"Clean" Pork Producers (Organic / Grass-fed / Natural)

Question: is corn considered a grain or a veggie? If it's a vegetable, then it should not be a problem if there is corn added to their feed, as long as it's organic. Any comments on that?

It’s considered grain from my understanding and it’s one of the grains that gets more toxins due to the pesticides farmers use on the corn fields!
I agree about the quality of hunted meat being not ideal if you’re trying to avoid GMOs, etc. The deer where I am fatten themselves up in the fall on GMO corn. Their meat doesn’t even taste gamey because of it.

Anyway, if you are in the United States I like Dutch Meadows Farm for pastured pork, poultry, beef, lamb and eggs. They also sell raw dairy. They are based out of Pennsylvania but will ship to most if not all of the lower 48 states. I will maybe place an order once a month or every other because the shipping costs are hefty.

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