Chaos and Unity: how do you handle it?


The Force is Strong With This One
The intellectual center, the Mind, loves to make sense of things in order to reason more clearly and to organize thoughts, intentions, and actions — a thought that has taken form.

Chaos, disorder, and randomness are really different concepts, often mixed together. It's not because one can't figure out a certain pattern or order in an environment or situation that it hasn't one.

Let's clarify this by laying out the base terms we'll be working with, then:
Lexico Wrote:
"The property of a complex system whose behavior is so unpredictable as to appear random, owing to great sensitivity to small changes in conditions."
Cambridge Wrote:
"A state of untidiness or lack of organization."
Merriam-Webster Wrote:
"Lacking a definite plan, purpose, rule, method, or pattern";

Organization and purpose are directly proportional. If there's no clear, distinct, well-outlined purpose, then there's no organization towards it. Now let's take a look at the following image:


Such is the "basal" state of one's mind, which can grossly be correlated to this plasma globe. In such "basal" state wherein there is no distinct potential difference in any point of the globe, rather in its whole volume. Therefore, the movement of the particles may seem random when, in fact, it's just in a state that lacks a definitive reference point.

Guess what happens with the flow inside one's mind, or in this example, inside this globe, when another reference point is inserted into this system? An ordered flow, a pattern, occurs due to the potential difference between the objects (or, for this matter, subjects) in the system.

Such flow dynamics are a principle of The Creation, which aren't restricted to physical experiments only. Any plan, objective, or, for this matter, desire, works as a potential difference, a reference point, from and to which one directs the flow of life that streams through one.

How about this processing of things, in life? Have you taken a look at a tree today? Let's give a simplified outline of its structure:


Now, this structure by itself can explain a lot of things, depending on one's particular perspective, frequency. At this juncture, let's take a look at the tree branches and their forking points. Aside from the fairly obvious similarity between this structure and a neuron, what is most important here is the trunk.

From and to the trunk stems all roots, all branches. The trunk is One.

Despite the fact that the branches may supposedly give the impression of a better sense of detailing, of refinement of The Creation, they all come from and to the trunk (for instance, in the logistics flux of the xylem and phloem in a tree); and also to and from its' roots.

Such are the reciprocal properties of individuals, be it within the micro/macro environment, within one's moving/still bodies, outwards/inwards a singularity, an individuality, a given SMC, etc.

If one is attached to the illusion of the branches, one might yield to the confusion of seemingly different points of view, perspectives. One might look at an other-self and see it from the standpoint of the difference, and not from the perspective of Unity.

The self-perpetuation and the "logic" of the illusion of separateness among individuals' lower centers occur, in practice, just like the further forking and the further compartmentalization of the branches in a tree. One could endlessly divide oneself endlessly as much as a branch from a trunk could theoretically keep branching endlessly, for such is the Infinite properties of The Creation.

However, in order to level up one's game, in order to graduate and learn the required lessons of The Creation, one will have, sooner or later, to learn the ways of Oneness. And, especially in 3D life, each individual's perspective towards their own self and other-selves is like the zoomed-in perspective of the tree's branches. Let's take a look at the so-called confusion that an individual in 3D life might have from 3D perspective towards one another:


This image is the same as the previous tree structure picture, just zoomed-in. Yet, it seems to be so different, doesn't it?

Look at the mess such zoomed-in perspective can cause to one's Self and also to The Creation: the moment any given branch from The One considers another-branch as different, or, rather, enemy or adversary, such branch might consider, for instance, a brilliant idea to nuke the "other" branch, from the illusory belief that, because the other-branch isn't perceived to be immediately connected with one's branch, then it must be separated from Unity.

This is what happens when the Self disagrees with other-Selves; when the Self fights other-Selves, it's basically the tree destroying itself. And, although everything is valid in The Creation, why would you indulge in such self-limiting behavior? Why would you rather postpone your own graduation by limiting your Self? Wouldn't you rather be better?

From a higher perspective, the so-called differences between individuals, often misunderstandings that beget karmic conflicts, might be pointless, absurd.
From a higher perspective, the obviousness of Unity might be prevalent. However, down here in 3D, individuals often glorify the differences and the illusion of separateness, due to a limited perception of the Unity that exists in all things, such as seen in the first tree structure image in comparison with the second zoomed-in image.

• How long would one like to spend one's conscious experience in 3D? Would one consider that being down here is the best possible service one can offer to The Creation as a Whole?

• How often though, on the other hand, when interacting with other-selves one might do it from a place of perceived hierarchical difference?

As often as one Wills to
, consciously or unconsciously, choose to tune in a limited frequency bandwidth of the Infinite that The Creation is.

Would you live only an infinitesimal fraction of what The Creation has to offer?

Would you believe that power to subjugate other-selves is an enhancement of The Creation; or rather, a self-imposed limitation — for if one wills only to serve self with supreme power, one is ironically limited to only serve others who also seek to serve only the self. Such individuals may inexorably crave for the oneness that they choose to prescind, unbeknownst to the fact that they themselves are the ones responsible for perpetrating the self-limiting illusion — to see only which one wants to see...!

It was once said that "there are no mistakes, however, there are surprises". Chaos is intrinsically correlated with such surprises, which may alter destiny itself.

There are chaotic properties of a complex system that is an individual, and, consequently, Earth: subtle, uncalculated outcomes within environments that completely alter the previously 'certainly' thought-to-be scenario, on both micro and macro scales.

As in for you: how do you handle this dialectic between Chaos and Unity?
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Hello, ephemerality.

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Hello Nienna.

Sure thing. The thread is made. Thank you for your instruction and welcome.
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