Canadian Orwellian world: Lockdowns, vaccines passports and more

A very interesting read

You are talking Kathleen Moore, who carried that forward (see post script in the link) - here is her blog, and be prepared - especially here: HABEAS CORPUS CANADA COMMENTS

Look at the 1941 map:

The reality is that there is no intention at all for Canada to survive. A 1941-42 communist world planning map by Maurice Gomberg, immigrant to Philadelphia, depicts precisely what the Wall-Street backed Stalinists had called for in 1936: a progressive merging of nations into continental socialist unions, culminating in continental union and world communist union under a one-world government:

Instead, the "United States of America" (in name, only) stretches from
Central America to Greenland in an expanded and long-planned "North American
Union" including the federated State of Quebec, the State of "Columbia"
(not "British" Columbia), the State of Alberta, the State of Manitoba, the
State of Ontario, the State of Labrador, the State of MacKenzie Keewatin,
the State of Yukon ... and individual States of the former Maritime Provinces.
Looks like I might have to move to the State of Alberta, according to the map. And the map sure did not have Russia measured.

In terms of Canada/Quebec, Matt Ehret might touch on some of this stuff; in Quebec et cetera, and he might disagree with aspects of Kathleen's, as I do (such as her take on Charles de Gaulle and others), however there might also be disagreement with Matt's Lyndon LaRouche take on matters, such as his grand vision of water diversion (big impact on BC) - which sounds like WEF policy.

Going back to the Power Corporation, it had/has a central role in Quebec; joined at the hip with others. Here is where Kathleen is going with it things:

It is documented in the book "In the Eye of the Eagle" by Jean-FranÐois Lisée that as early as 1967, Power Corporation was running a "secret committee" of largely federal Ministers from Quebec, including Pierre Elliott Trudeau, on Power Corporation premises every Friday night in Montreal.

Lisée discloses that the "secret committee" deliberately infiltrated French-Canadian groups to turn them so "radical" it would be "shocking". That "secret committee" also resolved to create a SEPARATIST PARTY as an umbrella to consolidate all the separatist movements that had been radicalized by the "secret committee" of Trudeau and Power Corp.

That same "secret committee" produced Pierre Elliott Trudeau's election team that officially placed him in office after an "iconic" moment the night of the Saint-Jean Baptiste parade when Trudeau clung to his seat in the reviewing stand during a rock-and-bottle throwing incident.

That same "secret committee" produced Pierre Elliott Trudeau's election team that officially placed him in office after an "iconic" moment the night of the Saint-Jean Baptiste parade when Trudeau clung to his seat in the reviewing stand during a rock-and-bottle throwing incident.

The fact that Power Corporation's "secret committee" with Trudeau on it was infiltrating and manipulating separatists for the purposes of Power Corporation in 1967 strongly suggests that this "iconic" moment was yet another staged event which won the Prime Ministership for "secret committee" member Trudeau.

Even his assumption of power may have been well thought out and staged: for, Prime Minister Lester Pearson, who recruited Trudeau to "fight" the "separatists," then retired while in office allowing Justice Minister Trudeau to step into Pearson's shoes, but as interim Prime Minister. Thus, Trudeau had the extreme luxury of scheduling his own first federal election for the morning after the St-Jean-Baptiste parade that gave him his "iconic" moment and returned him to the Prime Minister's Office.

Moreover, both Pearson and Trudeau always knew that there is no power to secede under Section 92 of the British North America Act, 1867. Therefore, Pearson (a known Soviet agent) recruited Trudeau and others from the "secret committee" at Power Corporation, to deliberately escalate a separatist movement under a Constitution which denies extra-territorial powers to Provinces. In other words, no Provincial government can pass any law or take any step to secede, or that would substantially affect any other province, let alone the whole country. Trudeau, constitutional lawyer and Justice Minister, knew this.

The question that remains is: what were POWER CORPORATION and TRUDEAU using this "separatist" party to do? And the answer is: in all its propaganda, the Parti Québécois proposed "Sovereignty Association" to "keep Quebec in" Canada, while using the appearance of "separatism" from Canada as blackmail to get "Sovereignty Association".

The high-wire act performed by the Parti Québécois with tailored media coverage by the multinational-owned press and broadcast media (then as now), is to create the appearance that the PQ is "separatist" so as to manipulate the separatist movement towards the goal of Power Corporation: a merged North America.

The "separatists" being wielded by Power Corp. via the Parti Québécois, are "opposed" by the Liberals who are also owned by Power Corporation which thus controls both sides of a phony debate created by Power Corporation and its operatives working in Canada's political underground.

The Liberals, who under Robert Bourassa in Quebec in 1991 purported to enact a Quebec law forcing a referendum to break up Canada by a deadline, are nothing more than one more corporate tool to deceive and blackmail Canadians into accepting an EU-style "association" after a YES vote in one or another phony referendum. therefore, nothing will stop phoney Liberal Jean Charest from calling a third and final Referendum if the Parti Québécois is unable to get its foot back in the door. Sarkozy's award to Charest is no doubt in full anticipation.

Moreover, these phony referendums to break up Canada were the work of "secret committee" member Pierre Elliott Trudeau, who handed the concept to Lévesque as the winning 1976 separatist platform, and challenged Lévesque to do it once Léesque had seized power.

 Sovereignty Association
What is "Sovereignty Association" in reality? It is the European Economic Community (EEC) and then the European Union, which René Lévesque (a cloaked world federalist) would have imposed on the "rest of Canada" by TREATY tantamount to the Treaty of Rome that formed the EEC in 1957.

The object of POWER CORPORATION, TRUDEAU, and other FAKE federalists has always been to impose the EEC-EU system on Canada, for EU "federalism" is a step on the way to continental fusion and annihilation of the nation-states by absorption into a single planetary federation under a future high-tech communist-fascist-socialist one-world government by the self-appointed bankers and their gang of corporate invaders.

René Lévesque threatened to resign[FN 3] as leader when PQ militants tried to remove the word "Association" from the PQ party platform, which in reality is Power Corporation's platform. Jacques Parizeau, strategically pretending to oppose Lévesque along with the militants, then jumped into the leadership and simply changed the label to "Sovereignty Partnership". Thus proving it doesn't take much for the fox to hoodwink the militant hens.

In other words, the REAL separatists were being used and deceived by Lévesque, and then by Parizeau, and now by Pauline Marois, as well as by phony "separatist" Gilles Duceppe pretending to run a provincial "section" at the federal Parliament. All these people are annexationists, not separatists. Duceppe even lectured at the May 2008 Model Parliament for North America held at Montreal City Hall. Also lecturing were so-called "separatist" former premier of Quebec after René Lévesque: Pierre-Marc Johnson (a signatory to the Building A North American Community plan to annex Canada), the NDP's Jack Layton, and Ruby Dhalla for the Liberals! Bernard Landry, Pauline Marois, Louise Harel, Louise Beaudoin and other card-carrying 'separatists' have all hosted tea-parties over at the NAFI "model parliament" for a re-federated Communist North America, Charles-de-Gaulle style.

The word "association" in the term "Sovereignty Association" refers to the "associate state" status of the nation-state members of the European Union, which in 1980 was still called the EEC. In order to forcibly MERGE the nations under world government, the first required step is "association" under a supranational level which dictates "laws" to gradually usurp the national sovereignty of the member states. That supranational level in a "Sovereignty Association" between "Quebec" and the "Rest of Canada" would impose the same undemocratic measures on Canada and Quebec as are now being used to aggressively pump the sovereignty up and out of existing EU member nations...

For me during the October 1971 times, being of a young age, naiveté was the norm, but the tanks and snippers were not the norm. But later, there was an orchestrated aspect to it, Gladio-style, and things were reveled to show that there was federal meddling - agent provocateurs cells within the RCMP to help agitate. It was all such a tricky period of time - so only years later can things be seen that lean towards what is staring us all in the face. Indeed, it looks like Canada is being taken out as we relate to it, and the U.S. is under a dark threat of the same. So, perhaps forget communisms as it is understood, the corporations under their financial leaders are fully in the game from among their clubs, councils, think tanks and wordily aims - Russia was seen to have been a part if they had of successfully coopted her, but thank God they did not.

Just to change directions a little (with a point), had watched Jordan Petersons talk with Bruce Pardy, Rupa Subramanya, Sam Presvelos, Shaun Rickard and Karl Harrison discussing the state of affairs' and legal covid challenges. Two things were noted in the talk. One was Peterson and Pardy discussing the Canadian Charter, saying it is curious that no one knows where section # 1 came from; who wrote it and how it got put in to the Charter. Zip, nothing, a memory hole. Well that is darn strange. The second point they were discussing of the state of affairs, was that it seems to have been probably under works for a decade; Pardy said, probably decades, plural. It was a wink and a nod moment, and yet it seems to me that it has been half a century in the works - playing a very long game among the changes that happen outside their control. So they wait, and now they have pulled the trigger - the horses are out of the barn.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s recent covid mandates - specifically on travel bans for those who choose not to get vaccinated - have arguable basis in science, logic, and precedent. Today Dr. Jordan B Peterson sits down with five experts investigating the matter from all angles, including Rupa Subramanya, one of few Canadian journalists who dared to report an alternative perspective on the now infamous trucker protest that took place in Ottawa. Shaun Rickard and Karl Harrison, represented by lawyer Sam Presvelos, are three proud Canadians currently entangled in a lawsuit with their own government over Trudeau’s travel bans on public transport. Bruce Pardy is a professor of law at Queen’s University and the executive director of Rights Probe.
The Action 4 Canada claim in BC has been officially struck, but they have been given an opportunity to rewrite. It is my hope that nobody pays a single cent more to this organization.

In a decision that was long anticipated, Action4Canada’s 391 page Notice of Civil Claim against lockdown measures has been struck in its entirety.

It was predicted on this site a full year ago that this Claim would go absolutely nowhere. In fact, a detailed outline of the defects was published.

One difference however, is that this Judge is allowing the NOCC to be rewritten, if the Plaintiffs are willing to. Given the length of it, that will be no easy task.

The ruling from Justice Ross outlines just how poorly drafted the suit was. It failed to even meet the bare minimum for a case to go ahead. Keep in mind, at this stage, Judges are required to accept allegations as fact (for argument’s sake), and just look at the pleadings. The ruling is to the point, and doesn’t really need much in the way of commentary, or explanation.

For reference: NOCC means Notice of Civil Claim.

[20] The description of “THE FACTS” in the NOCC comprises 316 paragraphs set out over 226 pages. This section of the NOCC also includes 399 footnotes, the majority of which contain links to websites.

[21] I note, for the clarity of anyone reading the pleadings, that the numbering of the paragraphs in the NOCC leads to further confusion. First, there are two paragraphs numbered “12”. More problematic, the paragraphs proceed from 1-331 followed, for no reason, by paragraphs 255-363. As a result, the section labelled “THE FACTS” appears to comprise only 240 paragraphs (44-284), when it actually consists of 316 paragraphs. It follows that the reader must be careful to address either the first, or the second, paragraph 255 etc. I return to this issue below when discussing the second paragraph 289

This is a (somewhat minor) point, but good for a chuckle. The paragraphs in the NOCC weren’t numbered correctly or consistently, making it unclear what was being referenced at times.

[22] The “RELIEF SOUGHT” section of the NOCC comprises 40 paragraphs, most with multiple subparagraphs, set out over 43 pages.

This is absurd to the point of comedy. It takes 43 pages for the Plaintiffs to spell out the relief, or what they are asking the Court to grant.

[45] On the first issue, whether the NOCC is prolix, I agree with the defendants’ submission: the NOCC, in its current form, is not a pleading that can properly be answered by a responsive pleading. It describes wide-ranging global conspiracies that may, or may not, have influenced either the federal or the provincial governments. It seeks rulings of the court on issues of science. In addition, it includes improper allegations, including criminal conduct and “crimes against humanity”. In my opinion, it is “bad beyond argument”.

[46] I further find that it is not a document that the court can mend by striking portions. I find that this NOCC is analogous to the Statement of Claim considered by Justice K. Smith (as he then was) in Homalco Indian Band v. British Columbia (1998), 1998 CanLII 6658 (BC SC), 25 C.P.C. (4th) 107 (B.C.S.C.) [Homalco]. He wrote:
[11] In my view, the statement of claim is an embarrassing pleading. It contains much that appears to be unnecessary. As well, it is constructed in a manner calculated to confuse the defendants and to make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to answer. As a result, it is prejudicial. Any attempt to reform it by striking out portions and by amending other portions is likely to result in more confusion as to the real issues.

The Judge concludes that it’s far more than just errors or inconsistencies in this pleading. The NOCC was written in such a manner that it’s impossible to properly respond to. In other words, while there may be a case for the Plaintiffs, and the Defendants are justified in attempting to strike it.

Moreover, the document is horrible through its entirety. This isn’t an instance where a few bad paragraphs or pages can be removed. These defects plague the entire paper. That’s right, it’s not worth saving, at least not in its current form.

[51] To put those points another way, I have indicated above that the prolix nature of the NOCC makes it impossible for the defendants to respond to it. For the same reason, I am not able to parse the 391 pages of the improperly drafted NOCC and indicate whether paragraphs, categories or claims should remain in, or should be struck. That is not the proper role of this court. It is counsel’s obligation to draft pleadings that do not offend the mandatory requirements of the Rules.

[52] The defendants submit that the NOCC pleads to a number of claims that are improper in a civil action. In part, the defendants point to the following elements of the NOCC as inappropriate:
a) alleging criminal conduct;
b) seeking a declaration that the preponderance of the scientific community is of the view that masks are ineffective in preventing transmission;
c) seeking a declaration that the motive and execution of the COVID-19 prevention measures by the World Health Organization are not related to a bona fide “pandemic”;
d) seeking a declaration that administering medical treatment without informed consent constitutes experimental medical treatment which is contrary to the Nuremberg Code, the Helsinki Declaration and is a crime against humanity under the Criminal Code of Canada;
e) seeking a declaration that the unjustified, irrational, and arbitrary decisions of which businesses would remain open, and which would close, as being “essential”, or not, was designed and implemented to favour mega-corporations and to de facto put most small businesses out of business; and
f) seeking a declaration that the measures of masking, social distancing, PCR testing, and lockdowns are not scientifically based, and are based on a false and fraudulent use of the PCR test.

[53] I agree with the defendants that these are improper claims.

Quite simply: this does not belong in a civil claim. It’s mind boggling to think that the lawyers who (allegedly) wrote this have a combined 70 years of experience between them. Seriously, how is a civil court — even with a very experienced Judge — supposed to rule on such things?

Summary and Conclusion
[74] In summary:
a) I find that the NOCC, in its current form, is prolix and must be struck in its entirety;
b) I grant the plaintiffs liberty to amend the NOCC; and
c) This action is stayed pending the filing of a fresh pleading.

[75] On the issue of costs, I note that each plaintiff is pursuing this action seeking money damages from one or more defendant. In responding to those claims each defendant has been put to the expense of answering (if not filing a response) to the NOCC. In addition, the defendants have all been required to prepare for and conduct this application. None of those steps would have been necessary if the matter was properly pleaded.

[76] On that basis, I find it appropriate to award each defendant the costs for the necessary steps of “defending a proceeding”, and for preparing for and attending an application (opposed). Those costs are payable forthwith in any event of the cause.

Do read the entire decision. It’s very revealing.

The part of the decision that came as a surprise was that the Judge allowed for the NOCC to be rewritten. More on that in a bit. There were sections worth salvaging, and that allowed some reprieve.

However, this forces the next decision onto the Plaintiffs. Do they undertake the massive effort needed to make almost 400 pages compatible with the B.C. Rules of Civil Procedure? Or do they simply walk away with this?

In any event, very steep costs are almost a given at this point. This is something the individual Plaintiffs were likely not fully aware of. If a case like this is thrown out, they’re on the hook for at least some of the costs that would be ordered.

According to the Western Standard, Tanya Gaw, the head of Action4Canada, was asked if individual Plaintiffs would be indemnified against such an order. In essence, would the organization ensure no one was stuck with a huge bill? The refusal to give a definitive answer was not encouraging.

It was admitted in the May 31, 2022 hearing that over $750,000 had been raised for this lawsuit. In the interests of fairness, protecting the individual Plaintiffs should be a no-brainer.

That said, the Court declined to completely throw the case out.

[59] The defendants urge upon me that the problems with the NOCC are sufficient grounds for me to conclude that this entire action is an abuse of process and should be dismissed on the basis that it is clearly frivolous and vexatious.

[60] I do not accept that submission on behalf of the defendants. For the reasons set out below, I decline to dismiss the action.

Yes, the pleadings were horrible, but that didn’t make the issues themselves frivolous.

The next several paragraphs go on to outline serious concerns including Charter protections and due process. In other words, there were legitimate issues raised. However, this NOCC was such a mess that it was impossible to sort out the issues in any reasonable manner.

[71] Put simply, individuals have standing to question whether state actions infringe their Charter protected rights. Hence, in this case, there is a prospect that the plaintiffs could put forward a valid claimthat certain of the COVID-based health restrictions instituted by the Federal or Provincial governments infringed their Charter rights. In addition, it is possible that other valid claims may exist. It will be for the plaintiff to plead those causes of action in accordance with the Rules. Such claims need to be framed in a manner that is intelligible and allows the defendants to know the case they have to meet. It must also confine itself to matters that are capable of adjudication by this court and relief this court is capable of granting.

Yes, there are issues that are worth looking into. However, the NOCC needs to be drafted properly, and not like it has been done here. It came down to the quality and organization of the pleadings themselves, not necessarily the topics that to be examined.

Will the 400 page NOCC be fixed up and refiled — as time consuming as that will be — or is this the end of the road for the Action4Canada case? Even though a rewrite is allowed, this likely won’t sit well with many. Had it been properly written in the first place, it may very well have survived intact.

We’ll have to see what happens next, but what a waste of time, energy and money.

Another prediction: but the next one to get challenged will be the July 6, 2020 case with Vaccine Choice Canada. The Ontario Attorney General can now use this ruling.

(1) 2022 BCSC 1507 (CanLII) | Action4Canada v British Columbia (Attorney General) | CanLII
(3) 2022 BCSC 1507 Action4Canada v. British Columbia (Attorney General)
(4) BC's unvaccinated doctors want to get back to work — and they hope a billboard helps them

(1) A4C Notice of Civil Claim
(2) A4C Response October 14
(3) A4C Legal Action Update, October 14th 2021 Action4Canada
(4) A4C Notice of Application January 12
(5) A4C Notice of Application January 17
(6) A4C Affidavit
(7) A4C Response VIH-Providence January 17
(8) A4C Response to Application BC Ferries January 19
The Action 4 Canada claim in BC has been officially struck, but they have been given an opportunity to rewrite. It is my hope that nobody pays a single cent more to this organization.

Rocco Galati ended up counseling this case, and that is not very good filing (surly he would know better):
In August of 2021, Tanya and Rocco Galati gave a press conference on the filing of the Statement of Claim in the legal action against the Federal and BC governments.

Form your link:
Had it been properly written in the first place, it may very well have survived intact.
We’ll have to see what happens next, but what a waste of time, energy and money.

Court Documents:

Statement of Claim
This story caught my eye today.

British Columbia finds itself awash in cash. Finance Minister Selina Robinson gave her first quarter fiscal update Monday...

Something funny is going on. How is this possible?
This story caught my eye today.

British Columbia finds itself awash in cash. Finance Minister Selina Robinson gave her first quarter fiscal update Monday...

Something funny is going on. How is this possible?

Same in Alberta:

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney says the province is on track for a $13.2-billion surplus in this budget year.

That is above the $511-million surplus forecast when the provincial budget was introduced in February.

The province is riding another wave of financial prosperity due to high oil and gas prices, along with higher royalty payouts from maturing oilsands projects.

When I heard it on the news, I wondered where the money came from because the number was huge. From a projected surplus of $511 million to $13.2 billion? Where did the other $12.5 billion come from? I mean, that's not even close! I'm skeptical about the reasons given.

Apparently this surplus is going to pay off the $13.4 billion debt in almost one shot (the largest debt reduction in Alberta history). But I wonder if there's something else going on?

In what is likely to be one of the final trade missions of his tenure, Premier Jason Kenney is heading to South Korea to talk up small modular nuclear reactors, hydrogen and the auto industry.

Saskatchewan, Ontario, New Brunswick and Alberta have released their strategic plan to expand the nuclear industry through the development of small modular reactors (SMR).

Gotta pay for going green somehow.
This story caught my eye today.

British Columbia finds itself awash in cash. Finance Minister Selina Robinson gave her first quarter fiscal update Monday...

Something funny is going on. How is this possible?

Voodoo economics?

Right, see that.

From BC:

The province’s unemployment rate remains low at 4.8 per cent in August 2022.

A great many businesses can't even find anyone to work. Where did all the workers go, I've know idea?

Even with pressure on the cost of living due to inflation, consumer spending on goods is still going up, with sales in the first six months of 2022 up by 1.5 per cent year-to-date.


The supply lines are broken, or what is there has dramatically risen in cost.

Food cost are simply pathetic.

Here was my old grocery metric: In the 1980's a plastic bag of groceries in hand was between 5 and $10. By the 90's it was 15-$20, in the 2000's easily $25. Now, $85 is not unusual.

In 2019 a very good cut of beef was upwards of $17 a kilogram (expensive). Today it can fluctuate up to $75 a kilogram (talking Alberta/BC where 🐄 are very common).

“These are uncertain times, both on the international economic front and for British Columbians struggling with rising global inflation,” Robinson said.

That is more of the reality.

Housing construction activity remains elevated, well above the 10-year historical average. Home sales activity, however, has fallen below average historical levels in recent months as markets adjust to rising interest rates.

There is a lot of new building construction going on (it is being financed), however just don't know how people can even afford to build at the sq/ft. costs these days, aside from taking on a mortgage, and yet they are. Somewhere read that the average home cost in Kelowna was 1.2 million.

The province has benefitted from improved natural gas and coal prices. Year-to-date to June 2022, B.C. goods exports were up 32.1 per cent and service exports are continuing to recover as tourism resumes.

True, and coal lol. Coal is heavily produced by Teck, and a green talking point that used to be.

The province is still projecting deficits beyond this current year, with a forecast deficit of $3.8 billion and $2 billion over the next two years.

Likely and more.

Expense forecasts are higher than budgeted to account for cost-of-living measures, wildfire response and updated estimates for new labour agreements.

Big labor negotiations are going on at the moment (all the unions), and they are not happy. It sounds like the current offer is 2+2+2 (per year) and a signing bonus.

Natural gas royalties are up $1.7 billion this year, and other natural resource revenues are also higher, mainly reflecting increased commodities prices.

True, and the public is being fleeced by carbon taxes and speculative markets.

Contingencies remain the same as at budget, which includes $400 million for flood recovery, and $2 billion for pandemic response.

There was much offloading for the manufactured pandemic; health costs and liabilities shifted to employers from Health Ministries (if employers only knew the full scope of the offload). There was also substantial money that went missing in early 2020 just after the pandemic was called, and blamed on the sudden drop in the stock marked; think not. The stories were buried quickly from May 27, 2020 onward. The Liberal government, at the time, made it a pledge on their website to find out where the missing funds went (since disappeared off their site). Wonder which pocket this and more went into. Other Ministries have shuffled money around, including free money gifts from the Premier, including ICBC returned premiums and carbon credit checks sent out to the public.

Couple of other points in recent weeks:

The lives of British children, and the risk of their death, is part of the algorithm of acceptable risk that our Western allies have taken. :umm:
Trudeau was asked about the controversy Wednesday.

“We live in a particularly dangerous world,” he said.

“The fight against terrorism requires our intelligence services to continue to be flexible and to be creative in their approaches, but every step of the way, they are bound by strict rules, by principles and values that Canadians hold dear … and we expect that those rules be followed.:whistle:

And this show is still ongoing:

Trudeau still doesn’t have any rationale for mandates and restrictions

7 times Trudeau met with pedophiles, terrorists and extremists

Blast from the past: An 18 Year-Old Justin Trudeau on Quebec Sovereignty


"The fight against terrorism requires our intelligence services to continue to be flexible and to be creative in their approaches, but every step of the way, they are bound by strict rules, by principles and values that Canadians hold dear … and we expect that those rules be followed." Other Canadian officials, however, remained mute on the subject.
CSIS spokesman Brandon Champagne simply replied: “I cannot publicly comment on or confirm or deny the specifics of CSIS investigations, operational interests, methodologies, or activities.”
The article specifies that Rashed ( who recruited those girls) is a Syrian dentist, who fled from Syria in 2013 and then sought protection from Canada at its embassy in Amman, is now a spy for CSIS.

I fail to understand how a spying agency recruiting teenagers from another country has anything to do with being "flexible and creative to fight terrorism" and being bound by strict rules .......that Canadians hold dear??????????
We Canadians hold dear that children (whether being here or elsewhere) are being recruited to do spy work??????

Sorry JT, that one is on you only! 😡
TrudeauMustGo still trending, now over 500k tweets, AND Justin Trudeau's Brother has joined in. Very interesting comments by Kyle Kemper, Justin's half brother.

One of his quotes:

To my brother
I hold love and space for you. Your words and actions over the past two years have been deplorable and morally repugnant. I believe you are acting under duress and it’s time for you to release yourself from the spells that bind you
TrudeauMustGo still trending, now over 500k tweets, AND Justin Trudeau's Brother has joined in.

Good for Kemper, and he had already showed his mantle during the Truckers movement.

Justin will eventually go, no doubt - good riddance, and perhaps sooner than later it is hoped. However, who fills Justin's shoes from within or outside his party should not be dismissed. Thus, the die is cast in Canada, with politicians and corporate leaders seemingly almost to be 'all in.' How to get them 'all out' is for regular people to start talking again, and this will not be easy nor should it be feared.

To my brother
I hold love and space for you. Your words and actions over the past two years have been deplorable and morally repugnant. I believe you are acting under duress and it’s time for you to release yourself from the spells that bind you

Kemper has a good idea of the spell, and who spellbinds.
Returning Canadian at Vancouver airport refusing ArriveCan (and so typically Canadian, apologizing at the end for "putting them through it"):

Freedom Rally in Toronto Sat Sept 17 "Trudeau must go"

And in Montreal (seems to be much larger):
Returning Canadian at Vancouver airport refusing ArriveCan (and so typically Canadian, apologizing at the end for "putting them through it"):

Freedom Rally in Toronto Sat Sept 17 "Trudeau must go"

And in Montreal (seems to be much larger):
Canadians are starting to resist and wake up. JT will find it hard to contain people unless he uses the army or the RCMP. And yet, these demonstrations are so peaceful!
People have had enough of the lies and the control! It's about time. The question is, will this be enough to make him back down from his nazified policies and lock down? Only time will tell!
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