Well if he can back it up with verifiable data then it seems a good price for such a stone, all the best to him.
If anyone is interested then I have a stone that will dispel his stones effect and make non bullet-proof, only Dhs 50million.
edit, made me think of this:
(about the roswell-crash)
Q: (L) OK, the story that came from the camera man who
shot the video was that there were these four beings. One was
dead, and three were standing outside the craft, crying and
clutching boxes to their chests. Is this an accurate...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What were those boxes?
A: Storage of translation matrix group to individual, emotion
stabilization units.
Q: (L) What is a translation Matrix?
A: Translates foreign thought patterns, not needed except in
emergency loss of electromagnetic grid wave.
Q: (L) OK, what is an emotion stabilization unit used for?
A: Variety of uses, mostly for survival by neutralizing thoughts
of harm by emotionally charged beings, not accustomed to
shocking turn of events.
Q: (L) Were the harmful thought that they were designed to
neutralize, thoughts of other beings?
A: Yes.