contact with Perseus "Perseunians"


Padawan Learner
Can you have a Cassiopeia subdivision?
I don't know if it would be the appropriate description of a Cassiopeia "reinforcement" since many times there are very important questions that are not mentioned in the sessions that could go to a smaller session of (forum beginners led by people who are friends of Laura or who are trustworthy her or suggested by Laura but is not as popular as the usual participants).

I have been asking myself this question for a long time: if the people on the forum could have a common project of a Cassiopeia communication without Laura or any of the people who are regularly in the project?
via Zoom and I clarified everything with Laura's supervision but without her intervention unless it is warranted, it would be a good idea since many times there are questions that we could ask
Are you talking about the galactic locators (not sure about the phraseology) ie, the Pleiadians, C’s, and other constellations being the point of origin from which the communications are located? I know the topic as well as the diagrams of the emanating spirals traveling along The Wave are in one of Laura’s books, and on the main Cass website. I just need someone here with a better memory than mine to direct me to it. But the problem I foresee, if I’m interpreting this correctly, is that the locator changes in relation to time as we experience it, therefore the information is relative to those factors. I of course may, as I often am, way out on a completely erroneous tangent.😄
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Are you talking about the galactic locators (not sure about the phraseology) ie, the Pleiadians, C’s, and other constellations being the point of origin from which the communications are located? I know the topic as well as the diagrams of the emanating spirals traveling along The Wave are in one of Laura’s books, and on the main Cass website. I just need someone here with a better memory than mine to direct me to it. But the problem I foresee, if I’m interpreting this correctly, is that the locator changes in relation to time as we experience it, therefore the information is relative to those factors. I of course may, as I often am, way out on a completely erroneous tangent.😄
exactly something similar as a Cs reinforcement since after all in the myth Perseus contributed to rescuing Andromeda.
Someone could guide and help us forum members to ask many questions that Laura does not ask, it would be like a Casiopea subgroup, but for this someone with a little experience suggested or trusted by Laura could guide a separate project for communication with 6 density for that reason I used as an example "Perseus" or Perseosians.
We could also cover extra information with other questions and more people in the forum would participate.
exactly something similar as a Cs reinforcement since after all in the myth Perseus contributed to rescuing Andromeda.
Someone could guide and help us forum members to ask many questions that Laura does not ask, it would be like a Casiopea subgroup, but for this someone with a little experience suggested or trusted by Laura could guide a separate project for communication with 6 density for that reason I used as an example "Perseus" or Perseosians.
We could also cover extra information with other questions and more people in the forum would participate.
The thing is that it would be a project in connection with Cs but with more participation from the forum members.
I don't understand how this works since Laura is the commander of the ship so to speak but that ship could have a friendly reinforcement where there is a little freedom for more questions and with this I think it could be done by someone with experience and that way it could be covered more information with a project in connection with Cs.
Well, at a minimum I would think there’d have to be some sort of understanding about the veracity of sources. Laura and Co have established a groove in the channel that has persevered through Frank (for example) and all the other “Adventurers with the Cs”, so opening up a dialogue with other channels involves inviting numerous possibilities of corruption. That would certainly be number one. Perhaps even a question for the Cs about the idea. That’s just the first thing off the top of my head.
Well, at a minimum I would think there’d have to be some sort of understanding about the veracity of sources. Laura and Co have established a groove in the channel that has persevered through Frank (for example) and all the other “Adventurers with the Cs”, so opening up a dialogue with other channels involves inviting numerous possibilities of corruption. That would certainly be number one. Perhaps even a question for the Cs about the idea. That’s just the first thing off the top of my head.
We won't always have Laura and say it would be "extra help" of information.
We can gain experience because if someone like Laura or close to her teaches us we can expand more and touch more parts.
What's more, if this project works, there may be another and another similar one.
I dare say that I felt an explosion of energy. Could it be the sixth density that inspired that idea in me?

It's often the case that the ego gets excited and then turns it into a narrative about how special we are, blessed by the light beings or the ancestors or whatever. I used to do that all the time. I've come to mistrust such thoughts, because as soon as we start thinking we're special, we're lost.
It's often the case that the ego gets excited and then turns it into a narrative about how special we are, blessed by the light beings or the ancestors or whatever. I used to do that all the time. I've come to mistrust such thoughts, because as soon as we start thinking we're special, we're lost.
So I take back what I said since it is an (idea) It doesn't matter the explosion of energy matters. It matters if it is useful and if Laura approves of it like many of you.
It's like having an extra or a smaller friendly ship.
It's often the case that the ego gets excited and then turns it into a narrative about how special we are, blessed by the light beings or the ancestors or whatever. I used to do that all the time. I've come to mistrust such thoughts, because as soon as we start thinking we're special, we're lost.
I know what you mean. It’s like the ego takes credit for something the hugher
We won't always have Laura and say it would be "extra help" of information.
We can gain experience because if someone like Laura or close to her teaches us we can expand more and touch more parts.
What's more, if this project works, there may be another and another similar one.
I’m hesitant to think about “another and similar one”. I don’t believe that’s the right concept. That presumes that the community would simply “fall apart”, and would require a “new one”. We just gonna leave Pierre out there at the lighthouse with his lamp in his hand?😄 The idea of starting a sanctioned Zoom for “forum beginners” is a nice idea in theory, and let the Admins do their thing with it. I don’t think it’s necessary to put the Cass stamp on it. If you want to network, then by all means network! And discuss whatever you please. I don’t see why that needs to be a “Cassiopaean Subdivision”.

But honestly this “after Laura” business is where I check out. I’ll take from the class what I can, but I’m not really interested in substitute teachers. We’re all teaching each other already if we’re doing it right.
I’m hesitant to think about “another and similar one”. I don’t believe that’s the right concept. That presumes that the community would simply “fall apart”, and would require a “new one”. We just gonna leave Pierre out there at the lighthouse with his lamp in his hand?😄 The idea of starting a sanctioned Zoom for “forum beginners” is a nice idea in theory, and let the Admins do their thing with it. I don’t think it’s necessary to put the Cass stamp on it. If you want to network, then by all means network! And discuss whatever you please. I don’t see why that needs to be a “Cassiopaean Subdivision”.

But honestly this “after Laura” business is where I check out. I’ll take from the class what I can, but I’m not really interested in substitute teachers. We’re all teaching each other already if we’re doing it right.
well of course that is! You have your criteria and it is valid because that is a contribution between everyone, it is not a solid idea of mine but an idea built between everyone about how it can be, etc.
I know what you mean. It’s like the ego takes credit for something the hugher
Sorry, I timed out. I wanted to say the ego takes credit for something the higher self conveys to the self/ego - not to bolster the self but to help the self become even less self-important and integrate more with higher, unified consciousness. In the case of highly significant coincidences or peak experiences, a sense of gratitude is more in order than a feeling of pride it seems,
well of course that is! You have your criteria and it is valid because that is a contribution between everyone, it is not a solid idea of mine but an idea built between everyone about how it can be, etc.
Does anyone want to place one more brick? We can convert a castle depending on working together
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