Comet cluster -- incurring heavy losses on population as "food source"

This is interesting too

Session 941116 wrote:

Q: (L) If the Lizzies have been feeding off of us frequently and are planning to come and take over our planet, why, when they achieved their domination 300,000 years ago, did they not just move here and take up residence and be in charge?
A: No desire to inhabit same realm.
Q: (L) Why was this?
A: You are 3rd level they are 4th level.
Q: (L) Why are they planning to now?
A: They want to rule you in 4th density.
So, is there a scenario in which we don’t know that we are in 4 th density already and they can rule over us even then and in the same manner as they do now? Or “We" will be that underground race they are breeding.Or is it that they just want to be in 4th density but keep us in 3rd? In one of the sessions C’s mentioned HAARP and that it has no so significance now, but will be in 100% function in 4th density?Maybe something linked with that?

In short is it possible to be in 4th density, and yet do not knowing that and think that is good all Earth still, and with that way of thinking give them opportunity to rule even then?

ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Also if we factor in the Wave, which has all sorts of effects on the planet not the least of which is bringing up those who are ready to 4th density. Although I do find it interesting that, even though the playing field is "leveled", doesn't technology also factor in? If you're the new kid on the block in 4th density, wouldn't you be the equivalent of a cave man compared to lizzies and Orions and others, who have been around for a while and have really gotten the hang of this 4th density thing, plus have developed all sorts of technologies etc? Unless technology plays a smaller role on 4th density than it does on 3rd, and the battle becomes more mental than physical...
Maybe technology plays some part in 4th density, but I think it is minor part if you are STO. If we are equal with them, and if they want to battle with us with their technology, what stops us to turn our backs on them and vanish from their eyesight? Wouldn’t that be wining in that battle without fight? At least as STO we will have choice to battle or not. Or I missed this one too, as usual . . .
My understanding is that the Lizzies do want to keep us in 3rd, but for those who manage to make it to 4th, they will control them as well. Basically, the Lizzies are covering all bases.

As for conflict in 4D, "turning our backs" implies ignoring them and exposing yourself to attack, but I think you meant "vanishing" to avoid the conflict. As for winning the battle by choosing not to take part, well, I don't think it's about winning as such. This sort of thing is hard to speculate since we really have no understanding of such an environment. And we won't until we are actually there, whether that is during the next wave or at a later time.

Regarding the comet cluster arriving before the wave:

Session 960323

Q: (L) But if we run into the comet cluster before we cross the border, then, I mean, I would understand if we were going into the realm border first...
A: Part in part out.
Session 941126

Q: (T) Okay. So, we are anchoring this. So, when they talk about 90 per cent of the population not surviving, it is not that they are going to die, but that they are going to transform. We are going to go up a level. This is what the whole light thing is all about?
A: Or another possibility is that the physical cataclysms will occur only for those "left behind" on the remaining 3rd level density earth.
Upon first glance, it seems as though the above excerpts contradict the excerpt ScioAgapeOmnis quoted, where the C's said the comet cluster arrives before the wave. How do we address this apparent contradiction? Perhaps both answers are correct. The comet cluster does arrive before the wave, but since the wave is so close, some humans are "part in". And those who are "part in" could possibly avoid the physical dangers of a cataclysm.

Just a thought.
Well they did say it was only a possibility. They have said that the comet cluster is "riding the Wave" along with 36 million Nazis and a motherload of other stuff good and bad. They also said that the arrival of the wave cannot be predicted, it is based on free will and the human consciousness and other factors. So what arrives first, the wave, or stuff that is riding on it? Maybe the comets will be visible, then the wave happens, then comets begin crashing? They did say that exactly when and where the impacts will happen is "open", so just cuz the comets are "here" doesn't mean they're hitting us yet. Plus "cataclysms" isn't just comets, there's also the potential ice age and other stuff. And that too is related to physical factors and "psychic" factors that probably cannot be predicted with certainty. They did say that Jesus is coming after the Wave, probably one of the few things that could be said with certainty since it could in theory be consciously decided by Jesus/others ahead of time regardless of when the Wave occurs. Then during the psychomantium session there is a suggestion that Laura and the group could build a time machine, and they could in theory use it to move the whole planet a day or so in time to evade a cometary impact, if they decide to go that route. That, and I'm sure a kazillion other possible factors make this whole thing completely open as to how it happens. No doubt things will "happen" but to what extent, in what order, and just WHAT is going to happen and how is a big question mark osit. Maybe a few small comets crash before the Wave, then Wave hits, then the big comets hit? That would be one way that this seeming contradiction could be a non-contradiction. There are so many possibilities.
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Then during the psychomantium session there is a suggestion that Laura and the group could build a time machine, and they could in theory use it to move the whole planet a day or so in time to evade a cometary impact, if they decide to go that route.
havent heard this one before :o
Cs Session 010705 said:
VB: Can you show Laura so she can describe to us, the catastrophic situation in our future, our near

A: It seems as though it will be a progression. Like the beginning of rain, when the first few big, cold drops
fall; and then a pause followed by a few more drops; and then, a downpour.

VB: Describe what you are seeing?

A: I see rocks - but they aren't very large. They are like the size of your fist. Just a few. And they make
something of a stir. An uproar. People will be excited... very upset. It looks like just two - two small
rocks. And then nothing else happens for awhile, and then they forget about it. It all dies down. And
then, a third, a fourth, a fifth and a sixth - and maybe even a seventh... isolated events, or so it seems.
Still small. And then, a big one. All this will go on over a period of months.

VB: Take a deep breath, stay on this side of the mirror... looking through. Keep looking; look through the
mirror. Would you show Laura, so that she can describe for us, the situation concerning Percival, Percival

A: The previously mentioned time machine, placed precisely at a specific location - and it's not exactly
clear whether the action - there's a choice at that point in time, you know...

VB: What kind of choice?

A: A group can leave with the machine, or a group can bond their awareness, and utilize the device to shift
the earth out of the path of destruction. It's not a shift in material terms, it's a shift in time.

VB: So that the comet will hit where the earth isn't anymore?

A: Right.

VB: How, much of a jump does this require?

A: Oh! Well, in terms of time, a miss is as good as a mile!

VB: How much of a jump in time is required?

A: A day.

VB: The space that the earth travels during one revolution on its axis, is enough to avoid a direct hit?

A: Yes.

VB: What would the effects be of moving the planet and everyone on it back or forward a day?

A: If you can do it, most people, after the shift, will forget that there was ever a danger.

VB: Is that a good thing?

A: [Sighs]

VB: Yeah, I know. Trick question. Now take a deep breath. Pull back, come out just a little. Let Laura's
consciousness hear me clearly. Is there anything bothering you about this contact? Anything you can
consciously feel while maintaining your connection? Anything at all disturbing you.

A: There's only a disturbance in the questioning.
Feel free to read the rest of the session if you haven't read it yet, it's pretty fascinating, especially the way VB ousts himself. There are a few sound files linked in the session, one of them is how VB is yelling in the strangest/sudden way, a frustrated psychopath trying to force Laura to provide him with what he wants.
In later sessions it becomes obvious that the chanel was very distorted by influence of VB,altogether with time maschine,war in the sky and the ark of the covenant (i'am write from memory), but it is interesting though to hear how he (VB) reacts on all that, and how he presenting that to himself, I might say that I have met some people who reacts like he does and was watching them.It was interesting, reactions was the same.
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Maybe a few small comets crash before the Wave, then Wave hits, then the big comets hit?
The idea of a few small comets crashing, then the big ones a short while after is mentioned a few times.

A: It seems as though it will be a progression. Like the beginning of rain, when the first few big, cold drops
fall; and then a pause followed by a few more drops; and then, a downpour.
Session 960803
A: Your Biblical prophecies speak of a period of terror and chaos followed by calm, and then, unexpectedly, amidst seeming overwhelming peace and renewal and prosperity, the end.
As for the time machine being used to shift the planet forward, wouldn't that be seeking to disrupt the natural cycle of things? In which case, it would be STS. Although there is mention of ancient technology that can be used as a conduit for those that are ready. This would not disrupt the natural cycle and I wouldn't consider it STS. Any thoughts?
Found it.Session 010728

Q: [Laughter] Well let me ask you this: Am I right to be so upset with Vincent and his damned ritual magic stuff?
A: Yes.
Q: Am I right in my thinking that even if he is not conscious of it, he was sent as an agent to extract information from me?
A: Yes.
Q: Are the Cassiopaeans the ones that got in contact with him in his childhood and then when he was older [as he claims]?
A: No.
Q: Is he consciously working as an agent?
A: No.
Q: [Sigh] Well, if money doesn't come soon, what is the next thing we ought to do? I just want to cover all the bases here.
A: But it will. Money will come.
Q: [Laughter] That is the LAST thing I've ever wanted to hear. Well, what can we think of to ask, just to warm up [the connection]? (A) What
about this TV show? I mean, should we do something? (L) I don't think I'd get excited about it.
A: Look smart. Ugly doesn't get it. [Laughter. Dog still barking.]
Q: Well, that doesn't make sense. Nice to know you have a sense of humor at our expense.
A: Right on!
Q: Are you sure you're not just an old hippie?
A: No.
Q: Well, we're just trying to warm up, to get the connection going.
A: STOing will point the way.
Q: Ummm... is Grace going the way it ought to [in order to be helpful to others]?
A: Yes.
Q: Should we publish our books ourselves?
A: Close.
Q: Are we going to have future dealings with Vincent?
A: Looks bad.
Q: Well, that's what I expected. Did the [hypnosis] work that Vincent did with me - was that beneficial?
Q: Do I still need more work done?
A: Yes, 5 turns.
Q: (A) By who?
A: Ark.
Q: (A) Are they joking? (L) No. Only you know me well enough to do it. You're the only one who could. That's my thought.
A: Good.
Q: Where did that stuff about the "Percival 3" come from when Vincent was here?
A: Vincent.
Q: Is there really something hidden in the "Lair of Titus?"
A: No.
Q: Is there really going to be a 2010 Space war?
A: No.
Q: Are we really supposed to build some kind of thing to shield the earth in 2010?
A: No.
Q: Are we supposed to build some kind of technology for SOME reason?
A: Yes. Later.
Q: Can you tell us what our mission is?
A: Keep learning.
I think there is a string that we could follow through the C's transcripts, which can show that they are talking.And if one read carefully its becomes easier to spot abreviations, like some sessions are coloured by energies and influences of people who participating, but there is still that string.And there is session that almost that string is none, like sessions with that VB participating.

nathan said:
As for the time machine being used to shift the planet forward, wouldn't that be seeking to disrupt the natural cycle of things? In which case, it would be STS. Although there is mention of ancient technology that can be used as a conduit for those that are ready. This would not disrupt the natural cycle and I wouldn't consider it STS. Any thoughts?
In my opinion that with that ancient technology is too a little STSelfish, a lazy at least, cause makes us want to relly on something outside and maybe to slow work on ourselves.You know: "OK, I have learned enough, the rest will do technology and conduits" At least it would be like that with me if I know for that kind of technology.
Session 960803
A: Your Biblical prophecies speak of a period of terror and chaos followed by calm, and then, unexpectedly, amidst seeming overwhelming peace and renewal and prosperity, the end.
That sounds a lot like the post-ET-invaded world that so many other "channeled sources" talk about. Also, Nathan, note over in the Channel Watch topic how many popular "channeled sources" tell us that there's a wonderful, friendly, highly evolved race of people "at the center of the Earth" who are just waiting to meet and greet us. Mention of these folks is a common thread that someone doesn't want us to forget, and the likely disinformational message is that we should welcome them.
Avala said:
nathan wrote:

As for the time machine being used to shift the planet forward, wouldn't that be seeking to disrupt the natural cycle of things? In which case, it would be STS. Although there is mention of ancient technology that can be used as a conduit for those that are ready. This would not disrupt the natural cycle and I wouldn't consider it STS. Any thoughts?
In my opinion that with that ancient technology is too a little STSelfish, a lazy at least, cause makes us want to relly on something outside and maybe to slow work on ourselves.You know: "OK, I have learned enough, the rest will do technology and conduits" At least it would be like that with me if I know for that kind of technology.
I disagree: surely it is no different from moving a child out of the way of an incoming out-of-control car. Except on a larger, planetary scale? if you had knowledge that someone was in danger and would die by doing nothing isn't that more STS than acting on your knowledge and saving others?
But what if the child wanted to remain in front of the car? Would you be violating the child's free will by rescuing them?

Perhaps STO would be informing the child of the dangers of the approaching car and offering the opportunity to help it out of harm's way rather than forcing. Sure, you wouldn't get that much time if this were a literal situation and the car was only seconds away from hitting the child, but this is a crude analogy.
Rich said:
I disagree: surely it is no different from moving a child out of the way of an incoming out-of-control car. Except on a larger, planetary scale? if you had knowledge that someone was in danger and would die by doing nothing isn't that more STS than acting on your knowledge and saving others?
I think Nathan brings up a good point. The analogy you present is simply not applicable - it is very different. Moving an entire planet populated by billions of souls out of harm's way because you think it's a good idea is 'playing god'.

We're not god. If one loves and respects the Universe then they love and respect both the beautiful and the ugly face of god - planetary catastrophe seems to us to be the ugly face of god, perhaps. If a group of people consciously chose to be moved out of the path of a comet and the technology was available to do so, then that would be one thing - but just making that decision and moving those souls who have not made that choice is something else entirely - osit. Of course, I could be over simplifying it and missing a bigger picture entirely.
Nathan said:
But what if the child wanted to remain in front of the car? Would you be violating the child's free will by rescuing them?

Perhaps STO would be informing the child of the dangers of the approaching car and offering the opportunity to help it out of harm's way rather than forcing. Sure, you wouldn't get that much time if this were a literal situation and the car was only seconds away from hitting the child, but this is a crude analogy.
This is a conundrum that is seemingly always present. The thing of it is this: the child (in this example) might or might not want to experience the oncoming car, and as an external actor trying to decide for him, or evaluate whether he wants to be there or not, you might decide to act in one of two ways: help him away from the moving car (and thus have more "time" here to see what is up afterwards, or you could leave him to die (hoping that his desire was met, if it was such).

If the former, you might find out you erred after some discussion (and even then, conscious discussions might not evoke the real issue). In the latter, you will never know (well here in 3D anyway).

There is one thing that is important here, however. In the former case, you now have an active association, a partnership of experience, with both parties able to observe choice outside of an immediate and dire situation, while in the latter, it is passive.

A child or anyone else that wants to die, and gets interrupted by your actions, will certainly find a way later. That you might have interfered with their intent, is not so much an issue, as long as you know WHY you did, and they as well.

They might see your intervention and evaluate it as they see fit, and on your part, you can see that it might have been (or not) something they wanted.

This analogy applies to moving Worlds as well.
And how about this situation,

We expect that the comet will hit the planet and destroy it. We learn, gaining knowledge. We perfectionate ourselves. Then the comet is getting very close and hit is expected in short time, but we get scared, we are still here, we are not ruptured or saved or whatever. We are still here, the miracle is not happening, what is it now, what to do? Then in fear, we turn ourselves to technology, change planets path, and alter time or something like that. And miracle happened, we are saved, the planet is in one part, we are still live in our bodies. And maybe we will keep returning in that same kind of bodies and that same planet and density for a long period of time, because we have not realize that the comet maybe was just one lesson and great opportunity to release ourselves from fear, and that our bodies are not so important and that we can continue life in another reality or come back in similar one, who knows. But I think that the fear is main factor in this. Comet, so what? One has a good chance to get killed every time he gets out on the street, so why feel fear cause of comets. That moment when we start to feel fear from that comet I think is the very moment that indicates that we are not learned so much, our frequencies are not high enough with that fear contamination. And all of this is hypothetic of course, in such case when exist chance that comet hits the Earth, I would be first dead, with hart broken with fear.

Imagine that the wave never comes, life continues as we know it, “miracle" is not happening. What would we say on that? Something for feel frightened?
Nathan said:
But what if the child wanted to remain in front of the car? Would you be violating the child's free will by rescuing them?

Perhaps STO would be informing the child of the dangers of the approaching car and offering the opportunity to help it out of harm's way rather than forcing. Sure, you wouldn't get that much time if this were a literal situation and the car was only seconds away from hitting the child, but this is a crude analogy.
Plus, the world is not a child, you are not responsible for the world, nor is the world helplessly thrown into something it cannot handle if it chose to. It chooses not to be responsible for itself and to give away its free will and to stay ignorant, so I think that's different than a child.

Not that you don't care about humanity, but it's just not a child - a parent has responsibility for his children who truly are helpless in a lot of respects and would die if abandoned. But at some point if a child simply refuses to grow up, when does a parent say "enough" and let the child (who is no longer a child) face the harsh and often painful reality which forces him to either take responsibility for his existence or perish? You are going to die, and when you do, one way or another, the child will be hit with reality - it's just a matter of time. But when you're alive, you can perhaps do so more gradually and not risk his death, but at the same time cut off support to such a degree that it does hurt, so a catalyst does exist. But you don't want to cut off support that does not need to be cut off either. You don't want to "lead by the hand" and to do what is his responsibility and what would only benefit him to do and would hurt him if you did it for him, but you don't want to leave him stranded doing what is not necessary and potentially impossible to do alone. The C's ARE helping us, but there is a line they won't cross where helping becomes hurting.

Another thing to consider here is that none of us can escape this matrix on our own, it is a group effort and we must help each other to have any hope of getting out. Would I just stand there and watch somebody get run over by a car because it's "their lessons" and I must not interfere? In most cases, not if I can help it, but the devil really is in the details. The C's say "all is lessons". But they also say that the same lesson can be learned in different ways. So you cannot prevent someone from learning a lesson, at worst you postpone the lesson. So the big question would be, why would you do such a thing? Is it to try to help them learn it a different way? Perhaps, but are there circumstances where this is simply not a good idea or just wishful thinking on your part? Probably.

If one was to have the power to make the planet dodge a "space bullet", it would not necessarily mean depriving the planet of its lessons, it could mean creating the possibility of learning those lessons without a mass annihilation by comets. However, what if the planet just isn't going to learn this without such a painful catalyst, what if it was really the only way? Well using the analogy of the child, you can tell him not to touch fire, and you can yank him away whenever he is about to put his hand on the stove. You can do this 100 times and save him a lot of pain. But the question is, will you do this indefinitely, or is there a point when you give up and let the child (who again, may by that time no longer really be a child anymore) burn him/herself? One thing you could do is, instead of letting him just put his hand on a burning stove, let him touch a burning match or something small if he's really so persistent or so ignorant. This way the damage is far less, but the pain is still there, etc.

I don't think it's ever an easy choice. On the one hand, STO does not interfere and goes with the natural flow of creation, on the other hand, STO exists because of empathy (at least on the level we understand), and all STO experiences pain whenever someone else experiences pain or suffers, and there is always a drive to help relieve this suffering and "asking" is what opens the door. But at which point does this drive become STS where you prevent others from suffering because of your own pain of seeing them suffer, and so it becomes about YOU and no longer about them and what's ultimately best for them? Going back to the child analogy, I don't think there is EVER a point where a parent (psychopaths not included in this example) simply is indifferent to his child's suffering. I don't think there is EVER a point where a parent can easily watch it happen, ever. And yet, most parents learn that the child HAS to suffer to some degree to develop responsibility for itself, to learn to protect itself and to function in the world, and to NOT be always reliant on the parent or anyone else to "take care of it". The parent knows he will die and the child will inevitably be left to fend for itself one way or another, so if the parent is wise, he will ease the child into it while he's still alive, which means the parent has to suck it up and despite his own pain, allow the child to feel pain and to experience life as it is. And while the parent might not want to just drop a bomb on the child, protecting him indefinitely is doing exactly that - creating a reliant and helpless being that, once the parent is gone, will completely be unprepared to handle the world as it all falls on his head at once.

But I guess the falling of the comets is really a big shocking "world falling on your head all at once" kind of ordeal for humanity. I don't want to see billions of people, most of whom good and loving people who just want happiness and peace, simply die and suffer. But I couldn't make such a decision simply based on my empathy - my empathy doesn't want anyone to suffer for any reason, but I know this is not only unreasonable, if I was to do everything in my power to relieve everyone of all "suffering" as I perceived it, I'd be doing far more harm than good. So I think empathy is just a guide, it allows the the possibility of a balanced choice (a psychopath has no possibility, his choice can only be based on his own desires), but you cannot just blindly prevent everything "bad" from happening to everyone and everything, then it becomes selfish and does far more harm than good - you wouldn't want to start protecting rabbits from wolves etc. So I think it goes back to the devil being in the details - to help relieve suffering and aid, but within limits of free will, and not to such a degree that it takes away the power and control of someone over himself and makes him reliant on you for his protection, survival, well-being, etc. Love, care, but be wise too.

The problem with being offered this choice of making the planet dodge a comet is probably that it won't give you an infinite time to contemplate the choice and completely avoid ever making it. You'll have to make it one way or another, and live with your choice. Ok sure with a time machine you could just hit pause and perhaps take a really long time to carefully think it all over. But eventually you'll have to hit play and choose. Not a pretty choice to be faced with that's for sure, but all there is is lessons. It makes me hurt just for the person who is faced with such a decision, because I know they'll be hurting trying to make the right choice and most beneficial for all involved, which can very well be to allow nature to take its course, which can mean a lot of pain and suffering for all, which might still be less than the suffering that results after interfering too. Perhaps there is no way to just avoid suffering, so either decision may include a LOT of suffering. The C's say out of the fire comes light, so that's definitely one thing to consider too.

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