Computational modelling of the companion star and its interaction with Sol

Why sphere special? Why solar system spherical, why sun spherical and also all stars and planets also spherical?

In water column we observe single bubble of air slowly rising to surface. We can see it change shape little, but it is spherical. Why bubble spherical? It is same. When there is balance in pressure and difference in density, at that time, spherical shape is naturally formed. Why rising? If medium where bubble rising would continuously change density with depth, at that time, the bubble would find depth where density also in balance. Then it would hover in that depth. Even if poking it, it will return to balance. But in reality no such medium with infinite change in density. We observe different mediums with different density if change in density big. We have air, and water. Each different. There are natural boundary between density. Here it is water surface. Bubble naturally find balance on this boundary, because its density in between. We too observe transverse waves on the boundary waving like blanket. In infinite medium of same density, no up, or down, left or right, no perpendicular. At that time, no transverse waves, only longitudinal.
When taking two dissimilar conductive materials and connecting them together, current flows, like in battery. If current flow is continuous, after some time, the battery is ended in balanced state and current stops.

In weather, we observe low pressure region and high pressure region. The two are part of the atmosphere and are always in contact, not isolated. As soon as they arise, there is transfer of air from the high pressure region toward low pressure region. It is perceived as wind. The bigger the pressure difference the stronger wind. Until balance is created and pressure equal. Just like the atmosphere is kept in balance, so is everything else. Balance is universal principle and universe is kept in dynamic balance.

If we inflate beach-ball and seal it, then even though there is high pressure inside, it is stable, because it is isolated from outside. There is balance in an imbalance. As soon as we poke hole in the ball, the isolation boundary is violated and now the outer pressure and inner pressure are in contact and air escapes until the ball deflated.

Solar system, same. There is boundary around solar system that keeps separate the inner region from outer, so they are not in contact. This allow the solar system to have different density than outer space. But the boundary is not impenetrable. If there is outside influence and the boundary is violated, at that time, current temporarily flows and causes instability. This instability is directly observable at the sun. After all it is sun that has strength to keep the boundary in place and is in intimate contact with it. If density inside is smaller, then flow is from outside to inside, trying to restore balance. This is very stressful for sun. Fortunately the boundary is self-healing. That means that when the cause, that created opening in boundary, is removed, the opening again closes, and the boundary is again intact and no current flows. Stable operation is again restored. The bigger the opening, the bigger current flow, the larger deviation from stable condition.
There are only two ways how energy can be stored. First is stored as deformation, second stored as motion. There are no other ways. It is obvious that there needs to be something, which allows for the energy to be stored. Energy cannot be stored in nothingness. In mechanics, we can store energy in deformable bodies, which have mass, or inertia. In hydrodynamics, we can store energy in compressible fluid, which again has inertia. But where is the energy stored when we talk about electrics and magetics? Obviously there needs to be some kind of medium, preferably with elastic and inertial properties.

If there is such medium, then it is universal, connecting everything that exists in the universe, permeating everything, because everything is made of this medium. We observe situations that we cannot explain. We observe rei-ki, homeopathy, we observe bees and birds and also fish being aware of some medium, they use it for communication or navigation, and we observe magnets and electrets. All of this makes no sense without admitting the existence of some kind of medium, that is present everywhere. If we talk about electrics and magnetics then we are literally talking about mechanical energy, or elastic and kinetic energy, that is stored in this medium. All principles valid in mechanics are also valid in electrics and magnetics. If everything is made of this medium, then it makes sense, that what we observe in various branches of physics, is just reflection of universal principles, that govern the behavior of everything. Instead of dividing, everything can be united assuming the medium as the source of everything we observe, at least in our reality. In this context electrics and magnetics is just study of how we interact with the medium.

It can be said that the universal medium is a link between consciousness and matter. For what is matter if not energy organized in intelligently designed pattern. In this way the universe can provide everything and if we would have knowledge and necessary skills, there would be lack of nothing. Even if people would be aware of this, there would be instant shift in reality. We are slaves only because of our ignorance. Learning more about how we can meaningfully interact with this medium can only aid our progress.

What are the properties of the universal medium? If we can store elastic energy, it is compressible. If we can store kinetic energy, it is fluid. We can also store information in the medium, similar how we store information on hard drive. If we compare these properties to anything that we know, then the first thing that springs to mind is water. Water has some interesting properties. It can be charged by light, it can store energy, it can store information in the form of crystalline patterns, yet it is fluid. Its behavior is that of fluid crystal, and we know it gives life to everything, at least on our planet. These properties make it a mirror, or extension, of the universal medium, which gives life to everything through light.

If we are talking about waves in this medium related to this density only, then we are talking about sound waves. The nature of the waves is same as sound wave propagating in any medium, where regions of rarefaction of the medium are followed by regions of compression of given medium. The speed of propagation is called speed of light, but this is misleading as it is sound, or pressure waves, that are really propagating. The propagation speed is depending only on the elastic and inertial properties of the medium and is completely independent on the velocity of the source, and on the velocity of the observer, as it is always related to absolute space of the universe.
Why sphere special? Why solar system spherical, why sun spherical and also all stars and planets also spherical?

In water column we observe single bubble of air slowly rising to surface. We can see it change shape little, but it is spherical. Why bubble spherical? It is same. When there is balance in pressure and difference in density, at that time, spherical shape is naturally formed. Why rising? If medium where bubble rising would continuously change density with depth, at that time, the bubble would find depth where density also in balance. Then it would hover in that depth. Even if poking it, it will return to balance. But in reality no such medium with infinite change in density. We observe different mediums with different density if change in density big. We have air, and water. Each different. There are natural boundary between density. Here it is water surface. Bubble naturally find balance on this boundary, because its density in between. We too observe transverse waves on the boundary waving like blanket. In infinite medium of same density, no up, or down, left or right, no perpendicular. At that time, no transverse waves, only longitudinal.
sphere results from gravity of the body itself. it is an equipotential shape.
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