Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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Я сначала не хотел это публиковать здесь по двум причинам. Во первых не такая уж это и новость, если вспомнить что начиная с самой инаугурации Порошенко, его сопровождают подобные инциденты. Их было уже несколько и это само по себе выглядит вполне мистически. Во вторых сам я наткнулся на эту новость спустя несколько дней после события и думал, что публиковать старье как то не хорошо. Однако потом я подумал, что многим из вас, друзья, эта информация просто недоступна. В вашем медийном пространстве возможно такое просто не публикуют. Поэтому вот очередной перл с участием Пети Порошенко.

Знаки: В ожидании томоса рядом с Порошенко потерял сознание священник (ВИДЕО)
07.01.2019 - 2:00


I didn't want to publish it here at first for two reasons. At the first not such it and news if to remember that since the inauguration of Poroshenko, he is accompanied by similar incidents. There were several of them and this in itself looks quite mystical. Secondly, I myself came across this news a few days after the event and thought to post old junk like that is not good. But then I thought to many of you, friends, this information is simply not available. In your media space, maybe it's just not published. So here's another pearl with the participation of Petro Poroshenko.

Signs: waiting for thomos near Poroshenko lost consciousness priest (VIDEO)
07.01.2009 - 2: 00
In Istanbul, during a long and tedious ceremony of awarding tomos next to the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko lost consciousness priest.
At the same time Poroshenko looked tired and indifferent. He bored looking through something in the tablet, glancing at the smartphone, fiddling with beads, greedily drinking water from the bottle, and sometimes even went to sleep for a few minutes.
Also conducted themselves and other members of the delegation: Victor Yushchenko yawned, and Ministers are hesitating asleep.

Video from 7:39.

Знаки: В ожидании томоса рядом с Порошенко потерял сознание священник (ВИДЕО)

thought to many of you, friends, this information is simply not available.

Thank you youlik. It was strange that Poroshenko and also a priest seemed to go asleep/unconscious during the ceremony. Of course many of our politicians false asleep during boring political sessions in the U.S. too.

I enjoyed the whole video, especially Putin's visit to a children's hospital at the beginning. And the other parts with the Yellow Vests riots in France were up close video coverage that is not always available here.
Wow this is perrty insane!

ВСУ планирует затопить поселки в Донбассе
The OSCE Observation Mission in the Donbass, in its latest report dated January 14, 2019, reported on militants armed forces of two explosive devices at the gate of the lock of the Myronovsk reservoir.

The report states that the observers FIRST (!) Saw two square wooden boxes of dark green color to which wires were attached. The boxes are hung on the metal gate of the lock from the north side of the Mironovsky reservoir at the checkpoint of the armed formations of Ukraine in the village of Rota.

The checkpoint in the village of Rota is under the control of Ukrainian militants 66 kilometers from Donetsk to the northeast.

At the same time, one of the Ukrainian militants told the OSCE patrol that it was an explosive device.

In the event of a gate being blown up, the level of the Lugano River will rise to a critical level, after which Trinity, Irmino, Kalinovo and the city of Pervomaisk will be flooded, which will entail regular civilian casualties in the Donbas. Following the flooding of the villages, an ecological and humanitarian disaster will occur in the LC.

With no aid coming from Trump, Ukrainian moves to levels of desperation to support his illegal war on the pro russian population!

Чисто поржать. Главнокомандующий "самой сильной армией Европы", как он сам себя называет.

Заправил пиджак в брюки: Порошенко эпически опозорился в Израиле (ФОТО)
24.01.2019 - 12:14


Just for shits and giggles. The commander-in-chief of the" strongest army in Europe", as he calls himself.

Tucked his jacket in his pants: Poroshenko epic disgraced in Israel (PHOTO)
24.01.2019-12: 14
On the official website of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko published a photo taken during the visit of the Ukrainian guarantor to Israel. On it the leader of the state floor of the jacket tucked into the pants.
After some time, PR Poroshenko realized his epic failure and removed the photo from the publication devoted to the results of the visit of the Ukrainian President to Israel.
In the photo tape it was replaced by a similar photo from another angle.
However, the database of the website the front left and still available at the link

"And in these pants it was possible to tuck in a coat besides a jacket»;

"Probably, the Northern neighbors are operating on the presidential website. Only they could tuck his jacket in his pants.»;

"There's no toilet paper in the back, and that's good!"- laughing Network users.

Заправил пиджак в брюки: Порошенко эпически опозорился в Израиле (ФОТО)
Former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich has to spend 13 years in jail for high treason.
При всем этом совсем не стоит забывать, что нынешний "президент", незаконно захвативший власть в результате вооруженного переворота, при прежних президентах занимал целый ряд высоких государственных должностей от министров до секретаря совета безопасности. Так, что если кого-то и судить, то нынешний "президент" достоин этого ничуть не меньше других представителей украинских властей, таких как Лазаренко, Тимошенко, Луценко и пр. А в определенном смысле Порошенко достоин осуждения гораздо больше прежних ибо, помимо традиционного для украинских властей воровства, именно при его власти в этой стране произошли и происходят все самые страшные и кровавые события.

At the same time, we should not forget that the current "President", who illegally seized power as a result of an armed coup, under the previous presidents held a number of high state positions from Ministers to the Secretary of the security Council. So, if someone is to judge, the current "President" is worthy of this no less than other representatives of the Ukrainian authorities, such as Lazarenko, Tymoshenko, Lutsenko, etc. And in a sense, Poroshenko is worthy of condemnation much more of the former because, while it is traditional for the Ukrainian authorities of stealing, that is when his power in this country has occurred and there are all the most terrible and bloody events.
At the same time, we should not forget that the current "President", who illegally seized power as a result of an armed coup, under the previous presidents held a number of high state positions from Ministers to the Secretary of the security Council. So, if someone is to judge, the current "President" is worthy of this no less than other representatives of the Ukrainian authorities, such as Lazarenko, Tymoshenko, Lutsenko, etc. And in a sense, Poroshenko is worthy of condemnation much more of the former because, while it is traditional for the Ukrainian authorities of stealing, that is when his power in this country has occurred and there are all the most terrible and bloody events.

Ukraine seems to have the precedent for Venezuela. Pity there isn't a recording of whoever picked Guaido, the way we lucked into Nuland musing on who would be the best puppet leader for Ukraine.
Ukraine seems to have the precedent for Venezuela. Pity there isn't a recording of whoever picked Guaido, the way we lucked into Nuland musing on who would be the best puppet leader for Ukraine.

Well, there sort of is, courtesy of the Washington Post, quoting an 'anonymous official' from the White House:

[...] In Guaidó, the Trump administration found a figure on which to hang hopes for a peaceful ouster of Maduro from within, or by Maduro’s own choice, current and former U.S. officials said.

The Trump administration would support safe passage to exile for Maduro if he chose it, one official said.

“We are not trying to arrest everybody; this is not about revenge,” the official said. “If that means Mr. Maduro and a few of his family and friends would want to spend time in another country, we would be happy to pay for the airfare.”

The U.S. pressure campaign is aimed partly at convincing Maduro that he cannot continue to govern, and partly at building up Guaidó.

“We have been engaged with the same strategy: to build international pressure, help organize the internal opposition and push for a peaceful restoration of democracy. But that internal piece was missing,” the official said. “He was the piece we needed for our strategy to be coherent and complete.”

Control over oil revenue — and $20 million in humanitarian aid Secretary of State Mike Pompeo promised Thursday — would give Guaidó both international legitimacy and practical help. [...]

"Piece" = Puppet.
Today there was Russian Expert Sergey Prostakov: The Consequences of IMF Debt Enslavement Are Only Just Starting for Ukraine • СТАЛКЕР/ZONE Ever since the Maidan, we have observed the repeated salvation of the Kiev regime by the IMF. Now close to one quater of the state budget is spent on servicing old debts. Recently there have also been many manifestations by ultra-right groups and forces loyal to the ideas promoted by Stepan Bandera. For a historical context here follow some socio-economic and historical background of Ukraine, excerpts from a small book written by Israel Shahak "Jewish History, Jewish Religion The Weight of Three Thousand Years":
What was the social role of Polish Jewry from the beginning of the 16th century until 1795? With the decline of royal power, the king's usual role in relation to the Jews was rapidly taken over by the nobility with lasting and tragic results both for the Jews themselves and for the common people of the Polish republic. All over Poland the nobles used Jews as their agents to undermine the commercial power of the Royal Towns, which were weak in any case. Alone among the countries of western Christendom, in Poland a nobleman's property inside a Royal Town was exempt from the town's laws and guild regulations. In most cases the nobles settled their Jewish clients in such properties,

[p. 63]This process was accompanied by a debasement in the position of the Polish peasants (who had been free in the early Middle Ages) to the point of utter serfdom, hardly distinguishable from outright slavery and certainly the worst in Europe. The desire of noblemen in neighboring count ries to enjoy the power of the Polish pan over his peasants (including the power of life and death without any right of appeal) was instrumental in the territorial expansion of Poland. The situation in the "eastern" lands of Poland (Byelorussia and the Ukraine) colonized and settled by newly enserfed peasants was worst of all.[16]
[p. 64]But the most lasting and tragic results occurred in the eastern provinces of Poland roughly, the area east of the present border, including almost the whole of the present Ukraine and reaching up to the Great - Russian language frontier.
(Until 1667 the Polish border was far east of the Dnieper, so that Poltava, for example, was inside Poland.) In those wide territories there were hardly any Royal Towns. The towns were established by nobles and belonged to them and they were settled almost exclusively by Jews. Until 1939, the population of many Polish towns east of the river Bug was at least 90 per cent Jewish, and this demographic phenomenon was even more pronounced in that area of Tsarist Russia annexed from Poland and known as the Jewish Pale. Outside the towns very many Jews throughout Poland, but especially in the east, were employed as the direct supervisors and oppressors of the enserfed peasant ryas bailiffs of whole manors (invested with the landlord's full coercive powers) or as lessees of particular feudal monopolies such as the corn mill, the liquor still and public house (with the right of armed search of peasant houses for illicit stills) or the bakery, and as collectors of customary feudal dues of all kinds. In short, in eastern Poland, under the rule of the nobles (and of the feudalized church, formed exclusively from the nobility) the Jews were both the immediate exploiters of the peasant ry and virtually the only town-dwellers.

[p. 64 of pdf]No doubt, most of the profit they extracted from the peasants was passed on to the landlords, in one way or another. No doubt, the oppression and subjugation of the Jews by the nobles were severe, and the historical record tells many a harrowing tale of the hardship and humiliation inflicted by noblemen on "their" Jews. But, as we have remarked, the peasants suffered worse oppression at the hands of both landlords and Jews; [...]
Thus, while it is appears true from what we have learned over the last few years that forces in the West including countries within NATO, the EU, the US, Canada and Israel have assisted some of the right wing ideological groupings in the Ukraine, it is also clear from the historical past of Ukraine, as told by Israel Shahak, that these right wing groups did not arise out of nowhere.[/quote][/quote]
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