Just wanted to add this Video for all to hear/see.
The 2 presenters have 2 hours worth of photographic deconstruction and , what looks to me like, undeniable evidence of "staging" and actors; there is even a "continuity director" seen moving stray actors "back" into their proper place. I didn't bother to take time stamps, the whole thing is relevant and important to watch.
I still believe that some may have
actually been killed/maimed...but this presentation makes very clear and obvious that it was also staged and "acted out".
There was some discussion on this thread, http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,37308.msg552782.html#msg552782
disparaging Dimitri Orlov for his opinion that the Boston Marathon Bombing victims were actors. The above presentation supports and makes his view, very likely the Truth, at least as to the injuries/deaths of the "victims" alleged, by MSM.