Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

Ok, this is predicted but bizarre. Biden bails out but no press conference; not even from the press secretary. This is a major announcement and there are just shoving a note under the door via social media? And a computer generated signature? Now the Dems are lining behind a total guaranteed loser? Except Obama? There is plenty of smoke here. WTH?
I wonder if they threatened him with a vote to oust him via the 25th Amendment unless he resigned. If he resigned then he could go out with 'grace'. President Jill possibly negotiated a nice separation bonus - because, heaven forbid, the crime family should miss out on any extra dollars they can shove into an LLC.
Ok, this is predicted but bizarre. Biden bails out but no press conference; not even from the press secretary. This is a major announcement and there are just shoving a note under the door via social media? And a computer generated signature? Now the Dems are lining behind a total guaranteed loser? Except Obama? There is plenty of smoke here. WTH?

I think the Babylon Bee has summed up what a lot of people are thinking:

The 'shooter' named Crook, and Trump immediately calls Biden a Crook after this withdrawal announcement? Certainly Harris is the perfectly malleable tool while old Joe refused to play ball. Is Joe being reprogrammed or neutralized in some way as we speak?
This is a major announcement and there are just shoving a note under the door via social media? And a computer generated signature? Now the Dems are lining behind a total guaranteed loser? Except Obama? There is plenty of smoke here. WTH?
If there is smoke, there is a gun.
If there is a gun, there is a shooter.
If there is a shooter, there are many shooters.
If there are many shooters, there is a conspiracy.
If there is a conspiracy, there is buried truth.
If there is buried truth, there is truth.
If there is truth, there is smoke. 😉
I did think it kind of weird that Biden resigned using X, obviously not him personally, but I assumed on his behalf after an agreement had been reached. His continued absence has fueled a lot of speculation on X that he is actually very ill. The last footage recorded of him looks pretty bad, and he cancelled tomorrow's meeting with Netanyahu.

Laura Loomer is convinced he is terminally ill and claims a source confirmed this.

I did think it kind of weird that Biden resigned using X, obviously not him personally, but I assumed on his behalf after an agreement had been reached. His continued absence has fueled a lot of speculation on X that he is actually very ill. The last footage recorded of him looks pretty bad, and he cancelled tomorrow's meeting with Netanyahu.

Laura Loomer is convinced he is terminally ill and claims a source confirmed this.

He may indeed be terminally ill or he know to much about the hit job on Trump is life and the deep state doesn’t want to take a chance with him forgetting that it should be keep secret and he open is mouth in public. If this is the case, he won’t live long.
I did think it kind of weird that Biden resigned using X, obviously not him personally, but I assumed on his behalf after an agreement had been reached
I don't assume he agreed to anything. Old folks can get very cranky and resistant to any change, especially loss of power and personal control, which is what old age means: case in point - my mom is going to be 90 freaking 8. She still lives alone and drives - I have had numerous repeated unpleasant arguments and confrontations to get her to agree to a more sensible arrangement to no avail. (that said, my mom IS amazing) I think Biden hit that stubborn point where old-timers become like little kids throwing tantrums and refused to gracefully exit the stage. I think the powers behind the throne finally said, enough! Joe, we are done trying to be nice and, dude, you are gone.

The Laura Loomer tweet does make for a very nice story which will elicit sympathy for the old bastard, but stop and think about it - if he is really terminal, then he would have to have been been for more than a day and his handlers surely would have known it. which means they were knowingly lying all along. My vote for the program change is this unravelling of the curtain behind which the wizard is pulling the levers.
I think the powers behind the throne finally said, enough! Joe, we are done trying to be nice and, dude, you are gone.

Yes I have the same impression. The masks are really coming off.

The world just watched this senile puppet get exposed, used, beaten down and discarded all by his own party a matter of days after the Trump assassination attempt. And if they just quietly and casually disappear him? I would not be surprised.

A common sentiment spreading on X seems to be one of dread, which I started to feel as a well. Just such clear displays of evil making its final plays. But deep down I think we know that knowledge protects and it is the soul that counts. And this all seems fairly messy and prone to massive backfiring due to Trump surviving and people beginning to wake up.

Let's hope!
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