Jedi Master
I found this video on bitchute of a Doctor in the US talking about a four year old boy suffering a bacterial infection in his lungs as a result of prolonged mask use.
I think the censorship social media is doing is criminal and I think they'll be prosecuted in future with some executives going to jail.
Reasons for saying this:-
- At some point, not sure when but the point will come, data and information will come out showing that there was more than one side of the story to the "official" covid story. With social media stifling public debate, they actually put people in danger. I don't know if they'll have immunity for this.
- They are censoring and deleting whole groups of people reporting side effects and discussing it - citing anti vax propaganda. That's akin to deleting a group of domestic abused people discussing their experiences and as a result getting some emotional and psychological support. In time I don't think this behaviour will be found to be defendable or legal.
I can't see how the social media companies and executives will escape massive backlash. They are digging their own graves, thinking the left will always be powerful enough to protect them.
This is what makes me wonder if these identical strains appeared independently, or if they were transmitted from say the UK or the Danish Mink. It can not be ruled out that they arose independently, but if they did, how might one explain that? Was it just because such mutations were the most likely changes, or because of an underlying information field with which the virus interacted, or are such viruses so small that the normal rules of space and separation in space do not always apply. At any rate, I think this Russian finding is most interesting. If moreover a weakened immune system makes for a fertile ground for new mutations to arise, then all the mask-wearing and current vaccination obsession should pave the way for some most fascinating and unexpected outcomes.. The proverbial can of worms just gained a whole new level of meaning.
At this point it's becoming quite evident that logic has left the building. To even bring up logic is becoming "dangerous".What I would like to know, is...
HOW they investigated the "new strains" - in what way, with what methods. Without that info, anything can be claimed. I sincerely hope they didn't just use "PCR tests" for identification - because that is pretty much worthless for real life findings and conclusions. The perfect crime tool, in my opinion.
Dr Andrew Kaufman (World Doctors Alliance) is the kind of guy who examines & scrutinizes scientific medical papers (watching his videos are truly amazing for understanding Virus, PCR, tests, claims, etc). Many papers make make bold claims (revolving SARS-CoV-2, corona, Covid19), yet is revealed in detail - that those are often smoke and mirrors. Once you dig deeper into the papers, HOW procedures are done - it all falls apart. Also the meaning of changed "virus", is often doubtful, because it does not necessarily mean it is more harmful.
Also, when tissue dies, specially in an ill patient, it falls apart into many particles. It is those, that are often misinterpret, preferably in favor for the Plandemic.
Something else I don't understand with doctors and nurses who give people the "vaccine" - yet start to see that patients are suffering from the consequences - why don't they stop giving them to people ? Or is the brain wash really that strong, that they continue, without seeing the connection through observations ?
I think not because of the following:
Almost 20 years have passed.
Who and in what way "demolished" the twin towers according to the official "speech".
How many people think of another "explanation"?
To say that very little is an understatement.
The programming is complete!
Control is planetary.
Even Eskimos use smartphones!
yeah, that's how the majority works in our STS world, it's a norm not exception,What I would like to know, is...
HOW they investigated the "new strains" - in what way, with what methods. Without that info, anything can be claimed. I sincerely hope they didn't just use "PCR tests" for identification - because that is pretty much worthless for real life findings and conclusions. The perfect crime tool, in my opinion.
Dr Andrew Kaufman (World Doctors Alliance) is the kind of guy who examines & scrutinizes scientific medical papers (watching his videos are truly amazing for understanding Virus, PCR, tests, claims, etc). Many papers make make bold claims (revolving SARS-CoV-2, corona, Covid19), yet is revealed in detail - that those are often smoke and mirrors. Once you dig deeper into the papers, HOW procedures are done - it all falls apart. Also the meaning of changed "virus", is often doubtful, because it does not necessarily mean it is more harmful.
Also, when tissue dies, specially in an ill patient, it falls apart into many particles. It is those, that are often misinterpret, preferably in favor for the Plandemic.
Something else I don't understand with doctors and nurses who give people the "vaccine" - yet start to see that patients are suffering from the consequences - why don't they stop giving them to people ? Or is the brain wash really that strong, that they continue, without seeing the connection through observations ?
I've been thinking about this for the past few days; maybe when people start burying their close family and friends they might start to put things together in their mind. This hoax-pandemic has been abstract for most people I know (for the most part). It will be more real and visceral when people start dying (osit).At this point it's becoming quite evident that logic has left the building. To even bring up logic is becoming "dangerous".
I remind myself often that most of the people buying everything they're told without question, are not bad people. They simply have had no reason or time to delve into the complexities of our reality during their lives and at this point in time, it's almost "too late" to do so. They are from all walks of life, doctors, police officers etc'. The shocks they'd need to blow the locks off their minds are stupendous.
Questioning the narrative / intentions means everything might come crumbling down all at once, in a way that might not even be mentally survivable. They have no choice but to go along with what is being sold to them because to do otherwise would be to risk insanity and destruction.
The World Health Organization is ready to assist in speeding up the process of certifying the Russian-made Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine for emergency use worldwide.
“Several vaccines, including Sputnik V, are currently at the stage of assessment and submission of data… The WHO is looking forward to providing the necessary assistance to accelerate these proceedings,” technical officer for immunization at WHO/Europe, Oleg Benes, said at a briefing with Russian-language media.
The WHO said earlier it expects the full data on Sputnik V to be submitted by the end of January, before it can add the Russian-made jab to its list of vaccines for emergency use worldwide.
The global health agency cleared the use of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine in late December. It is currently being used in immunization campaigns in the EU, Britain, US and Canada.
Sputnik V, developed by the Moscow-based Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, is being used in Russia and countries like Serbia and Argentina.
Benes also said the WHO is looking into the option of international certificates for people who have been vaccinated.
“With the emergence of effective and safe coronavirus vaccines, the WHO is studying the issues and the problems tied to the vaccination of international travelers,” he said.
After I posted my response and answers to your other questions, this line still "simmered" on a back burner in my mind.Debra, your last paragraph triggered two questions.
If a wide spread genetic change is to occur induced via a type of virus.
Well, yes, under the cannibal (Stalin), Soviet people did not just sit at home (idle). They sat in concentration camps of the GULAG system, lived in barracks and WORKED for a piece of bread and a ladle of porridge a day. I recommend Solzhenitsin's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, a short story about the life of a Soviet prisoner in the gulag system.Essentially jailing people inside their homes, away from natural light and fresh air. What an absolute joke, not even Stalin attempted such things.
Was Hitler and co prosecuted by Germans? Was Stalin prosecuted by Soviets? It is more likely you will be prosecuted and quarantineed for spreading panic, undermining state institutions, and jeorpadizing public health.I think the censorship social media is doing is criminal and I think they'll be prosecuted in future with some executives going to jail.
Reasons for saying this:-
- At some point, not sure when but the point will come, data and information will come out showing that there was more than one side of the story to the "official" covid story. With social media stifling public debate, they actually put people in danger. I don't know if they'll have immunity for this.
- They are censoring and deleting whole groups of people reporting side effects and discussing it - citing anti vax propaganda. That's akin to deleting a group of domestic abused people discussing their experiences and as a result getting some emotional and psychological support. In time I don't think this behaviour will be found to be defendable or legal.
I can't see how the social media companies and executives will escape massive backlash. They are digging their own graves, thinking the left will always be powerful enough to protect them.
Follow up - she's made a video where she addresses the public
"I don't know what is happening to my body.." Shawn Skelton. (Her earlier report on her Moderna vaccine adverse reaction: ➡️ 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 DEL BIGTREE - 2ND DOSE OR 2ND THOUGHTS? 🟠…
Tragic. It looks worse than death if it's a permanent condition she now has, constantly shaking all the time.
First case of severe reaction in Mexico
001. The Ministry of Health studies the case of the doctor who presented a clinical reaction after the vaccination against COVID-19
Also for Pfizer it seems
Karla Cecilia Pérez, a 32-year-old internist hospitalized after receiving a Pfizer vaccine, is conscious but has difficulties speaking and moving her legs and arms.
When the talk was about gene 8 getting attacked, we joked about the seven dwarfs happily hopping around.about Shaking Shawn