Chakra Test


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
This was interesting to say the least.

EDIT: Meaningless fun:D


Root: open (44%)
Sacral: open (25%)
Navel: open (31%)
Heart: open (44%)
Throat: open (56%)
Third Eye: under-active (6%)
Crown: over-active (88%)
Strange test; undoubtedly meaningless.

Root: open (31%)
Sacral: open (31%)
Navel: open (69%)
Heart: open (50%)
Throat: over-active (75%)
Third Eye: open (63%)
Crown: over-active (81%)
Root: under-active (-25%)
Sacral: open (31%)
Navel: under-active (-81%)
Heart: under-active (0%)
Throat: under-active (-31%)
Third Eye: over-active (81%)
Crown: open (13%)

My goodness, I am really under-active. I don't think this is an accurate test, and might be a test just for fun. :rolleyes:
Root: under-active (-6%)
Sacral: open (38%)
Navel: open (63%)
Heart: open (69%)
Throat: open (69%)
Third Eye: open (69%)
Crown: over-active (94%)

The questions are kinda touchy-feely. Kinda vague and open to interpretation. Fun though.
Sure hope it's for fun. Apparently my third eye needs prescription glasses!

Root: under-active (13%)
Sacral: open (25%)
Navel: open (50%)
Heart: open (25%)
Throat: open (56%)
Third Eye: under-active (-13%)
Crown: open (38%)
Root: open (31%)
Sacral: open (25%)
Navel: open (19%)
Heart: open (50%)
Throat: over-active (75%)
Third Eye: over-active (75%)
Crown: open (44%)

Funny, apparently I'm too stupid to protect myself...or powerless...hmmmmm....
Root:open (44%)
Sacral:open (38%)
Navel:open( 44%)
Heart:open (38%)
Throat:open (38%)
Third Eye:open (69%)
Crown:open (44%)
Half-open everywhere, like a bouton What a fun!
Oh, it's sure for fun :)
these are my results, I tried to respond honestly but it is possible that some answers reflect what I want to be rather then what I am :P
I'm the only one to have a negative score for "sacral shakra" :o and 44% third eye! (n'importe quoi for this latter :) ).
Some questions are interesting, but reading the rest of the website they refer to shakras as to psychological traits. Is it the right concept?

Root: open (19%)
Sacral: under-active (-19%)
Navel: under-active (0%)
Heart: open (25%)
Throat: open (13%)
Third Eye: open (44%)
Crown: open (25%)
Root: under-active (-50%)
Sacral: open (38%)
Navel: open (19%)
Heart: open (50%)
Throat: open (38%)
Third Eye: open (50%)
Crown: open (56%)

Funny game :p
mkrnhr said:
I'm the only one to have a negative score for "sacral shakra" :o

not anymore!

Root: under-active (-6%)
Sacral: under-active (-13%)
Navel: open (38%)
Heart: open (31%)
Throat: over-active (75%)
Third Eye: under-active (0%)
Crown: open (63%)

this reflects my answers to the questionaire.

which of 'my' 'I's was giving the answers??
Root: under-active (6%)
Sacral: open (25%)
Navel: open (25%)
Heart: over-active (81%)
Throat: open (44%)
Third Eye: open (56%)
Crown: open (63%)
Root: under-active (-31%)
Sacral: under-active (6%)
Navel: under-active (6%)
Heart: open (13%)
Throat: open (19%)
Third Eye: open (38%)
Crown: open (19%)

Hmmm. Well, the weather changed.... :lol:
I should have just left the buttons in the middle field. I think this is more of a test of what you think your self image is rather than anything meaningful. Or it could mean I have much work to do?

Root: under-active (-25%)
Sacral: under-active (-25%)
Navel: under-active (-13%)
Heart: under-active (-25%)
Throat: under-active (-31%)
Third Eye: under-active (-19%)
Crown: under-active (-6%)
tractmec said:
I should have just left the buttons in the middle field. I think this is more of a test of what you think your self image is rather than anything meaningful. Or it could mean I have much work to do?

Just remember it's in the 'tickle me' section for a reason... ;)
I love this kind of stuff! Gives me pause for thought, even if is is just for fun!

Root: open 25%
Sacral: under-active 13%
Naval: open 38%
Heart: over-active 69%
Throat: over-active 69%
Third eye: open 56%
Crown: open 38%

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