(CRW Am-EU) What temporary schedule is best for you?

  • Sunday 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 27 65.9%
  • Saturdays 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 14 34.1%

  • Total voters
Hi all,

The Am-EU group finishes the Foreword by Laura Knight-Jadczyk and chapters 14-17 of Pierre Lescaudron's Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection on July 7th. The video and audio of the meeting is provided by Luis.

I've attached the mind map below in both PNG & PDF form. For readability, I've also printed the mind map in bulleted form here. This is strictly a summary a main points of the chapter, but doesn't include the workshop discussion notes. They will return in a future post.

Chapter 14: Variations in Solar Activity
  • The three main discharge phenomena of the Sun (due to charged celestial bodies entering the solar system & planetary alignments) are flares, CMEs, and sunspots.
  • Since 1998, we have seen an unexpectedly low amount of solar activity, measured by average monthly sunspots, compared to past cycles. It appears that from 1998, this decrease has only accelerated.
  • Why is there a marked decrease in sunspots (evidence of discharge) despite an increase in comet activity?
Chapter 15: Enter Nemesis
  • From NASA's Chandra X-ray observatory, it's noted that about over 80% of all stars are part of a binary or multiple-star system. There's a likely chance that our Sun is not the only star part of this system.
  • It's known in plasma cosmology that it's natural for stars to split into two (fission) in order to deal with high levels of electrical stress. When they evenly split, they collectively retain the same mass, but are collectively 26% larger than the original star, which lowers the system's current density (compared to the single star system).
    • Assuming that the total charge and current is proportionately distributed according to its mass, the larger star will have more current density, and the smaller one will have less. In the case of the latter, its current density can be low enough for the star to become a dark, brown dwarf.
      • With this electrical stress reducing method via fission and uneven splits, its possible that brown dwarves are more common than one thinks in binary star systems.
  • Another piece of evidence that we live in a binary star system comes from paleontologists David Raup and Jack Sepkoski publishing their research in 1982 on Nature revealing that the Earth, over the last 250 million years, has regularly experienced mass extinctions.
    • Richard Muller measured abnormally high amounts of iridium levels at all 66 different locations across the world hit by mass extinction events (C-T boundary signal) around 65 million years ago. Iridium, being one of the noble elements, are 10,000 times more abundant in meteorites compared to the Earth's crust.
  • If comets are broken up, weakened, or slingshotted away after interacting with other bodies in the solar system, what causes this periodic cometary bombardment (every ~27 million years) to happen continuously over 500 million years?
    • It's reasoned that another large body with a stable orbit must be responsible for pulling in and taking these comets for a ride. Richard Muller mentions this body as the Sun's companion star, Nemesis. Its ability to evade detection may mean it's a dark star--perhaps a brown dwarf.

Chapter 16: Radiocarbon Dating 'Anomalies'
  • Radiocarbon dating works by taking the ratio of carbon-12 over carbon-14. The latter has a half life around 5,568 years, so when the measurement occurs, scientists can tell how old something is by calculating this ratio.
  • This dating is not accurate, leading to dates that are younger than they should be. For example, thermonuclear explosions artificially increases the amount of carbon-14, which isn't taken into account. Another is fossil fuel emissions that release carbon-12.
    • Supernovas, cometary bombardments, and overhead cometary explosions introduce neutrons, further skewing the carbon-12 and carbon-14 ratio.
    • These in effect slides the timeline of extinction events. Ones caused by Nemesis may have occurred much earlier or later than 14 million years ago, meaning that Nemesis may not be at near its furthest point away from the Sun (aphelion), but approaching its nearest (perihelion).
  • The moons increasing eccentricity (deviation of orbit shape from a perfect circle) is an anomaly that can be explained by the presence of an unidentified celestial body beyond Pluto--Nemesis.
    • For these lunar perturbations to happen, Nemesis, given its mass, is around 4500 AU away from the sun, or 100 times the Sun-Pluto distance. It's close enough to influence other bodies in the solar system while escaping detection.

Chapter 17: The Grounding of the Sun
  • There's contention between mainstream science and the electric universe regarding whether the Sun is powered internally via nuclear fusion (mainstream) and externally (e-universe).
    • Examining the low, anomalous neutrino output of the Sun's core via nuclear fusion reveals the flaw in mainstream science where attempts to explain it have no real concrete standing. If
  • High cometary activity should induce more solar activity, but it doesn't--why? Could it be that Nemesis is draining, grounding and/or linking with the Sun in an off-hand or direct way energetically? Is it now plugging into the same power source powering the Sun and the two are now sharing it?
  • Wormholes connect distances between 3 dimensional space. The tunnel itself is an additional dimension with distances of 10 or less meters, despite the entrances being much larger distances apart. Energetically, there may be some nonlocal phenomena happening between the Sun and Nemesis, causing effects observed in the Sun and Earth.

See y'all soon at the upcoming meeting!


  • Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection Mindmap Chapters 14-17 (7_7_24)_Page 1-[17209449...pdf
    18.2 KB · Views: 1
  • Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection Mindmap Chapters 14-17 (7_7_24)_Page 1-[17209449...png
    7.2 MB · Views: 1
Hi everyone,

Below are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group discussion on Iain McGilchrist's The Master and his Emissary.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder

We will start T.Illion's Darkness Over Tibet and read the Introduction & Chapter one for our next workshop on Saturday at 6 pm Sydney AEST time (GMT+10). I will let you all know if I need to push the meeting back an hour again. Just a note that the book can also be borrowed online.

See you all then!
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