"Big One" 8.2 to destroy San Francisco imminent?

First of all good luck in your research... (i do check out people's websites...)

And to reply to what you said sometimes seeing the true facts and not walking in clouds is better, at least for me. If it does not work for you, your choice and because i feel we are way off the subject of this post this is my last reply to you.
After an email today with this "pingmasta"I doubt he will be replying to your post. He has forwarded on a post he made to this forum that has, subsequently, been deleted. I doubt your last post was required. It is impossible to answer or defend yourself when you are banned. I feel for this guy and it appears to me he has been treated very badlly. It also looks to me like he is correct in his post. This is the third thread on this forum that I have found in which he is attacked.
Not joining in on this argument but it certainly looks like his topics are "sabotaged". Maybe this is a government conspiracy theory against him? (jokes)
Yes, Evolutionary, it's interesting that you registered right after 'pingmasta' was removed from the forum and have limited your posts to the thread on which he posted the material that resulted in his removal. Since you supposedly read his deleted post, you know that it was exceedingly rude and violated the clearly expressed rules of this forum.

If the rules of this forum are also not to your liking, please feel free to move along. In case you have not read the rules, they are linked at the top of each page ( http://signs-of-the-times.org/signs/forum/misc.php?action=rules ) , so it would be a good idea for you to become familiar with them if you intend to participate in this forum.

Somehow, I get the feeling that 'pingmasta' will hear of this as well, although I could be mistaken and your presence and behavior here could be completely coincidental.
Dear Anart,

Just out of curiocity is there any chance, if the deleted comments were refered to me, to see the deleted post? If not no problem.
It would seem that Brian is not the only one who is predicting large earthquake type earthchanges in our immediate future. Ive been following the webot work through George Ure's site for nearly 3 years now, and can't remember the nutjob management at halfpasthuman ever relaeasing a public statement about earthchanges before (and certainly not of the significance they are seeing in their work). However they have released a statement (which I'll quote below) which talks of another possible super-quake to affect the Northern Pacific plate on both the East and West. When I first read this public statement, it reminded me straight away of the Earthquakes in the Japan and the Western Coast of the US that the C's have mentioned in the transcripts. Whilst the guys from the webot project seem to think the quake may be centered undersea and away from dry land, they believe this will affect both sides of the northern plate. Ive been following one or two other sites which monitor fault areas for Harmonic Frequencies within the crust to measure the stress levels, and I fear that with the already strong build up of stress energy in many of the fault systems around the western US, such a quake could push some of those faults in the US beyond breaking point. I hope I'm wrong (and I likely am), but from observed data, my theory is that we may be in for the next round of lage-scale earthchanges centering around the pacific plate before christmas.

Link Here: http://www(dot)halfpasthuman(dot)com/HPHALTA_907PRA_warn(dot)htm

Nutjob Management at HPH said:
Public Announcement:

Sure hate to do this. The ramifications are not good for anyone. AT THE BEST, we are incorrect, and nothing will occur. NOTE THAT- the best possible outcome is that we are wrong yet again, and will, in 30/thirty days time, slink off to mull over the foolishness of humans, and the self-deceptive capability of the human mind.

However, the worst possible case is that we are correct in our forecast as what we have is a rising amount of 'emotional tension summations' around the idea of a very large pan-Pacific plate earthquake which will involve extensive volcanic activity. Yep. That's the problem. The most recent processing of the 2/two report streams that we have open at the moment are stating pretty clearly that the recent earthquake activity in the Pacific basin is *not* over. Rather the interpretation of our data suggests the reverse, and that the Hawaii earthquake, the recent 'rising of land' near the island nation of Tonga, and the Kuriel Island 8.3 earthquakes are merely the 'set up' for the next event in which an earthquake in the Pacific plate induces {ed note: from the human perspective} both volcanic activity, and propagated earthquakes on both sides of the Pacific plate.

No, we do not get dates, exact or vague. Our work does NOT involve prophecy. We do not get messages from god or anything approximating that. So we do not get dates for events. We base our emotive quantifiers on a time scale of lunar months, and as the majority of the current indicators for a pan-Pacific plate earthquake are coming from the immediacy value set which has an emotional range of '3/three days out to 3/three weeks' {more or less}, we are of the opinion that the potential for the earthquake event is most likely within the next lunar month or slightly less than 30 days, thus prior to December 17th, 2006.

Our interpretation of the data set is going to a 'newly emerging mountain' as a result of or cause of {ed note: who is to say which is the cause or effect} a large, perhaps 9.5/nine-point-five earthquake in some 'great ocean depth'. The modelspace interpretation suggests that this first event will set off a series of very widely dispersed 'after shocks' which will affect both the east and western edges of the Pacific plate. We note that most of our geographic references are for places north of the equator and thus the idea that this will be a northern Pacific focused planetary change. There are some indicators for volcanoes south to about 9/nine degrees latitude to become active coincident with the 'plate quiver'.

The lexical clues which we have suggest that 'isolation', and loss of both 'power' and 'food' will result. Further there are 'aftermath' indicators for people having to both 'leave/flee low lying areas' as well as 'camping out {on} slippery/slick rocks'. This latter phrase comes from a lexical grouping describing people 'fleeing rising waters' to more height, even at the expense of what is described as 'necessary foods/sustenance'. Further there are threads within this area supporting the idea of 'food drops' to these unfortunates who are having to live on 'weather exposed rocks' amidst 'sloshing waters' long after the earth has 'subsided to relaxation of strain'. There are other indicators that some coastal areas, especially very low lying, now inhabited places which will be 'left to the waters' as a result of this series of 'plate quivers'.

We have more data interpretations, but the astute reader will grasp the general idea from the above extracts. Please note that our reports in total are expensive and we are NOT trying to elicit new subscriptions. Please note that any additional data will NOT tell you anything with surety about your personal safety.....let me repeat that for those who have yet to have their coffee hit their commute dulled brain cells. DO NOT THINK TO BUY OUR REPORTS on the idea that the whole of the report will provide you with any more specific details either timing, or geographic. Save your money or if so inclined, use the funds to get prepared for potential future events. What we have is condensed above. If anything appears within the processing which warrants more discussion it will likely be posted at Geo Ure's site, www(dot)urbansurvival(dot)com/week(dot)htm or posted here at Halfpasthuman in a publically available form. Again, this is not a solicitation, rather is offered as a 'for what it is worth'. Further discussions of the data set and any additional information which may arrive prior to the end of December will be posted on Geo. Ure's site should they be meaningful.

What we have suggests that if you are on the west coast of the north American continent, or on the east coast of Asia, or on any Pacific plate based island, that it is likely that you will be impacted to some degree by the suggested events rising from our rather dubious processing and software. What we have suggests that you pay attention now if you are in the affected areas and see to the care and well being of your personal situation so that you may be of assistance to those who will be directly impacted by these earthquakes and subsequent volcano activity.

Take heart from the fact that we are frequently wrong. After all, no human has any clue about what is really going on in the present, let alone the future, and we are all just guessing our way through life, universe, and everything.

Yes, we have hopes of being very foolishly wrong. However we note with real sadness that our approach to this work actually did catch the pan-global emotional wave which resulted from the Sept. 11 attacks on the USofA, and we caught it in June of 2001. It is this past history which prompts this posting.

Still, here is hoping we are wrong.


the nutjob management here at HPH.

Posted on November 17th, 2006 with the intent of propagating foreknowledge such that humans may harmonize with universe's propensity to favor the prepared mind.
Dear Apollynon,

First of all i also do hope that your ''predictions'' or better to say observations are wrong not for any other reason but because such an event will have global effects. It is a fact that an earthquake in one place most of the time releases energy in one point but builds it up on another like a domino and goes on.

However apart of the last christmas, the two previous two were marked by disasters (tsounami + iran earthquake if i remember well). Lets hope that this christmas will also be one of peace and joy and not one of the horrors and death like the tsunami one...

By the way i am glad i am in the uk at the moment as you donot have earthquakes here (okay the occasional 4's that happen are very minor and rarely ever mentioned or felt depending were you live).
Hello, eagles fly free. I have been watching a few different earthquake analysis sites for the past few years and your right that most earthquake activity in one site, can increase pressure in other sites (from the data I have observed and studied). As far as my observations go, I would say were in for a dicey ride for the forseeable future no matter where you live, but I think here in the UK we may be less likely to experience any megathrust earquakes than say an area like the pacific ring of fire.

I have just read however that the quake warning form the webot team is being relaxed as they belive that they may have the timescales off by around a year, which may be good in the short-term, but could be a portent to a much larger quake.

Here is what George Ure has to say about it on behalf of halfpasthuman.

UrbanSurvival said:
Pan Pacific Quake Warning Relaxed

Last week, both www.urbansurvival.com and www.halfpasthuman.com did something extraordinary - we issued a warning about an imminent "9.5 earthquake" which looked, with our time-scanning technology, like it would be accompanied by some undersea volcanic action. Today, we are able to relax the advisory and point to the high immediacy value events which triggered the alert.

First, we got the emotional reality of a 9.5 quake when folks in Hawaii started reacting to rumors of a pending 9.0-9.5 quake - and the rumors were widely played up on Hawaiian television and other news outlets.

Secondly, there has been concurrent publicity concerning a large-scale undersea volcanic eruption going on 1.5 miles under the Pacific. Combine the two events, the tsunami rumors in Hawaii causing hundreds to panic and the undersea volcanic action now in headlines and it all fits neatly with what was forecast.

The events underscore the difficulty of using technology to peer into the future. Language is a tricky enough thing by itself, but to divine the future by "reverse engineering" global use does press the limits of radical linguistics. Nevertheless, the technology is extremely sensitive to shifts in language that seem to precede events, and we're comfortable today relaxing the warning issued last week.

So much for the good news. Just a preliminary take on the data coming in, both for the private run and the ALTA 907 series now underway, suggests that by the time December of 2007 gets here, the emotional release expected would be of the size we'd expect from something like regional nuclear war, or a not-just-emotional-headlines about a 9.5 quake. But, that's a year off, although when employment crashed in mid to late 2007, you might want to have a new career lined up, or play to join a self-organizing collective of some kind.

As we've explained before, this looking into the future with language is something entirely new, and we haven't got an instruction book for how to do it. We're writing the rule sets for its operation as we go.

This present case spawns a new rule that might go something like this: "When extremely high immediacy values suggest something imminent and catastrophic, unless confirmed by longer term carry values, and ideally by some elevation in body part references [which tend to indicate injury or death to humans], the event may pop into conscious reality as a pseudo-event; e.g. one of emotional values only...exemplified in this case by the Hawaii tsunami rumors.

December 2007 we have a very interesting planetary alignment coming which might put exceptional stresses on earth. And yes, there are other technologies which have not relaxed concern in the present window. Still, I think it's safe to say from our perspective that the next big "quake worry" of the life altering/ending variety is not till next December. The long term values are accreting for that, and considering Banda Aceh's 9.3 gave us 4-months of lead time, a quake with 12
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