Boston False Flag Goes Mainstream: Boston Bombing – What You Aren’t Being Told

EmmeYa said:
Another question is: How far would everyone go?
I sometimes recommend to people who are "into" alternative media, but as soon as they find out about the "Alien agenda", they are out. It seems just too much to take.

I tend to think the final play is for the "Aliens" is to make themselves known to the general populace and assume direct control. So eventually the sheep won't have a choice.
EmmeYa said:
Another question is: How far would everyone go?
I sometimes recommend to people who are "into" alternative media, but as soon as they find out about the "Alien agenda", they are out. It seems just too much to take.

I don't really understand that reaction. does report high strangeness and UFO sightings, is that what you mean by 'Alien agenda'?
PerihelionX said:
I tend to think the final play is for the "Aliens" is to make themselves known to the general populace and assume direct control. So eventually the sheep won't have a choice.

It appears that is already happening by proxy in the form of psychopaths.
PerihelionX said:
EmmeYa said:
Another question is: How far would everyone go?
I sometimes recommend to people who are "into" alternative media, but as soon as they find out about the "Alien agenda", they are out. It seems just too much to take.

I tend to think the final play is for the "Aliens" is to make themselves known to the general populace and assume direct control. So eventually the sheep won't have a choice.

"Aliens", or multidimensional beings, do not need to make themselves widely known to control us. They already do, and the psychopaths in power are some of their tools to some extent. They have a control system that works fine for them: no need for a change of strategy. "Who needs aliens when you have psychopaths?"-Laura
On the other hand, knowing about these multidimensional interventions in human history gives a broader picture to understand what's going on. So, it is an essential knowledge when one is ready for.
Pob said:
EmmeYa said:
Another question is: How far would everyone go?
I sometimes recommend to people who are "into" alternative media, but as soon as they find out about the "Alien agenda", they are out. It seems just too much to take.

I don't really understand that reaction. does report high strangeness and UFO sightings, is that what you mean by 'Alien agenda'?
PerihelionX said:
I tend to think the final play is for the "Aliens" is to make themselves known to the general populace and assume direct control. So eventually the sheep won't have a choice.

It appears that is already happening by proxy in the form of psychopaths.

Sorry to have been unclear. What they either do is reading through and then at some point discover the links to the Forum. Reading through the Forum and finding it completely weird then confirms to them that must be run by a bunch of weirdos as well. Or they read the comments to Sott articles where the Cassiopeians and 4th density STS takeover plans are mentioned.

A lot of people might now be able to digest that 9/11 was an inside job, but they are not able to go any further - swallowing the pill that in reality many things are a "4th to 6th density-job". Having mentioned Hitler, to them what's happening in the US today bears certain resemblances to the establishment of the Third Reich, sure, but that everything was a higher density "trial run" - pfff, no way :thdown:

mkrnhr said:
PerihelionX said:
EmmeYa said:
Another question is: How far would everyone go?
I sometimes recommend to people who are "into" alternative media, but as soon as they find out about the "Alien agenda", they are out. It seems just too much to take.

I tend to think the final play is for the "Aliens" is to make themselves known to the general populace and assume direct control. So eventually the sheep won't have a choice.

"Aliens", or multidimensional beings, do not need to make themselves widely known to control us. They already do, and the psychopaths in power are some of their tools to some extent. They have a control system that works fine for them: no need for a change of strategy. "Who needs aliens when you have psychopaths?"-Laura
On the other hand, knowing about these multidimensional interventions in human history gives a broader picture to understand what's going on. So, it is an essential knowledge when one is ready for.

I totally agree that for now their system is working currently and they wouldn't change it if they didn't have to. But as the veil thins I think they're going to be more overt, otherwise all the alien contactees make little sense. There's some indication that there are many alien factions getting involved in the near future and they may start trying to pre-empt eachother for control or influence. I think that the trend points to more direct control as they compete and respond to the change. Also there is the issue of expanding human science and technology. Eventually scientists will find the spirit/material intersect and keep in mind space is being privatized. How long can they keep up the charade? Aliens disclosure to me does not meen full disclosure, it means a new proxy (extra terrestrials beings proxies for hyperdimensional) for a modified control system. This is all just my opinion but it fits will with the trends I observe.
[quote author=PerihelionX]
There's some indication that there are many alien factions getting involved in the near future and they may start trying to pre-empt eachother for control or influence. I think that the trend points to more direct control as they compete and respond to the change.

How do you discern such things?
EmmeYa said:
Sorry to have been unclear. What they either do is reading through and then at some point discover the links to the Forum. Reading through the Forum and finding it completely weird then confirms to them that must be run by a bunch of weirdos as well. Or they read the comments to Sott articles where the Cassiopeians and 4th density STS takeover plans are mentioned.

A lot of people might now be able to digest that 9/11 was an inside job, but they are not able to go any further - swallowing the pill that in reality many things are a "4th to 6th density-job". Having mentioned Hitler, to them what's happening in the US today bears certain resemblances to the establishment of the Third Reich, sure, but that everything was a higher density "trial run" - pfff, no way :thdown:


Understood. Thanks Emmeya for explaining and yes you're quite right and it's quite frustrating. Many of us have recommended books and articles to people we've met which have 'interested' them but because they weren't sincerely seeking the truth it was more just as they would approach a hobby.

Threads on strategic enclosure you may find useful on understanding/accepting that resistance:

What experiences have you had defending your views regarding 9/11?
Wishful thinking/strategic enclosure
I find that introducing people to the idea of higher reality interference and manipulation is easier if you couch it in a language of symbols they already accept. If I'm talking to an nerdy Atheist I might make a Star Trek reference to the meddling of the Qs in timelines. If I'm talking to a Christian I might quote Ephesian 6:12 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

There are cracks in people's armor where you can plant a seed of curiosity or wonder.
Just wanted to add this Video for all to hear/see.

The 2 presenters have 2 hours worth of photographic deconstruction and , what looks to me like, undeniable evidence of "staging" and actors; there is even a "continuity director" seen moving stray actors "back" into their proper place. I didn't bother to take time stamps, the whole thing is relevant and important to watch.

I still believe that some may have actually been killed/maimed...but this presentation makes very clear and obvious that it was also staged and "acted out".

There was some discussion on this thread,,37308.msg552782.html#msg552782

disparaging Dimitri Orlov for his opinion that the Boston Marathon Bombing victims were actors. The above presentation supports and makes his view, very likely the Truth, at least as to the injuries/deaths of the "victims" alleged, by MSM.

B, :cool2:
Hi B588
This is one of those memes (just like 'chemtrails' being created by humans) that keeps circulating. It serves one purpose, that of distraction and/or ridicule.
In short, it hides the truth behind a lie.

Have a look at Why there were no 'actors' at the Boston Marathon bombings and Ink Blot Tests and 'actors' at the Boston bombings

That's just some of the hard evidence that could be used to make a case for the Boston bombings being a govt. operation. But when you add in the idea that the bombings were actually 'staged' by 'actors', and proceed to back it up with very subjective 'evidence', virtually all of which can be exposed as bogus, thereby making those who claim it as 'evidence' look like fools and/or liars,'ve destroyed any usefulness of the hard evidence by associating it with the bogus evidence. For me, therefore, the 'actors' and 'fakery' meme is more than likely a deliberate attempt to do exactly that.

Of course, there is the other all-important element, without which government/intel attempts to spread disinformation would be useless i.e. the many, many individuals who have bought the story and disseminated the disinfo. I don't for a second believe that owners of respectable websites like and many respected bloggers are consciously playing a part in the disinfo campaign, but the reality is that they have been aiding and abetting what is most likely a COINTELPRO operation by giving the 'actors' theory legs (so to speak). I won't pretend to know why such previously sober and serious journalists and authors have uncharacteristically been taken in by a con-job (and a rather obvious one at that), except to hypothesize that, as the world continues to spiral down into ever-increasing lies, social hysteria and madness, we may expect to see more and more people begin to 'lose the plot' in more ways than one.
B588 said:
Just wanted to add this Video for all to hear/see.

The 2 presenters have 2 hours worth of photographic deconstruction and , what looks to me like, undeniable evidence of "staging" and actors; there is even a "continuity director" seen moving stray actors "back" into their proper place. I didn't bother to take time stamps, the whole thing is relevant and important to watch.

I still believe that some may have actually been killed/maimed...but this presentation makes very clear and obvious that it was also staged and "acted out".

There was some discussion on this thread,,37308.msg552782.html#msg552782

disparaging Dimitri Orlov for his opinion that the Boston Marathon Bombing victims were actors. The above presentation supports and makes his view, very likely the Truth, at least as to the injuries/deaths of the "victims" alleged, by MSM.

B, :cool2:

"This episode of caravan to Midnight will shake you to your core!"

Oh man, we need an intro like that!
Red Foxx ;

Thanks for the info, I read both links.

Point observed.

My point , really, is that this is all overwhelming to the mass mind. It is very deeply concerning to me that these "events" are happening , at all. They point to where we are headed in the short term..

I think it waaaay to late to perseverate on them, frankly. We need to pull together and find a hobbit hole ...soon...lafn. And Diimitri Orlov is sounding the same alarm bell. That's why i posted the links I did, to defend him/ his opinion. He and I may be wrong about Boston, but not wrong about other things.

knowledge protects.. I'm with you guys on that. Thanks for adding to mine Red Foxx.

B, :cool2:
Niall said:
"This episode of caravan to Midnight will shake you to your core!"

Oh man, we need an intro like that!

This guy and his guests are kooks.

"Now people will say, you can't talk about that you can't prove this you can't prove that, we're tired of hearing this, don't get tired, that's exactly what they want you to do".

No, actually, what people want is proof, even circumstantial, and that's fair enough, and that's precisely what is lacking in this entire farcical video that is a work of pure schizoid subjectivity and pattern recognition run amok.
B588 said:
He and I may be wrong about Boston, but not wrong about other things.

He also wrong if he thinks building a boat is going to save him. Nice boat, take it for a pleasure cruise while he can.

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