. Watch.

[...] So is it possible that Joe Biden's lifestyle was financed by his son and his son's dealings with foreign governments? Apparently, he shared a bank account with his son. Keep in mind that when Hunter Biden left his wife and three children, they were effectively broke. Could it be that the money was going to Joe Biden, whose home Hunter Biden, quote, "owned."

Hmm. We don't know. But these are interesting, interesting questions. At the very least, the media have basically conceded the smaller point that Joe Biden was illegally in possession of classified documents. They're admitting that.

The Biden Legacy.png
The right to life of Syrian people being ruthlessly violated by US: Chinese FM
By Global TimesPublished: Jan 17, 2023 08:28 PM

"Wang commented on Tuesday that the US illegal plundering of Syria has become blatantly obvious, quoting official data from the Syrian government that in the first half of 2022, more than 80 percent of Syria's daily oil production was illegally smuggled by US forces."

"Greedy as the US is in stealing Syrian resources, it has been pretty "generous" in providing military aid to others, often in the billions or even tens of billions."

John Kerry let it all hang out in his talk at Davos today.
As we reported earlier, Kerry said that what they all wanted was money, money, money…
It’s pretty extraordinary, that we a select group of human beings because of whatever touched us at some point in our lives, are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet. And it’s so almost extraterrestrial to think about quote saving the planet.”

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