Brazil: Lesbian Couple Who Tried to Force Transgender Surgery on 9-Year-Old Boy Stab Him to Death

I am very angry when I read this type of news, and then very sad. What can I do if be in a silence, in a prayer for the spirit of the little boy, and my tears are for him.

loreta, I couldn't have said it better. It is so deeply disturbing to me that a mother could do this to her own son. Such a sweet looking boy, and what horrific abuse, and the fact that his father knew something was not all well in that household, tried to alert authorities but to no avail. Oh my, society is sinking to ever lower levels of Hell.

That moralistic snapback as suggested by the Cs can't come fast enough.
Ya know, traffic to SOTT has been consistently down. We used to get over 5 million pageviews a month. Today, it's about 3 million. It's been a slow decline ever since Trump. Now, that's not because of a lack of good content. There's plenty of good stuff to read! And certain things like the Earth Changes category and videos are super-popular.

I think, judging by my own experience with computer tech, it's possible that people are just getting too fuzzed out to pay attention to text based articles. Attention spans are shrinking. Mind you, it may just be me, but it may be cultural atrophy. Your sample size is certainly large enough to measure a trend of some sort, obviously.

I find myself watching a lot more YouTube videos to find out what is going on in the world. My news consumption has shifted away from text. I find that I now need to schedule reading to stay sharp, and that's not quite doing it. Even typing this, I feel a weird sort of brain fuzz that I'm having to push through in order to make sense. I'm not sure if that's the tech or something else. I've been quite zealous about reducing cell phone and WiFi EM in my life, and it has in fact gone down in the past year. I moved into a house where the nearest WiFi router or active cell phone is across the street and through the woods! But it has always felt strange when I get out of the electro-fog, so I don't know what is really going on, if this is a positive or a negative feeling.

One thing, though, is that for the past year everything has felt much more cognitively mushy; it was noticeably different when the shift occurred, but it has been such a consistent feeling that it has become almost my new normal.

A friend of mine who is similarly aware of things has reported the same feeling starting around the same time.

Oddly enough, during that same time frame, I have noticed that reality is itself even more squishy and suggestible than ever. I recently started having future-telling dreams; I've never had those before, and it struck me that maybe I wasn't predicting the future so much as the dream was a form of visualization which was affecting reality. That the dream made the future, so to speak. I've never heard anyone describe that as a possibility before. It would be weird if it worked like that. As if reality wasn't weird enough without subconscious manifestations flapping about!

Anyway, during all of this strangeness, reading has change character for me. Perhaps others are feeling similarly and are more inclined to give up, or do less of it?

How does everybody feel these days up at the Chateaux? -Cognitively speaking?
The sentence of Laura is fantastic.

I think also people are bored. they are,maybe, not aware of how looking for what really is happening is very interesting even if it hurts. I live in a city and walk a lot and take busses and it is very evident that almost everyone is possessed by their mobile phones. Now it is evident, we were talking about this the other day with Hesperides. Very rare to see someone without an I phone. Just old seniors, but now old people have their mobiles, also. Sometimes I have the impression to live surrounded by people that are crazy, talking alone (they are talking in their mobiles), walking looking their mobiles, etc. Even those who walk their dogs are looking their mobiles! Very interesting. And nobody with a book. How sad. I even thought to start to take pictures of people reading a book, something so strange... Something prehistorical almost!

Maybe they read articles in their mobiles, I don't say the contrary. But reading in a mobile is not the same, as you know. Surely they are tired by so much mobile and when it is time to read something really serious, really true, they are too tired. The less you utilise your grey materia, the less you utilise your grey materia.
How does everybody feel these days up at the Chateaux? -Cognitively speaking?

Cognitively, I'd say pretty darn good. Everyone has the occasional bout of brain fuzziness, but it usually doesn't last long.

Personally, I can still read. Sometimes, it's actually a relief to read a book!

Video is great, but there are two main problems: There are way too many of them, and I think many people go for what agrees with what they already think. Then YT feeds them more of the same (within Google's Idiocracy boundaries, of course).

Even the most popular "Intellectual Dark Web" shows leave a lot to be desired, and that seems to be what most people are watching. Many of them have their own slants on things, and appeal to people especially because they involve an emotional investment in one direction or another (left, right, Russia is Evil, whatever). It quickly became Same Song, Different Verse.

When you think about it, there is no substitute for reading in terms of knowledge input.

I can watch 1000 videos on how to program in some language, but ultimately, I need to read: explanations, how-tos, API documentation, etc.

Video is sort of like Information Input Lite because there is less of a focus on the actual information, and more of a focus on visuals, sound, and so on.

That's not to say that some videos aren't packed with info, but generally speaking, I think it's all part of the dumbing down of the population.
I've got to be honest, I don't read anywhere near as much as I used to. In recent times I've moved onto podcasts and lectures so much more, but I still have the hunger for more detailed information, so I can see my return to more reading as being inevitable. Interesting to note I never saw that as being a trend of decline, so I'm determined to change that now. I don't pretend to be an intellectual however, although I do have a University degree. Getting a degree was really tough for me, I was fairly out of my depth in that world.

I don't have a smartphone, just an old retro flip top number, so at least when I'm out and about my focus is outside of me rather than increased introspection. I don't want to carry the internet with me everywhere I go, never have done.

Change is needed for me though, I know I've got to crack on and work harder. I recently picked up Gallic Wars and the second edition of High Strangeness, so I think those two will be perfect to get me back into enjoying reading, rather than it feeling like a chore.
That's not to say that some videos aren't packed with info, but generally speaking, I think it's all part of the dumbing down of the population.

Yes, I think so, too. The one advantage video has over articles/books is that it can convey the emotions, the passion of a speaker. This can add extra punch to the message (as with Jordan Peterson, who is a much better speaker than he's a writer), and sometimes can make it much easier to understand a concept because of the extra dimensions of communication (gestures, tone of voice etc.). But reading books is just so much more profound, and I often find the slow pace of information transmission on video pretty annoying. And as great as how-to videos are for certain things, it's a pitty that they pretty much replaced written how-to's. I often thought about the decline in "blog culture", both for technical and special topics as well as more intellectual topics. It seems that many who wrote blogs either stopped or switched to video, and the new generation doesn't even bother to write. The brief blogger-period was very interesting, and possibly a threat to the PTB...?

Maybe it's more a matter of redistributing energy in new directions. If screaming doesn't work, speak softly. If that doesn't work, talk about something else that matters. If that's not possible, put your energy into something else to help others, like this forum or whatever. Create something new. Do something - anything - that is the antithesis of chaos and that serves others, because that is the exact opposite of the Ginourmous Gloomy STS Cloud.

Perfectly said! I kind of came to think that a big part of learning here in 3D takes the form of experimenting - learning new ideas/concepts, applying them, starting something new, learning from it etc. IF these initiatives are based on real principles, on sound motivations. These can be little things as well. "Enjoying the show" is something active I think, and peace is to be found in gaining a deeper and deeper understanding by means of knowledge input and experimentation. Lately, I also often think about "life as a school" and "all there is is lessons". This is such a profound concept that can yield ever-new deep insights the more you observe, apply, feel... OSIT.
I prefer to read since I can read way faster than anybody can talk in a video and I find myself getting impatient for them to get to the point! Except for music, and certain rare videos, I think watching them is a waste of my time; I could be READING!!!
I think, judging by my own experience with computer tech, it's possible that people are just getting too fuzzed out to pay attention to text based articles. Attention spans are shrinking. Mind you, it may just be me, but it may be cultural atrophy. Your sample size is certainly large enough to measure a trend of some sort, obviously.

Attention spans are shrinking indeed. Just imagine young people reading SOTT or the Forum on their cell phones while on their way across town or jaywalking on High Street. :-(

I'm amazed that SOTT is actually drawing three million views a month!

That is pretty good for a site that is not linked by anybody anywhere on the internet.
(As an exception to the rule I found The Truthseeker ( linking SOTT one or two times.)

As for myself I'm following this site on a 30" screen, printing the most important stuff as often as possible, so I can lean back at night reading things appreciatively.
I just listen videos of any kind doing a puzzle. It is the only way for me to enter the world of the video, by my ear. So while doing a puzzle I can listen with really attention. The ears are antennas... or like cat moustaches.
I can read a transcript for an hour long documentary in about 15 minutes, without trying to speed-read it. The reading process requires you to put forth some effort when trying to grab at the information, whereas in a video it is just kind of "thrown" at you and some of the high points will stick while a lot of it just passes by unless you make an effort to stay focused. I found myself watching videos when I was too tired or fuzzy to read anything and noted that I would have a tendancy to veg out, even if the subject was interesting to me. When I was more alert, I got bored with having to absorb the information at approximately 25% my normal processing rate. About 5 years ago I really noticed the shift of a lot of alternative media to video format, which for the previously mentioned reasons really annoyed me. 90% of those videos are just recordings of some guy talking, what's so great about that? It adds absolutely nothing to the subject matter. There are some videos which deal primairly with visual phenomena, emotions, etc, where an article would not be nearly as descriptive, but these videos are certainly in the minority.

Nonetheless, I do find some interesting things on YT, and my solution was to simply watch everything in fast forward. At higher qualities, the pitch of the voices does not change much, they just talk faster. As you increase the speed, it requires exponentially more concentration, and I actually found it helped me focus on the actual information because I had to tune out ancillary things to keep up and was no longer bored. I think anybody ought to be able to watch anything in their native language at 1.5x with minimal training. It only saves you 15 minutes over an hour program but if you're watching a lot of stuff it adds up. I can watch most news anchors who tend to speak quickly but at a superficial level of analysis at 2x, but it requires a lot of concentration. I can't watch deep and nuanced discussions at that speed unless the speaker is slow and deliberate. A couple of years ago YT added a 1.75x option which seems to be the sweet spot for me. I now play everything at 1.75x unless I feel I can go faster or I'm listenting to something musical that has to be played at normal speed. Some programs allow you to go even faster, and I've had some luck listening to radio shows at 3x, as long as I'm not trying to multitask and the person's natural speaking rate is not too fast. If the discussion starts to get deep I have to drop it to 2x. Still, in a best case scenario I can only listen at 75% of the speed I can read, with the mean being closer to 50%. Still, it's a lot better than 25%, and reducing an hour program to about 38 minutes makes me feel like I'm not totally wasting my time.
I read slowly, around spoken rate at 150 wpm. I don't have time to sit and watch a 1, 2, or 3 hour video. If it's 30 minutes or less, I may watch it. For those hours long videos, I turn them into an audio file and listen to them as a podcast during my commute. Stuff like Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan interviews.

Neil, I do the same thing for youtube videos, 1.5 or 1.75 play speed. Sometimes if they already talk too fast for even 1.5 speed, I am disappointed that I have to listen to it at 1x speed. I've fallen into a habit of not reading books on the weekends, just the forum. I should allocate at least 30 minutes a day to books.

But on the original topic, yes this is insane and really shows how depraved the world is / is becoming. :-(
I find myself watching a lot more YouTube videos to find out what is going on in the world.
I prefer to read. When an article gives me a link to a video, I may take a quick look, but if the video is too long, I don't watch. I would much rather just read and decipher for myself.

As for the article which started this discussion, it just makes me so sad that the world has come to this.
Poor little thing! When i read this news,i needed certain time to recovered myself.Then came to my mind how the STS beings probably where around the minds of those women encouraging them to commit the crime.I do not know if the child had a slow painful death,just i hope he was not torture before,but here some remind from the Cs:

Q: (L) In other words, you are saying that a slow painful death gives them the most of what they want? This is totally sick.
A: You asked for truth. You say it is sick but it is merely the ultimate form of service to self.
It is beyond my comprehension how anyone could mutilate and kill her/his own offspring.
I hope that poor little boy is in a safe and happy place on the other side.
As for his mother, may she suffer a thousand agonizing deaths. In fact, that could very well happen to her in prison.
I do not wish anything here in 3D for them, because after their death they will live, in the afterlife, the suffering they have caused the child to suffer and then in their future reincarnation which will certainly be harder than what they could live today.
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