Brigitte Macron is a man?

Okay…well I wasn’t sure where to put this. While it’s a Candace video and she has her own thread, I put it there and it received virtually zero attention. Primarily it’s the Brigitte Macron story, but it could go in the Pizzagate thread, the Olympics, and half a dozen other. This is her interview with Xavier Poussard, who has compiled the evidence on Macron. However it goes way beyond that. Epstein, Rothschilds, pedophilia, Satanism masking as Judaism, incest among the elite…It’s dense! It’s a packed half hour no question. Hopefully it will get more traction here, because the shocking news the Cs have been predicting will rock the world is quite possibly what is discussed.
Okay…well I wasn’t sure where to put this. While it’s a Candace video and she has her own thread, I put it there and it received virtually zero attention. Primarily it’s the Brigitte Macron story, but it could go in the Pizzagate thread, the Olympics, and half a dozen other. This is her interview with Xavier Poussard, who has compiled the evidence on Macron. However it goes way beyond that. Epstein, Rothschilds, pedophilia, Satanism masking as Judaism, incest among the elite…It’s dense! It’s a packed half hour no question. Hopefully it will get more traction here, because the shocking news the Cs have been predicting will rock the world is quite possibly what is discussed.

I don't know, I think it may just be one of them. I'm not sure that stories such as these would turn out to be THAT shocking for people. A lot of them already suspect it! They just feel too insignificant to speak up or do anything about it, or don't really care because it doesn't affect their lives directly.

I thought the interview was good, but pretty "tame" compared to the actual article this journalist published (and is STILL not sued for...).
I don't know, I think it may just be one of them. I'm not sure that stories such as these would turn out to be THAT shocking for people. A lot of them already suspect it! They just feel too insignificant to speak up or do anything about it, or don't really care because it doesn't affect their lives directly.

I thought the interview was good, but pretty "tame" compared to the actual article this journalist published (and is STILL not sued for...).
Just to clarify, I wasn’t suggesting the Macron story was shocking. Rather the part where she says the truth about the elites’ pediphile trafficking ring is on the verge of breaking big in America. A lot of people know about Epstein, and the published list. But put all together it paints a picture of the heads of state in America and internationally being a part of a satanic human trafficking pedophile cult steeped in incest, and have it exposed nationally in a way that’s incontrovertible and you have the potential for something that would shock the masses on a massive scale. I recently watched another episode of Candace where she focused entirely on the Frankish Satanism, so in combination with that primer and this, I admit it painted a pretty big picture for me. That’s I suppose why I suggested the “shock the world as predicted by the Cs”. Talk about the masks coming off. But I also agree there are many other, wilder things going on that would have that effect.
This is her interview with Xavier Poussard, who has compiled the evidence on Macron. However it goes way beyond that. Epstein, Rothschilds, pedophilia, Satanism masking as Judaism, incest among the elite…It’s dense!
I have been following Xavier Poussard for several years, in my humble opinion he is a very great investigative journalist with a great political culture, he has never shown his face and we can understand that 🙄. The magazine “Facts and Documents” is classified in France as far-right, like all those who seek to know the truth. One of the surprising things is that he is very young, around 35 I've heard, but I haven't seen a bio on him.
Just to clarify, I wasn’t suggesting the Macron story was shocking. Rather the part where she says the truth about the elites’ pediphile trafficking ring is on the verge of breaking big in America. A lot of people know about Epstein, and the published list. But put all together it paints a picture of the heads of state in America and internationally being a part of a satanic human trafficking pedophile cult steeped in incest, and have it exposed nationally in a way that’s incontrovertible and you have the potential for something that would shock the masses on a massive scale. I recently watched another episode of Candace where she focused entirely on the Frankish Satanism, so in combination with that primer and this, I admit it painted a pretty big picture for me. That’s I suppose why I suggested the “shock the world as predicted by the Cs”. Talk about the masks coming off. But I also agree there are many other, wilder things going on that would have that effect.
If Trump really has a secret file on Macron, as was said during the Mar el Lago search, it must be a big thing ! No files on other world politicians, but on Macron yes.
If Trump really has a secret file on Macron, as was said during the Mar el Lago search, it must be a big thing ! No files on other world politicians, but on Macron yes.
Perhaps Trump has secret files on many, and he left one to be found. Maybe Trump is a very intelligent man with a plan. Personally, I don't think he's a 'buffoon'. But it would be easy to impersonate one when he is surrounded by 'buffoons'.
I want to know why they are so afraid of him. Stacking votes to keep him out of office? Trying to assassinate him to stop him winning a second term? Smear campaigns abound but what has he actually done that is so awful? Beside assumptions regarding the company he keeps. (Keep your friends close and your enemies closer??)
So why? Why are they so intent on keeping him out of the White House? Why are they so afraid of him?
Certainly Trump must know some stories about the "greats" of this world but apparently in the inventory of his personal safe during the search in Mar el Lago, only one nominative file and this, on Macron.
He could have allies that we are not aware of. Perhaps he was alerted before the raid and left them what he wanted them to find? I'm just considering alternative theories regarding Trump. Maybe from him, that one file was a warning to the rest? I think many people underestimate him.
Just to clarify, I wasn’t suggesting the Macron story was shocking. Rather the part where she says the truth about the elites’ pediphile trafficking ring is on the verge of breaking big in America. A lot of people know about Epstein, and the published list. But put all together it paints a picture of the heads of state in America and internationally being a part of a satanic human trafficking pedophile cult steeped in incest, and have it exposed nationally in a way that’s incontrovertible and you have the potential for something that would shock the masses on a massive scale. I recently watched another episode of Candace where she focused entirely on the Frankish Satanism, so in combination with that primer and this, I admit it painted a pretty big picture for me. That’s I suppose why I suggested the “shock the world as predicted by the Cs”. Talk about the masks coming off. But I also agree there are many other, wilder things going on that would have that effect.
Another item that came out in this involved the practice of incestual child rape. In theory this is being practiced amongst the Frankists (Frank himself allegedly raped his daughter) because it’s been shown that raping a child, particularly when it’s done by a parent, is used as a method of creating psychopaths who then rise to positions of power, but are still controlled via the “family secrets”. Now I kinda wish I’d listed all of these points in the post with the video, but at least I’m getting it down now.😄
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