Consejos de Gurdjieff a su hija/Advice [NOT] from Gurdjieff to his daughter


Dagobah Resident

1. Fija tu atención en ti mismo, sé consciente en cada instante de lo que piensas, sientes, deseas y haces.

2. Termina siempre lo que comenzaste.

3. Haz lo que estás haciendo lo mejor posible.

4. No te encadenes a nada que a la larga te destruya.

5. Desarrolla tu generosidad sin testigos.

6. Trata a cada persona como si fuera un pariente cercano.

7. Ordena lo que has desordenado.

8. Aprende a recibir, agradece cada don.

9. Cesa de autodefinirte.

10. No mientas ni robes, si lo haces te mientes y te robas a ti mismo.

11. Ayuda a tu prójimo sin hacerlo dependiente.

12. No desees ser imitado.

13. Haz planes de trabajo y cúmplelos.

14. No ocupes demasiado espacio.

15. No hagas ruidos ni gestos innecesarios.

16. Si no la tienes, imita la fe.

17. No te dejes impresionar por personalidades fuertes.

18. No te apropies de nada ni de nadie.

19. Reparte equitativamente.

20. No seduzcas.

21. Come y duerme lo estrictamente necesario.

22. No hables de tus problemas personales.

23. No emitas juicios ni críticas cuando desconozcas la mayor parte de los hechos.

24. No establezcas amistades inútiles.

25. No sigas modas.

26. No te vendas.

27. Respeta los contratos que has firmado.

28. Sé puntual.

29. No envidies los bienes o los éxitos del prójimo.

30. Habla sólo lo necesario.

31. No pienses en los beneficios que te va a procurar tu obra.

32. Nunca amenaces.

33. Realiza tus promesas.

34. En una discusión ponte en el lugar del otro.

35. Admite que alguien te supere.

36. No elimines, sino transforma.

37. Vence tus miedos, cada uno de ellos es un deseo que se camufla.

38. Ayuda al otro a ayudarse a sí mismo.

39. Vence tus antipatías y acércate a las personas que deseas rechazar.

40. No actúes por reacción a lo que digan bueno o malo de ti.

41. Transforma tu orgullo en dignidad.

42. Transforma tu cólera en creatividad.

43. Transforma tu avaricia en respeto por la belleza.

44. Transforma tu envidia en admiración por los valores del otro.

45. Transforma tu odio en caridad.

46. No te alabes ni te insultes.

47. Trata lo que no te pertenece como si te perteneciera.

48. No te quejes.

49. Desarrolla tu imaginación.

50. No des órdenes sólo por el placer de ser obedecido.

51. Paga los servicios que te dan.

52. No hagas propaganda de tus obras o ideas.

53. No trates de despertar en los otros emociones hacia ti como piedad, admiración, simpatía, complicidad.

54. No trates de distinguirte por tu apariencia.

55. Nunca contradigas, sólo calla.

56. No contraigas deudas, adquiere y paga en seguida.

57. Si ofendes a alguien, pídele perdón.

58. Si lo has ofendido públicamente, excúsate en público.

59. Si te das cuenta de que has dicho algo erróneo, no insistas por orgullo en ese error y desiste de inmediato de tus


60. No defiendas tus ideas antiguas sólo por el hecho de que fuiste tú quien las enunció.

61. No conserves objetos inútiles.

62. No te adornes con ideas ajenas.

63. No te fotografíes junto a personajes famosos.

64. No rindas cuentas a nadie, sé tu propio juez.

65. Nunca te definas por lo que posees.

66. Nunca hables de ti sin concederte la posibilidad de cambiar.

67. Acepta que nada es tuyo.

68. Cuando te pregunten tu opinión sobre algo o alguien, di sólo sus cualidades.

69. Cuando te enfermes, en lugar de odiar ese mal considéralo tu maestro.

70. No mires con disimulo, mira fijamente.

71. No olvides a tus muertos, pero dales un sitio limitado que les impida invadir toda tu vida.

72. En el lugar en que habites consagra siempre un sitio a lo sagrado.

73. Cuando realices un servicio no resaltes tus esfuerzos.

74. Si decides trabajar para los otros, hazlo con placer.

75. Si dudas entre hacer y no hacer, arriésgate y haz.

76. No trates de ser todo para tu pareja; admite que busque en otros lo que tú no puedes darle.

77. Cuando alguien tenga su público, no acudas para contradecirlo y robarle la audiencia.

78. Vive de un dinero ganado por ti mismo.

79. No te jactes de aventuras amorosas.

80. No te vanaglories de tus debilidades.

81. Nunca visites a alguien sólo por llenar tu tiempo.

82. Obtén para repartir.

83. Si estás meditando y llega un diablo, pon ese diablo a meditar...
Hello Eongar,

Can you leave us the source or tell us the source of these advices of Gurdjieff to his daughter?


Puedes dejarnos la fuente original o decirnos cuál es la fuente de estos consejos de Gurdjieff a su hija?

Re: Consejos de Gurdjieff a su hija/Advice from Gurdjieff to his daughter

No recuerdo donde lo leí por primera vez, lo que sí sé es que sale en un libro de Alejandro Jodorowsky el cual no he leido. Siento no poder dar más información al respecto.


I do not remember where I first read it, I do know is that it comes in a book by Alejandro Jodorowsky which I have not read. Sorry I can not give more information.
Re: Consejos de Gurdjieff a su hija/Advice from Gurdjieff to his daughter

Eongar said:
I do not remember where I first read it, I do know is that it comes in a book by Alejandro Jodorowsky which I have not read. Sorry I can not give more information.

Hi Eongar,

Since most of the members of this forum do not read Spanish, i will be really appreciated if you could translate in English theses advices. ;)
Re: Consejos de Gurdjieff a su hija/Advice from Gurdjieff to his daughter

Yes, lets remember that this is an English forum, so we should be posting in English.

I have the doubt that these advices might be really from Gurdjieff. I read a book by Alejandro Jodorowsky and all my red flags went off, it was basically a book of rituals. I found the guy very egocentric as well, I remember that he came across as if he was above Gurdjieff and how he was NOT conveying the real importance of Gurdjieff's teachings AT ALL. He was full of assumptions. Lets see if I can find the book I read... [searching]

It is called "Dancing with Reality (Psychomagic and Psychoshamanism)". My reaction was "You got to be kidding!!! Dancing with Reality?!?"

Disinformation and giving the impression that there could be a "free lunch" seemed to be the recipe for his popularity.

Did you read that book?
Re: Consejos de Gurdjieff a su hija/Advice from Gurdjieff to his daughter

A few pointers from that list:

22. No hables de tus problemas personales.
(Never talk about you personal problems)

55. Nunca contradigas, sólo calla.
(Never talk back, just shut up)

68. Cuando te pregunten tu opinión sobre algo o alguien, di sólo sus cualidades.
(When asked about your opinion about something or someone, mention only their qualities)

Although these advises could be useful to survive in this STS world (I remember that session with the C's about being gentle as a dove and smart as a snake), they serve nothing to you personal growth, and not only that, they seem opposite to what is being done here. Also number 22 is a recipe for a psychological disaster. IMHO.
Re: Consejos de Gurdjieff a su hija/Advice from Gurdjieff to his daughter

(I modified the title of the thread for English speakers to know what it is about. Eongar, please try to post only in English, and use the Spanish section only if you don't know how to say something. You can do it!)

I too doubt very much that this was written by Gurdjieff. I had lots of red flags while reading it.

I can't imagine him saying, for example:

Trata a cada persona como si fuera un pariente cercano.
Treat each person as if it was a close relative of yours.

Transforma tu odio en caridad.
Turn your hatred into charity.

Eongar, how acquainted are you with Gurdjieff's work?
Re: Consejos de Gurdjieff a su hija/Advice from Gurdjieff to his daughter

Humbly, I would be grateful for making me see if error. This makes me learn and be more careful to discern.

Thank you.
All are lessons
Re: Consejos de Gurdjieff a su hija/Advice from Gurdjieff to his daughter

Advice from Gurdjieff to his daughter

1. Fix your attention on yourself, be aware at every moment of what you think, feel, want and do.

2. Always you finish, What you started

3. Do what you're doing your best.

4. Do not be chained to anything that the long, destroy you.

5. Develop your generosity without witnesses.

6. Treat every person as a close relative.

7. You must order, which has disordered.

8. Learn how to receive, grateful for each gift.

9. Ceases to self-define you.

10. Do not lie, do not steal, if you do, Do you lie and steal from yourself.

11. Help your neighbor without doing so dependent.

12. Do not wish to be imitated.

13. Make plans of work and make them.

14. Do not take up too much space.

15. Do not make noises or unnecessary gestures.

16. If you do not have it, mimics the faith.

17. Do not be impressed by strong personalities.

18. Do not appropriate anything or anyone.

19. Distributed equitably.

20. Do not seduce.

21. Eat and sleep, the strictly necessary.

22. Do not talk about your personal problems.

23. Do not emim judgmental or criticism, when unknown the most of the facts.

24. Do not set useless friendships.

25. Do not follow fads.

26. Do not sell yourself.

27. Respect the contracts you've signed

28. Be punctual.

29. Do not envy the goods or the successes of others.

30. Speak only what is necessary.

31. Do not think of the benefits, that procure your work.

32. Never threaten.

33. Make your promises.

34. In a discussion, put yourself in the place of another.

35. He admits that someone exceeded you.

36. Do not eliminated, transform.

37. Defeat your fears, each of them is a desire that is camouflaged.

38. Help the other to help themselves.

39. Ends with your antipathies and get closer to people that you want reject.

40. Do not act in reaction to what they say good or bad of you.

41. Transform your pride in dignity.

42. Turn your anger, into creativity.

43. Transform your greed in respect for the beauty.

44. Transform your envy, in the admiration for the values of others.

45. Transform your hate in charity.

46. Do not praise or insult yourself.

47. Try what is not yours as if you belonged.

48. Do not complain.

49. Develop your imagination.

50. Do not give orders for the pleasure of being obeyed.

51. Pays for the services, that they give you.

52. Do Not Advertise of your work or ideas.

53. Do not try to arouse emotions in others to you like pity, admiration, sympathy and complicity.

54. Do not try to distinguish yourself by your appearance.

55. Never contradict, just shut up.

56. No indebtedness, acquires and pays immediately.

57. If you offend someone, ask forgiveness.

58. If you have offended publicly excusate in public.

59. If you realize that you said something wrong, do not push it out of pride in that error and desist immediately your purposes.

60. Do not defend your old ideas simply because it was you who the enunciated.

61. Do not keep useless objects.

62. Do not garnish with ideas of others.

63. Do not get pictures with celebrities.

64. Not accountable to anyone, be your own judge.

65. Never define yourself, by what you possess.

66. Never talk about yourself, without grant yourself the possibility of change.

67. Accept that nothing is yours.

68. When asked about your opinion about something or someone, mention only their qualities.

69. When you get sick, instead of hating this evil, consider it your teacher.

70. Do not look surreptitiously, Sees steadily.

71. Do not forget your dead, but give them a limited place to prevent them from invading all your life.

72. In the place where you dwell, consecrates always a sacred site.

73. When you do a service Not highlights your efforts.

74. If you decide to work for others, do it with pleasure

75. If in doubt between doing and not doing, take risks and do.

76. Do not try to be everything to your partner, admits that seek in others, what you cannot give.

77. When someone has his public, do not go attending, for contradict and steal his audience.

78. Lives of a money earned by yourself.

79. Do not boast to adventures love.

80. Do not boast of your weaknesses.

81. Never visit someone just to fill your time.

82. Get for distribute.

83. If you are meditating and reaches a devil, you beam that the devil meditate.
Re: Consejos de Gurdjieff a su hija/Advice from Gurdjieff to his daughter

Hi Alma, I'm not sure why you translated these quotes, perhaps you can help me understand? To my understanding, these quotations are not from Gurdjieff. Many of them sound quite opposite to Gurdjieff, actually. Did you not see Psyche's post, or the rest of the thread?:

Psyche said:
I have the doubt that these advices might be really from Gurdjieff. I read a book by Alejandro Jodorowsky and all my red flags went off, it was basically a book of rituals. I found the guy very egocentric as well, I remember that he came across as if he was above Gurdjieff and how he was NOT conveying the real importance of Gurdjieff's teachings AT ALL. He was full of assumptions. Lets see if I can find the book I read... [searching]

It is called "Dancing with Reality (Psychomagic and Psychoshamanism)". My reaction was "You got to be kidding!!! Dancing with Reality?!?"

Disinformation and giving the impression that there could be a "free lunch" seemed to be the recipe for his popularity.

Did you read that book?
Re: Consejos de Gurdjieff a su hija/Advice from Gurdjieff to his daughter

Please,this is Disinfo, we can not forget this?
Re: Consejos de Gurdjieff a su hija/Advice from Gurdjieff to his daughter

anart said:
Hi Alma, I'm not sure why you translated these quotes, perhaps you can help me understand? To my understanding, these quotations are not from Gurdjieff. Many of them sound quite opposite to Gurdjieff, actually. Did you not see Psyche's post, or the rest of the thread?:

Psyche said:
Yes, lets remember that this is an English forum, so we should be posting in English.

Gandalf said:
Hi Eongar,
Since most of the members of this forum do not read Spanish, i will be really appreciated if you could translate in English theses advices. ;)

Since January has not been translated. So now, this can be discussed better, for those who do not read English and even for those like me, have not read about Gurdjieff.
Re: Consejos de Gurdjieff a su hija/Advice from Gurdjieff to his daughter

Alma.Innovadora said:
Since January has not been translated. So now, this can be discussed better, for those who do not read English and even for those like me, have not read about Gurdjieff.

Alma - it was not written by Gurdjieff. Did you not read the thread? There is no reason to discuss it other than to point out that it is disinformation which already took place.
Re: Consejos de Gurdjieff a su hija/Advice from Gurdjieff to his daughter

anart said:
Alma.Innovadora said:
Since January has not been translated. So now, this can be discussed better, for those who do not read English and even for those like me, have not read about Gurdjieff.

Alma - it was not written by Gurdjieff. Did you not read the thread? There is no reason to discuss it other than to point out that it is disinformation which already took place.

EDIT: I did not do a comment of support about these advice. Nor a comment, for that would follow the topic more than it should. Topic closed? i know. But only i translated this, just a translation. For the reasons already given above.
Re: Consejos de Gurdjieff a su hija/Advice from Gurdjieff to his daughter

Alma.Innovadora said:
EDIT: I did not do a comment of support about these advice. Nor a comment, for that would follow the topic more than it should. Topic closed? i know. But only i translated this, just a translation. For the reasons already given above.

I appreciate that you wanted to translate for others to understand. Perhaps, in the future, you would translate things that are not in the disinformation and COINTELPRO section?
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