Brigitte Macron is a man?

I haven't had a chance to watch it, but this popped on my feed, seems like Candace has decided to tackle the issue.
Looks like she's re-releasing her Brigitte stuff, with a little more added info. Good on her. I think the previous video went down as a casualty of her split with Daily Wire. I like how she starts out talking about the media gaslighting the public every day and then using this story as an example. I don't get around to watching her videos every day, but she's doing excellent work. Niall and Joe should have her on NewsReal!
Looks like she's re-releasing her Brigitte stuff, with a little more added info. Good on her. I think the previous video went down as a casualty of her split with Daily Wire. I like how she starts out talking about the media gaslighting the public every day and then using this story as an example. I don't get around to watching her videos every day, but she's doing excellent work. Niall and Joe should have her on NewsReal!
Second the idea of an invitation to NewsReal! would be interesting to see what she's got to say.

And yes, I got around to watching it today and she did a great job with the story, pointing out all the details that matter and telling people that it's ok to doubt the official narrative. Recommended.
Finally, a media report on the Macrons' libel trial against the two journalists who broke the trans story, which opened on Wednesday:

Brigitte's lawyer is seeking "€10,000 in compensation each for both Brigitte Macron and her brother."

And the case will be decided on 12 September.

That's it for now. I don't see anything further on it in French media.
Finally, a media report on the Macrons' libel trial against the two journalists who broke the trans story, which opened on Wednesday:

Brigitte's lawyer is seeking "€10,000 in compensation each for both Brigitte Macron and her brother."

And the case will be decided on 12 September.

That's it for now. I don't see anything further on it in French media.
Only 10 k - thats an awful small amount for such a “grave and disgusting attack” on poor innocent women.
Or perhaps French law does not recognise emotional damage like American law?

One thing is puzzling though - a lot of sources claim Brigitte transitioned decades ago, so why is the bulge still there? This doesn’t make sense.
Only 10 k - thats an awful small amount for such a “grave and disgusting attack” on poor innocent women.
Or perhaps French law does not recognise emotional damage like American law?

Before it was a couple hundred euros (for public use of an image). Now that sum would fit them being punished for "falsifying" some document, which is supposedly the official complaint. So, still nothing about Brigitte being a man, and hence, the brother is also not needed in court. Convenient!

One thing is puzzling though - a lot of sources claim Brigitte transitioned decades ago, so why is the bulge still there? This doesn’t make sense.

I'm not sure I want to know... Possibly weird stuff, a half-transition or something...
Before it was a couple hundred euros (for public use of an image). Now that sum would fit them being punished for "falsifying" some document, which is supposedly the official complaint. So, still nothing about Brigitte being a man, and hence, the brother is also not needed in court. Convenient!

I'm not sure I want to know... Possibly weird stuff, a half-transition or something...
With the strong rumors of Macron being totally into d*cks, jean-michel might not have fully transitionned.
Yes, he didn't transitionned; he's more a transvestite than a transgender.
---> that's why
1- one can see bulge not only in inferior half of body but also superior one. So he's not transitionned or took only hormones.

2- The journalists are not concerned about transgender thing, neither about homosexuality, which are well accepted, but about lies.

3-they couldn't attack that two journalists about this subject, as an expertise would easily expose the truth. And also because it's not a problem for the people. They rather tried to condemn them with a minus error in administrative civil status. If this is not an involuntary confession that all that has been said in the incredible journalistic disclosures is true...

More here (in french but there are automatic translation): -
At the end, around 1h48, they talk about a Constituional law, with articles 16 and 68 enabling the current president avoiding destitution and imposing a heavy dictatorship with absolute power. He even yet prepared his power with the pretense of olympic games: a foreign army made of 10.000 mercenary soldiers are yet here. It will be nightmarish in France in September :-(
One thing is puzzling though - a lot of sources claim Brigitte transitioned decades ago, so why is the bulge still there? This doesn’t make sense.
It seems that Macron would not want a woman in his bed. Presumably he does have to put up with breasts though. I sometimes wonder what would happen if some enterprising soul, in the spirit of truth, decided to have a peek up the "lady's" skirt. It might reveal the answer. While they were thus engaged perhaps they could have a tug of that amazing hair to see if it comes off in their hands.
It seems that Macron would not want a woman in his bed. Presumably he does have to put up with breasts though. I sometimes wonder what would happen if some enterprising soul, in the spirit of truth, decided to have a peek up the "lady's" skirt. It might reveal the answer. While they were thus engaged perhaps they could have a tug of that amazing hair to see if it comes off in their hands.
At this stage and "her" age, i highly doubt those two have sex after having been together for a long time. Usually relationships transition into partnerships - and Macron still being a handsome dude, will likely have a harem of male lovers to choose from elsewhere - to both's agreement I am sure.
Here's a very interesting interview (in French), with the lawyer defending Natacha Rey and Amandine Roy.

From quick notes: She explains that the lawsuit is actually based on 3 accusations that these two ladies made on their famous video:

1- That Brigitte had produced false documents (false divorce papers, fake birth certificates of her children, fake wedding certificates, etc.)
2. (minor) That she had distributed some kind of fake political campaign tract
3. That, given the REAL age difference if Brigitte is her brother, her relationship with Macron actually constitutes abuse of a minor.

She explains that, since both Brigitte and her brother are part of the defense, they imply that they BOTH feel attacked and defamed, which is absurd. It would mean that they BOTH are upset at having been accused of having had sexual relations with a minor, etc. It's almost proving right there that what these ladies said is true, because they never actually accused two people, and Brigitte's "brother" shouldn't be involved at all.

She also says that the truth won't come out in spite of what the media are saying. The trial isn't about whether Brigitte was born a man or not. But she added two interesting interpretations, as to why she thinks that's the case:

First, according to French law, Brigitte doesn't not carry the burden of proof (so she doesn't HAVE to do a genetic test, etc.). Instead, her lawyer provided the least amount of evidence possible (both their tax returns, and J-M Trogneaux's electoral card.) And they didn't even HAVE to provide that. [Kind of pathetic if you ask me, because in order for Mrs Ray and Roy to prove their innocence further, they'd need Brigitte to accept such kind of test, or be allowed to request pictures/documents of Brigitte's youth, etc. But of course she wouldn't accept...]

Second, she would never sue for defamation for these ladies having said she was born a man, because transphobic perjury or "gender defamation" (which incurs a more serious penalty) would be saying something opposite to the Macron's push for wokeism: feeling defamed because some people are calling her a transgender, would be saying that calling someone a transgender IS an insult, which is totally against the agenda that being trans is cool and normal. [A case of woke politics gone wrong (because it prevents them from suing), or the best cover for the Macrons to say, "well, we cannot sue for something so obviously false" and just ignore the elephant in the room?]

What a circus...
Here's a very interesting interview (in French), with the lawyer defending Natacha Rey and Amandine Roy.

From quick notes: She explains that the lawsuit is actually based on 3 accusations that these two ladies made on their famous video:

1- That Brigitte had produced false documents (false divorce papers, fake birth certificates of her children, fake wedding certificates, etc.)
2. (minor) That she had distributed some kind of fake political campaign tract
3. That, given the REAL age difference if Brigitte is her brother, her relationship with Macron actually constitutes abuse of a minor.

She explains that, since both Brigitte and her brother are part of the defense, they imply that they BOTH feel attacked and defamed, which is absurd. It would mean that they BOTH are upset at having been accused of having had sexual relations with a minor, etc. It's almost proving right there that what these ladies said is true, because they never actually accused two people, and Brigitte's "brother" shouldn't be involved at all.

She also says that the truth won't come out in spite of what the media are saying. The trial isn't about whether Brigitte was born a man or not. But she added two interesting interpretations, as to why she thinks that's the case:

First, according to French law, Brigitte doesn't not carry the burden of proof (so she doesn't HAVE to do a genetic test, etc.). Instead, her lawyer provided the least amount of evidence possible (both their tax returns, and J-M Trogneaux's electoral card.) And they didn't even HAVE to provide that. [Kind of pathetic if you ask me, because in order for Mrs Ray and Roy to prove their innocence further, they'd need Brigitte to accept such kind of test, or be allowed to request pictures/documents of Brigitte's youth, etc. But of course she wouldn't accept...]

Second, she would never sue for defamation for these ladies having said she was born a man, because transphobic perjury or "gender defamation" (which incurs a more serious penalty) would be saying something opposite to the Macron's push for wokeism: feeling defamed because some people are calling her a transgender, would be saying that calling someone a transgender IS an insult, which is totally against the agenda that being trans is cool and normal. [A case of woke politics gone wrong (because it prevents them from suing), or the best cover for the Macrons to say, "well, we cannot sue for something so obviously false" and just ignore the elephant in the room?]

What a circus...
hilariously , this reads like a bunch of OP's arguing they're not XD ( monty python worthy even )
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