The Living Force
I think the above should be amended or expanded a little:*According to EEQT if the expectations of the observer are close to the actual state of the system, the system jumps, more often than not, into more organized, less chaotic state.
I think the actual state of the system - what Ark probably referred to, is your subjective, localized region in the Universe. Your local energy environment - only as far as you can see, because the observer / You is not God, therefore you are limited, therefore technically you are always forced into the "subjective" niche by default. As you can only see a limited section of the Universe: a localized system energy state. When you are God, you become truly Objective, I think. So the actual state of the EEQT system, I think, technically must refer to your locality in the entire objective universe, which has all EEQT energy level states available / already attained.
I think You are a needle and this is what you do with your place in the Universe, when Ark describes "the system jumps":
EEQTs full range of 'system energy jump levels / states' are already available to God on the 'Complete Universe System' (the entire vinyl disk on below pic), I think. EEQT system jumps can be visualized in a simple, reduced way as the grooves on this full vinyl record below:
1. see as each groove ("scratch") represents a different EEQT energy level jump state of the system, I think.
2. And you are the pin / needle,
3. You can make yourself jump to a new EEQT energy-level = new groove = new energy state = new world = new timeline
In our subjective perception on 3rdD, I think, you perceive a completed 'EEQT system jump', as if your whole Being & World Energy State changed. Your outlook / Life changed: everything became new, exhilarating, newly energizing. For you the entire
the system jumps,
when you successfully raise your Being to become more objective = matching the new localized part (EEQT System Jump Target) [new groove on above pic] of the Objective Universe (Primary Reality) and you are rewarded with a system jump, better world. Because you (the hand on above pic) succeeded in lifting yourself (the pin on above pic) to a new EEQT System level = groove on above pic. On that new "system jump state" you have more energy. You read better news. You are on a better timeline, I think.into more organized, less chaotic state.
I think the system does care. The C's said "You are an experiment" and "expect it to happen". I think we all 'change EEQT states' on the Objective Conscious System of the Universe (complete vinyl record on the above image), where all possible EEQT energy level jumps (groves on above image) are already available & therefore already attained by others. I think all EEQT energy level jumps are / should be referred to as localized energy-environment changes.But is this anywhere close to the truth? Is this actually not another delusion? Or perhaps wishful thinking? Does any system care about the expectations of an observer and change state even if it is a conscious system?
Session 25 March 2017:
Q: (L) Well, the next logical question was: where does the so-called "sexual center" get ITS energy?
A: The sexual center is in direct contact with 7th density in its "feminine" creative thought of "Thou, I Love." The "outbreath" of "God" in the relief of constriction. Pulsation. Unstable Gravity Waves.
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