Boston False Flag Goes Mainstream: Boston Bombing – What You Aren’t Being Told


A Disturbance in the Force
The Boston Marathon Bombing false flag has now gone mainstream as MILLIONS of Americans have awoken to False Flag (or government sponsored) terrorism due to the obvious lies and deceit spread by the MSM, FBI and Boston police department. Russia Today covers the FBI cover-up and Boston lies in depth.


Full details with video: _
protheus said:
The Boston Marathon Bombing false flag has now gone mainstream as MILLIONS of Americans have awoken to False Flag (or government sponsored) terrorism due to the obvious lies and deceit spread by the MSM, FBI and Boston police department.

Nonsense. There are not "millions" waking up. A handful maybe.
Perceval said:
protheus said:
The Boston Marathon Bombing false flag has now gone mainstream as MILLIONS of Americans have awoken to False Flag (or government sponsored) terrorism due to the obvious lies and deceit spread by the MSM, FBI and Boston police department.

Nonsense. There are not "millions" waking up. A handful maybe.

There might be millions that were lulled into deeper sleep, though.

It strikes me that these smaller scale false flag operations work just as well now as large scale ones. Maybe better. There is less to question.
protheus said:
Nonsense. There are not "millions" waking up. A handful maybe.

Cheer up :P. It will soon be true someday...

I'm inclined to think that the large majority of the poplulation will never really wake up. At least not in this lifetime.
History seems to proof that fact continuously, over and over again and I think that nothing has really changed in that regard in todays society. In fact I think it might even be worst today...

Maybe this is the natural state of being (generally speaking) in a STS world? The large majority of the poplulation is sound asleep and only very few are really on the way of awakening to the objective reality within and exteriorly...

The concept of organic portals comes to mind.
protheus said:
Nonsense. There are not "millions" waking up. A handful maybe.

Cheer up :P. It will soon be true someday...

I like to think this way as well. To my experience, I have found that psychopathic individuals (such as those orchestrating false terrorist attacks in the US), have a common weakness: they always undermine the intelligence of normal people, and assume that their hellish manipulations are too sophisticated for "ordinary" people to debunk. But as history can tell us, this is not true because they ultimately get exposed. So let us not quickly dismiss the fact that sooner rather than latter, knowledge about these criminals and their false flags terrorist attacks will reach the ears of many and so they will have no choice but to upgrade their games or start playing nice. :)

I am pretty confident about that.
Loire said:
protheus said:
Nonsense. There are not "millions" waking up. A handful maybe.

Cheer up :P. It will soon be true someday...

I like to think this way as well. To my experience, I have found that psychopathic individuals (such as those orchestrating false terrorist attacks in the US), have a common weakness: they always undermine the intelligence of normal people, and assume that their hellish manipulations are too sophisticated for "ordinary" people to debunk. But as history can tell us, this is not true because they ultimately get exposed. So let us not quickly dismiss the fact that sooner rather than latter, knowledge about these criminals and their false flags terrorist attacks will reach the ears of many and so they will have no choice but to upgrade their games or start playing nice. :)

I am pretty confident about that.

Unfortunately my experience with relatively intelligent people the majority of them are authoritarian followers.
No matter how nonsensical, or how much lies they hear, they believe in MSM and never question it.

Maybe you want to check these threads out:,5224.msg70148.html#msg70148,26312.msg371238.html#msg371238,1868.0.html
People are in general extremely gullible and want to believe what someone in power tells them. That's how we are programmed.

In this forum, we have a social cohort that thinks differently, but we are no different.

We are all built this way. That's why it's so urgent to surround yourself and your environment with positive, inquiring influences that are skeptical and questioning. And why it's great to expose ourselves to thinking different from our own so we can keep questioning.

It is a form of system 2 laziness that we constantly have to maintain our guard against.

In this specific case, a lot of people don't know that most of the "terror" acts on US soil over the past years are instigated through entrapment tactics by the FBI.

Now, that is a fact that any investigation into the MSM will reveal.

But from there, it is a leap to cry "false flag" or "agent provocateur" without any evidence. To me it is plausible that the FBI were entrapping the brothers and that something went awry, and the bombs were real (rather than fake or the fake one was substituted for the real one at the last minute as we've seen in other cases) and they exploded.

I am more prone to believe this than anything else at the moment. To me it's a plausible explanation that is fully consistent with what we constantly see of bureaucratic organizations.

There are certainly false flag type evidence you can show -- to me the fact that they did their best to kill off the brothers, succeeding with one somehow, and with the second, blowing that boat so full of holes, but they failed in killing him although it appears they tried. Yet, I say we have to remain skeptical.

Jumping to "false flag" conclusions is too much of a jump given the evidence so far, and also is to much for the public to swallow all at once and can get us labeled as wackos and our our ideas wrongly rejected out of hand.
anothermagyar said:
Unfortunately my experience with relatively intelligent people the majority of them are authoritarian followers.
No matter how nonsensical, or how much lies they hear, they believe in MSM and never question it.

This is so true...
However, there seem to be certain changes going on ...

I have been following another (European) forum in my native language for a few years - mostly not to forget my native language and practice writing in it - a pretty "mainstream" forum with different sections about Politics, Psychology, Science, Literature and so on. There was a thread about "9/11 inside job?" a couple of years ago that was completely smashed and ridiculed from the beginning. I stopped following the Politics section in the last years, but recently saw that a thread about the Boston bombings had been opened. To my great surprise many posters that I have known for years agreed not only point blank to the inside idea, but had a very critical stance toward governmental attempts to take more and more power away from the people. Comparisons to Nazi Germany were drawn and wouldn't it have been in my native language I would have thought to read through this Forum!

It seems that a shift is taking place, but probably not for millions.

Another question is: How far would everyone go?
I sometimes recommend to people who are "into" alternative media, but as soon as they find out about the "Alien agenda", they are out. It seems just too much to take.

Nope, methinks this timeline is all jacked up. The so-called bad dudes may have been here the last 309,000 years or so. Prior to that, maybe the vessels we currently inhabit were indeed of higher quality structure. Perhaps, they (4D STS), have indeed manipulated, jerked around with our DNA. Working and experimenting with attempts to get these bodies further and further disconnected from the higher realms of communications. Breaking the apron strings with the One, so to say. Degrading these bodies to basic sacks of water, flesh and bone. Close and closer to 2D, much easier to control and manipulate to maximize our nutritional value, for themselves, those higher up the food chain. Continuing to inject selfish desires, fear and just plain negative emotions into our programming. Make this a living hell in which we do not even see. Bringing us further inward, in essence dumbing us down. Bring us further down the road to become even a more basic raw material for their food chain.

We inhabit the time line we have here. One little thread of time within an incomprehensible amount of potential and variation. If Balance is an indeed an Infinite Principle, so-called evil may never completely go away. Things may change location, scoot around the Cosmos, fluctuate intensity, but methinks Balance remains eternal.

So here we are boys and girls, here to learn our Lessons. Classroom Earth. Methinks we will learn our Lessons here, and elsewhere. Things are what they are. We must continue to Work, hopefully learn something, hopefully help someone else. Hopefully learn enough to graduate from this hell hole and again, hope enough lessons learned where the next class room is nicer. 'Tis very difficult attempting to understand anything beyond this very limited 3D perception. And then again what do I know? Nothing much I am sure...
Oopsie, sorry about this being :offtopic: but when I read all the hopeful wishes about people waking up... well... I just had to say something...
Al Today said:
Nope, methinks this timeline is all jacked up. The so-called bad dudes may have been here the last 309,000 years or so. Prior to that, maybe the vessels we currently inhabit were indeed of higher quality structure. Perhaps, they (4D STS), have indeed manipulated, jerked around with our DNA. Working and experimenting with attempts to get these bodies further and further disconnected from the higher realms of communications. Breaking the apron strings with the One, so to say. Degrading these bodies to basic sacks of water, flesh and bone. Close and closer to 2D, much easier to control and manipulate to maximize our nutritional value, for themselves, those higher up the food chain. Continuing to inject selfish desires, fear and just plain negative emotions into our programming. Make this a living hell in which we do not even see. Bringing us further inward, in essence dumbing us down. Bring us further down the road to become even a more basic raw material for their food chain.

We inhabit the time line we have here. One little thread of time within an incomprehensible amount of potential and variation. If Balance is an indeed an Infinite Principle, so-called evil may never completely go away. Things may change location, scoot around the Cosmos, fluctuate intensity, but methinks Balance remains eternal.

So here we are boys and girls, here to learn our Lessons. Classroom Earth. Methinks we will learn our Lessons here, and elsewhere. Things are what they are. We must continue to Work, hopefully learn something, hopefully help someone else. Hopefully learn enough to graduate from this hell hole and again, hope enough lessons learned where the next class room is nicer. 'Tis very difficult attempting to understand anything beyond this very limited 3D perception. And then again what do I know? Nothing much I am sure...
Oopsie, sorry about this being :offtopic: but when I read all the hopeful wishes about people waking up... well... I just had to say something...

Well said Al!

I doubt any classroom could be much worse, especially if one does some Work. It is better to to be able to see the signs rather than have them fall on one's head.
Becoming fixated on "how bad things are" seems just as much a trap as wishful thinking. If we take the C's seriously everything is exactly as it should be for the purpose of learning. And since "learning is fun," I think the right attitude is something akin to eager curiosity and joy. I'm not saying we should be naive, we just shouldn't be so afraid of being naive that we're cynical. Left and Right objectivity so to speak.
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