"Bringers of the Dawn" by Barbara Marciniak

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riclapaz said:
I read this book two years ago, I remember many things I did not understand then, a few months ago I made a second reading of it and I was surprised the understanding of some issues that did not understand before, and this is due to the work of Laura and all this forum, so thank you all :)
I'm glad I happened upon this thread as I read "Bringers of the Dawn" about two years ago as well. It is an excellent and introductory book to the C's material. I must dig out my copy and reread. Thank you all as well. :)
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This is the book that brought me here in this forum. I also highly recommend it for it easy read. Make me realized what kind of "reality" we were leaving in. I'm glad I've read it before Laura's secret history series. Laura compile so much information in her books that a second read is almost a must...at least for me.
Re: Bringers of the Dawn, by Barbara Marciniak.

MusicMan said:
I have just finished reading this book, "Bringers of the Dawn".
What can I say.

I just finished the book in the middle of reading so many books and topics about so many things that have been recomended ... and yes I can only say - Wow! Still under impression how all events in our life have meaning and purpose to bring us tog eather and help us to understand our purpose in life better ... and as well as many other things.

I am glad it wasn't one of the first readings I did about all this stuff, as without more comprehensive understanding of ourselves and our predator's mind, reading this book first, it can be easy to fall into the trap of self importance on a wrong way ... but any way, I feel like I finaly got the answers and I understand now much better why things in my life happend the way they did ...

I am going to continue to explore more links recomended in this topic about connection to cass materials ... this is so exciting ... thank you all on this forum for making it avalible for all of us who are searching for better understanding of life on earth ...

:lkj: :flowers:
Re: Bringers of the Dawn, by Barbara Marciniak.


For anyone interested - there is a voice book by Barbara herself. You can look it up in YouTube. Here's one:


Its about 3 hours long and split into 3. Its very good and I recommend it to anyone.
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Greetings. This time I decided to write my questions here about this book I am reading currently. In chapter 6, a lot of emphasis is given to the human body, DNA strands, chakras, and particularly sexuality. I am really confused about certain things here. Pleiadians put so much emphasis on the body, while cassiopeaans were talking more about the spirit. Pleiadians talk about having sex with those who love us, while cassiopaeans encouraged to become celibates, probably because sexual energy has a low vibrational frequency, and it is a food source for the lizards. So these things are bothering me. I would like to know your opinion on this matter.
I would like to know your opinion on this matter.

What "this" matter? Did you read the complete thread, including reply #8 and any linked written work?
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I didn't read replys, but I am currently reading the book bringers of the dawn, that it seems this thread is all about. I just thought instead of making new threads for every question I have, I would rather find one that already discuss the book.
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I read this book maybe 3 years ago- some of it seemed spot on, but it did have a New Agey gloss to it. Maybe it's time to re-read it. It is amazing what one sees a second time over. Thanks for bringing the thread up again.

I didn't read replys, but I am currently reading the book bringers of the dawn, that it seems this thread is all about. I just thought instead of making new threads for every question I have, I would rather find one that already discuss the book.

Make a list of the questions you have, and post it here. I am sure others will chime in with their thoughts/interpretations.
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I didn't read replys, but I am currently reading the book bringers of the dawn, that it seems this thread is all about. I just thought instead of making new threads for every question I have, I would rather find one that already discuss the book.

I meant the question was too vague for me. I'd take Arwenn's suggestion to post all your questions, but, if it were me, I'd wait till after finishing the reading. Sometimes questions are answered a little later in the material as the author is able to get to it without messing up the flow of the text.
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So I finally finished reading this book and I have mixed opinion about it. On the one hand, the book talks about what cass guys said allready, on the other hand, I think that the book have a lizard taint on it because book puts so much important on the physical body, sex, and rituals. Some chapters were good and gave things to think about, while other chapters felt like they were written by lizards.
On the sex issue, there has been a lot of discussion about how Frank might have skewed the information coming through to suit his own beliefs. Looking at the old transcripts and the Pleiadians, they would seem to be in direct opposition. The Cassiopaean position on it seems to have moderated a bit in some of the newer sessions, but if we focus on the old sessions and look at the material regardless of Frank, I would say that neither source had the whole banana. What the Cassiopaeans originally said seems to fit 99% of the time, while the Pleiadians have the other 1%. The Pleiadians focused way too much on their warm and fuzzy "cosmic library card" analogy as being what sex represented, and while I certainly believe it can occasionally be true, it is generally unlikely. The Cassiopaeans originally took an overly conservative approach which closely addresses the reality of sex in our realm by and large, but at the expense of ignoring some of the more esoteric possibilities.
My take on it, is that sex in itself isn't so bad. The problem is who is doing it. As 3D STS being "addicted" to physicality, sex would be seem to be a class A drug of the highest order. If you can reduce or eliminate your addiction to physicality, then sex would take on a totally different meaning, and have a different motivation. So like many other things on which the Cs have opined, it is obviously difficult for them to give a "one size fits all" answer.
Neil said:
On the sex issue, there has been a lot of discussion about how Frank might have skewed the information coming through to suit his own beliefs. Looking at the old transcripts and the Pleiadians, they would seem to be in direct opposition. The Cassiopaean position on it seems to have moderated a bit in some of the newer sessions, but if we focus on the old sessions and look at the material regardless of Frank, I would say that neither source had the whole banana. What the Cassiopaeans originally said seems to fit 99% of the time, while the Pleiadians have the other 1%. The Pleiadians focused way too much on their warm and fuzzy "cosmic library card" analogy as being what sex represented, and while I certainly believe it can occasionally be true, it is generally unlikely. The Cassiopaeans originally took an overly conservative approach which closely addresses the reality of sex in our realm by and large, but at the expense of ignoring some of the more esoteric possibilities.

I could be wrong of course Neil, but this strikes me as a little rigid. After all, the C's said in a recent session:

Session 18 Jul 2015 said:
Q: (L) Well, one of things I noticed from reading this book "Plague Time" that I just finished is that many of the most insidious of the long-term chronic disease parasites are what they would call sexually transmitted: by sex, kissing, close contact, etc. It seems to me that based on what I was reading in this book, some of the ancient ideas about extreme sexual morality were directed at preventing just these kinds of conditions. Am I reading too much into it?

A: No, the knowledge was passed down until the reasons were forgotten.

Q: (L) Now, it's the really ridiculous religious rules or whatever, and originally there were scientific reasons for it. It's like the pork thing. There was a reason. There was a reason about pork and a way to deal with pork, but somehow they lost it. Now you've got all these Muslims going around with woman covering themselves head to foot and all the purity rules of the Jews, and the “no dancing” of the fundies and all that. Most of what is in the Hebrew Bible in terms of laws came from the Pythagoreans. So that suggests that Pythagoras was a transmitter of really ancient knowledge.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, well, well...

(Arielle) Can I ask a question? The C's have said that abstinence is ideal for graduation but only if it is sincere. So, what do you think about people who claim that they are asexual? Are they somehow superior to us, or what?

A: No

Q: (Galatea) Okay. So, what makes them feel the need to be asexual? Is it biology or what?

A: Discombobulated brain chemistry.

Q: (Galatea) So basically they're just messed up in the head.

(Perceval) Literally.

A: Yes

Also, there is this funny exchange about Caesar:

Session 22 Mar 2014 said:
Q: (Pierre) And how many descendants of Caesar are in this room? (L) Oh, that's a tricky question!

A: All of you! Caesar "got around!"

Q: [laughter] (Pierre) He sure was active!

Now I don't think of course that the C's are promoting promiscuity here, but the Caesar exchange I think could mean that sometimes a little lightheartedness can be beneficial to overcome rigid thinking. I think when it comes to our sexuality, it's important to come to terms with it, or put another way, explore it in the sense of "making peace with it" - which of course can mean very different things in each individual case!

Or think of it this way: There are two huge programs running to corrupt people in the sphere of sexuality. On the one hand of course, you have "liberal society" which basically promotes extreme materialism/nihilism, degrading sex to some fun activity that we should engage in to take a bath in all those chemicals, regardless of the often destructive consequences. They even want to make us feel guilty if we are not promiscuous! And of course, everything is sexualized to the extreme in Western society.

On the other hand you have the religions that "teach" an extremely rigid morality which induces guilt, fear and shame in people.

So what is missing in both those mind-programs? It's the trusting, truly loving and giving exploration of sexuality that two partners can engage in, which I think actually can have very positive effects, depending on the individuals involved.

In a recent session, the C's talked about "scale", meaning that from our perspective, higher level "stuff" takes "time" to manifest (if I understood it correctly). So maybe let's forget about all this "cosmic energy", higher densities etc. for a moment and look at the problem from a strictly 3D perspective - after all, we know much more about it than we (can) know about higher densities and such. So if we look for example at the C's comment from one of the earlier sessions:

Session 7 Jan 1995 said:
Q: (L) Let's go back to a question I asked in another session on this same subject: what happens to our energy at the point of orgasm? Where does that energy go?

A: Drains to 4th level STS.

Q: (T) Is this a manifestation of the Lizards feeding off of us?

A: STSers there retrieve it.

Q: (T) So, orgasm is a 3rd density manifestation of the 4th density consumption of 3rd density energy?

A: One of their methods.

Let's think about this energy which "drains to 4th level STS" not as some "instant energy thing", but as something that from our 3D perspective takes "time" to manifest. This enables us to understand it using our 3D knowledge:

Today, sex is usually (often unconsciously) based on things like "just having fun", domination of the partner, manipulation through sex, self-aggrandizement, ego, abuse, "using the other as a thing" etc. Now these dynamics are of course psychologically and emotionally very destructive as we know and lead to suffering, misery, separation and fragmentation - both individually and for the couple/relationship as such. It leads to a downward-spiral (or is an expression of same), emotionally and spiritually. So maybe it is in this sense that STSers retrieve this energy? For them, it may be "an instant"; from our perspective, it's the whole evil dynamic playing out, maybe for years. So in this sense, the manipulation of sexuality is "one of their methods" to "feed themselves".

Now it doesn't have to be that way. Sexuality can also be expressed in a sincere, giving way - it can be explored and shared with curiosity, talked about between partners etc., in a way that respects and loves the other human being instead of treating the other like a thing. So in this way, it can actually help bringing two human beings closer together, can reduce separation/fragmentation, and help the couple on their way to become something more than the sum of its parts, i.e. grow together.

So, maybe it boils down to a question of psychological and emotional dynamics, and only in this (3D-)way can we understand possible "cosmic" ramifications? One thing I think is clear: as Joe said, it's not a one size fits all thing...

FWIW - hope this makes sense.
luc said:
Q: (Pierre) And how many descendants of Caesar are in this room? (L) Oh, that's a tricky question!

A: All of you! Caesar "got around!"

Q: [laughter] (Pierre) He sure was active!

Now I don't think of course that the C's are promoting promiscuity here, but the Caesar exchange I think could mean that sometimes a little lightheartedness can be beneficial to overcome rigid thinking.

Thanks for your input Luc. On the Caesar "promiscuity" thing, I think his "getting around" may have had a deeper purpose in the grand scheme of things: basically, as a more evolved soul, it may have been part of his "mission" (unknown to him consciously) to spread his genes around so that millions of people today have some of those same genes. Which in terms of evolution and waking up and the 'Wave', could be beneficial in many ways.
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