I am glad that I went along, but I must admit that the whole experience shook me up quite badly. Plus ever since then I've been feeling a lot more despair. It's so unbelievably depressing when your friends believe that they have been given too many "freedoms".
The Crowhouse, Computer Forever, a lot of alternative sources have been saying that people are waking up and that we will win. The C's said that the plan will fail. But I don't see people waking up. I see mindless zombies shuffling themselves into slavery. From everything I can see and from what I have experienced, it looks extremely bleak.
The C's said to sit back and enjoy the ride (as you all know of course). But I'm really struggling with quite how we are meant to do that.
Apologies for the negativity. I wanted to get back to posting and I guess I needed to share.
The central thesis of this paper is that we have a major problem with PCR-testing. This is distorting policy and creating the illusion that we are in a serious pandemic when in fact we are not.
An epidemic is defined as the wide spread of an infectious disease. The final letter of Covid is 'D' for 'disease'. A disease requires symptoms. Public Health England's National COVID-19 case definition required the presence of symptoms. Somehow symptoms have become irrelevant. We are now chasing down the healthy, immune population who are being over-tested. This includes those in hospital with other symptoms and for other reasons. If we tested for influenza in the same way and with the same implications, we would have to lock down every winter.
Fundamental flaws of the current UK approach
1) The definition of Covid deaths is too broad. Currently any death with an incidental positive Covid test within prior 28 days is counted as Covid. However, even deaths from the misdiagnosis of respiratory failure will result in Covid being put as the primary cause. There is no post mortem evidence that these are Covid deaths. There is no equivalent rise in death certificates with mentions of pneumonia as was seen in the spring. Accident and Emergency attendances for acute respiratory infections are currently 300 per day lower than average....
2) The tests are not measuring the disease. It is nonsense to rely simply on positive test cases without requiring the presence of symptoms to define the scale of the epidemic. However, if positive tests are to be used, determination of the test accuracy rate is absolutely essential (especially the false positive rate)....
3) Excess deaths are not all Covid deaths. Pandemics can cause excess deaths. Lockdowns can also cause excess deaths and we saw excess deaths from many causes in Spring. There appears to have been no attempt to analyse these deaths or factor them into current decision-making processes. Normal interactions with the health service have still not resumed and excess deaths in the 15-44 year-old age group have climbed steadily throughout the year. These are nearly all non-Covid deaths.
5) The only confirmatory testing carried out has shown no Covid. Army testing in Liverpool uses a different and more reliable test - the 'Lateral Flow Test' (LFT). It has demonstrated that there is minimal Covid in the Liverpool community, the alleged hotspot. The numbers testing positive are barely above the false positive rate reported for the LFT meaning there were no real Covid cases found. In other words, the Army results confirm the fact that at least 90% of the PCR were false positives and the government is panicking on the basis of a massively exaggerated and unreliable statistic.
This article is focused on the UK. Presumably much of this is applicable elsewhere. The failures of PCR testing in general may be applicable virtually everywhere it is used. The reason is that it's insufficient as a sole tool for diagnosis, if it's valid at all. There are arguments that it is not.The Government has not published [the operational false positive rate] and has admitted it does not know what it is, hence it's not possible to say what fraction of the tests are genuine. All of them? Half of them? None of them? Any reasonable person would regard it as an affront to permit continued deployment of this test.
It would be negligent for a physician to perform a diagnostic test for their patient without knowing what the results meant, yet by their own admission, the Government does not know what their results mean.
The new Covid vaccines will make billions of dollars for the big pharmaceutical companies, but here’s what they won’t do:
Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “If the vaccine does not protect me from getting Covid (or dying from Covid), then why should I take it?”
- The vaccines will not cure Covid
- The vaccines will not prevent people from contracting Covid
- The vaccines will not prevent Covid-related hospitalizations
- The vaccines will not prevent Covid-caused deaths
And the answer is: “You shouldn’t. It makes no sense at all, especially in view of the fact that new vaccines pose considerable risks to one’s health and well-being.
“Risks,” you say? “No one said anything about risks. I thought this wonderful new Covid cure was entirely risk-free; just take the jab and– Presto– life goes back to normal.”
I don't see why you should quit. I would rather see how far you can go and how much you can fight any attempt to fire you. Perhaps they are full of hot air and do not want to turn you into a martyr. I thought I read that the Sacramento Sheriff won't enforce the lockdown.my bosses have decided to unilaterally make sure we all take the COVID vaxx once it's approved for use. I will NOT take that thing, and will quit first.
LongCloud, may I ask what you hoped to achieve with this comment? Telling someone who is struggling with depression to 'suck it up'? Especially when you have no idea as to their personal circumstances and the serious and very real issues they are facing in order to just survive?Wisteria,
This may not calm you, but understand this is NOTHING like the tragedies that have befallen societies before us.
Suck it up, as the C's say.
Unless you or your family and/or friends get taken away and facing a firing squad, then you should be able to keep your head together.
Don't hesitate, sometimes is needed as a cope mechanism. You as thousands, millions have been under so much stress by the psycopaths authorities. Is good that are fine and were able to talk about it here, to share it.I must say that no, your comment did not calm me. But it has indeed made me hesitant to share my feelings again in the future.
LongCloud, it is an ongoing tragedy that is upon pretty much the whole world with severe repercussions at present and years to come.This may not calm you, but understand this is NOTHING like the tragedies that have befallen societies before us.
Suck it up, as the C's say.
Unless you or your family and/or friends get taken away and facing a firing squad, then you should be able to keep your head together.
The Victorian Government has unveiled a new, stronger quarantine program and a dedicated agency to oversee it enabling Victorians and visitors to safely start returning from overseas.
As part of the Government’s response to the interim report of the Hotel Quarantine Inquiry, Premier Daniel Andrews and Minister for Police and Emergency Services Lisa Neville today launched the new body and program– which has been overhauled following a root-and-branch review of the original program.
Significant changes have been made to strengthen leadership, oversight and training, embed public health and enforcement expertise, and tighten obligations for both staff and residents – to keep them and the community safe.
A dedicated agency, COVID-19 Quarantine Victoria (CQV), has been established to oversee all elements of the program – including the Frontline Worker Accommodation program (formerly known as Hotels for Heroes), mandatory quarantine for people entering Australia including Health Hotels for positive and suspected cases or close contacts, and Emergency Accommodation for local residents who need a safe place to quarantine.
It will be led by Corrections Commissioner Emma Cassar, who has been appointed as interim Commissioner of CQV and will report directly to the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.
All staff working in the program are employed or directly contracted by CQV with the exception of cleaning staff who are on secure, fixed term contracts with Alfred Health. All government staff working in the COVID-19 Accommodation program are under the command of the CQV Commissioner and all contracts for the program will be held by CQV.
Health, enforcement and operational expertise will be embedded in the executive structure of CQV, responding to a key recommendation from the interim report.
Victoria Police will boost its presence in the program, and will continue carrying out supervision, enforcement and compliance duties at all locations. They will be supported by Australian Defence Force personnel and highly trained Resident Support Officers.
Additional infection controls have been introduced, including the daily testing of staff and voluntary regular testing of their family and household members, a centralised contact tracing team, proactive contact mapping for all staff, a ban on secondary face-to-face employment for all staff and strengthened PPE protocols.
Frontline staff will work in ‘bubbles’ to ensure they only have contact with a limited number of other staff during their shift, allowing for the bubble to be taken offline with minimal impact if one staff member becomes unwell.
The Frontline Worker Accommodation program (formerly known as Hotels for Heroes) will be expanded to include those working in the COVID-19 Accommodation program. This will ensure staff, including those who have household members who work in the aged care sector, are able to access alternative accommodation if required.
Given the high-risk nature of the aged care sector, workers will be required and supported to isolate from anyone in their household who works in the aged care sector. This includes access to dedicated Frontline Worker Accommodation facilities.
Regular, independent audits will be carried out at all hotels, as recommended by the Board of Inquiry, to identify any issues or improvements and monitor compliance with best-practice infection prevention and control measures.
Unless there are medical, mental health or compassionate reasons, residents will no longer be able to leave their rooms while isolating or quarantining, including for fresh air or exercise breaks. Food and care packages from family and friends will no longer be permitted, with deliveries only accepted from accredited food services.
These measures will help restrict movement to and from quarantine accommodation and further reduce the risk of transmission between those quarantining and staff, helping to keep the Victorian community safe.
These will be tough changes for residents, which is why we’ve created a timetable of structured activities throughout their stay and increased access to specialised remote children and family friendly activities, exercise programs and mental health and wellbeing programs.
Three Deputy State Controllers with relevant experience will support the Commissioner – including new Deputy Chief Health Officer Professor Ben Cowie who has been appointed to lead health management for the program focusing on infection prevention and control, testing and contact tracing.
Deputy Commissioner Ross Guenther from Victoria Police will provide enforcement expertise, and also oversee the force’s expanded role in the program.
The third Deputy State Controller will be appointed shortly and will use their extensive operational and logistical expertise to manage critical staffing and corporate aspects of the program.
There will also be increased oversight on the ground with general managers and site managers introduced at each location, setting clear reporting lines for staff and for any resident complaints or issues.
Healthcare Australia will provide primary health services and wellbeing support across quarantine hotels, where returned travellers without symptoms are accommodated.
Alfred Health will play an expanded role in the management of health hotels, where people who have or are suspected to have coronavirus, and residents with complex care needs, are accommodated.
Stricter standards have also been introduced for cleaning and waste disposal, with cleaners and hotel staff receiving additional training.
Changes to the mandatory quarantine program have been implemented in recent months and build on the significant reset made to the program in July. New practices and standards have been comprehensively tested, and staff are well trained ahead of international flights resuming on 7 December with a cap of 160 passengers arriving each day.
The interim report of the Hotel Quarantine Inquiry made 69 recommendations about a reset of the mandatory quarantine program. The Government has accepted or accepted in principle 52 recommendations, with a further 17 recommendations under review. Thirteen of these recommendations relate to the establishment of a model for home-based quarantine, which would require agreement from National Cabinet.
A Stronger Quarantine Program To Protect What We’ve Built | Premier of Victoria
The Victorian Government has unveiled a new, stronger quarantine program and a dedicated agency to oversee it enabling Victorians and visitors to safely start returning from overseas. As part of the Government’s response to the interim report of the Hotel Quarantine Inquiry, Premier Daniel...www.premier.vic.gov.au
LongCloud, may I ask what you hoped to achieve with this comment? Telling someone who is struggling with depression to 'suck it up'? Especially when you have no idea as to their personal circumstances and the serious and very real issues they are facing in order to just survive?
I must say that no, your comment did not calm me. But it has indeed made me hesitant to share my feelings again in the future.