Dagobah Resident
I'm at the middle of SM, it's seems less difficult to read than IoH
He indeed speaks about the connectedness of things, and even of reconciliation of opposites.
And when he talks about history, I also feel it as though he talks also about ourselves as individuals, about balance we can find in us. I don't know if I mistake by seeing it like this (collective level + individual level).
He indeed speaks about the connectedness of things, and even of reconciliation of opposites.
And when he talks about history, I also feel it as though he talks also about ourselves as individuals, about balance we can find in us. I don't know if I mistake by seeing it like this (collective level + individual level).
edit: reference: VI HISTORY § i. History as the Assertion of FactHistory is the synthesis of all these oppositions [...] That is because, setting truth above everything, it subordinates the element of emotion or immediacy to the element of critical reflection consciously developed. It reconciles providence with chance, divine ordinance with diabolical intervention, because, not being intuition but thought, it takes no sides ; it enters into the joys and griefs, the hopes and fears, of both parties to every struggle, sees them not as saints and devils but as striving and suffering human beings. It reconciles necessity with contingence because it does not abstract; it does not come to the facts with a ready-made law in its hand and try to force them into it, throwing them away in disgust when they are too hard ; it rejoices in their hardness and finds its satisfaction in their very diversity and uniqueness.