(CRW Am-EU) What temporary schedule is best for you?

  • Sunday 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 28 65.1%
  • Saturdays 17:00-19:00 UTC (18:00-20:00 French time)

    Votes: 15 34.9%

  • Total voters
Unfortunately I won't be able to attend today's Am-EU meeting once again (I missed last week's due to having to work). I have too many "last minute" things to do in preparation for a week long trip to visit family, leaving very early tomorrow morning. Have a good one!
Hi everyone,

Below are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group workshop on Iain McGilchrist's The Master and his Emissary.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder
And the slideshow
(starts on slide# 309)
Here is the spreadsheet on the Greek Philosophers.

We will finish Ch 12: The Modern and Post-Modern Worlds for our next workshop on Saturday at 6 pm Sydney AEST time (GMT+10).

See you all then!
Below are the links to what we explored in our discussion:
A brief history of art movements ~ 23 minutes
An example of very high density living in NY
Hi everyone,

The Am-EU group finishes chapters 18 & 19 of Michael Prescott's Life & Afterlife on May 19th. The video and audio of the meeting will be provided in a future post

I've attached the mind map below in both PNG & PDF form. For readability, I've also printed the mind map in bulleted form here:

Chapter 18: Otherwhere
  • Contrary to other darker accounts of the afterlife, the Field of Reeds (A'aru) of Egyptian lore speaks of an idealized Egypt--a paradise of flowing water, tall crops and other abundance. Everyone appeared perfect & in the prime of their lives.
    • It's said that the darker accounts come from those early on in the afterlife process, where individuals may be in a state of confusion.
    • In the Field of Reeds, loved ones an pets are able to meet each other once again.
  • Swedenbog (1700s) detailed info from his meediumship such as Christians not being the only ones who go to heaven (many non-Christians lived more upright than Christians), and that the human race is from countless planets--not just Earth.
    • (Luis): Maybe each planet with living things has its own 5D.
    • The angels recall that there's no earthly notion of time or space--only changes of internal state that that influences the external.
  • In Oliver Lodge's mediumship accounts, he found that some folks in 5D crave for cigars, whiskey, meat etc., but after having few, they don't crave for them anymore.
    • (Laurs): Like in Astral City where those who pass think they need food to still survive.
  • Like attracts like--serial killers and the such don't clump with kinder folks in the afterlife. Those with similar understanding also seem to cluster together, creating a group-afterlife. Each soul contributes & creates the environment.
    • (Mari): It's like karma.
      • (Luis): All afterlife experiences are connected to that state of being--the collective mind's building of the afterlife.
      • (Luis): The 5D lessons and self-judgment ties into this karma. It will continue to happen until we choose & be differently.
      • (Turgon): It's not that there's some outer being that judges us, but it is ourselves.
    • (Luis): We have an account from Pierre detailing a beautiful landscape in 5D.
  • Folks don't stay in the hellish circles of 5D forever--they will ascend after letting go of negative impulses and asking for help.
    • (Bluefyre): Impression management doesn't work in 5D, since everything is brought to light.
    • (Luis): In Many Lives, Many Masters, a woman lost her son and was heavily distraught. It was part of her lesson plan to experience this so that she can learn to let go. She will always have that connection with that soul.

Chapter 19: Life on the Other Side
  • Souls can have jobs in the afterlife, like in that one account where souls acclimate new arrivals in the afterlife. There are also those who teach folks.
  • Many accounts (both NDE & via mediums) in the early afterlife experience say they saw lush, serene meadows with colorful flowers, fragrances, and people. It's described as an area of peace and light.
    • (Turgon): When his Grandpa died, he had a strong sense that he was in the area in the afterlife with snow-capped mountains. It was like a message saying that his Grandpa was alright.
    • (Laurs): Visited a friend in the last stage of ovarian cancer and in her state, her friend said that she wasn't going to die--that she could see beautiful meadows.
      • (Anartist): The Cs say that it's more interesting if one were to have no expectations, which has implication for the afterlife where people's subjective experiences & beliefs can shape it. Maybe it helps to truly see things as they are.
    • A couple of folks who had an NDE were born blind, yet were able to, with no issue, see and describe these brilliant sights. This is in contrast to dreaming, where there was no visual perception. Those with mental retardation were no longer restricted by it as well.
  • In a procedure called "Induced After Death Communication (IADC)", patients experienced a strong connection to lost loved ones, which healed their grief. There is a similarity in experience to NDEs.
    • IADC is a modified version of "Eye Movement Desensitization and Repgrogramming (EMDR)"
    • Like shared death experiences, there are reports of shared IADCs, where an outside observer or the therapist would simultaneously experience the IADC with the patient.
  • The author states that most who experience NDEs don't want to return to their earthly lives, having seen how beautiful their experience was in the afterlife.
    • The ones that do want to return have senses of responsibility to others and oved ones, and being able to live a fulfilled life.

General Notes
  • We decided to skip chapter 18 (Mediumship)
  • (Luis): There's this movie called Civil War, it's not "good" but it's worth a watch still. Another movie recommended is Ordinary Angels.
  • (Seato): For 4D STS, they have to continue to absorb huge amounts of energy to combat entropy.
  • (Mari): Maybe we can update the recommended book list on the forum, which hasn't been updated in a while. There are many good books within the last few years that deserve consideration. In Harrison's Substack, there are books that are from 2018 and up.
For Next Meeting - June 9th, 2024

We'll be aiming to go over the last couple of chapters in the book for the next reading workshop:
  • Chapter 21: Higher Planes
  • Chapter 22: Reincarnation
See y'alls soon!


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Hi everyone,

Below are the links for the recent Aus-Asia-Am group workshop on Iain McGilchrist's The Master and his Emissary.

Here's the video of the last meeting
The audio
And the folder
And the slideshow
(starts on slide# 342)
Here is the spreadsheet on the Greek Philosophers.

We will start on the Conclusion: The Master Betrayed, up to the sub heading 'Is there room for Hope?' on page 445 for our next workshop on Saturday at 6 pm Sydney AEST time (GMT+10).

See you all then!
Below are the links to what we explored in our discussion:

The periods of Classical Music (from the Renaissance to Contemporary) ~ 5 minutes
A beautiful painting by Russian Romantic artist, Ivan Aivazovsky (a prolific marine painter of the period)

The links between music & geometry/architecture:
As we approach the end of McGilchrist's book, we were discussing some possible options for our next book. We settled on reading Darkness over Tibet, as it is a short book with some recent discussion on the actual identity of the author.

I'll post some of the runners-up for reference:

The Collapse of Antiquity- thread here
Pierre's unpublished book: thread here
From Yahweh to Zion- thread here
Homer's Odyssey- thread here
Secret History of the World
American Cosmic- thread here
Harrison's Substack articles

My choices after Darkness over Tibet, would be Hudson's book or The Odyssey. :-)
Last edited:
Hi everyone,

The Am-EU group finishes the book after reviewing chapters 21 & 22 of Michael Prescott's Life & Afterlife June 9th! The video and audio of the meeting is provided by Turgon. I'll also link the video and audio of the previous meeting on June 2nd.

I've attached the mind map below in both PNG & PDF form. For readability, I've also printed the mind map in bulleted form here:

Chapter 21: Higher Planes

  • Penrose proposes that neutron stars can have a form of nonhuman consciousness for brief times, according to Orch-OR criteria.
    • (cassandra): According to the Cs, the Earth and the Sun are alive.
  • In channeled material, Life Eternal by W.T. Stead & Hester Dowden, it speaks of seven spheres of development before the ultimate absorption into the Godhead. Each sphere is a mental condition.
    • (cassandra): Do we still have our individuality in higher levels?
  • A patient recalls seeing hives of people, and sees, but is not able to interact with his father. He trembles a bit, but realizes that his father must be with people like him. He then notices and recognizes others who are like him and around him--people he knows on a deep level and loves.
    • (Laurs): Is there any difference between a soul tribe & soul group?
      • (Whitecoast): Soul tribe is another related term.
      • Mari shares from: Session 21 March 2008
        (Puck) Is Putin a descendant of Julius Caesar? [laughter]
        A: No, but member of the same soul group.​
        • (Turgon): There are similarities between the two, one of which they are a leader of a prominent nation on the world stage. Another is that they are familiar with political intrigue.​
      • Mari shares: Session 21 March 2008
        (L) okay, did I really meet Gurdjieff in my dream? That was really a cool dream.
        A: Pretty much. You are a member of the same soul group.​
      • Mari shares from: Session 20 September 2014
        (Approaching Infinity) At the last session, a question was asked about Soul Groups, and who of Caesar's soul group was still alive. The C's responded something like, "soul groups don't work that way"? So how do soul groups work?
        (L) I think you need a more basic question than that. What is a soul group?
        A: A soul group is an affiliation that can be due to origin or graduation.
        Q: (L) You mean that souls can be part of a soul group if they have the same origin, as in some bigger soul or oversoul or something? And then they can also acquire or grow or get affiliations with other souls because of their vibrational frequencies due to their experience or growth or whatever?
        A: Close enough.​
  • Hypnotically-induced intermission memories in the afterlife written about in Joel Whitton & Joe Fischer's Life Between Life and later, Michael Newton's Journey of Souls detail realms where individuals have memories from all their incarnations--presumably due to having perspectives from the higher self.​
  • Detailed in Letters from the Afterlife (1914), Elsa Barker channels David Hatch (deceased judge) who states that it is preferred to rest in the spheres of the afterlife until he gains sufficient energy to incarnate. Instead of dilly-dallying in an idyllic state, he chooses to "guide that rhythm".​
    • Tendencies, impulses, desires are brought over into the new life as a form of karma, but the inter-life plan is mostly forgotten when incarnating. There's concern among regression patients that this may pose a danger in not completing their life plans. "This is the first shock; a true humbling of yourself to find that you did so little when you would have done so much; that you went wrong so often when you were sure that you were right".​
      • Session 16 July 1994
        Q: (L) Do any of the rituals we perform provide protection against further abduction?
        A: Don't need protection if you have knowledge.
        Q: (L) How do we get this knowledge?
        A: Deep subconscious.
        Q: (L) When did we get it?
        A: Before birth.
    • (Breo): How can we notice what our life plan is?
      • (Mari): Be wary of programs & look to work on them
      • (cassandra): The universe may send confirmation in dreams or other happenings that can indicate if one's on the right path.
      • (Anartist): Can we use regression therapy to see the life plan?

Chapter 22: Reincarnation
  • (cassandra): I think in the Cs material, they talk about having a pure outlook will be able to see the afterlife more objectively.
    • (Turgon): Practicing non-anticipation can help with this too.
  • In Carol Bowman's Children's Past Lives, Chase recalls, under hypnosis at the age of 5, memories of his life as a soldier at war. After the session, his fear of loud booming noises was no longer.
    • Some hypnotic regressions can be from cryptomnesia--mistaken subconscious recalls of events (i.e. movies & radio dramas) that are forgotten from the conscious mind.
      • (Seato): Could some hypnotherapy recalls be mistaken for another? A failure to get exact info for the specified individual in the information field?
      • This doesn't appear to be the case with Chase, as his TV watching was carefully monitored. His second regression therapy with his mother also yielded a very similar account, this time with more exposition.
  • Xenoglossy is the ability to speak in languages not ordinarily known to the individual. Recalling past lives sometimes brings this out, and there are cases where old languages are successfully cross-checked with scholars.
  • There are children that retain knowledge of a previous incarnation up until around the age of 10. This may be due to their previous lives being cut too short, be it illness, violence, or other means, and wanting to quickly move on to their next (now current) life.
  • A boy in India remembered details of his death at the hands of two men who he recognizes in his current life. In his present life, he carries a congenital birthmark on his neck that matches with his slashed neck in the previous life. This and other cases suggest a connection between the locations of fatal wounds and birthmarks.
    • (Whitecoast) Some with violent deaths don't have birthmarks, but some do. Some can just be coincidental.
    • (Breo): These birthmarks are particularly strong imprints. Maybe there's a lesson to be learned with these imprints.
      • (Laurs): Her nephew had a large red birthmark on his nose. When he turned 16, he wanted to become a navy seal and by coincidence he found a hypnotherapist that revealed that he had a past life where he was shot in the head in battle. With this knowledge, he turned his life around and got past his shame with the birthmark.
      • (Anya112003): Knew someone that had a similar red birthmark that faded away over time.
      • (Mari): Her son has a mark too on his leg. Would like to know the origins of it--maybe in a past life?
  • The earliest mediumship studies of the existence of reincarnation came from The Spirits' Book by Hippolyte Revail, whose pen name is Allan Kardec. There's a film detailing his trials called Kardec.
  • Through the medium Jane Roberts, Seth details that our idea of linear time is an illusion: "There is no past, present, and future. [...] There is also a part of you that is not imprisoned within physical reality, and that part of you knows that there is only an Eternal Now". All incarnations are lived simultaneously.
    • The higher self chooses when and where to be incarnated, but doesn't have direct control over the incarnation--it is up to that incarnation to direct the life in a free-will manner.
    • Seth details that karma isn't a punishment, but instead "presents the opportunity for development. It enables the individual to enlarge understanding through experience, to fill in gaps of ignorance, to do what should be done [carry out the life mission]"

General Notes

  • (Whitecoast): It looks like science is catching up to the knowledge that our Sun is part of a binary star system. There's an article on SOTT on it.
  • Discussion on why the Chateau's environment feels "heavier".
  • (Pecha): It seems that there is reincarnation in 4D, and we're able to have access to all of our memories from our past lives.
    • (Whitecoast): The social memory complex perhaps is the way it is is because relationships are more important in 4D than in 3D (from Cs).
For Next Meeting - June 16th, 2024

Please see Luis' post about the next book reading:

Hello everyone. For those who could not attend the last workshop, we agreed to read Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connection. We start with the foreword and stop at - Electromagnetic forces vs. gravitational forces for next Sunday.

See you!

See y'alls!


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