Stockholm is PCR testing at all communal gymnasia schools

From tomorrow, Tuesday 11 May 2021, Stockholm city has decided that all people at communal driven gymnasia schools, will be PCR tested. (they gonna use the fast test) Given how insane the situation has become in other countries with testing children at schools who are not positive to begin with (because asymptomatic infection paper is a fraud, designed by "Dr" Drosten in Berlin + WHO) - the only effect this will have is that many lottery PCR tests will contribute to keep the false positives "infection" numbers at a high level. Officially it is all done to "trace possible Covid contagion in order to stop it at an early stage - as well to find out who the "infected" have been in contact with."

They are trying so hard, aren't they ?

🇸🇪 Snabbtest införs på gymnasieskolor i Stockholm

Från och med tisdag införs snabbtester på alla 26 kommunala gymnasieskolor i Stockholm, meddelar Liberalerna i Stockholms kommun.

”Snabbtesterna innebär att man kan upptäcka covid-19 även hos den som inte har symtom och det kan kännas tryggt för den lärare, elev eller förälder som känner oro”, säger skolborgarrådet Isabel Smedberg-Palmqvist (L) i ett pressmeddelande.

En pilotverksamhet har funnits på tre skolor. Syftet med den utökade verksamheten är att öka chansen att snabbt bryta eventuella smittkedjor och därigenom främja närundervisning.

”Eleverna och lärarna är trötta på distansundervisning och längtar efter att få återgå till en normal vardag” fortsätter Smedberg-Palmqvist.

Under pilotverksamheten gjordes totalt 129 snabbtester, varav två visade bekräftad smitta. Vid identifierat fall har ett arbetslag med skolöverläkare och skolsköterskor skickats ut till skolan för att smittspåra bland elever.

Rättelse: I en tidigare version av notisen förekom en felaktig uppgift om vilka skolor som inför snabbtesterna.

Source: 🇸🇪 DN. Life ticker news at Dagens Nyheter about the Pandemic (
Meanwhile, in Israel The Israeli People Committee (IPC), a civilian body made of leading Israeli health experts, has published its April report into the Pfizer vaccine’s side effects indicating damage to almost every system in the human body. If the findings by IPC are genuine, then Pfizer vaccine is linked to more deaths in Israel than AstraZeneca’s in the whole of Europe.

“According to Central Bureau of Statistics data during January-February 2021, at the peak of the Israeli mass vaccination campaign, there was a 22% increase in overall mortality in Israel compared with the previous year.”

“In fact, January-February 2021 have been the deadliest months in the last decade, with the highest overall mortality rates compared to corresponding months in the last 10 years.”

The IPC finds that “amongst the 20-29 age group the increase in overall mortality has been most dramatic. In this age group, we detect an increase of 32% in overall mortality in comparison with previous year.”

2066 reports of side effects have accumulated in the Civil Investigation Committee and the data continue to come in.

These reports indicate damage to almost every system in the human body. Our analysis found a relatively high rate of heart-related injuries.

26% of all cardiac events occurred in young people up to the age of 40, with the most common diagnosis in these cases being Myositis or Pericarditis.

Also, a high rate of massive vaginal bleeding, neurological damage, and damage to the skeletal and skin systems has been observed.

From the people in my neck of the woods i understand that most of them are willing to take the injections, not because they agree with the whole farce necessarily but because they want to travel, summer is approaching, and go on holiday, business things etc. STILL they believe everything will go back to normal, they have become numb and plyable .... ready to become a dream in the past?
From the people in my neck of the woods i understand that most of them are willing to take the injections, not because they agree with the whole farce necessarily but because they want to travel, summer is approaching, and go on holiday, business things etc. STILL they believe everything will go back to normal, they have become numb and plyable .... ready to become a dream in the past?
Yes, specially people want to travel. And traveling they will bring with them the virus everywhere. Good idea.
From the people in my neck of the woods i understand that most of them are willing to take the injections, not because they agree with the whole farce necessarily but because they want to travel, summer is approaching, and go on holiday, business things etc. STILL they believe everything will go back to normal, they have become numb and plyable .... ready to become a dream in the past?
I can confirm that. The majority of my friends that are in their 30's is taking the jab because of that. Even if there are destinations like Albania, that does not require to do any tests. But what upsets me the most, is that some of my friends are breastfeeding (and don't drink alcohol because of that, yet are taking experimental medicines). People literally turned off their thinking.
There was a case of death of Polish doctor, Wiktor Rogiewicz. He was mocking anti-vaxxers, and died shortly from cardiac arrest (he had life long problems with heart) after the second injection of Tozinameran. Yet his family don't see any connection with the vaccine that is known to cause exactly that. One can wonder how much the side effects are underreported...
Meanwhile, in Israel The Israeli People Committee (IPC), a civilian body made of leading Israeli health experts, has published its April report into the Pfizer vaccine’s side effects indicating damage to almost every system in the human body. If the findings by IPC are genuine, then Pfizer vaccine is linked to more deaths in Israel than AstraZeneca’s in the whole of Europe.

From the people in my neck of the woods i understand that most of them are willing to take the injections, not because they agree with the whole farce necessarily but because they want to travel, summer is approaching, and go on holiday, business things etc. STILL they believe everything will go back to normal, they have become numb and plyable .... ready to become a dream in the past?

At my subway work

I tell people who want to take the shot just to be able to travel. "What is travel worth without a good life to live" ?

My colleagues seem to fail to recognize that the high health requirements for being an active subway driver - can easily end the profession; as soon your hearing is affected, your eye sight, your sugar levels in the blood, too high blood pressure and so on.... you are out.

So, we are not talking about death, but the many side effects which people get from the 'vaccines', could too easily ruin your livelihood. It begs the question, who can really afford that, given how deeply in debt the Swedes are, when you combine both official, communal and especially the enormous private debts most people have made - then Sweden is the second most debt laden country in the world, after Japan). It does change perspective a little doesn't it ? People think we are sooo wealthy...

The word "vaccine" • powerful Trojan Horse in the minds of man

I believe the word itself, "vaccine", is a mental Trojan horse. A very powerful one, too - sidelining / short-circuit all critical thinking revolving health and dangers in combination with the new genetic "vaccines". It makes people not even remotely reflect over the principle dangers when playing with DNA. I also do not understand that people can agree that the foundation of physical life (DNA) is tampered with - without even raising eye brows.

The public discussions during the 90s in Sweden, rejected any ideas of manipulating DNA. It was considered to go against all common sense and medical, scientific and human ethics.

So, here we are. 25 years later.


The reading of "The Israeli People`s Committee Report of Adverse Events Related to the Corona Vaccine, April 2021: Never has a vaccine injured so many" - is really haunting.
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Tracking the origin of Covid — following the clues

Where We Are So Far
[...] It's documented that researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were doing gain-of-function experiments designed to make coronaviruses infect human cells and humanized mice. This is exactly the kind of experiment from which a SARS2-like virus could have emerged. The researchers were not vaccinated against the viruses under study, and they were working in the minimal safety conditions of a BSL2 laboratory. So escape of a virus would not be at all surprising. In all of China, the pandemic broke out on the doorstep of the Wuhan institute. The virus was already well adapted to humans, as expected for a virus grown in humanized mice. It possessed an unusual enhancement, a furin cleavage site, which is not possessed by any other known SARS-related beta-coronavirus, and this site included a double arginine codon also unknown among beta-coronaviruses. What more evidence could you want, aside from the presently unobtainable lab records documenting SARS2's creation?
The questions of where the virus originated, and who the key players are, seem to have been pushed into the background as the world deals with the results. This article seems to do a good job of trying to sort that all out. It's a bit long and slightly technical — although not too long or technical for the curious layperson.

Jacques Attali Verbatim.jpeg

Is pine needle tea the answer to covid vaccine shedding / transmission? Learn about suramin, shikimic acid and how to make your own extracts

Word is spreading that pine needle tea may offer a solution against covid vaccine “shedding” or transmission, which appears to be a phenomenon where vaccinated people are spreading harmful particles or substances to others around them.
Fresh pine needles from appropriate trees have been used for centuries as sources of vitamin C and other phytochemicals that Native Americans used to treat respiratory infections and other ailments. Vitamin C is a known cure for scurvy, as scurvy is a disease of vitamin C deficiency. Pine needles contain many other substances that appear to reduce platelet aggregation in the blood, potentially preventing blood clots that lead to strokes, heart attacks and pulmonary embolism diagnoses. (See published science sources below.)

Pine needles have been used by indigenous populations around the world as both food and medicine for thousands of years. Many people now believe pine needles may be able to offer protection from covid spike proteins — which are engineered bioweapons found in covid vaccines — as well as covid vaccine “shedding” particles, which also appear to be biological weapons designed to achieve global depopulation.

Dr. Judy Mikovits asserts that globalists are well aware that pine needle tea is the answer to covid depopulation weapons, and they are secretly using pine needle tea to protect themselves from the very plague they have unleashed upon the world, Mikovitz explains.
Naturally, we would like to see more research on all this — and please heed the safety precautions below — but it’s clear the science & medicine establishment has lost all credibility or interest in protecting humanity and is now deliberately working to exterminate billions of human beings. Thus, waiting for that industry to study common medicinal plants is a fool’s errand. There will never be funding available for such research, as these findings don’t enhance Big Pharma’s vaccine and drug profits.
I have ten minutes left of the interview with Dr. Merritt and I just have to say WOW! She goes into all the very legitimate reasons why doctors of all ages are not speaking out, mostly because they will lose their jobs and have large student debt to pay off. She herself lost her contract because she is speaking out against the official narratives especially regarding masks first and now the vaccines which she states outright are not vaccines. There is much comparison to what the Nazis did especially the Nuremberg trials of the complicit doctors including one who was hanged but never directly harmed prisoners - but he was held responsible due to his being the top man in charge. Due to her connection to the military, she uses war-type analogies in expressing her views. She's 68 years old and losing her contract was not a big deal for her. She states that much that she used to believe was true she now knows is not. As a doctor in training, it was just taken for granted that all was true that was being taught including the vaccine science. She states again (I've heard her say this before) that those who work for the vaccine manufacturers or who have any job that is integral to this vax agenda, need to walk away/quit - and again she references the whole Nazi historical experience.

I've only been sending new info regarding the CV/vax situation to my spouse and kids, but included my brother-in-law and his wife again with the latest stuff including lysine study article. The reason is because after Mother's Day call to my husband's 94 year old mother, they and we are the only four of the family who are not on board with getting the vax.
[...] it appears we four are the holdouts against the move to voluntarily genetically modify ourselves with the proclaimed safe and effective spike protein producing vax.
It's obvious "granny" is conflicted that she's had the vax due to the heavy influence of the one son married to a nurse practitioner and her daughter who still tutors children after retirement as a teacher. I stopped sending her any info once she got the first shot and tried to reassure her, though, that it was fine that she got the vax (especially as there's been no adverse reaction - yet). But, I did feel it necessary to say that the daughter-in-law's viewpoint was valid (it was implied she was responsible for the son not getting the vax). Most of the family are old school Catholic conservative and the DIL has always been viewed as radical due to hair color/style and penchant for numerous tattoos. Her sons were not discouraged from following suit including piercings/large earlobe popular with so many. This one grandson and the grandson of the nurse decided to be tattoo artists at one point, but it wasn't a viable living. Both found their way to good conventional jobs (had to lose the earlobe piercing), but necessitated completing college education. But, just saying the daughter-in-law was something of a black sheep and so her anti CV vax stance (they've taken other vax including for whooping cough due to fragile health of their only grandson) was looked upon with derision. I really don't know if I've convinced my hubby against the vax if it becomes required to travel. I don't know if our son and wife have vaxxed yet either - her brother is an ER doctor.
I also do not understand that people can agree that the foundation of physical life (DNA) is tampered with - without even raising eye brows.
So in my last CV drop including relevant eugenics info, I ended with the following:
And the unintended consequences have just begun to play out. You really have to question those who think they are so brilliant that they can subjugate Mother Nature while thumbing their noses at the Universe/God. Those who continue to assert lies over truth are in for a very rude awakening sooner or later. It behooves one to be on the right side of truth when the Universe shows up.
That "humanity has one last chance" by Cs prompted that last bit. How to convey that without revealing the superluminal experiment behind it that will really undermine any effort to inform. At least I feel I've done what I can in that regard.
Hi all,

Just wanted to share something pretty puzzling.

One friend (34 year old) got COVID 4 to 6 months ago. Yesterday she got called over by the municipality to notify her she had an appointment booked for vaccination next week, because she already had COVID.

That surprised her.
  • Having already been infected should provide a certain level of immunity, but seems they specifically called over because she had already had it.
  • She is not in the priority group, at least here in Norway (as far as I know).
I am checking in my network if others got in the same situation within Norway. But that is pretty puzzling...
Will share the health protocol if she is asking/looking for ways to mitigate the vaccination, in case she has to take the vaccine.

Any other reports of people who have had covid who are called up and put on the priority list for vaccination?

PS. As a side note, they seem to be rushing in this case. En passant, I wonder if it could have anything to do with attempting to correct some of the potential "beneficial" strains.

Wait & see
Any other reports of people who have had covid who are called up and put on the priority list for vaccination?

Yes, it happened in France for the two step sons of my coworker. Exactly the same scenario which puzzled anyone.

I read in an article that they hadn't test the vaccines on people who already had covid, so maybe it's a way to complete their experiment :rolleyes: I don't know.
A very interesting flash from the past. XPan liked a post I made in the MMS thread eleven years ago. In reading through it, I was struck by several points:
What is amazing to me is not only how all these revelations are suddenly coming to light, but how one is leading to another leading to still another and so on. The link that Psyche posted ( was interesting and disturbing at the same time. The disturbing part related to a female doctor in Africa and her use of MMS for treatment:
“If Simoncini is correct that cancer is fungus [...]
[NOTE: Varicella Zoster Virus infection in cancer patients can present either as primary infection (chickenpox) or as reactivation (shingles).]
If it is a cancer patient I give a product with three types of vitamin C (ascorbic acid, calcium ascorbic and magnesium ascorbic which is mixed with L-Lysine but a few hours after the administration of the IV.
Anyone hear about using lysine against the virus?
Also note this from the same referenced site:

(Vernon Johnston) will be giving on what he has been able to achieve independent of the medical establishment with sodium bicarbonate and breathing (also very important for increasing O2 levels) and some other health practices that have given him a completely new lease on life. (I owe my readership an essay on breathing for healing. I will say though that after talking to him and reading his page on breathing I was inspired this morning to do my own conscious breathing and I am ashamed for saying so little about this in my work.)
[...]Dr. Simoncini seems stuck on his Candida theory and the anti fungal properties of backing soda and just really does not want to look too deeply into bicarbonates medical profile, which includes rushing more Oxygen to cancer cells through radical pH shifts and increased CO2 levels.
And here we are today with the entire world forced to wear masks that are majorly limiting our ability to breathe oxygen.

So, Jim Humble, Africa, Malawi, Madonna, City of London, Freemasonry, tea parties, Alex Jones, Oathkeepers, pedophiles, children, satanic ritual abuse, mind control - funny how these various elements are interconnecting. It's not really funny, though - it's extremely horrifying what's really going on. Interesting, too, that the word Monarch was chosen - Monarch as in butterfly. Is that their way of mocking the effect of butterfly wings?
Orrr . . . Monarch as in Crown - the Crown spike protein of the Sars-Cov-2 virus. And are not the "royals" considered members of the "elite" class as opposed to us common folk - the legendary ruling class with their "sun" crowns/coronas (ancient sun/son worship) - bestowed with the right of Divine Rule straight from the Gods. Julius Caesar himself was deemed a "son of god/goddess", but refused to be King even after his Triumphs made it possible to do so.
Julius Caesar claimed Venus as both patron and divine ancestress; he funded a new temple to her and dedicated it during his quadruple triumph of 46 BCE.

What a difference eleven years can make and reveal. Should also note Monarch mind-control programming as well.
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Julius Caesar himself was deemed a "son of god/goddess", but refused to be King even after his Triumphs made it possible to do so.
An interesting tidbit I just found:

Two things worth bringing up. First -- Caesar did receive and accept the military honour of the corona civica, often translated as the "civic crown," but this was a separate issue. The civic crown was a highly respected military award which does not constitute any monarchic claim.

The story of Caesar being offered a crown is recorded by Plutarch, who explains (in chapter 61 of his life of Caesar) that Caesar was offered a crown several times by Marcus Antonius (Shakespeare's Antony), who was one of the runners at a festival called the lupercalia. Caesar refused the crown when it was offered. Plutarch appears to indicate that Caesar was hoping that the crowd would want him to take it, but this is a problematic take on the situation. Plutarch goes further to say that some of Caesar's statues were decorated with crowns, but tribunes removed them, and Caesar grew angry and punished them.
Note that the "crown" at hand is perhaps better translated as diadem, which would be a ribbon tied around the head rather than the metal crown we think of from later European history. Plutarch tells us that it was tied with a laurel branch. The diadem was a very old Near-Eastern symbol of monarchy, which assimilated with the Greek tradition of wearing wreaths, and became a Hellenistic symbol of divine kingship.

Additionally, from the Varicella Zoster Virus NOTE source:

Viral Infections

Opportunistic viral infections are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients such as BMT recipients and patients with hematologic malignancies [39]. The most common viruses isolated from these patients are the herpesviruses (especially cytomegalovirus [CMV], herpes simplex virus [HSV], and varicella zoster virus [VZV]. Their frequency is probably due to their ability to remain latent until they are reactivated when the patient is immunosuppressed. Infections by RNA respiratory viruses, such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza and parainfluenza viruses, usually occur in outbreaks and also are seen frequently [40]. At present, it is important to diagnose these infections correctly, because treatment is available for some of them [41](Table 3).

Adenovirus affects patients with cellular immune defects. It is not clear whether the majority of infections are primary or a reactivation of latent viral infection. Pneumonia and hepatitis are the most common infections. Hemorrhagic cystitis occasionally occurs and has been associated with specific serotypes of the virus. No specific treatment is available [34]; however, in some anecdotal case reports, IV ribavirin (Virazole) has shown some efficacy [61].
Respiratory RNA Viruses

Influenza virus is a known cause of annual epidemics of respiratory disease with significant morbidity and mortality, especially among cancer patients [40]. Clinically, this virus presents as fever, cough, coryza, myalgias, fatigue, and headache. Primary influenza pneumonia or secondary bacterial pneumonia may develop, especially in the immunocompromised host [62].

Influenza A can be treated effectively with amantadine or rimantadine (Flumadine) during the early phases of disease. Measures should concentrate on prophylaxis; this can be accomplished with annual influenza vaccination for immunocompromised patients, their families, and hospital staff [63]. The efficacy of the vaccine is 60% to 90% [64], but the rate may be lower in immunosuppressed patients. Chemoprophylaxis with amantadine (effective only for influenza A) should be administered for 2 weeks during nosocomial outbreaks when late immunization has been given.
Parainfluenza and RSV also can cause upper respiratory infection followed by severe viral pneumonia in susceptible hosts, such as BMT patients [65,66]. The diagnosis of parainfluenza can be difficult because the virus grows slowly in cell culture. The diagnosis of RSV can be made by culture or by detecting RSV antigen in respiratory specimens. Aerosolized ribavirin in association with IV immunoglobulins is effective in cases of RSV pneumonia [67]. There is, however, no well-established antiviral treatment of parainfluenza pneumonia.

Hi all,

Just wanted to share something pretty puzzling.

One friend (34 year old) got COVID 4 to 6 months ago. Yesterday she got called over by the municipality to notify her she had an appointment booked for vaccination next week, because she already had COVID.

That surprised her.
  • Having already been infected should provide a certain level of immunity, but seems they specifically called over because she had already had it.
  • She is not in the priority group, at least here in Norway (as far as I know).
I am checking in my network if others got in the same situation within Norway. But that is pretty puzzling...
Will share the health protocol if she is asking/looking for ways to mitigate the vaccination, in case she has to take the vaccine.

Any other reports of people who have had covid who are called up and put on the priority list for vaccination?

PS. As a side note, they seem to be rushing in this case. En passant, I wonder if it could have anything to do with attempting to correct some of the potential "beneficial" strains.

Wait & see
People who had covid were excluded from the vaccine trials.

There's a few articles that have come out stating people who have had covid are more likely to suffer ADRs with the vaccine.

Your friend is 34 and is a she. Women are more likely to suffer ADRs.

Sucharit Bhakdi says younger people are more likely to get stronger reactions owing to having stronger immune responses.

I'd say your friend is going in with the weapon loaded against her... She'll be taking a huge gamble.

- Covid survivor
- Young
- Female

Good luck to her, the dice could roll in her favour once the injection goes in.
It seems the segregation is coming in my country. They said probably from next month you will need to have vaccination certificate, negative test or that you had corona recently to use cinemas, theaters, concerts, and they mentioned digital green passports on EU level for travel but also that they are developing a system where they can use them for entrance to public events and checking your status but that they are protecting private information(how is so if you can check everyone s health data?), so it seems they want to make it a norm in near future where gradually it would become only vaccination certificate. Even now you have to pay for tests(antigen not so expensive but PCR is) so they say you have a choice but if you need to take tests often people could not afford it so they are forcing them to take a vaccine indirectly. They say that measures are dependent on how many people get vaccinated and now PR campaign of musicians and singers is under way how they are taking it.

I read an article where they said they are planning an experiment this month for future events, that there will be a party like in old times, no mask, no distance, and are looking for 400 individuals that will get free meals and drink and the only condition is that you had two vaccines minimally 14 days prior to event. It makes me sick and want to puke how much transparent all this is and everything goes as if nothing really happened, day in day out same thing ever day, for more than a year now.🤮 But what should I expect, already knew long time ago that you do not have much to see in people, there is nothing to see when you open them up, it is all futile attempt, just had hard time accepting it because viewing it through my eyes and overestimating others, but the thing is now we all have to bear the consequences. If they want to have their totalitarian and vaccination parties let them have it all they want in all eternity, just exclude me from it.
It seems the segregation is coming in my country. They said probably from next month you will need to have vaccination certificate, negative test or that you had corona recently to use cinemas, theaters, concerts, and they mentioned digital green passports on EU level for travel but also that they are developing a system where they can use them for entrance to public events and checking your status but that they are protecting private information(how is so if you can check everyone s health data?), so it seems they want to make it a norm in near future where gradually it would become only vaccination certificate. Even now you have to pay for tests(antigen not so expensive but PCR is) so they say you have a choice but if you need to take tests often people could not afford it so they are forcing them to take a vaccine indirectly. They say that measures are dependent on how many people get vaccinated and now PR campaign of musicians and singers is under way how they are taking it.

I read an article where they said they are planning an experiment this month for future events, that there will be a party like in old times, no mask, no distance, and are looking for 400 individuals that will get free meals and drink and the only condition is that you had two vaccines minimally 14 days prior to event. It makes me sick and want to puke how much transparent all this is and everything goes as if nothing really happened, day in day out same thing ever day, for more than a year now.🤮 But what should I expect, already knew long time ago that you do not have much to see in people, there is nothing to see when you open them up, it is all futile attempt, just had hard time accepting it because viewing it through my eyes and overestimating others, but the thing is now we all have to bear the consequences. If they want to have their totalitarian and vaccination parties let them have it all they want in all eternity, just exclude me from it.
Chin up, Corvus. What I’m seeing is a silent majority that will never get the vaccine. Yes, there are many that are happy to take the poison, others that are easily coerced, and yet others that will eventually give in to the pressure, but I think that the majority of people don’t intend to get vaxxed. I don’t go to the cinema, haven’t been to a concert in ages. Any indoor activity I can replicate at home. I don’t see them being able to take away the freedom to go outside. Maybe I’m being too optimistic, but that’s what I’m seeing in our little country; huge swathes of the population who don’t give a rats ass about the virus.
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