Cassiopaean Chronology/Cosmology

I just found this! This is wonderful. Thank you @seek10. I thought I saw an event timeline of the forum a while ago, but it's gone, I think. Anyway, was hoping for a timeline to help clarify some of the Atlantean stuff for a little project. This helps!

I found a few things that might need correction.

Under the 1100 BCE heading, it's written "sound focusing wave" when it should be 'sound wave focusing'.

It's also written that Stonehenge was built in 6,000 BCE. That was from an an earlier transcript. Later, the C's corrected themselves. Did I get this wrong?
Initially I remembered it as 8000 BCE, but when I searched I got 6000 BCE, approx first. So I didn't check further. Thank you for letting me know. I updated stonehenge to 8000 BCE.
Even though I'm sure your revising the original would produce cleaner results, I couldn't resist the technical challenge of revising the 2nd and 4th sections listing everything chronologically from left to right. :-) (BTW there's no notation for 8788 BCE.)

Even though I'm sure your revising the original would produce cleaner results, I couldn't resist the technical challenge of revising the 2nd and 4th sections listing everything chronologically from left to right. :-)
I hear you and if more people think representing left to right is useful, I will address that in near future.
(BTW there's no notation for 8788 BCE.)
Image represents 3600 year Oort cloud cycle arrival and there are no notable damage from it. I didn't put the notation due that and also space reasons. I will keep that in mind. Thank you for the feedback.
I hear you and if more people think representing left to right is useful, I will address that in near future.

Image represents 3600 year Oort cloud cycle arrival and there are no notable damage from it. I didn't put the notation due that and also space reasons. I will keep that in mind. Thank you for the feedback.
Oh yeah, I forgot it was in the legend. That makes sense. Thanks.
I think it would be very neat to have this and/or other similarly structured timelines in poster form to hang up or even in a leaflet or book form! The way you arranged this timeline is easy to understand even though it covers rather complex and hard to visualize concepts and/or happenings.
I think is a wonderful idea and comes to fruition regardless which format is used.

My thought, is that some form of leaflet or booklet is made available to members that have children so they can explain to their children in terms they could understand and is age appropriate. For example, I noticed that the events of Caesar were left hanging, with no indications of why he is such an important figure, and how his death impacted world christian belief systems, full of misdirection and misinformation...

The Carrota documentary comes to mind apologies if this is the wrong spelling of the documentary. The Death of Caesar, his life and accomplishments, his death and it's impact on Christianity. Also the apostle Paul. Real spiritual understanding would be introduced at an early age, instead a fantasy that is presented as a pseudo spiritual understanding at this time. Just my 2 cents, and possibly a future endeavour.
Thanks @seek10, this is really good and helpful. I was wondering about the placement of the battle of 10 kings to be admist the Younger Dryas event. My understanding is that the battle took place much later, post-Mohan Jodero flood when the scatterred tribes would have grown into small kingdoms. It would be a few hunderd years before Buddha’s arrival on the scene.
Off topic momentarily, but obliquely connected maybe. Besides, I didn’t know where else to put it!😄 So this popped up on my X feed. I’m not sure if it’s a Jackson Pollack of every conspiracy theory buzzword, or a timeline, or a flowchart, or what. So I figured I’d submit it to the group, ideally to compare and contrast with the Cass timeline. Anyhoo..start with the upper left corner.
Off topic momentarily, but obliquely connected maybe. Besides, I didn’t know where else to put it!😄 So this popped up on my X feed. I’m not sure if it’s a Jackson Pollack of every conspiracy theory buzzword, or a timeline, or a flowchart, or what. So I figured I’d submit it to the group, ideally to compare and contrast with the Cass timeline. Anyhoo..start with the upper left corner.
View attachment 104979
I don't see Waldo. Where's Waldo?
Off topic momentarily, but obliquely connected maybe. Besides, I didn’t know where else to put it!😄 So this popped up on my X feed. I’m not sure if it’s a Jackson Pollack of every conspiracy theory buzzword, or a timeline, or a flowchart, or what. So I figured I’d submit it to the group, ideally to compare and contrast with the Cass timeline. Anyhoo..start with the upper left corner.
View attachment 104979
Mostly Jackson Pollack with minimal flowchart, and no timeline. It's like all the colors of evil are there, but they've just been splattered on the canvas randomly.
Thanks @seek10, this is really good and helpful. I was wondering about the placement of the battle of 10 kings to be admist the Younger Dryas event. My understanding is that the battle took place much later, post-Mohan Jodero flood when the scatterred tribes would have grown into small kingdoms. It would be a few hunderd years before Buddha’s arrival on the scene.
Main stream history puts Rigveda 2nd millennium, but that seems to be not correct. My thought process is this in putting there.

* battle of 10 kings is from Rigveda.
The Battle of the Ten Kings (also known as Dasarajna or Dasharajnya) is an ancient battle mentioned in the Rigveda, specifically in the 7th Mandala.

The battle was fought between King Sudas of the Bharatas and a confederation of ten tribes led by the Purus, Yadus, Turvasas, Anus, Druhyus, Alinas, Pakthas, Bhalanas, Shivas, and Vishanins. The Bharatas emerged victorious, leading to the formation of the Kuru polity.
* C's confirmed Vedveer Arya's 16K BCE date to Rigveda.
(seek10) When were the bits and pieces of information packaged into the Vedas? Was it before the Younger Dryas Event around 16,000 BCE?

A: Yes

(seek10) Where were they packaged together, in the Indian subcontinent or in the Caucasus?

A: On the way but mainly India.
* Also C's mentioned that battle of 10 kings "Same of Atlantis".
Q: (Sid) Has "the War of 10 Kings" been used as a prototype for the Mahabharata war?

A: Same thing, like Atlantis.
* The character description in battle of 10 kings like King Sudas are more like cometary character.
* Even the mainstream writers caught up to it saying Battle of 10 kings is same as Kurukshetra
The Battle of the Ten Kings, mentioned in the Rigveda may have "formed the 'nucleus' of story" of the Kurukshetra War in the Mahabharata.

None of these conclusively say. But that possibility nicely fits into the time period.
@seek10 , my understanding of C's response is that the battle is one of the prototypes similar to the Atlantis war, not just the Atlantis war itself. At the time of canonising the texts, which I think occurred during the height of the Guptas period (circa 300 AD) , they would have taken all of the known material and invented some to put together a coherent story, although a lot of gaps are visible.

And, I also think that memory of a battle such as the "Battle of 10 kings" may not last for over 16K years, keeping in mind a full reset during the Atlantis flood therefore I postulate that its a much recent event. FWIW

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