
A lot of what is said in the recent Substack publications reminds me of the work of the French author Bragi Bellovaque regarding these topics (Bigfoot, Dogman). I found an English post which talk a little about it:

(In an another book, he relates some phenomena with some energetic grid of the Earth too)
An interesting article. Puts me in mind of a Doctor Who episode when Madame De Pompadour said "a door once opened may be stepped through in either direction. I would definitely not want to be stepping through any doorways. There would probably be a nasty surprise waiting on the other side. As as been said previously, a lot of the bigfoot footage is very poorly focused and is often open to interpretation. There are some gems among them though imo. I enjoy watching paranormal programmes on the TV, usually late at night. Quite a lot of them relate the experiences of hikers into the great forests in the US. What strikes me is that most of them seem to end in the hikers making very fast and strategic withdrawals after fearing for their lives. They tell the audience of the speed of these beings chasing them back to their cars whilst making ferocious sounds and screams. Most of the people being interviewed seem to have been genuinely afraid for their lives and vow never to return to those forests again. Of course, it is always difficult to tell if something being related is actually true. Humans are very good actors. I wonder if these scenarios (if genuine) are a way of the cryptids frightening humans in order to keep them out of the area or whether they would actually harm them if they caught them.
Re: Hein and dark matter, some session transcripts that may be relevant:

May 28, 2013:
Q: (Ark) What is the source of unexplained ultra-high energy cosmic rays that no one has an explanation for? They are impossible and they are coming to earth with such high energy that people cannot even invent the source.

A: Transdimensional i.e. dark matter.
November 7, 1994:
Q: (L) What is ball lightning?

A: Electromagnetic spark. Pass from 4th to 3rd density.
March 4, 2012:
Q: (L) Is the sun, or the star, just like a large-scale manifestation of ball lightning?

A: Close.
May 28, 2013:
Q: (Ark) Let me take opportunity to ask about ball lightning. Are they purely electric phenomena, or are they also related to consciousness or...?

A: Transdimensional portals made manifest.
February 27, 2016:
Q: (PoB) Were there fireballs that people said they saw in the location [of Dyatlov Pass]?

A: Probing portals obviously!

Q: (L) So in other words, sometimes some of these balls of light or fire could be like openings or portals that are probing around in our reality?

A: Oh indeed!
Couple all that with accounts of ball lightning/anomalous lights in the sky morphing into structured craft AND cryptids, and I think Hein is onto something. At least some dark matter is hyperdimensional matter. And when portals and interdimensional beings appear in 3D, they often (at the very least) manifest at first as ball lightning, sometimes morphing into other forms, suggesting that perhaps they are composed of the same "stuff" as ball lightning, i.e. transdimensional dark matter.

ADDED: And some Biblical scripture to seal the deal. ;) Troels Engberg-Pedersen wrote: "We should conclude that there are clear indications throughout Philippians that Paul saw the pneuma as a power that would be operative at the resurrection. Chapter 3:21 provides a picture of this event that is closely similar to the one given in 1 Corinthians 15. We should also conclude that he took the pneuma to be present in believers both in the future and also in the present. In addition, we have seen that a physicalist understanding of the pneuma seems implied all through. After all, it is constantly described as operating on bodies. As for its presence here and now, we have found a hint (to be corroborated later) of a striking co-presence in believers of a dying away of the physical body of flesh and blood in conformity with Christ's suffering and dying - and a corresponding takeover of the same body by the pneuma, which will eventually lead to its final transformation into a body of glory [i.e. light]. When that happens believers will literally come to shine like stars in heaven."
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Re: Hein and dark matter, some session transcripts that may be relevant:

May 28, 2013:

November 7, 1994:

March 4, 2012:

May 28, 2013:

February 27, 2016:

Couple all that with accounts of ball lightning/anomalous lights in the sky morphing into structured craft AND cryptids, and I think Hein is onto something. At least some dark matter is hyperdimensional matter. And when portals and interdimensional beings appear in 3D, they often (at the very least) manifest at first as ball lightning, sometimes morphing into other forms, suggesting that perhaps they are composed of the same "stuff" as ball lightning, i.e. transdimensional dark matter.
Not "i.e. transdimensional dark matter", but "transdimensional i.e. dark matter", meaning that "transdimensional" is just another term/name for "dark matter" (and probably vice versa). Which makes kind of perfect sense when you take the meaning of dark matter into account - matter which does not emit or reflect light (as to be seen in our 3d universe), but basically interacts gravitationally with the rest of the 3d observed universe. Since it's transdimensional, it does not 'belong' completely only to 3d observable universe and as such it can not be seen (emitting and/or reflecting) by light in purely 3d sense until it appears here in its complete form when in scientific terms it's not dark matter anymore because it can be seen.

In general, all matter which is 'outside' of purely and completely 3d physical observable universe can be and usually will be regarded as a sort of dark matter, i.e. everything that exists in other dimensions than in our perceived 3 spatial ones, that we can feel and potentially interact with, is de facto dark matter for us in 3d physical universe. OSIT.
Not "i.e. transdimensional dark matter", but "transdimensional i.e. dark matter", meaning that "transdimensional" is just another term/name for "dark matter" (and probably vice versa).
There are other references in the sessions referring to dark matter that isn't transdimensional, so I would say: all trandimensional matter is dark matter, but not all dark matter is transdimensional. Dark matter is just a catchall for all types of matter space scientists can't detect, even if it is relatively mundane compared to hyperdimensional stuff.
Which makes kind of perfect sense when you take the meaning of dark matter into account - matter which does not emit or reflect light (as to be seen in our 3d universe), but basically interacts gravitationally with the rest of the 3d observed universe. Since it's transdimensional, it does not 'belong' completely only to 3d observable universe and as such it can not be seen (emitting and/or reflecting) by light in purely 3d sense until it appears here in its complete form when in scientific terms it's not dark matter anymore because it can be seen.
I had exactly the same thought. And perhaps an implication of this is that gravitational anomalies can hint at hyperdimensional phenomena. In another post I quoted a tweet alleging that Lue Elizondo claims something similar: the best UFO detector is a gravitational anomaly detector.
There are other references in the sessions referring to dark matter that isn't transdimensional, so I would say: all trandimensional matter is dark matter, but not all dark matter is transdimensional. Dark matter is just a catchall for all types of matter space scientists can't detect, even if it is relatively mundane compared to hyperdimensional stuff.
True, that makes sense, similar to what was 'deduced' about matter-consciousness connection; all matter is a form of consciousness, but not all consciousness is in a form of matter.
In math jargon, matter would be a subset of consciousness as well as transdimensional matter subset of dark matter.

I had exactly the same thought. And perhaps an implication of this is that gravitational anomalies can hint at hyperdimensional phenomena. In another post I quoted a tweet alleging that Lue Elizondo claims something similar: the best UFO detector is a gravitational anomaly detector.
Also sounds about right, and maybe the implications could be even more 'profound/deeper' - taking into account that the C's said that gravity binds all (paraphrasing), gravitational anomalies might in addition point also to 'presence' of hyperdimensional consciousness entities, so to say, not bound to strictly material type of existence, in the sense of both dark and/or 'light' matter.
Q: (L) So in other words, sometimes some of these balls of light or fire could be like openings or portals that are probing around in our reality?

A: Oh indeed!
Interesting, that explains a bit why such an intense light is sometimes not reflected by the nearby objects in this plane. You see the ball of light and the way it "appears" or "opens" from such a miniscule point.


It's complicated in the lack of understanding of the real functioning of these things and their manipulation of material and energy or whatever, but how a "ball of light" could be a "tool" because when you observe them and take into account what the cass say about "Probing portals" and "when portals and interdimensional beings appear in 3D, they often (at the very least) manifest at first as ball lightning" it's as if those balls of lights were a kind of "vehicles".

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The past month or so I've been listening to a lot of episodes on Sasquatch Chronicles. I guess many of you are familiar with the podcast, but in case you're not, I hihgly recommend it. At this point the show has been going on for ca 10 years and there are over 1000 episodes!

A couple of thoughts after my 'deep dive' into this podcast:
  • There are jus so many witness accounts, and the people calling in, for what it's worth, largely appear genuine, that you have to conclude that these things are real
  • Reminding the reports by Paulides (Missing 411), in one episode this guy told that the Sasquatch' scream/roar put him into a trance and made him undress. If it wasn't for his buddies coming to stop him, he would've taken off all his clothes. He told that all he could think of was "Water". I come to think that in some of the 411 cases, people are found dead and naked (or partly).
  • Several episodes describe a whole family of Sasquathces: there's 'Momma', 'Papa', and 'Little' Sasquatch. There are reports of female Sasquatches with breasts etc. What's up with that? Are these things on a family trip from 4D?
  • Many witnesses tell how these things disappear or are partly or wholly invisible (but you can still hear them)
  • Some people are apparently feeding them, and even having the 'kid Sasquatches' in their house
  • These things move at incredible speed, gliding through the forest, sometimes jumping out of trees and vanishing in the middle of their jump
  • Several witnesses have shot these things without much apparent effect. One witness described the sound of the bullet hitting the Sasquatch as "hitting water"
  • They come in all colors, also the eyes. Sometimes the eyes are described as black, sometimes red
  • The black Sasquatches are described as 'blacker than black', like they're sucking the light around them
  • Sasquathces are almost exlusively accompanied by various lights and shining orbs. Or, these orbs appear just before a Sasquatch sighting. One witness described seeing a face of a Sasquatch looking at him from 'inside of the orb'. A couple of witnesses told how they've seen only parts of Sasquatche's manifest visibly: just the head, a hairy arm, or just the torso or legs. This could give credibility to what was written in 'Dark Matter Monsters', that these orbs or 'lightning balls' are portals from which these creatures emerge into our reality
  • There are also other 'window fallers' reported like dog man, goat man (Baphomet). One witness told how he saw a weird moving black creature without arms and feet crawling along the highway
  • Then there's of course the smell: like sulfur, wet dog, just awful
  • The majority of witnesses, even combat veterans, describe a feeling of fear that is incomparable to anything they've experienced before
So, all in all, what they describe is pretty much what we'd expect from 4D 'window fallers'. They come in all forms and shapes. According to the C's "they're slaves of the Lizzards, collecting samples". From what these callers describe, it sounds like they're also purposefully terrorizing people.

Anyways, I'd recommend starting by listening to the 'Best of' episodes:

SC EP:492 Best of Sasquatch Chronicles

SC EP:493 Best of Sasquatch Chronicles II

SC EP: 604 Best of Sasquatch Chronicles III

SC EP:819 Best of Sasquatch Chronicles IV

SC EP:1017 Best of Sasquatch Chronicles V

Two particularly interesting episodes were also the interviews with the guys who wrote 'Where the footprints end' (I've now read the first volume). They are quite closely of the same opinion that we are here, that these creatures come from 'another dimension' and are variably physical:

SC EP:659 Where the Footprints End

SC EP:730 Where the Footprints End II

Sasquathces are almost exlusively accompanied by various lights and shining orbs. Or, these orbs appear just before a Sasquatch sighting. One witness described seeing a face of a Sasquatch looking at him from 'inside of the orb'. A couple of witnesses told how they've seen only parts of Sasquatche's manifest visibly: just the head, a hairy arm, or just the torso or legs. This could give credibility to what was written in 'Dark Matter Monsters', that these orbs or 'lightning balls' are portals from which these creatures emerge into our reality

I haven't listened to Sasquatch Chronicles (must check it out!) but sometimes listen to Strange Familiars, the podcast by Timothy Renner, one of the authors of Where the Footprints End.. Very interesting stuff. One of the things he reckons from all the people he's talked to, is that as well as being associated with floating lights/orbs, sasquatch sightings often happen around the same time/place as "lady in white" apparitions..

They come in all colors, also the eyes. Sometimes the eyes are described as black, sometimes red

Strange Familiars also had an account from someone who encountered a bigfoot while in the woods with a friend. They both saw it at the same time, but one of them saw it as dark brown/red, the other saw it as white.. Just more weird little details!
Oregon Bigfoot hunters parish in the winter elements after going missing for 3 days

2 Oregon men found dead from exposure in forest while looking for Sasquatch
Two Sasquatch hunters died after they went missing while searching for the elusive mythical creature in the Oregon wilderness on Christmas Eve.

The bodies of the two men, ages 37 and 59 years old, were found in a heavily wooded area of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest in Washington State, the Skamania County Sheriff’s Office said Saturday.

Police said the pair appeared to have died of exposure amid the harsh weather conditions and their ill-preparedness for the forest.

The men had set out on their excursion into the wilderness hoping to spot Bigfoot with intentions to return home before Christmas.

A family member reported the two men missing to Skamania County police at around 1 a.m. on Dec. 25.

A “grueling” three-day search was conducted for the men as over 60 volunteer search and rescue personnel took to the area looking for the Bigfoot fanatics.

The search party fought through freezing temperatures, snow, rain and the heavily wooded terrain.

Seven separate law enforcement agencies from around the area and the Coast Guard offered services and help in the search that included canines, drones, ground teams and helicopters.

“Their exhaustive search efforts resulted in bringing family members home to their loved ones,” the sheriff’s office said.

“The Skamania County Sheriff’s Office extends our deepest sympathies and condolences to the families of the loved ones lost in this tragic incident.”

The unidentified pair’s car was spotted on a Flock camera before police located it in Willard, Washington.

Legend of the hairy, biped living in the Pacific Northwest has captured the minds of many, leading to thrill seekers to travel to the wilderness of Washington and Oregon in the hopes of seeing the folkloric beast.

The phenomenon is so captivating, local governments have begun celebrating the creature by hosting “Sasquatch Hunts” like Washington’s Pierce County.

The Pacific Northwest isn’t the only area in the country known for its Sasquatch lores.

In October, residents in Fairfield County, Connecticut reported hearing screams coming from the supposed Bigfoot, which lasted for a terrifying 10 minutes.

The howls were emitted from a forested area near the town of Monroe on Oct. 17, 2023, according to The Bigfoot Field Research Organization.

Each yelp lasted roughly 10 seconds and halted before repeating.

“This voice had quite a bit of ‘power’ behind it and I could tell that it was carried over distance. I would ‘rough’ guesstimate at least two clicks [1.25 miles] from my cords,” an anonymous witness said in the report, which was published this summer.



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Little-People vs. BigFoot -- Dot Connection

What first struck me is the ubiquity of Bigfoot. There are audiobook series, where people describe Bigfoot like they talk about seeing a deer. So prevalent. Except when they see Bigfoot, they get a heart-attack panic, because :
1. Bigfoot's Nephilim size
2. Extremely muscular large shape
3. Extreme SPEED at which Bigfoot moves. So do NOT think for a split-second that because Bigfoot is usually large, its slow as a behemoth. Its super fast!! And it crosses the distance between you and it like a lightning strike. Accounts are surprisingly massive, there is a big, many-volume audio-book series and I was shocked at the reports.

Bigfoot Terror in the Woods: Sightings and Encounters, Volume 1

This series is surprisingly very good! Gets a little bit repetitive, but for a Xeno-Pet Enthusiast, like me, this series is a treasure trove! Both links above and below in this post!

It stood out that witnesses compared them completely to Bigfoot, except reaching up till your knees. Some medieval seafarers also mention seeing them and probably they did not mean Meerkat. People - in the last two decades, so yes RECENTLY, give very sober, mundane descriptions. Maybe these are also bi-density and the majority of these Cryptids, Little People, BigFoot, black dogs, black cats live naturally in a bi-density environment normally fenced off from us by [not always thinning] realm borders.

#1. "Varo Edition" The Case For The Unidentified Flying Object
By M. K. Jessup:
More Work of "The Little-Men" of Mu & their
Uh-oh, I didn't know Varo's Little-Men had gills!? (see below) So they were maybe a different species? Although #2 = McGrath mentions lots of faerie types as well. So different races / "human models" of the Little People could very well have had gills, wings, in etc.. in the distant past.
CUT & SCULPTED TO their Leaders Honor but Where
they could Live with GRAVITY. WATER WAS TO
FISH. Here they could sleep & Rest & be More
acclimated to Gravity, While they also built
temples in other terrestrial places,or XXXX-
XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2 so the plan was to have

#2. Beasts of Britain
Andy McGrath in his excellent book describes Mini-Bigfoot = Little People. All hairy. Emotional, crying / sobbing like a kid leaning onto a tree. In loincloth. In-hiding mostly and they move in groups. All kinds, but the Mini-Bigfoot type stood out. Very mundane descriptions, not magical at all. So I thought it practical to connect the dots here.
Chapter: The Little People or the Hairy Faerie Folk
Tales of the little people in the British Isles and Europe, have persisted for centuries. The Fay (Faerie) family itself, superficially covers a multitude of beings with varying descriptions and attributes, having primarily one thing in common, their small stature and being imbued with an elusive and short-tempered, magical disposition. Faeries, Elves, Gnomes, Brownies, Imps, Hobgoblins, Pixies, Pwcas, Knockers, Fenydree, Urisk, Gruagachs, Bwbachs, Trows, to name but a few; pepper our history and folklore, for as far back as anyone can be remember.

In ancient lore, these beings are described as mysterious, magical and elusive creatures, often with mischievous or malevolent character traits. They are private folk, very territorial and divisive, often kidnapping maidens and children that enter their realm, their kidnapees never being seen again or replaced with a faerie child. Their habitats range from forests and rivers to small woods, even gardens; but also delve beneath large rocks and inside deep caves and mines. Myth and legend explicitly depict many faeries, as underground dwellers, the word Gnome means ‘earth dweller’, after all! Some were also said to live with or alongside people in their homes; where if the right kind of food offering was proffered, (usually porridge and honey or some kind of dairy product), then the ‘faerie’ would perform menial tasks for the homeowner.

Their reported physical traits are extremely varied, with reports describing anything from short, squat, goblin-like creatures; to beautiful, winged, fair-faced faeries. However, some of their common features, that we are especially interested in here, are those ascribed to beings like the, Brownie and Fenydree, which are small creatures, 2 to 4 feet in height; with pointed ears and noses, bearded faces and woolly, hairy bodies. Or to other semi-fabled creatures, such as the Trows of Orkney,which are described as ugly, hair covered, troll-like beings, standing around four feet in height. All of these characteristics seem charmingly supernatural and out of the ordinary until we try to fit them, however untidily into the natural order. In this chapter, we will endeavour desperately to squeeze them into our pre-selected and ill-fitting box for the time being and to make their behaviour fit that of an elusive, intelligent animal. Seeing them, as it were, from the viewpoint of medieval superstitious people who did not have any comparative species to draw upon,with which to accurately describe their traits.
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