Cassiopaean Chronology/Cosmology

I just found this! This is wonderful. Thank you @seek10. I thought I saw an event timeline of the forum a while ago, but it's gone, I think. Anyway, was hoping for a timeline to help clarify some of the Atlantean stuff for a little project. This helps!

I found a few things that might need correction.

Under the 1100 BCE heading, it's written "sound focusing wave" when it should be 'sound wave focusing'.

It's also written that Stonehenge was built in 6,000 BCE. That was from an an earlier transcript. Later, the C's corrected themselves. Did I get this wrong?
Initially I remembered it as 8000 BCE, but when I searched I got 6000 BCE, approx first. So I didn't check further. Thank you for letting me know. I updated stonehenge to 8000 BCE.
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