Brigitte Macron is a man?

FYI, though other versions exist in this thread, I think this is the version that was posted at the start. It's been removed from everywhere else but can still be seen on Bitchute.

What a circus...
It really is, and I find it so hilarious and so telling.

On the one hand, it's just so comical that the president has to find himself embroiled in a case where he has to prove he didn't marry a man, and the more serious the case gets, the more ridiculous he looks and the more credible the entire claim becomes, the more it is in people's mind, the more widespread the news get and the more hilarious it is. Imagine that, needing to have a public third party make the statement that you did not marry a man... I mean, the jokes writes themselves.

"No! I didn't marry a man!!... you're crazy... just ask that guy over there, he'll tell you"

On the other, it's very telling that in this woke agenda epoch that we live in, one would expect that the most logical move would be to finally come out of the closet, and admit that yes... "I married a man, and love trumps hate" and all that jazz, but they won't, which what it really says is that they're aware that there really isn't a majority that accepts and welcomes wokeism, in fact it proves that the large majority of people reject the notion of abuse to children, and the entire woke agenda.
Yup, they won't be allowed to come out in the open to admit it that freely as the hidden powers are aware of the reality underneath and established paradigms. The woke will be done away with at some point as they end up derailing the entire gravy train, not just a few cars and the PTB can't afford that. In hindsight, this could be one of the moves to remove Macron from the picture.
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