Nope, methinks this timeline is all jacked up. The so-called bad dudes may have been here the last 309,000 years or so. Prior to that, maybe the vessels
we currently inhabit were indeed of higher quality structure. Perhaps,
they (4D STS), have indeed manipulated, jerked around with
our DNA. Working and experimenting with attempts to get these bodies further and further disconnected from the higher realms of communications. Breaking the apron strings with the One, so to say. Degrading these bodies to basic sacks of water, flesh and bone. Close and closer to 2D, much easier to control and manipulate to maximize
our nutritional value, for themselves, those higher up the food chain. Continuing to inject selfish desires, fear and just plain negative emotions into our programming. Make this a living hell in which we do not even
see. Bringing us further inward, in essence dumbing us down. Bring us further down the road to become even a more basic raw material for their food chain.
We inhabit the time line we have here. One little thread of time within an incomprehensible amount of potential and variation. If Balance is an indeed an Infinite Principle, so-called
evil may
never completely go away.
Things may change location, scoot around the Cosmos, fluctuate intensity, but methinks Balance remains eternal.
So here we are boys and girls, here to learn our Lessons. Classroom Earth. Methinks we will learn our Lessons here, and elsewhere. Things are what they are. We must continue to Work, hopefully learn something, hopefully help someone else. Hopefully learn enough to graduate from this hell hole and again, hope enough lessons learned where the next class room is
nicer. 'Tis very difficult attempting to understand anything beyond this very limited 3D perception. And then again what do I know? Nothing much I am sure...
Oopsie, sorry about this being
but when I read all the hopeful wishes about people waking up... well... I just had to say something...