Cannabis 'affecting young minds'

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cholas said:
Pashalis said:
also when you are using drugs you are in a state of hysteria all the time and one of the most important things in your mind is where to get more of it.

P said:
I agree when I used weed it made me very lazy and I didn't care about anything exept to take more of it.
I guess it makes people more Psychopathic.

What? Makes people more psychopathic? That might be you're personal, subjective experience but you obviously have not been around people suffering from painful inflictions(cancer, for example) who use it on a regular basis to ease their pain.

Many, from my personal experience, are interested in all things natural and chose an organic plant as a medicine over big-pharma's drugs. The most important thing on their minds likely had little to do with how to score more. :huh:

(And that's not even mentioning the economics......where does the money go? An organic gardener or Bayer?)

Yes, methinks there are indeed useful benefits from the plant. And there is obvious abuse. Because of the warped views, the abuse that supports warped views, and societal programming in general, we must take heed so as not to bring down the "heat". The rules of this forum are for a reason. Debating this subject may only create friction. Then again, with some objective research, perhaps some may be able to look at themselves through their own paramoralistic views on the subject?

edit: missing double quote mark
Al Today said:
cholas said:
Pashalis said:
also when you are using drugs you are in a state of hysteria all the time and one of the most important things in your mind is where to get more of it.

P said:
I agree when I used weed it made me very lazy and I didn't care about anything exept to take more of it.
I guess it makes people more Psychopathic.

What? Makes people more psychopathic? That might be you're personal, subjective experience but you obviously have not been around people suffering from painful inflictions(cancer, for example) who use it on a regular basis to ease their pain.

Many, from my personal experience, are interested in all things natural and chose an organic plant as a medicine over big-pharma's drugs. The most important thing on their minds likely had little to do with how to score more. :huh:

(And that's not even mentioning the economics......where does the money go? An organic gardener or Bayer?)

Yes, methinks there are indeed useful benefits from the plant. And there is obvious abuse. Because of the warped views, the abuse that supports warped views, and societal programming in general, we must take heed so as not to bring down the "heat". The rules of this forum are for a reason. Debating this subject may only create friction. Then again, with some objective research, perhaps some may be able to look at themselves through their own paramoralistic views on the subject?

edit: missing double quote mark

Medical marijuana is legal in Colorado. From some articles I've read it is quite easy to get a prescription there. Some even said the situation there amounts to defacto legalization. They said the legal price is only slightly higher than on the street so a prescription removes the legal risk.

Sure, if someone benefits from it medically it's a good thing. Grass for many, is just another way to escape dealing with the realities of their own lives.

Al Today said:
The rules of this forum are for a reason. Debating this subject may only create friction.
I agree. Respecting the Forum Guidelines shows external consideration to the creators and moderators of this forum. There are many other places online where one can do research regarding this subject. I would think that refraining from discussing this and related topics would be a means of minimizing potentially unwanted traffic to the forum.
Please don't post messages about your illegal pastimes and habits. does not wish to appear to condone such practices, for reasons that should be pretty obvious if a little common sense is applied. If you do post such stuff, expect it to be deleted immediately. It is also inadvisible to post about illegal pastimes from yesteryear, drug use for example, (unless you are disavowing all such usage). The reason is that by doing so you run the risk of attracting lurker "drug buddies", which you probably don't want to do.

How does this work if it is a worldwide forum?

[edited by administrator]
1toofast said:
Please don't post messages about your illegal pastimes and habits. does not wish to appear to condone such practices, for reasons that should be pretty obvious if a little common sense is applied. If you do post such stuff, expect it to be deleted immediately. It is also inadvisible to post about illegal pastimes from yesteryear, drug use for example, (unless you are disavowing all such usage). The reason is that by doing so you run the risk of attracting lurker "drug buddies", which you probably don't want to do.

How does this work if it is a worldwide forum?

Because the owners and operators of this forum have decided that it is in the best interests of the forum to run it this way.
I think smoking marijuana is of NO benefit at all for anyone. Except maybe for those who have the aim of deteriorating physically and psychically.

In the past I smoked it very very few occations, and it made me feel sick and didn't find any benefit at all, any fun at all, and I didn't find any reason to repeat such nonesensical action. The persons I know or acquaint that have smoked for several years are in a very pathetical mental and physical state, unable to give fast response to daily situations. (I am musician, and I know a few fellow musicians who are in such a state, sadly. They claim that it is "good for creativity", but they've been unable to produce any good music for several years, same with some famous musicians).

I think the recommendation of FOTCM against the use of such substances is a very good one, because there is no need at all for them, if your aim is to see life as it is.
loreta said:
Prometeo said:
I tried weed and the only benefit I found was some kind of similar effect to the three stage breathing, apart of that, apathy to everything else, lot of time wasted with it, lost of memories (trust me, after doing this drug by some time you'll forget some things forever unless you try some special method I guess), and also ;D a trip to the most horrifying psychosis I ever had like the last time I did years ago.

When I was 16 I read a book that gave the creeps, it was the diary of a young girl that took hard drugs, I think the title was something like "le journal bleu" (the blue diary) or something like that. So I never touched hard core, never, ever. Young I took some grass and me too felt horrible! bad trips, paranoia, depression... I am against drugs, the official drugs like medicine drugs as the others ones. I can not understand someone who takes drugs nor someone who needs alcohol. I can understand their unhappiness, although.

Although I found the drug thanks to a friend, because he used to sell it. I don't know how and why some reach that kind of environment, where the core of their existence is alcohol, drugs and superficial sex. I mean, is not hard to be tolerant, people need to relax and it can be done in different ways, smoking that drug of course is not the best way, but once per month is not that bad, but some do it all the time, daily, through years, and finally very similar to a person that lives in fantasy and stuff, they found that life just passed in front of their eyes and they didn't take nice opportunities.

First time with weed doesn't even produce the need to try it again, because makes world chaotic, like full of adrenaline. But some like this way of living, not that hard to understand as understanding why we like to eat a particular type of food.

kanguru007 said:
obyvatel said:
Hi kanguru007,
This forum has clear stand on the use of illegal substances. Please refrain from posting links which encourage such activities.

People keep talking about cannabis in this thread but we can't have Carl Sagan's opinion on it?!

No and its simple, here we have rules and facts have been shown, Carl's sagan point of view is still a point of view instead of just facts. And we are not gonna base only on carl's sagan or just one person opinion, but on everyone's experiences. In a sense, we don't need his opinion because we can think for ourselves, and we already know the effects of the drug.
Prometeo said:
loreta said:
Prometeo said:
I tried weed and the only benefit I found was some kind of similar effect to the three stage breathing, apart of that, apathy to everything else, lot of time wasted with it, lost of memories (trust me, after doing this drug by some time you'll forget some things forever unless you try some special method I guess), and also ;D a trip to the most horrifying psychosis I ever had like the last time I did years ago.

When I was 16 I read a book that gave the creeps, it was the diary of a young girl that took hard drugs, I think the title was something like "le journal bleu" (the blue diary) or something like that. So I never touched hard core, never, ever. Young I took some grass and me too felt horrible! bad trips, paranoia, depression... I am against drugs, the official drugs like medicine drugs as the others ones. I can not understand someone who takes drugs nor someone who needs alcohol. I can understand their unhappiness, although.

Although I found the drug thanks to a friend, because he used to sell it. I don't know how and why some reach that kind of environment, where the core of their existence is alcohol, drugs and superficial sex. I mean, is not hard to be tolerant, people need to relax and it can be done in different ways, smoking that drug of course is not the best way, but once per month is not that bad, but some do it all the time, daily, through years, and finally very similar to a person that lives in fantasy and stuff, they found that life just passed in front of their eyes and they didn't take nice opportunities.

why do you think smoking weed once per month is not that bad ?
I think it is similar to the diet, there are only two option you either go 100% clean with no exeptions or you can forget about it.
It's like saying "I only get half pregnant" IMO
My point is that some people abuse of it, and others like those using it for body pain or something, don't. You supposedly need one month to be clean, if the residues are very little, do you think it could affect the mind similar to someone that smoked it daily? like someone that drink a glass of juice to someone that has been drinking soda his/her entire life?

The drug is psychoactive, I guess it needs some amount to produce a strong effect. But yeah, to be clean you need to be 100% clean.
this quote is on this thread from a while ago:
alada said:
Consider also that it's maybe a question of what we choose to 'bind to' in life. If we wish to bind with the objective reality, with truth, or with counterfeits and partial truths?

The idea of chemicals 'binding' in the brain, like a key in a lock, can be taken on many scales. When we choose to 'bind' with certain keys - and that can be metaphorical as well as literal - maybe this can affect our ability to bind with others? As Bar Kochba mentioned, effects can be duplicated by natural means, but it is not so easy. The receptor sites in the brain are there, think about it, what are they there for?

In the context of a 'modern western lifestyle' where there is little else to show the way, well meaning folk are easily diverted toward the subjective path, to imitations. There may be no long term health effects, I don't know, but isn't that besides the point? Is there any evidence that such things help a person to actually evolve or merely to dream that they are evolving? If the former is the case which I think is, then you have to ask, in the wider context, 'who benefits'?

I thought it is an interesting observation. I do think that there is some bindings that could be good and some bad. Even if each has similar drug-high effects. this has to be measured by some system, and is not absolute by any means. I'm thinking about tobacco. the subjective high maybe not be a accurate indicator of the psychological damaging capabilities of a drug. It might be explained better by the mechanisms of action of a drug and its interaction with the brain on a whole.

I'm conflicted by this idea however, because it seems fairly obvious that it would be the subjective experience that leaves the psychological imprint. i.e the more "dissociative" the drug experience, the more damage. In this view the intent behind the drug use might be important. is it physical addiction to the sensation, easing emotional pain, or curiosity to have the experience.

on the scale of psychoactive drugs, tobacco does seem to be on the milder-end... although first time tobacco use could be compared to the intensity of weed (perhaps).

One other thought, I think tobacco might be unique because I hear that a lot of regular users do not feel the effect. so on this bases we could say there is no psychological damage for regular users. chronic use of a lot of psychoactive substances does lower the effect I think, but perhaps more-so with tobacco.
wetroof said:
The receptor sites in the brain are there, think about it, what are they there for?

We have our own natural chemicals that bind to those receptors. Laura, by the way, has done a really great summary on such receptors (and how certain drugs affect us) in her latest Wave book, Debugging the Universe.
Or see: The Wave Chapter 70
I think most receptors would have natural chemicals that bind to them. the question for me would be what is the natural chemical(s) and which are the ones in tobacco, are they the same/ different and the effects of each. at least that is a starting point on the biology. I would be interested to hear what Laura said on this, thanks Oxajil.

One idea that popped into my head, is that it could be that due to mutation, the receptors that nicotine binds to, are not bound to, as frequently are our biology intended. so in this case nicotine supplement is a natural fit for the brain to work optimally. but tobacco I believe has more psychoactive substances than nicotine, though that is the major one.

The C's said something similar to what I wrote above I believe.

What you mentioned, I think would be important when looking at the biological aspect, i.e the question of: how do the receptors function normally.
Never been impressed with the expanding consciousness /awareness fence of certain substances myself. I have walked in circles where people have been into most things. Some of them stuff themselves with aspartame , believe the authorities version on 9 11 and laugh at the idea of other types of realities , and so on.

So much for the expanding consciousness /awareness defence.
Prometeo said:
My point is that some people abuse of it, and others like those using it for body pain or something, don't. You supposedly need one month to be clean, if the residues are very little, do you think it could affect the mind similar to someone that smoked it daily? like someone that drink a glass of juice to someone that has been drinking soda his/her entire life?

The drug is psychoactive, I guess it needs some amount to produce a strong effect. But yeah, to be clean you need to be 100% clean.

Prometeo, what part of the forum guidelines do you not understand? Are you trying to get banned? Illicit drug use is NOT to be discussed on this forum - period.
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