(CRW Am-EU) What temporary schedule is best for you?

  • Sunday 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 27 67.5%
  • Saturdays 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 13 32.5%

  • Total voters
Hi everyone,

Below are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group workshop on Iain McGilchrist's The Master and his Emissary.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder
And the slideshow
(starts on slide# 361)
Here is the spreadsheet on the Greek Philosophers.

We will finish the Conclusion: The Master Betrayed for our next workshop on Saturday at 6 pm Sydney AEST time (GMT+10).

See you all then!
Below are the links to what we explored in our discussion:

Tweet showcasing postmodern public sculpture
A modern art installation
Contrast the above with some of the most beautiful staircases in the world- a Twitter thread
A short summary on the experiment with rats & addiction ~ YouTube Shorts 1 minute
Tucker Carlson talking about the effects of modern/postmodern architecture in Cuomo interview (starts at 39:33 approx) & also with Russell Brand (starts approx 41:30)
An article on the WHO's OneHealth & the BioSecurity/total surveillance/Global takeover agenda here and here
As we approach the end of McGilchrist's book, we were discussing some possible options for our next book. We settled on reading Darkness over Tibet, as it is a short book with some recent discussion on the actual identity of the author
I thought I had a copy of darkness over Tibet .. must have lent it to somebody and never got it back .. I found a free pdf on archive.org if anybody needs it for upcoming reading https://ia902209.us.archive.org/15/items/darkness-over-tibet/Darkness Over Tibet.pdf
The Am-EU reading group will be reading chapters 3-9 of Pierre's book, Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection. I'll be posting these reading updates earlier starting now in case I don't have the summary out in a timely fashion. With that said, I'll release the summary later tonight.

Happy reading all!
Hi everyone,

The Am-EU group finishes the Foreword by Laura Knight-Jadczyk and chapters 1 & 2 of Pierre Lescaudron's Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection on May June 16th. The video and audio of the meeting is provided by Luis.

I've attached the mind map below in both PNG & PDF form. For readability, I've also printed the mind map in bulleted form here:

Foreword by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
  • Pierre (main author) and Laura (collaborator) wrote this book to expound on questions left in the air in Laura's Comets and the Horns of Moses: The Secret History of the World.
  • In their research, they found that current science needs to acknowledge humans play a major role in mass destruction events instead of simply being what Nature does or the "Anger of the Gods".
    • This implies there is a connection between humans, Nature, Cosmos, and mass destruction phenomena.
    • One example was during the pathologically infested Bronze Age civilizations in the form of entropic imperialism that resulted in the almost "total destruction of everything and everybody".
  • (Mari): If we weren't ruled by psychopaths and were able to study more the binary star system we have, we can be better prepared for Earth Changes. The elites have their own bunkers and underground bases. It's similar to the Three Body Problem.
    • (RedFox): Graham Hancock says that old civilizations, in the event of an upcoming catastrophe, would create underground living spaces.
    • (Luis): There are so many various Earth changes, like sinkholes and the Earth crusts opening up. Who knows, maybe these underground areas would be damaged or destroyed.
    • (cassandra): The Earth is undergoing a cleansing, perhaps it is a cleansing of the psychopaths here. In the Cs session, they say that they will take all of the blame.
      • (Luis): In the Cs session, they say that one's ability to survive deadly, widespread viruses in part depends on one's FRV.

Chapter 1: The Mainstream Universe vs. the Electric Universe
  • The mechanics of the mainstream universe (given by Newton's & Kepler's laws) are not sufficient in explaining allof the universe. There are many inconsistencies and anomalies that point to this being the case.
    • When faced with anomalies, they try to explain them away with convoluted explanations.
  • Some late 1800s research papers posit the presence of the electric universe by ascribing the Sun & the comet tail dynamics due to electric phenomena.

Chapter 2: Electromagnetic Forces vs. Gravitational Forces
  • In support of the electric universe and the notion of an incomplete science regarding gravity, it's said that "electromagnetic forces are stronger than gravitational forcesby a magnitude of 10^39".
    • Support for this is seen in Robert Millikan's oil drop experiment where electromagnetic forces can lift the single electron in a drop of oil, overcoming gravitational forces exerted by 10^7 atoms.
    • In further support, if we increase the distance between two bodies, the electromagnetic forces decreases at a much lower rate compared to gravitational forces. This means that when observing distant interactions between two bodies, say stars and comets, electromagnetic forces have a much larger influence on them compared to the relatively negligible gravitational forces.
  • (Bluefyre): We're electromagnetic beings, and if that's stronger than gravity, that explains why humans are transducers of cosmic energy--in part enacting Earth changes.
  • (Luis): Laura says that even if she sees no one else out their talking about the truth, that she will continue to do so.
    • (RedFox): If you resonate with the higher truth, the lower will begin to resonate too. Similar to tuning fork resonance in sound physics.
  • (whitecoast): Could FRV be related to one's own personal electromagnetic field?
    • (Breo): In addition to raising the frequency & holding truth, there's another facet to it with harmony vs. chaos.

General Notes
  • (Luis): There's a large shift in the political sphere with people being fed up with the current affair of things. See the elections in the EU.
  • (cassandra): Are STS destined to fail?
    • (RedFox): Wishful thinking is their Achillles heel.
    • (Luis): There's a hunger for power among the psychopaths. The sickness will build & build, until it falls apart under its own weight.
  • (Mari): In the recent interview with Laura & Jay, it's mentioned that communism is good for small communities, and capitalism is good when interacting with the world.
    • (Luis): Coming from Logocracy, it's important to note that there's value to be gained from each system. However, psychopaths, if given power, will corrupt any system.
  • (Bluefyre): There are so many that aren't able to contribute to society to the best of their abilities and find jobs that suit their strengths.
    • (Bluefyre): A DEI hire sued a doctor after the doctor reprimanded her for not recognizing an important organ.

For Next Meeting - June 23rd, 2024

We'll be covering chapters 3-9 of Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection. See y'alls then!


  • Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection Mindmap (6_16_2024)_Page 1-[1719096851016].pdf
    23.6 KB · Views: 1
  • Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection Mindmap (6_16_2024)_Page 1-[1719096859284].png
    5.1 MB · Views: 0
Hi everyone,

Below are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group workshop on Iain McGilchrist's The Master and his Emissary.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder
And the slideshow
(starts on slide# 398)
Here is the spreadsheet on the Greek Philosophers.

Well, we did it! This concludes the book, and what an amazing journey it has been to unpack this with you all! We will break for a couple of weeks as a few of us are away, and return on Sat 13 July at 6 pm Sydney AEST time (GMT+10) for a roundtable discussion and overview of McGilchrist's work.

See you all then!
Below are the links to what we explored in our discussion:

The Replacement of Beauty (in architecture) ~ 2 minutes
An exercise to balance the two hemispheres- McGilchrist ~ 4.5 minutes
Beautiful Gothic Archtitecture ~ 3.5 minutes
Sainte-Chapelle, Paris: Khan Academy Video ~ 6 minutes
Saint Chapelle stained glass windows (too beautiful to just embed, so posting it in full!):

Edit/Added: A video that I mentioned but we did not watch as it's about an hour long, is the BBC documentary by Roger Scruton, Why Beauty Matters (2009), FYI in case anyone wanted to watch it.
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