- discussion of the published materials (meanings, translations, typos etc.)


The Living Force
Since our CzechoSlovakian translation team has come to conclusion that it will be good to start translating some of the essential materials from the website, I think we are missing a thread where we could come and discuss what we don't understand in order to make sure the translations are precise. So here we can come up with questions or suggestions and the more knowledgeable forum members or Laura herself can step in and clarify the points.

Here is the first example. In the Truth or Lies Part 1, Ark exchanged email communication with Robin Amis, the editor and commentator of Boris Mouravieff’s Gnosis, and commented on Amis's points. The point in question is #4. I am interested in knowing whether the red bold part in Ark's response is correctly expressed (especially the word 'longtime'). Perhaps it is the exact replication of wording from his email and maybe it sounds strange because Ark is not a native English speaker? Maybe I am getting it wrong because of my bad English but want to be sure. Amis wrote:

4) The reason that Praxis (and other religions) depends on a suspension of judgment is ”that newcomers studying this material, despite quickly getting confirmation of its reality, will not understand it deeply enough.

and Ark replied:

Point 4) What you say about students not being able to judge for a longtime is certainly true. But whether discouraging them from such judgments is the only solution – I am not sure.

Certainly that was the way it was done in the past. Groups were usually small, whether exoteric or esoteric. Travel and communication possibilities were severely restricted. But today a qualitative change has occurred: we are now in the era of networking and instant communication on a planetary scale.

Therefore a different approach is possible: instead of having few students and “teach them even when they are not yet ready”, we can address ourselves to those who are ready.

This was not so easy to do in the past when teachers communicated, at best, to merely hundreds of potential students. But it is possible now, when we can communicate with millions.

Whoever is not yet ready for the next stage, let him stay where he is or go back where he was. Those who ARE ready, will find you – if you take care and NETWORK efficiently.

So, I would not discourage students from making early judgments and discussing subjects that they are not prepared for. If they cometo the wrong conclusions and go away or attack you, that is their free will. Let them go where their minds and their hearts lead them.

That is, at least, our approach in QFS. Perhaps we are making a mistake here, but it is always good to try different methods – if available.

Edit: missing link to the source
I am not sure about the bold part in third paragraph of The Truth or Lies Part III. The article starts:

I should make plain at this point that this little series of comments should not be considered as “Pagan Apologia.” It is not. As far as I can see, the Pagan cults were as useless in spiritual terms as the Monotheistic cults of today. BUT, there was a distinct difference between the thinking of the Pagan mind and the thinking of the Judaic and Christian mind – and this difference is crucial to our understanding of the state of the world today. What we really need to understand is this thing “faith” that is so widely promoted by the Monotheistic Cults, that faith that “Deep faith, faith that runs through your veins, that pulses in your forehead and under your skin…” and which, historically speaking, has been at the root of so many great evils perpetrated in the name of the god in whose name the faith resides.

As noted, the main idea that Christianity received directly from Judaism was that of SIN.

Awareness of the nature of SIN led to a growth industry in agencies and techniques for dealing with it. These agencies became centers of economic and military power, as they are today.

Possible typo? If it is growth industry, can someone explain that term to me or write the sentence in other words?
I am not sure about the bold part in third paragraph of The Truth or Lies Part III. The article starts:

Possible typo? If it is growth industry, can someone explain that term to me or write the sentence in other words?

I think it's correct. As an native English speaker, it makes sense. For an example of the terminology being used, and it's meaning (i found it searching the term: "Growth Industry" - and it was the first link that came up in Yandex's search results): Growth Industry Definition
Growth Industry

By James Chen
Updated Oct 27, 2019

What Is a Growth Industry?
A growth industry is that sector of an economy which experiences a higher-than-average growth rate as compared to other sectors. Growth industries are often new or pioneer industries that did not exist in the past.
Thank you very much, itellsya, for throwing light on it for me. So I am trying to understand the sentence. Does it mean that once certain agencies realized the power of the idea of SIN and how to profit from it, it then became a central point of the newly rising ideology which was used to bring population under the wings of the new church. Is that correct? The growth industry is the new ideology which was operating with SIN as its central theme and the new church (and other echelons of power) is what is meant by the agencies. Am I getting it right?
Sounds about right to me :-) I think the explanation you provide above is a good way of describing it.
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