Conspiritainment Can Result in Learned Helplessness

I enjoy Jasun Horsley's podcast because is very weird. 🙂

This week's episode with Steven DeLay is worth a listen.

They address a troubling phenomena I have also noticed; Conspiracy Entertainment that results in Learned Helplessness.

I accidentally began my Conspiracy Research in the mid 90's by listening to Alex Jones on AM radio as I needed to kill hundreds of hours of driving time as I traveled around Texas for my job. It was fascinating.

30 years later I find it very difficult to find any new information, or any viable method for defeating evil conspiracies.

I may be suffering from Learned Helplessness.

DeLay describes this phenomena very well in this podcast episode. I particularly enjoyed his analysis of how most "Conspiracy Researchers" are really just Entertainers, who might actually be unwittingly assisting Evil by self-censorship...

Jobcast # 42: The Jazz Police

Ironically, at the end their recommendation is to "Leave it in God's hands" because of their religious views.
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