contact with Perseus "Perseunians"

Can you have a Cassiopeia subdivision?
I don't know if it would be the appropriate description of a Cassiopeia "reinforcement" since many times there are very important questions that are not mentioned in the sessions that could go to a smaller session of (forum beginners led by people who are friends of Laura or who are trustworthy her or suggested by Laura but is not as popular as the usual participants).

I have been asking myself this question for a long time: if the people on the forum could have a common project of a Cassiopeia communication without Laura or any of the people who are regularly in the project?
via Zoom and I clarified everything with Laura's supervision but without her intervention unless it is warranted, it would be a good idea since many times there are questions that we could ask

There is already a sub-forum here where anyone can post their questions to the C's. Don't forget the 95% perspiration guide though, put in research work to see if you can answer your questions first or at least refine them and give some background as to why you're asking the question. Also you will likely receive feedback on the question which will indicate whether it's a useful question or not.
Can you have a Cassiopeia subdivision?
I don't know if it would be the appropriate description of a Cassiopeia "reinforcement" since many times there are very important questions that are not mentioned in the sessions that could go to a smaller session of (forum beginners led by people who are friends of Laura or who are trustworthy her or suggested by Laura but is not as popular as the usual participants).

I have been asking myself this question for a long time: if the people on the forum could have a common project of a Cassiopeia communication without Laura or any of the people who are regularly in the project?
via Zoom and I clarified everything with Laura's supervision but without her intervention unless it is warranted, it would be a good idea since many times there are questions that we could ask
If you are suggesting that forum members meet up on zoom to discuss things, then NO. Since nobody really knows who are behind the avatars/usernames on the forum, we do not know who the people really are. There have been many times when something like this is tried by members and things can go drastically wrong.

If you are suggesting another channeling group, then the answer is NO. Laura had years and years of researching under her belt before even trying the channeling thing. Because of that research and her hypnotherapy and exorcism sessions, she knows the flavor of negative encounters. Anyone who thinks they can just start channeling and everything will be good is a bit delusional,.

If you want to suggest a question for the Cs you can post one here after you have done the research to find the answers yourself and if there are still more questions, then you can post it. Also, the question has to be of interest to Laura. Personal questions will not usually be considered.
If you are suggesting that forum members meet up on zoom to discuss things, then NO. Since nobody really knows who are behind the avatars/usernames on the forum, we do not know who the people really are. There have been many times when something like this is tried by members and things can go drastically wrong.

If you are suggesting another channeling group, then the answer is NO. Laura had years and years of researching under her belt before even trying the channeling thing. Because of that research and her hypnotherapy and exorcism sessions, she knows the flavor of negative encounters. Anyone who thinks they can just start channeling and everything will be good is a bit delusional,.

If you want to suggest a question for the Cs you can post one here after you have done the research to find the answers yourself and if there are still more questions, then you can post it. Also, the question has to be of interest to Laura. Personal questions will not usually be considered.
I am afraid that paths must be opened; old paradigms always resist change.
That's okay, "ma'am," it was just an idea. If that idea were well accepted, more people would have intervened to discuss it, but I tell you something, if you criticize, it doesn't cancel my project and I tell you something else. I don't care about experience, the years, young people can always learn. they can leave the nest
t doesn't cancel my project and I tell you something else. I don't care about experience,
Yes, that's quite evident from some of your posts. However, we mods, admins and ambassadors put the safety of the members first and foremost before letting others put them in danger. It's quite interesting how some people seem to think that other dimensions and densities are a playground for all.

Here's a quote I have to pull out every now and then. It's a warning for those who like to play in the spiritual realms:
From The Sufi Path of Knowledge by Chittick, Ibn al ‘Arabi says:

Nowadays most people interested in the spirituality of the East desire the "experience," though they may call what they are after "intimate communion with God." Those familiar with the standards and norms of spiritual experience set down by disciplined paths are usually appalled at the way Westerners seize upon any apparition from the domain outside of normal consciousness as a manifestation of the "spiritual." In fact there are innumerable realms in the unseen world, some of them far more dangerous than the worst jungles of the visible world. No person familiar with the teachings of Sufism would dare lay himself open to such forces...

And, then, there is this that Laura discusses in The Wave I speaking of the experience of a woman who is talking about The Beautiful Lady:

She puts the robe around me and then my mind separates from my body. I can look back and see it lying there. Then we go up through the ceiling, pop out the roof, and fly into space. One night the Lady took me back in time. We were in a foreign country and the people wore old-fashioned clothes. The Lady took on the appearance of a beautiful woman in a blue robe. She performed miracles for them..."

Suddenly Ann's face turned ashen and she asked to be excused. Her scream of pain was heard from the bathroom where she had taken refuge. When Ann came out, she was sniffling and holding her abdomen. The Lady had savagely attacked her for revealing that down through history, creatures like the Lady have taken the form of saints. They then use the gullibility of humankind to misguide and misinform people so that they believe they are seeing miracles performed. Ann begged the newsman to delete that portion of the interview." (Osborn, 1982)
You Hok will, of course, do what you will do. We just don't want you to pull others along with you. We've seen too many disasters happen.
Si está sugiriendo que los miembros del foro se reúnan en zoom para discutir cosas, entonces NO. Como nadie sabe realmente quiénes están detrás de los avatares/nombres de usuario en el foro, no sabemos quiénes son realmente las personas. Ha habido muchas ocasiones en las que los miembros prueban algo como esto y las cosas pueden salir drásticamente mal.

Si está sugiriendo otro grupo de canalización, entonces la respuesta es NO. Laura tuvo años y años de investigación en su haber incluso antes de intentar canalizar. Gracias a esa investigación y a sus sesiones de hipnoterapia y exorcismo, conoce el sabor de los encuentros negativos. Cualquiera que piense que puede empezar a canalizar y todo estará bien se engaña un poco.

Si preguntas sugerir una pregunta para el Cs piedras hacerlo publica uno aquí una vez que haya investigado para encontrar las respuestas usted mismo y si aun hay más preguntas, puede publicarlas. Además, la pregunta tiene que ser de intereses para Laura. Por lo general, no se considerarán preguntas
¡solo una idea!

Sí, eso es bastante evidente en algunas de tus publicaciones. Sin embargo, nosotros, los mods, administradores y embajadores, ante todo ponemos en peligro la seguridad de los miembros antes de permitir que otros los pongan en peligro. Es bastante interesante cómo algunas personas parecen pensar que otras dimensiones y densidades son un patio de recreo para todos.

Aquí hay una cita que tengo que sacar de vez en cuando. Es una advertencia para aquellos a quienes les gusta jugar en los reinos espirituales:

Tú, Hok, por supuesto, harás lo que harás. Simplemente no queremos que lleves a otros contigo. Hemos visto ocurrir demasiados desastres.
I'm not taking anyone, his treatment seems hostile to me, I'm sure he has some unresolved problem, but why don't we discuss it? or are you going to resort to expulsion? Don't disrespect or insult any of the members, but as I say, it doesn't cancel my free will. Also, if you block me unfairly due to karma, I'll come back!
Yes, that's quite evident from some of your posts. However, we mods, admins and ambassadors put the safety of the members first and foremost before letting others put them in danger. It's quite interesting how some people seem to think that other dimensions and densities are a playground for all.

Here's a quote I have to pull out every now and then. It's a warning for those who like to play in the spiritual realms:

You Hok will, of course, do what you will do. We just don't want you to pull others along with you. We've seen too many disasters happen.

I am your family because otherwise I would not be here. I do not intend to fight with you but I defend my point. How many people have you blocked unfairly? If you expel a family member, he or she will return home again, I remind you of that since it is in your blood!
I may not fully understand your request, but I just wanted to gently point out a few things that might be important to keep in mind:

One of the reasons we can't address every question we'd like is because the sessions can be very taxing on Laura, draining her energy, often leaving her needing rest for a couple of days to recover.

Also, the group is mindful about asking questions only after thorough research. The C's have emphasized many times that their purpose is not to provide easy answers but to guide us in the process of learning.

Lastly, I just want to acknowledge how special Laura's work is. She has chosen a remarkable mission, and her dedication is truly unique. Very few people are capable of what she's doing, and it requires a great deal of care and protection for her wellbeing. Formulated another way is: Laura is a special soul that chose to incarnate in order to fulfill this mission, and that very few people will ever be able to achieve what she's doing without endangering themselves.

From what I understand, I think you are seriously underestimating the dangers of such endeavor and you may be up for some brutal experiences. Wanting to start channeling on your own is foolish, and young people as you call them would end up being juicy prays.
I'm not taking anyone, his treatment seems hostile to me, I'm sure he has some unresolved problem, but why don't we discuss it? or are you going to resort to expulsion? Don't disrespect or insult any of the members, but as I say, it doesn't cancel my free will. Also, if you block me unfairly due to karma, I'll come back!
No one is being hostile; you will do what you will do, but it is Moderator´s job to discourage any form of channelling, and to warn people not to get involved in that sort of business.
No one is being hostile; you will do what you will do, but it is Moderator´s job to discourage any form of channelling, and to warn people not to get involved in that sort of business.
It is true that I do not understand the Cs work in its entirety and my idea could have been daring, one must have external consideration since Laura has invested a lot of time but at least we were able to have a conversation, thanks Casiopeos!
this thread has adressed one concern of me: the cass work is due to the incredible amount of continuous work by laura. we all benefit from it and suck her dry. but we all get older. what will happen when laura can no more carry the load or disappears? how will we continue the cass experiment? maybe laura should, like jesus - who did not exist(?) - ,create a follow-up? same for ark?
I'm not taking anyone, his treatment seems hostile to me, I'm sure he has some unresolved problem, but why don't we discuss it? or are you going to resort to expulsion? Don't disrespect or insult any of the members, but as I say, it doesn't cancel my free will. Also, if you block me unfairly due to karma, I'll come back!
One of the areas of free will is the right of association, which also implies the right to not associate and defending that. For example, if you wish to play football, you have the right to exclude people from the football field who want to race their horses, no matter how unfair the horse people might think that is. The horse people need to find a place that is more suitable to racing horses because the two don't mix. If a person that has been blocked keeps coming back, then they are infringing the freewill of those that blocked them and are therefore not showing external consideration.
How many people have you blocked unfairly?
The number isn't important and excluding those that are either not colinear or showing signs that they wish to learn and grow to become more colinear is a right of association. Some come only to try to impose their own ideals and have absolutely no desire to learn.
I don't care about experience, the years, young people can always learn. they can leave the nest
It's also your right to leave the forum anytime.
One of the areas of free will is the right of association, which also implies the right to not associate and defending that. For example, if you wish to play football, you have the right to exclude people from the football field who want to race their horses, no matter how unfair the horse people might think that is. The horse people need to find a place that is more suitable to racing horses because the two don't mix. If a person that has been blocked keeps coming back, then they are infringing the freewill of those that blocked them and are therefore not showing external consideration.

The number isn't important and excluding those that are either not colinear or showing signs that they wish to learn and grow to become more colinear is a right of association. Some come only to try to impose their own ideals and have absolutely no desire to learn.

It's also your right to leave the forum anytime.
If you block me, I will return since your blocking does not correspond to the regulations and you only did it on a whim, your own disgust and lack of intelligence, that could even demonstrate your lack of leadership in your role.
One of the areas of free will is the right of association, which also implies the right to not associate and defending that. For example, if you wish to play football, you have the right to exclude people from the football field who want to race their horses, no matter how unfair the horse people might think that is. The horse people need to find a place that is more suitable to racing horses because the two don't mix. If a person that has been blocked keeps coming back, then they are infringing the freewill of those that blocked them and are therefore not showing external consideration.

The number isn't important and excluding those that are either not colinear or showing signs that they wish to learn and grow to become more colinear is a right of association. Some come only to try to impose their own ideals and have absolutely no desire to learn.

It's also your right to leave the forum anytime.
How many students do bad teachers and directors expel from schools? How many talented people are they trying to cancel?
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