Choco-fat bomb video tutorial

Great Video Thank's for posting I'll see if I can try make some this weekend, can you use coconut oil in place of the the lard/tallow.

Sorry forgot to ask when i posted first but can you freeze that for later and eat it like ice cream ;D, would be nice to have this at hand when
running short on time.
aleana said:
Thank you for making the video. It was so well planned and each step very easy to follow. I found that my first attempts at making fat bombs using lard instead of coconut milk did not work well. Watching the process is so much more informative than trying to follow a recipe alone, particularly when one is not well versed in custard making!! :thup:

Also enjoyed watching how to use vanilla bean, as I have always just used extracts.

Great job! Loved the credits at the end and links to SOTT and the Forum!!

fwiw we had a bit of trouble with lard too, but we also had trouble with tallow, since we got the meat thermometer it's gone perfect every time! And we're yet to try it with lard. I remember Laura saying this on the keto recipes thread-

Laura said:
Chu noticed that there was a definite heat difference using lard. I think you can't heat it as much. And you may need a couple extra egg yolks.

Seaniebawn said:
Great Video Thank's for posting I'll see if I can try make some this weekend, can you use coconut oil in place of the the lard/tallow.

Sorry forgot to ask when i posted first but can you freeze that for later and eat it like ice cream ;D, would be nice to have this at hand when
running short on time.

Yeah you can definitely substitute for coconut oil, and yes you can freeze it, it's really handy if you make a big batch so double or triple the ingredients, then freeze it so you have ready made fatbomb for the whole week! Just remember to take it out maybe an 30 mins-1 hour before eating else you won't be able to get through it :D

happy fat bomb making :dance:
Cool I'll pick up some supplies tomorrow. i'll let you know how I get on. thank's again. I liked the fotcm symbol's in coca at the end :D
yeah that would be great, if you encounter any problems and it's common maybe we could add some notes the the video description.

Thankyou :D I made a stencil and then we sprinkled cocoa through it, I saw it done in a coffee shop once and thought it would look pretty cool :cool2:
Brilliant, Thanks and Well done - easy to follow video.

I just posted on your UTube site:

I was fortunate enough to have a private recipe demonstration. I can therefore personally vouch that this recipe is very tasty, very filling and sustaining. Do keep plenty in the freezer. Thanks so much JB & E. I so needed to see how it is done - keep them coming!

:bacon: :rockon:
Thorn said:
I'm glad you found it clear, that was what we tried to focus on most. We then got a bit excited with making the video look pretty haha

s-kur said:
Hey, that's good! Quite clarifying and looks very delicious :)

Yin Yan looks cool :cool2: Thanks for your work, guys! The next video will be about making Fat Bomb with layers? :D

You're very welcome! We'll get practising, what flavours would you like?

We were thinking of doing a beef and liver meatloaf video too?

I woild like to try it with a raspberry. I have some one frozen from summer, recently I've ordered a xylitol, and, probably, will try to make it with fibers of raspberry :) Like sweet lard with meat fibers.

It would be great if you simulate how to make a multicolor cake. Since there is a little probability I'll taste them, additional flavours is your preference :P

I didn't try a liver meatloaf so, can't voting for it :D
Thank you for making that video Thorn and Keyhole, so easy to follow. One thing I'm not sure of though is the ingredients at the beginning. The one where 1 tablespoon of cacao equals 5g. Would it be more like 15g for 1 tbls?

But I suppose it doesn't make much difference how much we put in, we can vary it according to our individual taste.

Thanks again, and I too like your accents. :)
thanks Thorn for sharing the video!Today we bought nearly 3 kilos of fat, so tomorrow we surely have dessert !!! :D
Thanks for the video, guys! Tried it once and didn't turn out too well, now watching the tutorial I can see what we did wrong, so we'll sure give the fat bomb abother try :cool:
Thank you for this helpful video! We were trying various recipes but always something was not right. Tomorrow I am going to follow your method and I'm sure this time we'll have much better results. :thup:
My last batch of fat bombs didn't turn out well, so thanks for posting your version. I'm excited to try it out anew. Excellent video guys!

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