Not being able to find a thread that covers bioweapons, chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, radiological weapons, EMP weapons, directed energy weapons, electromagnetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, mind control weapons, etc, what do you think about having a thread? Of course, it is not only geopolitics. Sometimes it is also science about their function, but on the balance, it is probably overall more geopolitics.
The inspiration for the thread was an RT documentary about the Russian discoveries in Ukraine of the US-sponsored bio laboratories in Ukraine, following the beginning of the Special Military Operation in February 2022. The film came out in April 2023, but even if not new, it is still worth watching:
Biological Warfare Department with English subtitles
Министерство биологической войны in Russian,
Ministerio de guerra biológica- Videos de RT for Spanishمختبرات-أمريكا-البيولوجية/ for Arabic
One description from VK reads, which should also be accessible if RT does not load in some countries.
Apart from the above film, below are various search items, with links to SOTT search results within Title, Summary, Text, Comment, and also some forum shortcuts. When on the forum, and searching for two words, it works better, I think, if one puts quote marks, but sometimes without quote marks gives what is needed. As an example, if a sentence in a text reads biological and chemical warfare, then a search for "biological warfare" will not catch it, but biological warfare will.
The number in brackets in the following list, signifies the number of hits at the moment, so it can change. At the end, there is a short explanation of how I used the search function in the forum. For some results, I added a few examples, but based on the search links, they can be pulled up when needed, and selections of relevant articles and posts can be found. It might be possible to merge some threads, but that would require some work moving the threads.
The order is that topics related to biological warfare come first, then comes weapons of mass destruction, (WMD), with a description and links, followed by many other topics in this field, including some that are not WMDs but which can do serious harm, depending on the situation and circumstance.
Biological warfare
Title: (15)
Summary: (61)
Text: (251)
Comment: (107)
Forum, title
Forum, general, "biological warfare"
Forum, general, biological warfare
Title: (11)
Summary: (20)
Text: (125)
Comment: (61)
Forum, general
Biological weapons
Title: (17)
Summary: (164)
Text: (503)
Comment: (84)
Forum, title
Forum, general "biological weapons"
Forum, general, biological weapons
Title: (51)
Summary: (116)
Text: (427)
Comment: (177)
Forum, title
Forum, general
Bacteriological weapons
Summary: (2)
Text: (16)
Forum, "bacteriological weapons"
Forum, bacteriological weapon
Ethnic weapons
Title: (1)
Summary: (2)
Text: (4)
Forum, general, "ethnic weapons"
Forum, general
Ethnic specific weapons
Title: (2)
Summary: (3)
Text: (20)
Comment: (51)
Forum, general, "ethnic specific weapons"
Forum, general, ethnic specific weapons
Genetic weapons
Summary: (3)
Text: (13)
Forum, general, "genetic weapons"
Forum, general, genetic weapons
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva on SOTT
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, a Bulgarian journalist, has written extensively about biological weapons and weapons smuggling and uncovered much in the years before Russia made its discoveries in Ukraine in 2022. Though not all articles below the links are about bioweapons, many are.
Author: (17)
Summary: (14)
Text: (43)
Comment: (85)
Forum, general,
WMD, (Weapons of Mass Destruction)
Weapons of Mass Destruction is described in the Wiki as:
Title: (50)
Text: (774)
Comment: (69)
Forum, title
Forum, general
Weapons of mass destruction
Title: (9)
Summary: (401)
Text: (1586)
Comment: (44)
Forum, title
Forum, general, "weapons of mass destruction"
Forum, general, weapons of mass destruction
Chemical warfare
Title: (10)
Summary: (83)
Text: (306)
Comment: (11)
Forum, title (1)
Forum, general, chemical warfare
Forum, general, "chemical warfare"
Chemical weapons
Title: (300)
Summary: (1303)
Text: (2841)
Comment: (491)
Forum, title
Forum, general, "chemical weapons"
Forum, general, chemical weapons
Nuclear warfare
Title: (4)
Summary: (13)
Text: (42)
Comment: (1)
Forum, title, none
Forum, general, nuclear warfare
Forum, general, "nuclear warfare"
Nuclear weapons
Title: (121)
Summary: (1269)
Text: (3790)
Comment: (312)
Forum, title
Forum, general, "nuclear weapons"
Forum, general, nuclear weapons
Radiological weapons
Summary: (2)
Forum general, "radiological weapons"
Forum, general, radiological weapons
Depleted uranium
Title: (39)
Text: (320)
Comment: (42)
Forum, title
Forum, general, "depleted uranium"
Forum, general, depleted uranium
Title: (10)
Summary: (30)
Text: (76)
Comment: (5)
Forum, title (1)
Forum, general
Electromagnetic pulse
Title: (1)
Summary: (28)
Text: (82)
Comment: (6)
Forum, general, "electromagnetic pulse"
Forum, title, electromagnetic pulse
Forum, general, electromagnetic pulse
EMP weapons
Title: (1)
Summary: (5)
Text: (18)
Comment: (3)
Forum, title, EMP
Forum, general, "EMP weapons"
Forum, general, EMP weapons
Electromagnetic weapon
Title: (2)
Summary: (2)
Text: (21)
Comment: (15)
Forum, title, electromagnetic weapon
Forum, general, "electromagnetic weapon"
Forum, general, electromagnetic weapon
Geophysical weapons
Summary: (1)
Text: (2)
Forum, general, "geophysical weapons"
Forum, general, geophysical weapons
Earthquake weapons
Summary: (1)
Text: (3)
Forum, general, "earthquake weapons"
Forum, general, earthquake weapons
Seismic weapons
Text: (1)
Forum, general, "seismic weapons"
Forum, general, seismic weapons
Meteorological weapons
Summary: (1)
Forum, general, meteorological weapons
Weather weapons
Text: (4)
Forum, general, "weather weapons"
Forum, general, weather weapons
Weather modification
Title: (1)
Summary: (16)
Text: (52)
Comment: (5)
Forum, title
Forum, general, "weather modification"
Forum, general, weather modification
Beam weapons
Summary: (2)
Text: (5)
Forum, general, "beam weapons"
Forum, general, beam weapon
Wave-energy weapons
Does not show up in a search, but appears in the text here: Russia Working on Electromagnetic Radiation Guns
Forum, general, wave-energy weapon
Energy weapons (includes "directed energy weapons")
Title: (4)
Text: (61)
Comment: (9)
Forum, title, energy weapons
Forum, general, "energy weapons"
Forum, general, energy weapons
Mind control weapon
Text: (1)
Forum, mind control weapon
Forum, general, "mind control weapon"
Forum, general, mind control weapon
Mind control weapons
Title: (1)
Text: (1)
Forum, title, mind control weapons
Forum, "mind control weapons"
Forum, mind control weapons
Psychotronic weapons
Summary: (1)
Text: (6)
Forum, general, "psychotronic weapons"
Forum, general, psychotronic weapons
Vacuum weapons, thermobaric
-, Title (1)
Summary: (1), Summary: (4)
Text: (1), Text: (23)
-, -
Forum, general, vacuum weapons, Forum, general, thermobaric
A note about the forum search function
When using the search function on the Forum, there is a vast difference between typing in
weapons of mass destruction
and "weapons of mass destruction"
which also gave the message:
When you open one of the results, it is not always easy to find the search string on the page. The explanation is that the word or words are hidden under a link, which becomes visible by holding the mouse over it. If there are many links on the page, rather than go through al the links by holding the mouse over the link, one can also right-click the text somewhere on the page (At least in Windows). Next, select View page source, and then search the page source using Ctrl+F.
Refining the forum Search
When the search result is there, one can click on the hyperlink for the search item to refine the search according to date, member etc. This is especially helpful if there are more than 10 pages/200 results.
The inspiration for the thread was an RT documentary about the Russian discoveries in Ukraine of the US-sponsored bio laboratories in Ukraine, following the beginning of the Special Military Operation in February 2022. The film came out in April 2023, but even if not new, it is still worth watching:
Biological Warfare Department with English subtitles
Министерство биологической войны in Russian,
Ministerio de guerra biológica- Videos de RT for Spanishمختبرات-أمريكا-البيولوجية/ for Arabic
One description from VK reads, which should also be accessible if RT does not load in some countries.
RT Documentary "Biological Warfare Department" reveals the alarming truth about Pentagon's Biolab Network
Through meticulous research and expert interviews, this documentary sheds light on the activities that take place in the US biolaboratories in Ukraine, Georgia, Indonesia and other countries worldwide. Former high-ranking officials and journalists who dared to visit these laboratories explain how the sophisticated network was established, and reveal its ultimate purpose.
Apart from the above film, below are various search items, with links to SOTT search results within Title, Summary, Text, Comment, and also some forum shortcuts. When on the forum, and searching for two words, it works better, I think, if one puts quote marks, but sometimes without quote marks gives what is needed. As an example, if a sentence in a text reads biological and chemical warfare, then a search for "biological warfare" will not catch it, but biological warfare will.
The number in brackets in the following list, signifies the number of hits at the moment, so it can change. At the end, there is a short explanation of how I used the search function in the forum. For some results, I added a few examples, but based on the search links, they can be pulled up when needed, and selections of relevant articles and posts can be found. It might be possible to merge some threads, but that would require some work moving the threads.
The order is that topics related to biological warfare come first, then comes weapons of mass destruction, (WMD), with a description and links, followed by many other topics in this field, including some that are not WMDs but which can do serious harm, depending on the situation and circumstance.
Biological warfare
Title: (15)
Summary: (61)
Text: (251)
Comment: (107)
Forum, title
Forum, general, "biological warfare"
Forum, general, biological warfare
Title: (11)
Summary: (20)
Text: (125)
Comment: (61)
Forum, general
Biological weapons
Title: (17)
Summary: (164)
Text: (503)
Comment: (84)
Forum, title
Forum, general "biological weapons"
Forum, general, biological weapons
Title: (51)
Summary: (116)
Text: (427)
Comment: (177)
Forum, title
Forum, general
Bacteriological weapons
Summary: (2)
Text: (16)
Forum, "bacteriological weapons"
Forum, bacteriological weapon
Ethnic weapons
Title: (1)
Summary: (2)
Text: (4)
Forum, general, "ethnic weapons"
Forum, general
Ethnic specific weapons
Title: (2)
Summary: (3)
Text: (20)
Comment: (51)
Forum, general, "ethnic specific weapons"
Forum, general, ethnic specific weapons
Genetic weapons
Summary: (3)
Text: (13)
Forum, general, "genetic weapons"
Forum, general, genetic weapons
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva on SOTT
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, a Bulgarian journalist, has written extensively about biological weapons and weapons smuggling and uncovered much in the years before Russia made its discoveries in Ukraine in 2022. Though not all articles below the links are about bioweapons, many are.
Author: (17)
Pentagon Unit A1266 studies bioterrorism agents in Kazakhstan - right on Russia and China's doorstep
Title: (3)Summary: (14)
Text: (43)
Comment: (85)
Forum, general,
WMD, (Weapons of Mass Destruction)
Weapons of Mass Destruction is described in the Wiki as:
However, the term was first used concerning an incident that killed 150-1650 people, the bombing of Guernica, April 26, 1937A weapon of mass destruction (WMD) is a biological, chemical, radiological, nuclear, or any other weapon that can kill or significantly harm many people or cause great damage to artificial structures (e.g., buildings), natural structures (e.g., mountains), or the biosphere. The scope and usage of the term has evolved and been disputed, often signifying more politically than technically. Originally coined in reference to aerial bombing with chemical explosives during World War II, it has later come to refer to large-scale weaponry of warfare-related technologies, such as biological, chemical, radiological, or nuclear warfare.
I think the archbishop was right, 150-1650 plus wounded, is more than enough. Btw, any vaccine that can kill a few hundred thousand as a result of side effects is quite in the range.Early uses of this term[edit]
The first use of the term "weapon of mass destruction" on record is by Cosmo Gordon Lang, Archbishop of Canterbury, in 1937 in reference to the aerial bombing of Guernica, Spain:[2]
At the time, nuclear weapons had not been developed. [...]Who can think at this present time without a sickening of the heart of the appalling slaughter, the suffering, the manifold misery brought by war to Spain and to China? Who can think without horror of what another widespread war would mean, waged as it would be with all the new weapons of mass destruction?[3]
Title: (50)
Fort Hood WMD specialist missing amid string of mysterious deaths & disappearances around army base
Summary: (146)Text: (774)
Comment: (69)
Forum, title
Forum, general
Weapons of mass destruction
Title: (9)
Summary: (401)
Text: (1586)
Comment: (44)
Forum, title
Forum, general, "weapons of mass destruction"
Forum, general, weapons of mass destruction
Chemical warfare
Title: (10)
Summary: (83)
Text: (306)
Comment: (11)
Forum, title (1)
Forum, general, chemical warfare
Forum, general, "chemical warfare"
Chemical weapons
Title: (300)
Summary: (1303)
Text: (2841)
Comment: (491)
Forum, title
Forum, general, "chemical weapons"
Forum, general, chemical weapons
Nuclear warfare
Title: (4)
Summary: (13)
Text: (42)
Comment: (1)
Forum, title, none
Forum, general, nuclear warfare
Forum, general, "nuclear warfare"
Nuclear weapons
Title: (121)
Summary: (1269)
Text: (3790)
Comment: (312)
Forum, title
Forum, general, "nuclear weapons"
Forum, general, nuclear weapons
Radiological weapons
Summary: (2)
Three US congressmen demand inquiry into claims of secret Cold War radiation testing on US citizens
Text: (11)-
Forum general, "radiological weapons"
Forum, general, radiological weapons
Depleted uranium
Title: (39)
Supplying depleted uranium shells is the latest Western attempt to hide its guilty secret in Ukraine
Summary: (95)Text: (320)
Comment: (42)
Forum, title
Forum, general, "depleted uranium"
Forum, general, depleted uranium
Title: (10)
Summary: (30)
Text: (76)
Comment: (5)
Forum, title (1)
Forum, general
Electromagnetic pulse
Title: (1)
Summary: (28)
Text: (82)
Comment: (6)
Forum, general, "electromagnetic pulse"
Forum, title, electromagnetic pulse
Forum, general, electromagnetic pulse
EMP weapons
Title: (1)
Summary: (5)
Text: (18)
Comment: (3)
Forum, title, EMP
Forum, general, "EMP weapons"
Forum, general, EMP weapons
Electromagnetic weapon
Title: (2)
Summary: (2)
Text: (21)
Comment: (15)
Forum, title, electromagnetic weapon
Forum, general, "electromagnetic weapon"
Forum, general, electromagnetic weapon
Geophysical weapons
Summary: (1)
Text: (2)
Forum, general, "geophysical weapons"
Forum, general, geophysical weapons
Earthquake weapons
Summary: (1)
Text: (3)
Forum, general, "earthquake weapons"
Forum, general, earthquake weapons
Seismic weapons
Text: (1)
Forum, general, "seismic weapons"
Forum, general, seismic weapons
Meteorological weapons
Summary: (1)
Forum, general, meteorological weapons
Weather weapons
Text: (4)
Forum, general, "weather weapons"
Forum, general, weather weapons
Weather modification
Title: (1)
Summary: (16)
Text: (52)
Comment: (5)
Forum, title
Forum, general, "weather modification"
Forum, general, weather modification
Beam weapons
Summary: (2)
Text: (5)
Forum, general, "beam weapons"
Forum, general, beam weapon
Wave-energy weapons
Does not show up in a search, but appears in the text here: Russia Working on Electromagnetic Radiation Guns
Forum, general, "wave-energy weapon"Research into electromagnetic weapons has been carried out in the US and Russia since the '50s but it appears Putin has stolen a march on the US.
Precise details have not been revealed but previous research has shown that low-frequency waves or beams can affect brain cells, alter psychological states and make it possible to transmit suggestions and commands directly into someone's thoughts.
Mr Putin said the technology is comparable in effect to nuclear weapons but "more acceptable in terms of political and military ideology''.
Mr Serdyukov said the weaponry based on new physics principles - direct-energy weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, genetic weapons and psychotronic weapons - were part of the state arms procurement program for 2011-2020.
Forum, general, wave-energy weapon
Energy weapons (includes "directed energy weapons")
Title: (4)
Explaining why unburned trees next to burned down houses is not evidence of 'secret energy weapons'
Summary: (18)Text: (61)
Comment: (9)
Forum, title, energy weapons
Forum, general, "energy weapons"
Forum, general, energy weapons
Mind control weapon
Text: (1)
Forum, mind control weapon
Forum, general, "mind control weapon"
Forum, general, mind control weapon
Mind control weapons
Title: (1)
Text: (1)
Forum, title, mind control weapons
Forum, "mind control weapons"
Forum, mind control weapons
Psychotronic weapons
Summary: (1)
Text: (6)
Forum, general, "psychotronic weapons"
Forum, general, psychotronic weapons
Vacuum weapons, thermobaric
-, Title (1)
Summary: (1), Summary: (4)
Text: (1), Text: (23)
-, -
Forum, general, vacuum weapons, Forum, general, thermobaric
A note about the forum search function
When using the search function on the Forum, there is a vast difference between typing in
weapons of mass destruction
Search results for query: weapon of mass destruction
Search results for query: "weapons of mass destruction"
Oddly enough, in the above results, "of" is bolded, but this is of no significance, and if one tries "weapons mass destruction" as in Search results for query: "weapons mass destruction" this gives only results using this exact phrase, which is mostly found in links, so it is mostly better to use "weapons of mass destruction".The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: of
When you open one of the results, it is not always easy to find the search string on the page. The explanation is that the word or words are hidden under a link, which becomes visible by holding the mouse over it. If there are many links on the page, rather than go through al the links by holding the mouse over the link, one can also right-click the text somewhere on the page (At least in Windows). Next, select View page source, and then search the page source using Ctrl+F.
Refining the forum Search
When the search result is there, one can click on the hyperlink for the search item to refine the search according to date, member etc. This is especially helpful if there are more than 10 pages/200 results.