COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines

Did you know that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines aren’t vaccines in the medical and legal definition of a vaccine? They do not prevent you from getting the infection, nor do they prevent its spread. They’re really experimental gene therapies.
Neither Moderna nor Pfizer claims this to be the case for their COVID-19 “vaccines.” In fact, in their clinical trials, they specify that they will not even test for immunity. [...] They do not actually impart immunity or inhibit the transmissibility of the disease. In other words, they are not designed to keep you from getting sick with SARS-CoV-2; they only are supposed to lessen your infection symptoms if or when you do get infected.
What Constitutes ‘The Greater Good’?
Now, if vaccination is a public health measure that is supposed to protect and benefit the collective, then it would need to a) ensure that the individual who is vaccinated is rendered immune from the disease in question; and b) that the vaccine inhibits transmission of the disease. Only if these two outcomes can be scientifically proven can you say that vaccination protects and benefits the collective — the population as a whole. This is where we run into problems with the mRNA “vaccines.”

Moderna’s SEC filings, which Martin claims to have carefully reviewed, specifies and stresses that its technology is a “gene therapy technology.” Originally, its technology was set up to be a cancer treatment, so more specifically, it’s a chemotherapy gene therapy technology. [...] Moreover, states and employers would not be able to mandate individuals to receive chemotherapy gene therapy for cancer they do not have. It simply would not be legal. Yet, they’re proposing that all of humanity be forced to get gene therapy for COVID-19.
There Are More Problems Than One
As noted by Martin, you cannot have a vaccine that does not meet a single definition of a vaccine. So, again, what would motivate these companies, U.S. health agencies, and public health officials like Dr. Anthony Fauci to lie and claim that these gene therapies are in fact vaccines when, clearly, they are not? If they actually called it what it is, namely “gene therapy chemotherapy,” most people would — wisely — refuse to take it. Perhaps that’s one reason for their false categorization as vaccines. But there may be other reasons as well.

Here, Martin strays into conjecture, as we have no proof of their intentions. He speculates that the reason they’re calling this experimental gene therapy technology a “vaccine” is because by doing so, they can circumvent liability for damages.

You’re being lied to. Your own government is violating its own laws. They have shut down practitioners around the country, time and time again, for violating what are called ‘deceptive practices in medical claims.’ Guess what? They’re doing exactly that thing. ~ David Martin, Ph.D.

As long as the U.S. is under a state of emergency, things like PCR tests and COVID-19 “vaccines” are allowed under emergency use authorization. And as long as the emergency use authorization is in effect, the makers of these experimental gene therapies are not financially liable for any harm that comes from their use. That is, provided they’re “vaccines.” If these injections are NOT vaccines, then the liability shield falls away, because there is no liability shield for a medical emergency countermeasure that is gene therapy. So, by maintaining the illusion that COVID-19 is a state of emergency when in reality it is not, government leaders are providing cover for these gene therapy companies so that they can get immunity from liability.
It's just a little story from everyday life.... But it made me very sad today.

My colleague at work has a 5-year-old son who attends kindergarten. There he is forbidden to run because of Corona (we are in germany). The colleague had him recorded by voice message, which is the reasoning of the kindergarten teachers: If we run we spread Corona...
It was so heartbreaking to hear that little innocent voice say this and know the damage it does to these children's souls.... :-(
He speaks only about Ebola, HIV and SARS-cov21 here. He says theses viruses have never been isolated, neither been identified on electronic microscopes.

The IHU of Marseille posted their own photos of SARS-cov-2 : Le coronavirus en photos – IHU
Feb. 28 2020 - Photographs of the Coronavirus taken by IHU Mediterranean Infection teams

Transmission electron microscopy of the COVID-19 coronavirus in negative staining. Photographs taken at the IHU on a Tecnai G20 (FEI) microscope at 200 keV.
Pseudo-stained particles. The scale is indicated at the bottom of the images.

SARS-cov-2 IHU.jpg
Can it be a total fraud? Coming from the IHU I doubt. By extension it would mean that their discovery of Giants virus could be a fake too. For me it's just impossible.

And there is those studies of the behaviour of the virus out of the body. For example this one. I remember having read a paper about a study of the detection of SARS-cov-2 on walls of an hospital room after an infected patient lived the room. What I mean is that there is a bunch of papers about studying virus out the body. All fakes? Once again it seems very difficult to me.

Photos of Ebola look very different: Ebola virus
Hi all, I would like to ask you a small advice.
Tomorrow I have to do the pcr test as a requirement from the company for whom I work for, the reason being that one of our colleagues is covid positive. I'd rather avoid doing the pcr test though it seems that there is no way out except being rebellious and thus attracting unnecessary attention towards myself. So I think that the best thing will be to play smart, applying strategic enclosure to the max as the C's have suggested.

So the advice I'd like to ask is, do you think will be OK to take Vitamin D and Vitamin C before the pcr test? It's a strange question I know, though, since the pcr tests aren't reliable i was wondering if taking supplements can have an effect on the outcome of the test.

Thank you in advance for your support.
So the advice I'd like to ask is, do you think will be OK to take Vitamin D and Vitamin C before the pcr test? It's a strange question I know, though, since the pcr tests aren't reliable i was wondering if taking supplements can have an effect on the outcome of the test.
I think it will help. There's also lugol, though if you're not sure how you'll react, it's best to keep it out.

If this is going to be more common, ivermectin will be helpful as well. Those who took one dose per month in India, were more likely to be negative on PCR tests. This was a study conducted in a COVID unit, so it was health staff that was exposed on a daily basis. There's more info on the health protocol for vaccines thread.
Wolfgang Wodarg wrote about this study application for a medication that is supposed to protect against Covid AND mitigate the side effects of Covid vaccines - not sure what to make of it, perhaps those with more knowledge want to look into it:

Isotretinoin (13- Cis-Retinoic Acid) Versus Spike Protein Based Vaccine for Providing Complete Protection Against COVID-19 and Preventing the Expected Long Term Serious Side Effects Which May Caused by Spike Protein Based Vaccine-An Urgent Protective Clinical Trial (Isotretinoin)​

Brief Summary:
Isotretinoin (13- Cis-Retinoic Acid) Versus Spike Protein Based Vaccine for Providing Complete Protection Against COVID-19 and Preventing the expected long term serious side effects caused by Spike protein based Vaccine
In a limited period of time, Spike Protein-based Vaccines were granted emergency approval and are now rolling out. Spike Protein-based vaccine offers guidance and signals for our cells to express a component of what is called the "viral spike protein.". The strong interaction between Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and the Receptor Binding Domain(RBD) of the Spike protein(SP) produced by COVID-19 vaccine or found on the Spike protein of viral particles is with affinity (~10 nM), and this binding affinity is equivalent to many monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). As such, association of Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) with the binding domain of the Spike protein is likely to be strong and long lived interaction , and is expected to result in Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) entering antigen presenting cells associated with the Spike protein produced by COVID-19 vaccine or the Spike protein of viral particles. This may be enhanced by fragment crystallizable (Fc ) mediated uptake via fragment crystallizable (Fc ) Receptors once an antibody response to the spike has occurred, and may set up conditions for extreme presentation of Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 ( ACE2) epitopes to B and T cells, aided by strong T cells help from epitopes derived from Spike protein attachment or other viral expressed proteins. .Therefore, we use existing and emerging evidence to propose a testable hypothesis that spike protein based Vaccines which will lead to high expression of spike protein by different human cells expected to initiate Autoantibodies and T cells to ACE2 after a period of repeated vaccination . These autoantibodies may generated by forced presentation of the ACE2 protein in a complex with vaccine Spike protein in Fc Receptor positive Antigen Presenting Cells in the lung. The development of autoantibodies to ACE2 expected to make damage to the host epithelial cells and hamper their ACE2 dependent function in lungs, and the other different organs like intestine, testes which express ACE2. This pattern of lung injury also occurs in Pulmonary Hypertension secondary to Scleroderma with elevated levels of anti ACE2 antibodies.. These autoimmune process may also explain why myocarditis and other forms of inflammatory responses show up weeks or months after a patient has ostensibly recovered from COVID-19 infection. , In numerous animal models vaccine donation with full length spike protein predisposed to the inflammatory pulmonary disease complication. . In addition, we hypothesis that spike protein-based vaccines could potentiate platelet activation and aggregation leading to thrombosis and blood clots by initiating autoantibodies against ACE2 of human platelets or triggering platelets aggregation through the strong interaction with their surface ACE2. As a study found that SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein directly potentiates platelet activation , enhanced platelet aggregation. After incubation with Spike protein, platelets also displayed markedly clot retraction. . As a result, we conclude that the developer of the covid-19 vaccines should use an effective ACE2 modulator like Isotretinoin which consider potent ACE2 blocker to mitigate this potential risk by assisting in the development of antibodies targeting spike protein not antibodies targeting ACE2 and spike protein complex that could increase the risk of auto antibodies to cellular ACE2. Furthermore, the efficacy and safety of the COVID-19 vaccine can be influenced by several variables, especially the Antibody Dependent Enhancement process (ADE).ADE is a phenomenon in which antiviral antibodies facilitate viral infection of target immune cells and, in some cases, make a second infection worse, such as dengue fever , Here, we submitted this clinical trial depending on a clinical study submited by egyptian scientists ( Identifier: NCT04353180) which is the first study indicated that 13 cis Retinoic Acid will provide complete protection against COVID-19 owing to its ability to induce mucosal IgA antibodies that are less prone to ADE phenomenon and responsible for passive mucosal immunity in the respiratory tract. Retinoic acid strengthens mucosal immunity via inducing IgA antibodies and considered potent IgA isotype Moreover, its impact on ACE2 receptors, Memory T cells, CD4+/CD8+ ratio, Neutrophil Chetnotaxis, Interferon Type1, Thrombin, Transmembrane serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2), toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3), mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein (MAVS), papain-like protease (PLpro), and Interleukin 6 ( Il-6).
Interesting video report from an American in Israel. I've only listened to the first half, and this is from memory so please feel free to add anything i missed:

- He's pro-Israel but that the actions the government are taking are tyrannical
- That the people have been conditioned to wear masks even when they're not necessary now; he walks past someone who sees he's not wearing a mask and they quickly pull theirs up
- The vaccine pass (green pass?) is required for gyms, restaurants, but, as an example of how people are reacting to it, he goes into a restaurant to make a booking and asks the cashier if she'll ask for his vaccine pass and apparently she says that she will not
- He uses that as just one example of how people are quietly resisting the measures
- People he knows around the world are unable to visit family because they've not been vaccinated; have had to quit jobs because they require the vaccine
- He then goes on to talk about the links between Netanyahu, Soros and some others.

I can't speak for the rest but as an on the ground report from someone who's pro-Israel, it seems pretty interesting.

A pretty wholesome artikel again from Dr Mercola, neatly organized, condensed it looks like this:

Pfizer Bullies Nations to Put Up Collateral for Lawsuits Vaccine Maker Called Out for 'Abusive' Vaccine Deals

Argentina proposed legislation that would restrict Pfizer’s financial responsibility for injuries to those resulting from negligence or malice.
Pfizer rejected the proposal. It also rejected a rewritten proposal that included a clearer definition of negligence. Pfizer then demanded the Argentinian government put up sovereign assets — including its bank reserves, military bases and embassy buildings — as collateral. Argentina refused. A similar situation occurred in Brazil. Pfizer demanded Brazil:
  1. “Waive sovereignty of its assets abroad in favor of Pfizer”
  2. Not apply its domestic laws to the company
  3. Not penalize Pfizer for vaccine delivery delays
  4. Exempt Pfizer from all civil liability for side effects
Brazil rejected Pfizer’s demands, calling them “abusive.” As noted by WION, Pfizer developed its vaccine with the help of government funding, and now it — a private company — is demanding governments hand over sovereign assets to ensure the company won’t lose a dime if its product injures people, even if those injuries are the result of negligent company practices, fraud or malice. Aside from Argentina and Brazil, nine other South American countries have reportedly negotiated deals with Pfizer. It’s unclear whether they actually ended up giving up national assets in return.

Follows a good inventarisation of possible long term side effects, leaning on info of Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., explained this in her interview, featured in “How COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ May Destroy the Lives of Millions.”

A number of reports in the medical literature have indeed highlighted the risk of pathogenic priming and antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). As explained in “Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire? Due Diligence Warranted for ADE in COVID-19”.

What’s more, in a paper titled, “COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease,” published in Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, Dr. Bart Classen warns there are also troubling evidences suggesting some of the mRNA shots may cause prion diseases such as Alzheimer’s and ALS

Additionally, Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, a pediatric rheumatologist specializing in multisystem inflammatory syndrome, submitted a public comment19 to the FDA back in December 2020, in which he expressed concern that mRNA vaccines have “the potential to cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver and kidneys in ways that were not assessed in safety trials.”
Interesting video report from an American in Israel. I've only listened to the first half, and this is from memory so please feel free to add anything i missed:

- He's pro-Israel but that the actions the government are taking are tyrannical
- That the people have been conditioned to wear masks even when they're not necessary now; he walks past someone who sees he's not wearing a mask and they quickly pull theirs up
- The vaccine pass (green pass?) is required for gyms, restaurants, but, as an example of how people are reacting to it, he goes into a restaurant to make a booking and asks the cashier if she'll ask for his vaccine pass and apparently she says that she will not
- He uses that as just one example of how people are quietly resisting the measures
- People he knows around the world are unable to visit family because they've not been vaccinated; have had to quit jobs because they require the vaccine
- He then goes on to talk about the links between Netanyahu, Soros and some others.

I can't speak for the rest but as an on the ground report from someone who's pro-Israel, it seems pretty interesting.
This Israeli model i think also gives Pfizer all medical records of the population. A worrying setup.
Our Dutch proposed new PM after the coming fortified elections, mentioned Israel as a model for her approach.
I think it will help. There's also lugol, though if you're not sure how you'll react, it's best to keep it out.

If this is going to be more common, ivermectin will be helpful as well. Those who took one dose per month in India, were more likely to be negative on PCR tests. This was a study conducted in a COVID unit, so it was health staff that was exposed on a daily basis. There's more info on the health protocol for vaccines thread.
Thank you kindly Gaby. Today I've done the pcr, i had some vitamin C and Vitamin D beforehand, the result of the test has been negative with a viral load of 0.51. They've asked me if I had covid i said no and the conversation it ended there.

Though, I was wondering what the viral load means, it may mean perhaps that I could have had the covid and developed immune cells to it. Can't say for sure if I had it because in the last year I didn't have any flu except last year in January when I've experienced mild flu like symptoms that lasted a couple of days.

As regarding ivermectin, it's a little bit difficult to find it in Italy though I plan to search more carefully and at least buy some drugs based on ivermectin.
Hi all, I would like to ask you a small advice.
Tomorrow I have to do the pcr test as a requirement from the company for whom I work for, the reason being that one of our colleagues is covid positive. I'd rather avoid doing the pcr test though it seems that there is no way out except being rebellious and thus attracting unnecessary attention towards myself. So I think that the best thing will be to play smart, applying strategic enclosure to the max as the C's have suggested.

So the advice I'd like to ask is, do you think will be OK to take Vitamin D and Vitamin C before the pcr test? It's a strange question I know, though, since the pcr tests aren't reliable i was wondering if taking supplements can have an effect on the outcome of the test.

Thank you in advance for your support.
You might try gargling with or nebulizing hydrogen peroxide.
I checked and could not see this posted here on the thread.

This video is extremely creepy! It is a cartoon explaining the introduction of a "daily pass" for children to enter schools in California. It looks like an online system run by Microsoft where children can:

1. Schedule regular Covid testing
2. Document symptoms
3. Schedule Covid vaccinations

It provides the children with a printable barcode which will be scanned upon entry into the school. All of this is to keep the children "safe". Very dystopian...


Moderna's COVID Vaccine is an 'operating system' — is this Transhumanism?

Documents obtained from Moderna reveal that the so-called vaccine being peddled by the company is actually an 'operating system'. This startling admission confirms what vaccine skeptics have claimed — that COVID is about control, not a virus.
To start, it is no coincidence that one of the key promoters of these new mRNA 'vaccines' is none other than Microsoft billionaire, Bill Gates. Bill gave a Ted Talk where he boasted vaccines can help cut global population by 15 percent. Yes he said cut population. How does that work — by deactivating these vaccine-implanted operating systems in us?

Well, psychopathic Bill couldn't fix his Microsoft operating system to prevent endless computer viruses, so why should we trust him now that he is spearheading what is seen as a major step towards transhumanism. For those who care about what goes into their bodies, and those of their loved ones, see if you can detect something very sinister from what is being foisted upon a gullible public.
Certainly, everyone who holds strong religious beliefs, in whatever faith, will baulk at what is far from a benign doctrine. Transhumanism is at complete enmity with Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc. Do we really want to sacrifice our soul simply for the sense of security from a virus infection?
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