Cold-fusion demonstration a "success"


The Force is Strong With This One

The failure of mainstream media to acknowledge this development is notable.

Here is a summery of the event in New Energy Times:

Arata-Zhang LENR Demonstration
By Steven B. Krivit
New Energy Times
May 22, 2008

OSAKA, JAPAN -- Against a monumental backdrop of bad publicity for cold fusion since 1989, researchers in Japan on May 22 demonstrated the production of excess heat and helium-4, the results of an historic low-energy nuclear reaction experiment.

The mastermind behind the demonstration is Yoshiaki Arata, a highly respected physicist in Japan who has been the recipent of Japan's highest award, the Order of Cultural Merit, and is the first person to have performed a thermonuclear fusion experiment showing large amounts of d-d reactions in Japan.

A lecture by Arata preceded the demonstration before a live audience in Arata Hall (named in his honor) at the Joining and Welding Research Institute at Osaka University. The demonstration took place in the Osaka University Advanced Science & Innovation Center with the help of Arata’s associate, professor Yue Chang Zhang of Shianghai Jiotong University.

Professor Akito Takahashi of Osaka University was an eyewitness to the demonstration.

"Arata and Zhang demonstrated very successfully the generation of continuous excess energy (heat) from ZrO2-nano-Pd sample powders under D2 gas charging and generation of helium-4," Takahashi wrote. "The demonstrated live data looked just like data they reported in their published papers (J. High Temp. Soc. Jpn, Feb. and March issues, 2008). This demonstration showed that the method is highly reproducible."

Takahashi wrote that 60 people from universities and companies in Japan and a few people from other countries attended, as well as representatives from six major newspapers (Asahi, Nikkei, Mainichi, NHK, et al.) and two television stations.

In an earlier conversation with New Energy Times, Arata offered his perspective on "cold fusion" research, which he calls solid nuclear fusion.

"Some people say we have reached the end of science, that there are no more great discoveries that remain. In my view, nature always has more secrets to reveal," Arata wrote. "I always stay on guard not to be too possessed by my own current knowledge. History has shown us repeatedly, for example, the foolishness of denying 'heliocentricism,' which resulted from individuals adhering too strongly to their own knowledge or to what was common sense in the past."

New Energy Times will have a more complete report in the next issue on July 10.
A description of Professor Arata's experiment is here:

Further developments will likely be monitored on the Infinite Energy website, where I found the links to the two articles above:

Infinite Energy magazine and the New Energy Foundation were begun by Dr. Eugene Mallove, formerly of MIT's Lincoln Laboratory, found beaten to death in Norwich, Connecticut on May 14th, 2004.
Re: Cold-fusion demonstration a \

Interview with Frank Znidarsic – Part 1

Interview with Frank Znidarsic – Part 2
“When I set the velocity of light in the electronic structure [of an atom] equal to the velocity of sound in the nuclear structure, I got something very amazing. What emerged from that calculation was the energy levels of the hydrogen atom. I had produced the energy levels of the hydrogen atom from strictly a classical formulation. If this proves to be true this will be a revolution. Now we’ve once again shown that Newton’s laws reign supreme – that the quantum world is a subset of the classical realm.”

The Control of the Natural Forces
by Frank Znidarsic
Re: Cold-fusion demonstration a \

Stowaway said:
The Control of the Natural Forces
by Frank Znidarsic

I went through this article. It looks like a bunch of a nonsense presented in such a way that non-experts will think it is a "something". The formula for writing such stuff is simple: first write what is evident, rewrite it in ten different forms, then introduce something that is not explained but looks smart, then write something that makes no sense at all, add a bunch if irrelevant but "good" references, and you are done. People will think: I don't understand a word, so it must be something "deep".
Re: Cold-fusion demonstration a \

For those (myself included) who find the equations daunting, Mr. Znidarsic presents his reasoning in more understandable language here:

“[T]he lawless act on the supposition of being lawless, while the just acts toward others on the supposition of being just.” The Gospel of Truth
-- Bentley Layton. The Gnostic Scriptures. Doubleday, 1987.
Re: Cold-fusion demonstration a \

Stowaway said:
For those (myself included) who find the equations daunting, Mr. Znidarsic presents his reasoning in more understandable language here:

“[T]he lawless act on the supposition of being lawless, while the just acts toward others on the supposition of being just.” The Gospel of Truth
-- Bentley Layton. The Gnostic Scriptures. Doubleday, 1987.

So, do you understand all he is writing? If so, will you explain it to me? Because for me it is all the same - just differently packed. And I really-really would like to understand. My idea of understanding is that when I understand something - then I am able to explain it even to a child. And I am able to adjust my explanations to the level of understanding of the other person. If I fail - it means I do not understand.
Re: Cold-fusion demonstration a \

ark said:
Stowaway said:
The Control of the Natural Forces
by Frank Znidarsic

I went through this article. It looks like a bunch of a nonsense presented in such a way that non-experts will think it is a "something". The formula for writing such stuff is simple: first write what is evident, rewrite it in ten different forms, then introduce something that is not explained but looks smart, then write something that makes no sense at all, add a bunch if irrelevant but "good" references, and you are done. People will think: I don't understand a word, so it must be something "deep".

The same thing happens with new age metaphysics books and articles. It's quite depressing to see that science has adopted the same load of bollocks.
Re: Cold-fusion demonstration a \

Divide By Zero said:
It's quite depressing to see that science has adopted the same load of bollocks.
It also gives the establishment the excuse to censure any genuine creative ideas.
Re: Cold-fusion demonstration a \

I have just watched "The Hutchison demonstrates Zero Point Energy" on Youtube. All of the "levitating" were shown in such a way that they could have been falling bodies and reversed. The floating big ball was shown in such a way that you would never see what is between the ball and the wall. The terms used by the hero were scientifically suspicious - even for an open-minded scientist that is wishing well the inventors.

So, sorry, but no cigar this time.
Re: Cold-fusion demonstration a \

Why the trend towards flashy things like levitation which can be done with current magnet technology? To me, it proves nothing, and I have a beginner-intermediate knowledge of physics/chemistry.

If it really is zero point energy, there needs to be WORK DONE (not just floating) without typical use of energy (or fuel). So far everything seems to shy away from those tests.

The biggest offenders are based on the devices that claim to produce hydrogen easily. Somehow they can crack the molecular bonds of water to create hyrdogen and oxygen and burn that hydrogen and get back more than they put in to make the hyrdogen... Then, they claim that the law of thermodynamics is irrelevant. Fine, but can you prove that you got more energy out than you put in?!?! It's the ultimate in objectivity, lol.
Rise of New Energy

I've been tracking an interesting development in energy production and physics in the phenomonon commonly called LENR, or Low Energy Nuclear Reactions. This is a fusion-like process which does not have the radiation signature of normal nuclear reactions. Most leading theories actually assign the reaction to barely understood quantum effects. If this is real (and it looks to me to be 98% probability of being real) then not only will it drive the future world but also will unveil a new era in physics.

Take a look:

NASA Chief Scientist at Langley Research Center on future of LENR power/theory:

NASA overview of LENR Tech:

2013 Overview and Summary of companies involved:

2012 Companies to Watch:

2013 Italian based company third party testing results positive:

2013 License Brokering:

Dec 2012 List of companies involved in LENRresearch/development:

Mar 2013 Physics Today - Overview of State of Tech:

Brillouin Energy Company, US based: The

Research Institutes investigating LENR:
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Naval Research Laboratories (NRL)
University of Missouri
University of Texas at Austin
MIT (Peter Hagelstein)
Purdue University (Dr. Y.E. Kim)
Kobe University
Osaka University
ENEA (an Italian national research laboratory)
INFN (Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
CEA (French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission)
SRI (Stanford Research Institute)
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