Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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voyageur said:
Funny how you mixed those two articles together (and they fit), angelburst29. Was reading about what you posted re the Ukraine financial woes. above (my god what they have done to the people via their economy) and their attempt at staying the debt via the High Court (a failure as to be expected), and than the article about "tank" competition. Ultimately, taken both together, the whole Ukrainian economy in in the tank, has tanked. So yeah, coming in last place in the tank competition matches their economy, and others countries are not far behind.

What a mess the West helped to create.

The Ukraine financial crises has deepen even further, as you pointed out Voyageur and it seems Poroshenko is Hell-bent of bringing the economy down on it's knees? All this money Ukraine has been receiving from IMF, in the form of installments is just going into the bank accounts of the elite? To make matters worse, Poroshenko just enacted harsh sanctions on the Internet. Maybe, he's hoping the restrictions will lead to large protests AND an excuse to use force - in militarily entering Donetsk and Lugansk? If McCain shows up in Ukraine again, that might be an indicator of trouble ahead?

The popular Russian social networks VK (VKontakte), Odnoklassniki and the internet service are on the list of entities sanctioned by Kiev, expended on Tuesday, according to the Ukrainian president's press service.

Russian Social Networks Among Entities Sanctioned by Ukraine

Approved by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC), the targeted sanctions on the social networks and the internet service will be in force for three years.

Earlier in the day, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko enacted the decision of the NSDC to expand the list of sanctioned Russian individuals and legal entities and to extend the duration of these sanctions.

The appendices to the NSDC decision indicate that the expanded anti-Russia sanctions list imposed by Ukraine includes 1,228 individuals and 468 legal entities, including Russian IT-companies Yandex, Kaspersky Lab and others.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s website is being showered with demands not to block access to popular Russian social networking sites VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, and IT companies, including the giant search engine Yandex.

Ukrainians See Red Over Poroshenko's Ban on Russian Social Media

The first petition, aptly called “Unblock Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and,” has already collected 417 votes out of the 25,000 needed for it to be considered by the head of state.

The blocking of Yandex, Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki is a violation of my rights and freedoms. To many in Ukraine they are more than just websites, they are part of their life. Please consider this petition and unblock them,” one such petition says.

The authors warn about the negative impact the decision to block Russian networking sites could have on Ukrainians.

Because the ban came so suddenly, the petitions have failed to collect enough votes. However, the organizers plan a series of large street protests this weekend.

Ukrainian sanctions imposed on Russian media outlets do not correspond to European values, German government spokesman Steffen Seibert said Wednesday.

Kiev Sanctions Against Russian Media Disagree With EU Values – German Gov't

Ukrainian sanctions imposed on Russian media outlets do not correspond to European values, German government spokesman Steffen Seibert said Wednesday.

"No, they do not," Seibert told reporters answering a question on whether Ukraine's sanctions correspond to EU values which EU membership candidates should share.

"This is a wrong wording of the question, it [Ukraine] is not a candidate for [EU] membership," the spokesman added, stressing that "media freedom in Europe is one of the most important values."

Fort Russ and its team of independent translators and analysts have been hit by yet another round of social media censorship.

Fort Russ Under Attack: Flores and Popov Blocked, Censorship Ongoing

On May 16th, Fort Russ Editor-in-Chief Joaquin Flores was slapped with an indefinite block on Facebook. Just six days ago, Fort Russ' Russian guest analyst, Dr. Eduard Popov, was also hit with another lengthy Facebook ban for sharing "extremist" material...from November 2015! Fort Russ' team members have also reported increasing problems with posting and sharing our articles on Facebook.

NSA and CIA collaborator Mark Zuckerberg shows no signs of letting up the war on independent media.

These are not the first such incidents, and definitely won't be the last. Ever since the "Fake News" hysteria began in the US in late 2016 and Fort Russ was featured on the PropOrNot list spread by The Washington Post, Fort Russ has faced a skyrocketing number of obstacles. Censorship and "Fake News" filters on social media and search engines have cut down our page views and strangled our outreach to global audiences.

Facebook/Mark Zuckerberg - elite financed Gatekeeper

Around 10 days ago, I opened Facebook only to find out that I couldn’t log in. A message from Facebook’s administration appeared which informed me that I’ve been blocked for a month for publishing “inadmissible” materials of an “extremist” bent. What “extremist” materials? What did I write that was so condemnable and “extremist”?

Does Big Brother speak Ukrainian?: Popov speaks out on Facebook block

My surprise knew no bounds when I learned the reason that drew Facebook’s wrath. The “problem” was a comment which I wrote…in November 2015. I’ll quote it from memory: “In Russian nationalist circles and among participants of the Russian March, shouts of ‘Glory to Ukraine’ were heard. Obviously, the numerous Ukrainian migrants in Russia are looking for ways to influence Russian movements and bring them over to pro-Ukrainian positions. This provocation can’t be allowed to succeed, and Ukrainians can’t be given the opportunity to organize a Maidan in Moscow via the hands of Russian nationalists.”

That’s it. I see nothing “extremist” here. And I especially see no grounds for some gentlemen (or Ukrainian gentlemen) from Facebook to punish users for “incorrect” publications. I have a PhD, I’ve authored and co-authored several monographs, hundreds of scholarly articles, and thousands of expert and freelance articles, including on the problem of modern Ukrainian neo-Nazism. Some ignorant Facebook administrators have no right to teach me what’s right and what’s wrong.

But that’s not all. This is the second “punishment” handed down to me by Facebook’s editors in a year! In late December, I was blocked for two months. The reason? I wrote a hard-hitting post about the guru of Ukrainian “national self-consciousness,” Taras Shevchenko, whom I do not consider to be a “poet” or a moral person as he is purported to be. Thus, I was blocked for criticizing “Kobzar” (how his Ukrainian disciples christen him). No matter that his followers murdered the Ukrainian writer and journalist Oles Buzina. Maybe they killed him for his book, The Vampire Taras Shevchenko.

My friends familiar with the rules of social media have since explained to me that Facebook’s Russian edition is controlled by Ukrainians. This is quite in the spirit of the Ukrainian “national idea” of crying copious tears over the tragedy of Ukrainian culture oppressed by the Empire while setting on fire anything and everything non-Ukrainian whenever Ukrainians have their own little “empire.”

Yesterday I was present at a meeting of the Czech Right in Prague at which I listened to a detailed report by a representative of France’s National Front on mechanisms of manipulating public opinion that were used to help Macron win. Unfortunately, I do not speak French or Czech, so I caught only fragments of this interesting report. But I did understand that shortly after Hillary Clinton’s defeat, the young genius Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, was summoned by his unnamed boss and ordered to more closely follow his social network’s content. Zuckerberg dutifully promised to carefully monitor posts and cut out “incorrect” publications. Perhaps Fort Russ’ readers might already know this, but I heard this for the first time. And this is in a country in which there is supposedly no strict hierarchy, and instead a maximum tolerance and rule of law.

Yet the prodigy Mark Zuckerberg is only a servant of Big Brother, and the Ukrainians from the Russian version of Facebook are obedient servants as well. Of course, besides Zuckerberg’s orders, they are pursuing their own goals in line with their tradition of Ukrainian subservience. Maybe Zuckerberg, an American Jew, has not heard that the illiterate drunk Shevchenko was a virulent anti-Semite?

Alas, what is to be done? Wait for new “punishments” or slam the door on Facebook? I believe that neither the first nor the second variant are a correct way out of the situation. I have 5,000 friends on Facebook and I work with numerous interesting and useful contacts on Facebook, including the editorial board of Fort Russ.

Perhaps the solution would be to create our own, alternative social network uncontrolled by Big Brother? But switching over an abandoning totalitarian Facebook would have to be a collective, not an individual move.

I’ve expressed my opinion without being an expert on the technical issues of social networks. Perhaps collective discussion will yield a more realistic and knowledgeable decision. What do you say, fellow Fort Russ readers?

Kiev is not considering the option of using force to regain control over the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, Ukrainian Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak said Wednesday.

Kiev Not Set for Using Force to Regain Control Over Donbass - Defense Minister

"We are not considering the issue of resolving the issue of seizing the territories of Lugansk and Donetsk by force," Poltorak told the Deutsche Welle broadcaster.

Ukraine's parliamentary faction "Opposition Bloc" introduced a bill seeking to cancel punishment for making or wearing Saint George ribbons, a symbol of World War II victory popular in the former Soviet countries, according to the parliament's website.

Ukraine Opposition Introduces Bill Decriminalizing St. George Ribbon

The bill proposes an amendment to the law approved by the parliament on Tuesday, which, if signed by President Petro Poroshenko, would introduce fines or arrest for making or wearing of the ribbon in Ukraine, with an exception made for war veterans whose medals or orders incorporate elements of the ribbon.

During the latest celebrations of the anniversary of World War II victory in Ukraine, several people were reportedly taken into police custody for wearing communism-related symbols forbidden in Ukraine. The Saint George ribbon was not forbidden at the time.

The symbol first became associated with the Victory Day celebrations in Russia in 2005.

The decision by the Ukrainian parliament to ban Russia's St. George's ribbon in the country will legitimize the actions of neo-Nazis on desecrating history and means the official "fascization" of the country, Deputy Speaker of the lower house of the Russian parliament Irina Yarovaya said Tuesday.

Kiev Ban on St. George Ribbons to Legitimize Actions of Neo-Nazis

"The prohibition of the St. George ribbon at the state level means official fascization since the main goal pursued… by the Ukrainian government in such immoral ways is to legitimize the actions of neo-Nazis and nationalists in desecrating historical memory and denying the outcomes of the Second World War, confirmed by the Nuremberg trials," Yarovaya stressed.

According to the lawmaker, Europe's calm regarding Ukraine's "lawlessness increasingly devalued European security."

I simply can't stand drunkenness in the army.

Ukrainian soldiers, disgusted with officers' drunken ways, pillory them with strapping tape (Photos)

After seeing a write-up in DONiPRESS, and in Politnavigator, we went to their source, the fb post of Yuri Misyagin, and translated...

Everyone has already seen these photos showing the major and the captain of the 54th brigade strapped to a post with strapping tape: they have been all over the internet for a week.

Now, at the 54th encampment, the commission of inquiry has returned. They are turning the 54th brigade inside out, looking for those who tied, who untied.

So you tell me, to what level should the respect for the officers fall, and what should the officer "do" to merit getting tied to a pole at the training ground ??

And I'll answer you ...

What uniform, and what honor are we talking about, if "the honor of the uniform" was plunging to a loss of heart rate and getting drunk in a ditch ?!

There, the major had more than .400 BAC after the blowdown. Yes, you did not misread, MORE than 4. It seems that after such a result a person is no longer among the living.***

The captain had a lower BAC than the major, but it still was off the scale. I remember him earlier on the Svetlodar arc. He is a new man in the brigade, but he managed to drink well.

Let the commission ask any of the fighters about these "officers," all will have one answer - avatars.

But no, the commission will "sit" on the site a week or two, turn everyone inside out and look for extreme ones.

May you be men. Go out and say: "Yes there is such a problem."

And throw them the fuck out of the army.

But then there are the journalists who covered the subject on the encampment, even some of the more distinguished :))

They presented these two as heroes of battles on the Svetlodarskaya arc.

Yes, heroes, with a BAC over 4.


BAC over 4 sometimes fatal: Blood Alcohol scale.
While Ukraine threatens to start confiscating Russian coal shipments to the country, claiming that they’re in fact originating from the restive Ukrainian region of Donbass, it remains unclear whether Kiev will actually follow up on these threats.

Don't Have It? Steal It! Ukraine Moves to Confiscate Coal Shipments From Donbass

Earlier Ukrainian Energy Minister Igor Nasalik issued directives to revenue and customs agencies to confiscate coal shipments originating from Donetsk and Lugansk regions – a decision prompted by an energy crisis that erupted following the economic blockade imposed against these territories by Ukrainian forces.

In late January, a group of former participants of Ukraine's military operation in Donbas blocked traffic on several segments of freight rail lines running from the territories uncontrolled by Kiev. The blockade led to irregularities in supplies of anthracite coal from Donbas, leading to power shortages in Ukraine and prompting Kiev to declare an energy emergency.

Journalist Oleg Obukhov however told RIA Novosti that Kiev merely seeks to solve the current coal shortage while spending as little money as possible.

Why bother trying to supply Ukraine with affordable coal when you can just confiscate the coal mined in Donbass. Head of Ukraine’s Ministry Energy Igor Nasalik has already sent the necessary directives to the fiscal service and to the customs, adding that the coal from Donbass is being shipped to Ukraine under the guise of Russian coal," he remarked.

According to Obukhov however, the claims about coal which is being shipped to Ukraine from Russia mined in Donbass are merely wishful thinking. Furthermore, Kiev appears unlikely to follow up on these threats, he added.

"Kiev understands that such a move may result in the complete termination of coal shipments from Russia. And Ukraine simply doesn’t have enough money to purchase coal from the US, Australia or Kazakhstan. Furthermore, Ukraine is the largest consumer of this particular type of coal, and it’s highly unlikely that any of the alternative suppliers would be willing to divert anthracite shipments to Ukraine at a moment’s notice," Obukhov surmised.

A blast hit the office of Ukraine's right-wing party The Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists.

Blast Hits Office of Ukraine's Right Wing Party in Kiev, No Casualties Resulted

An explosion hit the office of Ukraine's right-wing party The Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists in the country's capital of Kiev, local media reported.

According to Hromadske TV broadcaster, no one was injured. Unknown individuals threw a combat grenade into the building, the same reports suggested.

The police is investigating into the incident, according to the outlet.

Is it possible to commend your own tanks for breaking a ceasefire deal and praise Soviet weaponry while pursuing a strongly pronounced nationwide anti-USSR ideological purge? Yes, if we speak of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

Ceasefire? Be Damned! Poroshenko Sends Soviet T-80 Tanks to Donbass

Poroshenko posted bombastic footage of Ukraine's T-80 battle tanks on his Facebook page, accompanying it with the nationalistic #GloryToUkraine hashtag.

"Another batch of beautiful T-80 tanks will be sent to the Ukrainian Airmobile Forces on the front line! We are working further to reinforce our defensive capacity!"

However, with this apparently morale-boosting PR-stunt, President Poroshenko seems to be getting himself into a mess for at least two reasons:
First, as the video states, the caliber of the tank's gun is 125 millimeters, which means that its presence along the contact line in Donbass would violate the ceasefire agreement, which stipulates the withdrawal of heavy weapons such as artillery and tanks whose caliber exceeds 100 millimeters. This can hardly contribute to strengthening the fragile peace in the region.

Second, the T-80 is a vehicle designed in the Soviet Union (in service since 1976) — this fact calls into question the official de-Sovetization ideology in Ukraine Poroshenko himself initiated in May 2015. This manipultation-of-history policy is aimed at purging the country of all symbols from the Soviet period. However, while content to consign plaques, statues and street names dedicated to the USSR and the wartime accomplishments of the Red Army, the post-coup leader was happy to show off his "beautiful" hand-me-down military hardware, unaware of the logical disconnect. In a hypocritical double standard move, one landmark Soviet symbol is praised while others are buried in oblivion.

Earlier, Poroshenko had called for upgrading old battle tanks instead of acquiring new ones due to insufficient funds.

Crimean lawmaker Ruslan Balbek decried Poroshenko's saber-rattling.

"Instead of ‘doves of peace' the Ukrainian president is sending ‘war hawks' to Donbass. This public boasting of sending modernized T-80 tanks to the zone of the civil conflict means that words like ‘arms and victims' are music to the Ukrainian president's ears", Balbek told Sputnik.

He said that T-80 tanks are formidable weapons and "the Ukrainian authorities hope to quash the popular defense [in Donbass] by a mass armor attack."

"It's a pity that the pride of Soviet tank-building serves not to defend the fatherland but to fire upon civilians and ideological opponents," the Crimean MP observed.

Tensions continue to rise over Ukrainian legislative bills on control of the Russian Church. After the Patriarch of Russia asked the Pope to intervene, the Ukrainian ambassador was summoned to the Vatican.

The Pope summons Ukrainian ambassador to the Holy See

Pope Francis summoned the Ukrainian ambassador to the Holy See after controversial bills for the Russian Orthodox Church were proposed in Ukraine.

"The Vatican is concerned about the possibility of passing bills 4128 and 4511 [against the Russian Orthodox Church]. Our Ukrainian ambassador to the Vatican was summoned. The Vatican is fully supportive of the position expressed by Catholic Bishop Stanislav Chirokoraduk on this subject," -- posting of Nikolai Danilevich, archpriest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church under the Patriarchate of Moscow on his facebook page.

Stanislav Chirokoraduk, criticizing the Ukrainian legislative motives for the Orhodox Church, lamented on May 16: "How can such bills be proposed? If the Church exists, it has its own rules [...] It is a humiliation of the Church. "

On May 18, the Ukrainian Parliament postponed the vote on these bills sine die, failing a majority to get them accepted. One of them provided that religious organizations headed by an "aggressor State" - a term that Kiev currently uses to designate Russia - are obliged to agree with the Ukrainian authorities on the appointment of metropolitans and bishops, and to register with the Ukrainian authorities to be placed under surveillance.

The other bill proposes to change the "Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations" to define belonging to a religious community on the basis of "self-identification." In other words, a sufficiently large group of faithful in a parish would be able to change the confession of a church.

The Russian Orthodox Church denounced these bills and the Russian Patriarch Kirill even called on the Pope, the UN, and world leaders to intervene.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church attached to the Patriarchate of Moscow comprises the majority of Orthodox parishes in Ukraine. Some Orthodox churches in the country are controlled by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate, and the Ukrainian Orthodox Autocephalous Church, which are not recognized by the Orthodox Churches, which encompass the majority of the Orthodox Churches in the world.
Determination of the Earths Magnetic Field Gradients from Satellites Measurements and Their Inversion over the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly
Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering
Corresponding Author: Taylor PT Planetary Geodynamics Laboratory NASA/ GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
Received date: June 09, 2016; Accepted date: June 29, 2016; Published date: June 31, 2016
Source of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly
The exploitation of iron deposits has a great economic importance. The Kursk Magnetic Anomaly is located 400 km south of Moscow it is one of the largest magnetic anomaly on Earth. The Proterozoic iron ore deposits are located in a NNW-SSE oriented complex syncline which is superimposed on the Voronezh Bulge anteclise. The Voronezh Bulge is bordered by the Ryazan-Saratov and Pripyat-Dnieper-Donetsk aulacogens Shchipansky and Bogdanova [1]. The extent of the anomaly is approximately 190,000 km2 and its crustal depth is between 0.5 - 3.0 km. According to Heiland [2] the anomaly was discovered by Smirnov in 1874. The discussion of the anomaly is described by the early works of Lasareff [3], Haalck [4] and more recent investigations by Lapina [5], Taylor and Frawley [6], and Rotanova [7]. Due to its extent and large magnetization it can be detected by satellite measurements (Magsat, Taylor and Frawley 1987; The resultant magnetization is 3 Am-1 (Taylor and Frawley [6]. Our inversion computations are based on their value. The direction of the resultant magnetization is 47° East declination 67° down inclination. The Kursk magnetic anomaly was computed 324 km altitude from CHAMP measurements Figure 1 Kis et al. [8].

Ukrainian shelling destroys home, injures woman as fighting goes on in Donbass (Kominternovo, DPR) (2:39)
Published on May 19, 2017

3 Civ. injured as Ukraine forces opened fire on Trudovsky Donetsk (1:55)
Patrick Lancaster May 24 2017
Ukraine forces opened fire on Trudovsky Petrovsky district of Donetsk, injured:
At the bus station "Trudovskie" - Soldatov Vladimir Ivanovich, born in 1953, Delivered to GB No.14. City of Donetsk.
Along Sokolovskogo Street 6 apt. 51 - Shilina Lyudmila Vladimirovna, born in 1953, Delivered to the DOCTM of the city of Donetsk.
Along Sokolovsky Street 6 apt. 45 - Tatyana Nikolaevna, born in 1975 Delivered to GB No. 14. City of Donetsk.

The Duran
Ukrainian parliamentarian sees Hitler as a role model
May 25 2017
The Ukrainian regime is about to pass into law, a bill which will totally shut down Russian language media in the country, in spite of many people in the country who speak Russia as their first language. This includes both important media and locally produced Russian shows and news bulletins.

While the move has been praised by many, one member of the neo-Nazi Radical party thinks otherwise. His justification though is all the more frightening.

Igor Mosiychuk has said that the Nazis spoke to conquered peoples in their native tongues in order to create more effective propaganda.

Mosiychuk continued,

“Because when Hitler occupied Ukraine, he addressed us not in German but in Ukrainian, in Russian – to our great-grandfathers and grandfathers”.

Only under the openly fascist Ukrainian regime, can one praise the propaganda techniques of Adolf Hitler from a seat of power.

Russia: EU-Ukraine visa agreement is 'theatre of the absurd' - Zakharova
Published on May 25, 2017
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova termed the visa-free regime between Ukraine and the European Union a "theatre of the absurd", speaking at her weekly briefing in Moscow, Thursday.
She commented on the high interest of the US media, in particular CNN TV channel to the Russian Ambassador to US Sergei Kislyak, who has been called "upper-class spy and recruiter" multiple times for the last months. "This is despite a large number of retractions we have been providing and despite the fact that the Russian and the US authorities have been refuting this information as well," underlined Zakharova

May 23, 2017

Drones & Helicopters: Watch Russian Special Intelligence Unit (FSB) Drills (1:12)
May 26, 2017
c.a. said:
Determination of the Earths Magnetic Field Gradients from Satellites Measurements and Their Inversion over the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly
Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering
Corresponding Author: Taylor PT Planetary Geodynamics Laboratory NASA/ GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
Received date: June 09, 2016; Accepted date: June 29, 2016; Published date: June 31, 2016
Source of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly
The exploitation of iron deposits has a great economic importance. The Kursk Magnetic Anomaly is located 400 km south of Moscow it is one of the largest magnetic anomaly on Earth. The Proterozoic iron ore deposits are located in a NNW-SSE oriented complex syncline which is superimposed on the Voronezh Bulge anteclise. The Voronezh Bulge is bordered by the Ryazan-Saratov and Pripyat-Dnieper-Donetsk aulacogens Shchipansky and Bogdanova [1]. The extent of the anomaly is approximately 190,000 km2 and its crustal depth is between 0.5 - 3.0 km. According to Heiland [2] the anomaly was discovered by Smirnov in 1874. The discussion of the anomaly is described by the early works of Lasareff [3], Haalck [4] and more recent investigations by Lapina [5], Taylor and Frawley [6], and Rotanova [7]. Due to its extent and large magnetization it can be detected by satellite measurements (Magsat, Taylor and Frawley 1987; The resultant magnetization is 3 Am-1 (Taylor and Frawley [6]. Our inversion computations are based on their value. The direction of the resultant magnetization is 47° East declination 67° down inclination. The Kursk magnetic anomaly was computed 324 km altitude from CHAMP measurements Figure 1 Kis et al. [8].

WOW! That's an amazing piece of information, C.a.! How in the World did you come across that? Very interesting?

I went to the link, to read more about the magnetic anomaly but I have to "admit" - it's beyond my scope of understanding. I mean, I "get it" to a certain point and then I get lost. Like this part ....

These deposits contain considerable qualities of iron in siliceous banded structures. One theory is that the iron originated from marine and submarine volcanic activities or the possible from mantle plumes near the sea bottom. The precipitation of iron depends on the redox conditions of the environment, since the reduced Fe (II) remains as a liquid while the oxide Fe (III) precipitates in anoxic setting. The formation of iron deposits was prevented by the Great Oxidation Event ca. 2.4 Ga. The reductive environment of the hydrosphere ended and the oxygen content increased. This event was due to the decline of volcanic activities. The production of BIF’s may have reached a maximum at ca 1.85 Ga, since the magmatic activity was greater at this time. The composition of BIFs and GIFs indicates that it is probably of submarine origin.

The whole article is a good read .... although I'll have to really study the information - to make heads or tails, of it? Not well versed in this kind of stuff. But I find the information fascinating. One question that comes to mind, "How does this magnetic anomaly affect the wildlife and human's around this area?" Guess, I'll have to study this more - to get a better understanding? Really interesting.
angelburst29 said:
WOW! That's an amazing piece of information, C.a.! How in the World did you come across that? Very interesting?

I went to the link, to read more about the magnetic anomaly but I have to "admit" - it's beyond my scope of understanding. I mean, I "get it" to a certain point and then I get lost. Like this part ....

These deposits contain considerable qualities of iron in siliceous banded structures. One theory is that the iron originated from marine and submarine volcanic activities or the possible from mantle plumes near the sea bottom. The precipitation of iron depends on the redox conditions of the environment, since the reduced Fe (II) remains as a liquid while the oxide Fe (III) precipitates in anoxic setting. The formation of iron deposits was prevented by the Great Oxidation Event ca. 2.4 Ga. The reductive environment of the hydrosphere ended and the oxygen content increased. This event was due to the decline of volcanic activities. The production of BIF’s may have reached a maximum at ca 1.85 Ga, since the magmatic activity was greater at this time. The composition of BIFs and GIFs indicates that it is probably of submarine origin.

The whole article is a good read .... although I'll have to really study the information - to make heads or tails, of it? Not well versed in this kind of stuff. But I find the information fascinating. One question that comes to mind, "How does this magnetic anomaly affect the wildlife and human's around this area?" Guess, I'll have to study this more - to get a better understanding? Really interesting.

I've always found that the subject of magnetic anomalies are rather interesting, due to there possible connection's, with planetary lay lines.

MA's (Magnetic Anomalies), cover and intersect at different points around the planet, and are sort of multifaceted. In the sense that certain geographic location point's may be portals, of Paranormal, and or UFO activity's. Also very strange gravitational distortions.

So i was just surfing the web and came across this research paper, and thought the the same thing, "WOW" a natural resource with that volume. Here come's the USA, NATO, coalition and (all those that would kill to steal it). Which rightfully belongs to Russia. It is a vast deposit of iron ore. Which makes the criminal campaigns against Donnabas (Ukrainian) even more fierce as we are witnessing.

Extra credit must also be extended to the sessions for peaking my interest with said subject back in the day (TYVM). ;)

Could not find much that substantiates my claim of UFO activity. It's obviously being more of a resource war against Russia, by the modern day criminal cartel claim jumper's.

Cigar-Shaped UFO Over Korosten, Ukraine Mar 7, 2014
_ said:
Ukraine: Fascist Hit Squads Attack Opposition Leaders Vitrenko and Marchenko

On May 9, the neo-Nazi "National Corps" (former Azov Battalion unit) staged a new attack on Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (PSPU) leaders Dr. Natalia Vitrenko and Vladimir Marchenko. On that day of commemoration of victory over fascism in 1945, these two leading anti-fascists in Ukraine, both of them former members of Parliament, heard their doorbells ring and threatening voices outside in the hallways. Gangs from the neo-Nazi "National Corps Party," formerly a unit of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion under the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, were attempting to break down the doors of their apartments. During a five-hour stand-off, police refused to remove the attackers forcibly. The neo-Nazis declared that their purpose was to prevent Vitrenko and her PSPU from holding Victory Day rallies or other ceremonies on that day.

Vitrenko is famous not only for her nearly quarter-centurylong battle against the murderous imposition of neoliberal monetarist economic policies, but also for warning for two decades of an insurgent fascist movement in Ukraine, marching under Nazi-derived banners and those of Ukrainian 20th-century fascist Stepan Bandera’s Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists.

_ said:
Ukrainian regime on verge of creating famine in TransnistriaHaving failed to starve Donbass, Kiev is now attempting to starve a region that is not now and never has been part of the Republic of Ukraine.

Not content with blockading Donbass, a blockade was has largely been a failure do to Donbass’s self sufficiency and border with Russia where aid and food frequently flow in, the Ukrainian regime has now imposed a total foodstuffs blockade against Transnistria.
Is another Maidan in the offering as the conflicting interests of the elite intensifies?

Did Semenchenko just signal the start of a Nazi Maidan?
May 26, 2017 - Fort Russ -
By Eduard Popov - translated by J. Arnoldski -

Verkhovna Rada deputy, ex-commander of the Donbas volunteer battalion, and coordinator of the blockade of the self-proclaimed Donbass republics, Semen Semenchenko, has announced that the biggest Ukrainian oligarchs’ enterprises are to be returned to state ownership. In an interview for Ukrainian, he stated: “We are creating a staff and proposing a new format for unifying efforts for civil society. What task is to be set for the second stage of the blockade? Our first task is returning Akhmetov and other oligarchs’ enterprises to state ownership wherever they do not fulfill investment obligations.”

Semenchenko named the Burshtyn fuel and energy station in Ivano-Frankivsk region, which is part of Rinat Akhmetov’s Donetsk Fuel and Energy Company, his first target. When asked what exactly activists intend to do with the enterprise, Semenchenko said simply: “take it.” “We’re just going to physically take it. We will force the government to take it over as state property,” he remarked. Semenchenko also claimed that the businessmen Dmitry Firtash’s “enterprises which he seized in the 2000's need to be taken."

The jist of this news staring us in the face is that Semenchenko seems to understand fighting the oligarchs to be mean fighting only against the property of Rinat Akhmetov and partially Dmitry Firtash, as if the rest of the oligarchs in Ukraine can sleep peacefully for now. A war has been declared on the oligarchs not as such, but only against those inconvenient representatives of this class. After all, Firtash has been vividly engaged in preparing a campaign against Poroshenko, and Akhmetov’s main fault might be his economic state - no matter how hard the business empire of this “King of Donbass” has been hit, he still maintains the largest chunks of property and considerable political weight in both Ukraine and Donbass. He even has a numerous clientele base in the very top leadership of the Donetsk People’s Republics. In Kiev, he controls a fraction of the Opposition Bloc in the Verkhhovna Rada.

A testimony has surfaced in Ukrainian media claiming that Akhmetov have reached an agreement with Poroshenko on common rules of the game and the fact that they have common enemies. Lacking any other accounts, it could also be presumed that the attack on Akhmetov has been initiated by Poroshenko, and that this is being done through the hands of his enemies from opposition financial-political groups. The latter narrative is, in my opinion, more likely. Even people from Semenchenko’s own entourage have said that he is an ordinary mercenary who fulfills the orders of whatever oligarchic group approaches him.

To be clear, I do not believe that this is Semenchenko himself’s initiative. Someone more intelligent and wielding more money stands behind it - either an oligarch or someone from the upper echelon of the Ukrainian government.
The customer might be a key minster or group of regional barons with large holdings that are undermining not only Akhmetov, but also President Poroshenko. Some day we will learn the name or names of who is behind this action. But in my opinion, this is not the main point.

Even if this campaign was initiated with the altogether moderate goal of striking at Akhmetov personally and robbing him of all or part of his economic assets, still the whole socio-economic model of Ukrainian oligarchic capitalism is impacted. Similar to how the Euromaidan, from the very first day, meant the inevitable split of Ukraine into West and East, so does Semenchenko’s idea thus initiate nothing more nor less than a third, Nazi Maidan. Let me explain what I mean.

Every oligarch in Ukraine - and Akhmetov, of course, is no exception - has their own private army. But if we hone in on the popular slogan of fighting oligarchs, then we see that the coercive resources of the Nazis are much stronger than the private armies of this or that individual oligarch. The Nazi camp, however, is not uniform, and is riddled with acute, intra-Nazi struggles. But Semenchenko’s initiative might draw the interest of competitors insofar as it promises obvious political and perhaps even financial gain. Let us recall that the Azov regiment and its political “wing”, the National Corpus Party, initially did not support the blockade of Donbass and even clashed with supporters of the blockade from other Nazi groups. But in the end, all of them united for the sake of a common, conditional goal.

Something similar might be repeated in this case. Stripping the oligarchs of the property they stole would be a de facto realization of one of the Euromaidan’s main slogans. In addition, such is also excellent training for a future Nazi Maidan and would work to popularize their forces among broad swathes of the population. If the threat is backed up with action, then the Nazis’ admirers among Ukrainians will dramatically increase in numbers. In fact, an attack on even just one oligarch’s enterprises would be met with approval by broad circles of Ukrainian society no matter what their attitude is towards the Nazis or Semenchenko personally. Such would be a blow to the oligarchy as such, and to the regime, on top of which also sits an oligarch - President Petro Poroshenko.

Thus, Semenchenko’s words should be taken seriously not only by Akhmetov, but by President Poroshenko and all of the Ukrainian oligarchs.
Defense Ministry said that Ukrainian servicemen have arrived in Hohenfels Training Area in Germany to take part in the multinational Combined Resolve 8 military drills, which will take place throughout the next three weeks.

Ukrainian Military to Take Part in Multinational Drills in Germany - Ministry

Ukrainian servicemen have arrived in Hohenfels Training Area in Germany to take part in the multinational Combined Resolve 8 military drills, which will take place throughout the next three weeks, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry said Saturday.

"Ukraine's military will take part in multinational Combined Resolve 8 drills throughout the next three weeks. During the exercise, they will undergo classes over how to take care of the terrain and buildings, demining on foot and by car," the ministry said.

According to the statement, the Ukrainian servicemen from a joint integrated unit of the Operational Command South will also carry out tasks within a US Armed Forces tank unit in order to enhance the compatibility of forces and strengthen partnership relations.

In January, the Ukrainian parliament adopted a law allowing foreign troops to be present in the country in 2017 to participate in multinational drills. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko asked the parliament to approve his decision on the admission of foreign troops to the territory of Ukraine to participate in the Ukrainian-US drills Sea Breeze-2017 and the Rapid Trident-2017.

The document outlines the admission of the US military, military of other NATO member states and the countries participating in the NATO's Partnership for Peace program totaling up to 3,000 personnel with weapons and military equipment, up to six aircraft and helicopters for up to 365 days in January-December 2017.

Russian Deputy Defense Minister Gen. Dmitry Bulgakov stated that the Russian Railway Troops almost finished the grading works as part of the construction of a railroad bypassing Ukraine.

Russia Railway Troops to Finish Grading Works for Road Bypassing Ukraine in June

The Russian Railway Troops have finished 97 percent of the grading works as part of the construction of a railroad bypassing Ukraine and are expected to finalize the process in June, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Gen. Dmitry Bulgakov said Saturday.

"As of now 97 percent of grading works, which amounts to 9.6 million cubic meters [33 billion cubic feet], has been finished. The remaining works amounting to 100 cubic meters will be finished in June," Bulgakov told reporters after arriving in Russia's Voronezh Region to check the progress of the work.

The construction of the railroad to connect Russia's Rostov and Voronezh regions bypassing the Ukrainian territory was launched in 2015. The decision was taken against the background of the conflict in Ukraine to ensure security of passengers and cargo transportation.

The railroad to connect Russia's Rostov and Voronezh regions bypassing the Ukrainian territory will become operational in August, according to Russian Deputy Defense Minister Gen. Dmitry Bulgakov.

Stretch of Russian Rail Road Bypassing Ukraine to Become Operational in August

The Zhuravka-Millerovo stretch of Russia's double-track electrified rail road bypassing Ukraine will become operational in August 2017, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Gen. Dmitry Bulgakov said Saturday.

"The pace of laying the upper structure of the rail road on the stretches entrusted to the Defense Ministry allows us to complete these works in accordance with the schedule. The rail road will become operational in August," Bulgakov told reporters after arriving in Russia's Voronezh Region to check the progress of the work.

LPR Interior Ministry filed some 400 reports on missing people whose documents could be used by Ukrainian Security Service, the republic’s Interior Minister Igor Kornet told a news briefing on Thursday.

400 LPR Residents Missing Or In Nazi Ukraine Junta Prisons, Their Documents Now Being Used By SBU Gestapo Agents To Infiltrate Our Republics

“Cover stories are widely used by Ukrainian secret services, but they’re going the easy way by abducting people and using their documents to infiltrate into our territory,” Kornet said.

Ukraine’s Security Service often resorts to such practice.

“We have some 400 reports on missing people (LPR residents – eds Lugansk Media Centre),” that belong to such cases, the interior minister said.

“We’re continuing to work on it, we identify such documents on people crossing the contact line, the work never stops,” he said.

Earlier, LPR Interior Ministry said Ukrainian saboteurs used documents of LPR residents who were illegally held in Ukrainian prisons.
The 72nd and 92nd mechanized brigades used tanks, grenade launches and small arms, said spokesman of the operations command in the self-proclaimed DPR Eduard Basurin

Ukrainian military launch more than 180 shells, mines on Donetsk within one day

The Ukrainian military over the past 24 hours launched more than 180 shells and mines on Donetsk and its suburbs, spokesman of the operations command in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) Eduard Basurin said on Sunday.

"The enemy opened fire mostly on Donetsk, where from positions of the 72nd and 92nd mechanized brigades were launched 43 shells of 152 and 122mm calibers, 144 mines of 120 and 82mm calibers," the Donetsk news agency quoted him. "Besides, the military used tanks, grenade launchers and small arms."

He said, under fire were also Styla, Krutaya Balka, Yakovlevka, Yasnoye, Yasinovataya, Dokuchayevsk, Spartak, Staromikhalovka, Zhabichevo, the area of the former airport in Donetsk and the city’s Petrov district.

Earlier on Sunday, the republic’s command reported the Ukrainian military over the past 24 hours more than 40 times violated the ceasefire as they shelled 18 settlements. The military used rocket launchers, artillery, tanks, mortars, weapon of infantry fighting vehicles, armored vehicles, grenade launchers and small arms, the source added. Administration of the republic’s Novoazov district reported electricity and gas supplies’ disruptions after the shelling.

According to Stoltenberg, by supporting the separatists in eastern Ukraine, Russia "violates a core principle - the respect for territorial integrity of all European nations"

Stoltenberg says Russia needs to stop supporting Donbass to improve relations with NATO

In order to improve relations with NATO, Russia should stop supporting Donbass, the alliance’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in an exclusive interview with TASS ahead of the NATO summit due on May 25.

"If Russia starts to respect the Ukrainian borders, not undermining by supporting, and financing, and funding, and helping those separatists, then it will be perhaps the most important signal step towards improved relationships," he said.

According to Stoltenberg, "Russia has to understand, that when they continue to use military force by supporting, helping the separatists in eastern Ukraine, they every day violate a core principle - the respect for territorial integrity of all European nations." "This is something that NATO has to make sure do not happen against any NATO-allied country," he added.

When commenting on NATO’s decision to deploy four multinational battalions to the Baltic states and Poland, Stoltenberg said that "this is not to provoke conflict, this is to prevent conflict."

In response to a question concerning the territorial integrity of Cyprus, a part of which has been occupied by Turkey, a NATO member state, since 1974, Stoltenberg said that "Northern Cyprus is not annexed by any other country in Europe." "Russia is using force to change borders, that’s exactly my point," he added.

Since the beginning of the civil war in eastern Ukraine, Russia has been repeatedly denying accusations of interfering in the conflict. Besides, Moscow has called on NATO countries to provide evidence to prove their accusations.

Kiev has announced the adoption of a new energy strategy allowing them to completely abandon the use of anthracite coal by 2019. Experts warn that the strategy will increase Ukraine's dependence on electricity from its aging Soviet-era nuclear power plants, and that the plants may not be able to withstand the increased pressure.

Kiev's Plan to Increase Strain on Nuclear Plants Risks Chernobyl 2.0 Scenario

Late last week, Ukrainian Energy Minister Igor Nasalik confirmed that Kiev had approved a new Concept 'on the Reform and Development of the Coal Industry', which "provides for the complete replacement of anthracite coal used by power plants" with other energy sources by 2019.

Ukraine has faced problems in the supply of the anthracite coal, crucial to the country's network of coal-fired thermal power plants, from the breakaway Donbass region. In spite of the civil war in the region, the breakaways continued to sell anthracite to Kiev until January, when Ukrainian radicals initiated a makeshift 'blockade', and which authorities have since agreed to tacitly approve.

Since then, Kiev has been forced to introduce emergency measures to prevent rolling blackouts across the country. Six of the country's fifteen thermal power plants, including the Tripolskaya Plant, which supplies Kiev with electricity, operate exclusively on anthracite. In the spring, shortages forced five of the plants to halt operations, with electricity generated by nuclear power picking up the slack.

Nasalik's new strategy to abandon anthracite altogether seems to mean that the hoped for deal for American anthracite coal has fallen through.

This leaves nuclear power. Ukraine's four Soviet-era nuclear power plants and their fifteen reactors already generate over 60% of Ukraine's electricity. Experts warn that putting excessive strain on the aging plants could ultimately lead to a man-made disaster, the consequences of which would be dire not just for Ukraine itself, but for Russia and Europe as well.

Asked to comment on the Ukrainian Energy Ministry's latest scheme, Alexander Pasechnik, a senior analyst at the Moscow-based National Energy Security Fund, believes that Kiev's moves are simply illogical.

Speaking to Svobodnaya Pressa, a Russian news and analysis portal, Pasechnik said that Kiev's main problem is that political considerations are more important than economic ones.

The issue is not only one of technology, but of finding a replacement scheme," the analyst explained. "Obviously, Ukrainian authorities do not want to use coal from Donbass, which is still being sent to them, only through alternative channels…The alternatives left to Kiev are the worst available options in the commercial sense. But for political reasons, Ukraine is ready to overpay considerably, and to spend several years restructuring the country's entire thermal power generation system."

Pasechnik clarified that all the alternative sources of coal supplies, including the US, Australia or South Africa, each cost a minimum of several hundred million dollars more than supplies from Russia or the Donbass, in part due to the extreme distances they have to travel to reach the Eastern European country.

The expert lamented that rather than looking for ways to improve the country's already somber economic prospects, or to improve efficiency of government spending, Kiev seems intent on making choices which artificially raise costs, without any advantages whatsoever.

"By the way, the same thing is happening with gas," Pasechnik added. "Instead of buying gas directly from Russia, they buy the same Russian gas from Europe, and admit themselves that they overpay up to $30 per thousand cubic meters. The same thing will happen with the coal."

As for the Ukrainian energy minister's latest promise – to end dependence on anthracite, including through the overhaul of Ukraine's power plants to use other grades of coal, here too a great deal of investment would be needed, Pasechnik said. In this case, logic would dictate that additional sources of coal would first have to be found, and its price determined, before the overhaul of plants begins. Whether Kiev actually follows through with this kind of cost-benefit analysis is another story.

For his part, Alexander Frolov, the deputy director of the Russian National Energy Institute, said that Kiev simply does not have the resources to convert its anthracite plants to operate using other forms of coal. In fact, he said, the only logical 'conversion' would factually require the construction of new plants.

"2019 is an election year in Ukraine, and there is a likelihood that the current president will not remain in his post," Frolov said. "For this reason, the country's leaders can promise anything and everything after 2019 –that they will repay all the country's debts, raise pensions, give out 1,000 euros to every citizen, etc. The promise to convert the country's network of thermal power plants from anthracite to other kinds of coal is from this same series."

At the same time, the analyst admitted that perhaps there is a grain of truth behind Kiev's plans. "This is connected to the fact that energy consumption in Ukraine has already declined sharply, and continues to decline. The fewer consumers there are – the fewer large industrial enterprises there are, the less energy resources are needed, including coal. Against this background, it's possible for them to simply give up anthracite."

But in all other instances, Frolov stressed that "it is physically impossible to reject anthracite and transfer power plants to operate on other grades of coal…Ukraine does not have either the time, the money, the specialists, or the equipment to do this. Coal-powered power plants are a very peculiar thing. If you stop working with them in a proper manner, even for a short period – if you use other fuels, or don't invest in repair and modernization, they can quickly be lost."

Ultimately, the expert emphasized that as a rule, revamping coal-fired power plants really amounts to the construction of new plants, and the closure of old ones, not conversion of existing plants. "Therefore, it seems to me that all the statements by the Ukrainian energy minister are either merely PR and empty promises, or the sincere expectation that the number of consumers will decrease to such an extent that power stations using anthracite are simply no longer needed," Frolov concluded.
Putin stills offers aid.

Putin says hopes for soonest settlement of conflict in eastern Ukraine

BENAULIM /Goa, India/, October 16. /TASS/. Further talks in the Normandy Four format on the settlement in Donbass can be held only when there are real chances to clinch the agreements, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday, commenting on a possible meeting of the Normandy Four leaders in Berlin.
"I hope it [the conflict in Donbass - TASS] will not last forever and I hope all these problems will be solved the soonest possible," he said.
He noted that the German and French leaders share the position that a Berlin meeting would be expedient only if their aides who had met on Saturday and Sunday in Minsk would promote dialogue to be able to clinch the agreements. If it is not reached, the meeting between the Normandy Four leaders would be too early, Putin said.
Russia is ready to provide Ukraine with industrial support
Ukraine is facing degradation and deindustrialization but Russia is ready to extend its industrial assistance - in case the Ukrainian side demonstrates its interest in that, Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized:
"As for UKraine, we see what is going on there. Regrettably, se wee degradation, deindustrialization, as we have warned. We are ready to shift our demand to use the possibilities of the Ukrainian industry, including cooperation to retool the Ukrainian defense and civilian industries, any minute as soon as our Ukrainian partners what it," Putin told journalists after the BRICS summit. "But only in case, I would like to repeat it once again, when out partners create corresponding conditions."
Oleksander Turchinov, the head of Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council, a powerful advisory body to the Ukrainian president, has proposed building "an insurmountable fortress" on Ukraine's border with Russia. Russian commentators laughed themselves to tears over Kiev's latest maniacal proposal.

Not-so-Great Wall: Kiev to Turn Russian Border Into 'Insurmountable Fortress'

In a statement addressed to Ukraine's Border Guard Troops on the occasion of their national holiday, Turchinov said that while the country's border with the EU should be made into a convenient and reliable one, and equipped in accordance with Western standards, the eastern border with Russia must become "an insurmountable fortress."

Today, it is important to equip the state border in the West according to European standards – [making it] a convenient and reliable one, and in the East –to create an insurmountable fortress. I am confident that our border guards will adequately fulfill all the tasks set by the country!" the official said.

Turchinov made the remarks during the celebration of Border Guard Day on Sunday, a holiday that is also celebrated in Russia, and has its origins in the Soviet period (a period in history that Ukraine's post-Maidan leaders openly despise).

This isn't the first time Ukrainian officials have voiced grand ambitions about building a 'great barrier' along the frontier with Russia.

In 2014, former Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk started work on a border 'wall' (really a glorified fence) on the country's eastern border. Once completed, the layered defense system was supposed to feature 1,900 km worth of fencing, observation towers, signaling, communications and surveillance systems, remote control combat modules, anti-tank ditches and fortifications.

During Yatsenyuk's term in office, the eastern border fence became one of the then-new post-Maidan government's biggest projects, with a price tag of over $200 million. Eventually, the project broke out in scandal after it was discovered that much of the money meant for the barrier was simply stolen.

Moreover, sections of the 'wall' designated complete turned out to be nothing more than bare metal fences, which without active upkeep had simply become overgrown with weeds, blending into the surrounding environment. Ukrainian lawmaker Borislav Bereza called the laughing stock of a project a "garden wire netting [that] wouldn't even stop a rabbit."

Earlier this year, officials in Kharkov Region, where a large chunk of the wall was supposed be built, announced that work on the project, dubbed
the 'European Rampart', had been halted due to lack of funds.

As for Yatsenyuk, he resigned in disgrace in April 2016 amid a massive corruption scandal that had broken out three months earlier. In February, Yatsenyuk returned to to the spotlight to give President Donald Trump advice on building a border wall with Mexico.

In the meantime, Russian commentators have already taken to social media with jokes about Turchinov's proposal.

Officers of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) have raided Yandex offices in Kiev and Odessa, the Russian company has reported.

Violent Censorship: Ukrainian Security Service raids Yandex offices

“We do not yet have any information on the reasons behind the SBU’s actions today. Lawyers are already on their way to our offices. As part of legal procedures, we are ready to provide authorities with the needed information,” the company’s statement reads.

According to the Ukrainian internet publication Marketingchallenge, the searches were carried out under the “state treason” article.

“This article covers threats to the country’s information security. Those guilty under this article are threatened with imprisonment for a sentence of 12-15 years and confiscation of property,” the publication reported, citing the press secretary of the SBU, Elena Gitlyanskaya.

The Russian President’s Press Secretary, Dmitry Peskov, has said that the Kremlin does not yet possess any information on the searches in Yandex’s offices. According to Peskov, “we have to understand what they are connected with.”

On May 17th, as part of expanding its anti-Russian sanctions, Ukraine banned access to the Russian social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki as well as Yandex and services.

Former Prime Minister Mykola Azarov is preparing a new lawsuit on recognition of events in Ukraine in 2014 as a coup d’état.

The Nazi Ukraine Junta Will Be Heading To The International European Court Of Human Rights For The 2014 Coup d’etat

The Rescue Committee of Ukraine is preparing a suit in the international European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. The goal is to recognize the events in Ukraine in February 2014 as a coup. This was reported to the Izvestia by the head of the committee, former Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov. According to him, the text of the application is almost ready, and the lawsuit will be filed soon. Experts doubt that the initiative will lead to political results, but consider it to be important historically.

“We are just now engaged in filing a lawsuit in one of the international courts. The question is very carefully studied, since it is rather difficult – many different nuances need to be taken into account. We (in the Rescue Committee of Ukraine – “Izvestia”) created a special group that studies this problem. Probably, this will be the international European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. I will not say a specific time, but the filing of the claim is at the final stage,” Mykola Azarov told Izvestia.

The main question is what goals are pursued by the Rescue Committee of Ukraine. If we assume that the international court will decide in favor of the applicants, the authorities in Kiev will still not change this. The Maidan is a period followed by presidential and parliamentary elections recognized by the world community, including Russia. Most likely, we are talking about an attempt to restore the personal reputation of the “injured” politicians and once again remind the international community about how the current leaders in Kiev appeared on the Ukrainian political Olympus.

Leading researcher at the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies Oleg Nemensky told Izvestia that there will be no political consequences from filing a suit with the international court.

“Politics are not managed through changing the view of history. You can argue that the king in some century did something wrong, but nothing can be changed already. This is indeed rather a historical issue, about the protection of honor and dignity,” said the political scientist.

The president of the Center for System Analysis and Forecasting, Rostislav Ishchenko, doubted that the Rescue Committee of Ukraine should file lawsuits in courts. After all, this process will not open any prospects for ex-politicians of Ukraine. According to him, “with the same success, the relatives of Nicholas II could file suits in international courts,” but it is unlikely that this helped them.

In any case, the Rescue Committee of Ukraine intends to bring the matter to an end. It is extremely important to the ex-leaders that the statements about the coup d’etat were given a legal justification. Although it is difficult to interpret the Maidan in any other way. In fact, the current Kiev leadership came to power over tires and barricades.
Friendly Fire: Ukrainian artillery barrage massacres Azov Nazis
May 29, 2017 - Fort Russ News -
PolitNavigator - translated by J. Arnoldski -

During yesterday’s provocative shelling of Krasnogorovka, Ukrainian troops killed around ten Azov regiment militants with friendly fire. This was announced at a briefing today in Donetsk by the spokesman of the armed forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Eduard Basurin.

According to Basurin, Krasnogorovka was shelled from the positions of the Ukrainian 92nd brigade from two directions - from the vicinities of the towns of Marinka and Kurakhovo.

“Our intelligence has been able to establish that as a result of the shelling by UAF units from the direction of Kurakhovo, the temporary deployment point of the Azov regiment came under artillery fire. Up to 10 Azov fighters were killed, up to 15 were wounded, and seven vehicles were destroyed by the UAF’s friendly fire. This information has been confirmed by sources in the military hospital in Kurakhovo where the dead and wounded were received,” Basurin reported.
This is not the first time that the Ukrainians kill each other with 'friendly' fire. Apathy, excessive drinking, low moral and low discipline all add to reasons why such accidents occur, if indeed it was an accident. It could also be to elimate the Azov regiment slowly so that they don't pose too big a threat against the ruling oligarchs in Ukraine.
From back in February, there was an interview by Tom Gillesberg (chairman of The Schiller Institute in Denmark) with Prof. Jens Jørgen Nielsen who expands on his comment that in the West you have a "Hollywood film, a fairy tail" when it comes to pre Ukraine and what followed the Maidan in Kyiv.

COPENHAGEN, Feb. 22, 2017 (EIRNS) – As the Danish contribution to the international action day on the third anniversary of the coup in Ukraine, the Schiller Institute conducted an hour-long interview in English with Danish Russia expert Jens Jørgen Nielsen on Ukraine, the Crimea, Russia and the mistakes of the West.

Jens Jørgen Nielsen is an historian and philosopher, with a deep knowledge of Russia and Eastern Europe. He was the Moscow correspondent for the major Copenhagen daily Politiken, the author of many books about Russia and the east, including "Ukraine, in the field of tension," and a recent book about Putin, a Russian expert who regularly appears in the media, and a leader of the Russian-Danish Dialogue organization, and a professor/lecturer at a Copenhagen business college.

Here are some of the areas covered in the very polemical interview, which denounced the mistakes and geopolitical intentions of the West: The interview started out describing the events in Ukraine, not as a democratic change, but an illegitimate coup led by pro-Nazi elements as part of the geopolitical attempt to keep Russia and the Asian nations down; the historical background to the Crimea question; that with the sanctions policy, the west is shooting itself in the foot -- Russia is not isolated, but working with China, the BRICS, etc. He stated there would have been a danger of nuclear war if Hillary had been elected, and that many Russians now fear that there could be a coup/assassination of Trump because of his willingness to normalize relations with Russia. He described the period between the collapse of the Soviet Union and coup in Ukraine, as a lost opportunity to create a security order which should have included Russia.

The interview was conducted by Tom Gillesberg, the chairman of The Schiller Institute in Denmark.

There is also a pdf on behalf of the the PSPU, (Dr. Natalia Vitrenko, Chair) with 17 page paper. thorbiorn mentions Natalia Vitrenko above:,37292.msg717859.html#msg717859

Have just scanned it so far - the paper is titled 'How Obama and Soros Put Actual Nazis in Power in Ukraine' _
Oh What Joy, A Summer Hitler Youth Camp Has Opened Once Again, Ukraine Junta And Nazi Criminals “AZOV” Open SS Camp For Kids ! (VIDEO) (1:11 min.)

(VIDEO) So Boys And Girls, Summer Is Here ! Time For Picnics, Family Fun At The Beach, Amusement Park, Circus, Going To The Movies And Enjoying Summer Fun With Family And Friends ! Wait ! What ! Again ! Nazi Ukrainian nationalists solemnly opened up a SS Hitler Youth Camp For children “Azovets” ! Yes,, Sad to say, but these little rascals of the Ukraine Junta, Brainwashed and the love of everything Nazi, The Nazi Ideology ! Well,, The Camp Directors And the SS Staff Of course are members of Nazi Battalion ” AZOV” a murderous group of thugs who are responsible for the death of many innocent civilians of Donbass ! Some have also been convicted of rape, and other heinous crimes ! Yes, the little Hitler’s are in great hands ! A Summer Treat That Would Make Adolf Proud ! (Sponsored By The Fine Folks Of NATO) ~ ZN

09.06.2017 - The Youtube channel of the Ukrainian nationalist party “National Corps” has published a video of the solemn opening of the first summer shift in the children’s camp “Azovets” on the shore of the Sea of Azov.

On the video, you can see an instructor in a camouflage cap giving the command to lined up to children dressed in identical yellow T-shirts with the symbols of the camp “Azovets’, ‘Attention!’. After that, under the song about anger towards the ‘enemies of the nation’, the flag of Ukraine was raised.

‘We have been working on the camp for a long time, so that the children have something to do. There is a climbing wall, a park town, and this year, children will study drones, how to run them and write programs for them,’ said the instructor, dressed in a T-shirt with a silhouette of a child holding an American rifle in his hands.

On the official Youtube-channel of the neo-Nazi party "National Corpus", a video was posted of the inaugural children's camp "Azovets" on the shores of the Sea of Azov.

Raising Neo-Nazis: Azov summer camp opens (Photos and Same video as above)

The video shows a row of young children, dressed in yellow Azovets uniforms, and being called to 'attention'. Background songs include nationalist and militarist content, inciting hatred and anger to the "enemies of the nation."

The instructor states that every year the camp adds something new to the programme. For example, next year promises to bring electrical engineering.
"Children will learn to about the functioning of drones, how to program them, and to fulfill various functions."

The sad thing, amongst a number of things, in all of this; Azovets social networks specify that camp attendance is free of charge and the emphasis is on working with children from low-income families, usually from the East of Ukraine.

"Every year we see more and more young patriots" - says an employee.

- Glory to Ukraine! - chants instructor.

- Glory to the heroes! - echoes respond contented children.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a plan of action aimed at promoting the country to the world.

Ukraine establishes Commission for the improvement of its image abroad

Tasks include the consideration of issues related to the formation of a positive image of Ukraine internationally, and related coordination between departments (internal affairs, tourism, etc)

A working group consisted of eight government representatives, two advisers of the Prime Minister, two representatives of business establishments, as well as five representatives of public organizations.

It is expected that the Commission will guide the Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine. However, at the moment this post is vacant since the previous head of department resigned. Any takers?

Detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine have started criminal proceedings against the mayor of Kiev Vitali Klichko, under Article 366-1 of the Criminal Code (declaration of false information).

Mayor of Kiev failed to declare property in Hamburg and Los Angeles

Criminal proceedings involve undeclared estates in Hamburg and Los Angeles, which the Klitschko family uses.

The court case came out of a TV progamme called "Scheme", which aired in December 2016. Reporters found that Vitaliy Klichko did not declare information about the property he allegedly owns in Hamburg and Los Angeles, where his family resides. Politicians are required by law to declare their property and investments in the public's interest.

Deliberately including false information or omitting information in the declaration provides for liability ranging from a fine to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.

Pumping Station Company “Water of Donbass” announced shutdown of the Yuzhnodonbass water conduit due to shelling ! Suspending Work Out Of Fear Of Workers Being Murdered By The Nazi Ukraine Military, The Constant Bombing Of Water Filtration Plants And Pumping Stations ! WAR CRIMES

More War Crimes By The Nazi Ukraine Junta, Once Again Targeting Water Pumping Stations, Bombs Fall And Water To Dokuchaevsk Will Be Reduced

The pumping station of the first ascent of the Yuzhnodonbass water conduit suspends its work due to the shelling. This was announced by a representative of the communal enterprise , Company ~Water of Donbass.

‘Today we suspend the work of the pumping station of the first recovery, people refuse to work because of the continuous shelling. We are forced to take out the equipment and conserve the enterprise, otherwise the personnel will simply be killed,’ said the representative of the enterprise.

He explained that during the whole night, the Nazi Ukraine Units (AFU) had been shelling the territory of the station, with at least eight hits recorded. The nature of the damage is being specified.

According to the representative of the Water of Donbass, as a result of the shutdown, the supply of water to Dokuchaevsk will be reduced. There will be left without water a number of large cities controlled by Kiev in the southwestern part of Donbass, including Mariupol, Volnovakha, Krasnoarmeysk, Selidovo, Dimitrov, Rodinskoye and many other localities.

SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) has banned an entry of Ukraine for the former State Secretary of the Defense Ministry, the incumbent member of the Christian Democratic Union, Willy Wimmer for a trip to Crimea. The SBU said it in an answer to a query by the UNN news agency.

German politician is prohibited to visit Ukraine after his visit to Crimea

“As on the day of acceptance of the query, the SBU passed a decision to ban entry of the country’s territory for Willy Wimmer for a period of five years,” the report said.

On April 26, a German delegation visited Crimea in the framework of a popular diplomacy project entitled ‘Truth about Crimea to the Citizens of Europe: Reality vs. Myths’.

About fifteen politicians, reporters, bloggers, and businessmen arrived in Crimea then. Willy Wimmer was on the delegation along with Andreas Maurer, a regional deputy in Osnabruck and the chairman of the left-wing caucus (Die Linke) in the city hall of Quakenbruck, and Yuri Goempel, the chairman of the ethnic-cultural autonomy of Crimean Germans.

On March 16, 2014, the authorities of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol held a referendum on the issue of reunification with Russia after an interval of 60 years. More than 80% of registered voters came to the polls and of that number, 96.7% in Crimea and 95.6% in Sevastopol voted in favor of reunification.

On March 18, 2014, President Vladimir Putin signed a treaty on accession of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol to the Russian Federation, and both houses of Russian parliament ratified it on March 21.

In spite of more than convincing results of the referendum, Kiev and its outside supporters, primarily the U.S. and the EU, refuse to recognize the results of voting.

The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, has expressed confidence that Kiev will 'return control' of the anthracite mines in the Donbass.

Poroshenko vows to 'return control' over Donbass coalmines

"We firmly believe that to liberate the occupied territories, we will return the anthracite mines of Ukraine. Then the decision making will be our own, which charcoal would be more efficient for us to use." - said the president in a speech at a Ukrainian power station. He was there to confirm the completion of the modernization work of the Zmiev Power station.
Today the new visa regime for Ukrainians wishing to go to the EU took force. On one of the Russian TV channels there was a report: _ It is expected that within a few years the money that the Ukrainian tourists" will send back to Ukraine will be in the order of 10 billion Euro. One analyst has calculated that if the tourist status of visitor is respected, in terms of paying expences in Europe, only 8-10 % of the Ukraine population will be able to afford a visit. Obviously there is a difference in the way the law is interpreted.
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