Comets, EMPs, Lizzies, and Peering through Hyperdimensional Windows

Joe said:
hkoehli said:
3) Aren't they planning on killing the vast majority of us anyway?
I thought the comets were gonna do that.
perhaps both at the same time? one possibility i see in all these things is a kind of george carlin-esque picture of global destruction where everything snaps all at once ...

hkoehli said:
So, they may be here just for a good 'feed' off our negative emotions from their 'crop' (which is us).
ergo, wouldn't the best way be to "coordinate" all these things? perhaps, in lieu of the comets, the idea is to grab what they can before the plant shuts down, so to speak, like an engineer at a control board - "well, i've got all these buttons!"
hkoehli said:
Keep in mind that Lobaczewski mentioned that it is only after a period of years that a population really comes to realize that it is under pathocratic rule. Also, that because dissent is stifled, it gives the appearance that there is little dissent, when in fact a majority may feel it but be afraid to express it. Also, that there is always a population (15-30%) that will fully support a pathocracy (Right-Wing Authoritarians), giving the appearance of an adoring population.
yes but i still think that Nazism was a step further than that. the deviant nature of Nazi regime became clearly noticeable at particular moment yet the rulers still gained much support from the citizens who seemed not to want to see something was very wrong. German oponents of the Nazis often decided to leave their country because they simply felt enstranged and beset. Nazis to a large degree relied on this social support and regime's weakness, that finally caused it to fall, didn't came from people's lack of cooperation but from recklessness of the rulers.

there's book touching this particular topic - German society under Nazi regime - "Nazis: A Warning From History" by Laurence Rees. BBC documentary of the same title was once mentioned on this forum (this actually made me read the book). didn't see the movie but i highly recommend the book.
Joe said:
hkoehli said:
1) Not all fragments need to be Tunguska size, nor explode so close to the ground.
would that happen by chance or would it have to be arranged in some way by "them". If so, would that be the "path of least resistance"?
It seems to me that both would be possible., within a range of activity, as there is with "agents". The path of least resistance in regards to agents is to simply let dumb people do dumb things. On top of that, introduce a slight influence to steer "patsies" in a certain direction. On top of that there are "conscious agents". Perhaps the path of MOST resistance is to create an MIB. Each situation calls for a different approach. Taking the path of least resistance only means it is done if they can get away with it. If they need to put in more energy, they will.

Now, with comets, they could leave many explosions to chance. Comets will explode in various regions of space/atmosphere and over land and bodies of water, killing many and generating EMPs of varying degrees of strength, thus creating windows to possibly be taken advantage of. They could also direct and destroy cometary fragments to strategic locations, like they perhaps took out Columbia and the WTC, thus killing certain populations and creating strategically placed windows to possibly be taken advantage of. In both cases they would be making use of the energy released by the cometary explosion, thus not having to produce that energy themselves.

However it plays out, I just thought it was suggestive that transdimensional windows are created by EMPs, and that the hyperdimensional beings that make use of those

hkoehli said:
3) Aren't they planning on killing the vast majority of us anyway?
I thought the comets were gonna do that.
Yeah... Now I'm confused. I mentioned "thousands of cometary explosions" to which you responded that this would not leave much of an earth to invade, to which I responded that, essentially, "that's the point -- kill billions of people". So, what was your point when you said the explosions wouldn't leave much of an earth for them? Do you think "they" are NOT planning any type of mass invasion? That would make sense, if the rise of psychopathy is how the real invasion is taking place. Or do you think that, if there IS an overt invasion, it will take place BEFORE the comets?
lostinself said:
yes but i still think that Nazism was a step further than that. the deviant nature of Nazi regime became clearly noticeable at particular moment yet the rulers still gained much support from the citizens who seemed not to want to see something was very wrong.
That's to be expected in a pathocracy. Even when a system's deviant nature is revealed, there will ALWAYS by up to 30% of the population that will continue to support the government. That's a LOT of people, enough to encourage the other 70% to keep quiet, even though they do see the deviant nature of the system. As Lobaczewski mentions, this scenario can play out for decades, even centuries.
Could it not be, that as it is the fear , the "energy" that is the food , no invasion as such is needed by the sts beings, and the incoming comets , impacts , wars , civil unrest , violence etc that raises the fear factor is all they need for their harvest.

Meaning our physical bodies (Vessels) will no longer be of any great importance as all events happen.
hkoehli said:
Yeah... Now I'm confused. I mentioned "thousands of cometary explosions" to which you responded that this would not leave much of an earth to invade, to which I responded that, essentially, "that's the point -- kill billions of people". So, what was your point when you said the explosions wouldn't leave much of an earth for them? Do you think "they" are NOT planning any type of mass invasion? That would make sense, if the rise of psychopathy is how the real invasion is taking place. Or do you think that, if there IS an overt invasion, it will take place BEFORE the comets?

(sorry, couldn't resist ;-)

Joe said:
hkoehli said:
Yeah... Now I'm confused. I mentioned "thousands of cometary explosions" to which you responded that this would not leave much of an earth to invade, to which I responded that, essentially, "that's the point -- kill billions of people". So, what was your point when you said the explosions wouldn't leave much of an earth for them? Do you think "they" are NOT planning any type of mass invasion? That would make sense, if the rise of psychopathy is how the real invasion is taking place. Or do you think that, if there IS an overt invasion, it will take place BEFORE the comets?

(sorry, couldn't resist ;-)

Approaching Infinity said:
lostinself said:
yes but i still think that Nazism was a step further than that. the deviant nature of Nazi regime became clearly noticeable at particular moment yet the rulers still gained much support from the citizens who seemed not to want to see something was very wrong.
That's to be expected in a pathocracy. Even when a system's deviant nature is revealed, there will ALWAYS by up to 30% of the population that will continue to support the government. That's a LOT of people, enough to encourage the other 70% to keep quiet, even though they do see the deviant nature of the system. As Lobaczewski mentions, this scenario can play out for decades, even centuries.

Especially when a society is ponerized enough so that this 70% can not compare notes with each other and furthermore have some amount of ponerization going on within their own minds and hearts...
Just read an article the other day that showed, that the Nazi instruments of oppression (like the Gestapo - the Secret Police) wasn't that huge apparatus, that we have come to believe to be. The recent release of Gestapo documents that fell into the hands of the Allies showed, that the Gestapo bureaus were quite small, and that this system only worked with the help of the general population: Most cases of "crimes against the state" were reported by neighbours, "friends" or "family". You wanted to take over your neighbours shop? Accuse him of sympathizing with Jews ... So the only thing the Gestapo people had to do is sit and wait.

I found that quite a revealing aspect of pathocracy - as mentioned above: even the most openly brutal and oppressive system works only if a significant part of the population plays along ...

As to the suns spot activity vs. the amount of UFO and other phenomena, there was an article on SOTT about the negative trend (and the possible total disapperance by the year 2015) of sunspots ( So we're probably not heading towards a warmer climate but may well be heading towards a Little Ice Age with concomitant increase in "high strangeness" phenomena .... fwiw.
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