From back in 2001, PubMed published this study ( 20-years ago) on 'Obsessive-phobic disorders with the phenomena of mysophobia in slowly progressing schizophrenia' - perhaps a few more check boxes might be ticked off all these years later in covid-times (it is behind a paywall so can only offer the abstract, and oh, it is a Russian study):

[Article in Russian]
M D Efremova
  • PMID: 11243027


54 patients, 24 men and 30 women, (mean age 27 years) were examined. Two types of obsessive-phobic disorders with the phenomena of mysophobia were distinguished: obsession of the external (extracorporal) threat and obsession of contamination. Disorders of the first type (25 cases) were observed in psychopathic-like schizophrenia. They were characterized by a fear of possible contacts with different pathogenic agents--toxic substances, sharp small subjects, bacteria. Obsessions presented with a system of actions preventing phobic situations (rituals). With progression of the disease there was a decrease of both the degree and affective saturation of phobic disorders together with preserving rituals. Negative disorders presented with rough psychopathic-like changes with features of the "verschroben" defect. The disorders of the second type (29 patients) were observed in neurosis-like schizophrenia. Mysophobia manifested with both the repeated control and the fear of contamination accomplished. Ritual behavior presented with repeated actions and repeated control of the "sterility" of the own body and the surrounding subjects. Dynamics of these disorders was characterized by a tendency to more severe rituals of the control and persisting anxiety. Deficit disorders manifested with mental infantilism with psychopathic-like disorders of schizo-anancastic sphere. The above types of the obsessive-phobic disorders have a differential-diagnostic significance in respect of clinical variations of schizophrenia and determination of the state acuity with possible reversibility of the disorders (in neurosis-like schizophrenia).
"Possible reversibility" is at least something.

Perhaps the last decade's societal acceleration of the NPC-mindset is a factor (although not just an NPC disposition, there is a common disposition to fear), furthermore triggered by the usual spellbinder suspects adding a specific programmed form, a covid-Mysophobia type obsession, coupled with authoritarian prescribed coping "rituals" of OCD sanitization, masks, distancing, plexiglass et cetera, with the grand finale vaccine controls (and then who knows what). It makes one wonder, this societal fracturing along psychological boundaries that seem to match varying degrees of Mysophobia - not sure if this is strictly the way to look at it?

Was also not sure of the exact word use around "verschroben" - PubMed again adds something here (Russian also):

[Article in Russian]
V Iu Vorob'ev, O P Nefed'ev
  • PMID: 3425082


The authors have studied 30 patients with torpid schizophrenia associated with unfavourable changes of the 'verschroben' type. Only those cases are considered in which manifestations of this defect almost completely determined the clinical picture of the disease. A detailed psychopathological analysis has demonstrated that in patients presenting unfavourable changes of the 'verschroben' type all features characteristic of a mild typical schizophrenic defect or a defect of schizoid structure (autism, emotional changes, bizarre behaviour, paradoxic features in thinking and behaviour, motor peculiarities, disturbances in the sphere of instincts and inclinations) become most expressed. It has also been established that a 'verschroben' type defect forms at later stages of the disease taking a form of evolutional schizophrenia.

I've had a chance to listen to many, more or less, strangers over the last few months; some are adapt at working through everyday complex problems, and then suddenly seem to revert to a number of what is bolded in red when suddenly faced with what looks like Mysophobia of the covid-kind. Other than the NPC types, it is hard to get ones bearing around them, and very sad.
I've been away for far too long...I'm having problems logging in. If I can, I will share in the swamp what's been up with me. In any case, I have seen several videos showing the magnetic properties of the vaccinations. It seems real. And it does seem that the PTB are going all in on forcing us to take them. I will just add here, remember what I shared much earlier on this thread what Dr. Karla Turner shared re: her visions of what the "invaders" were trying to do to us: give us "safety" as long as we let them rule the roost, thus giving them our birthright as long as they let us live. That hits home now more than ever. We really are in a time now when we MUST stand up and claim our birthright and our sovereignty, or we will be controlled and ultimately destroyed as a species. The "invasion" has already happened, as Laura once envisioned: it has happened with hyperdimensional entities taking over the minds of psychopathic humans.
VAERS • Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

A correction:

First out, I need to make one correction: I said earlier, that this half-hearted reporting system was analyzed of it's accuracy by Stanford University. That is wrong.

It was done by Harvard Medical School in 2009 - which determined that only 0.8 - 1.2% of the damages/deaths truly were registered. The maintenance and support of the VAERS system have been deliberately neglected during the latter years.

The Official Numbers

If we only look at the officially reported deaths from the past 30 years in the VAERS... we clearly see even in these numbers, that something fundamentally wrong is unfolding. Any product in the past with these numbers, would been already taken off the market. The thought of that these numbers may only reflect 1%, while 99% being unreported ... is horrifying.

We are witnessing mass murder, are we not ?

View attachment 45264

Also interesting in the official US government VAERS system is, that between 5-26 April 2021 as many as 1054 deaths were registered. In only 21 days. This site called "" highlights the graphs and numbers in the VEARS system.

Jon Rappoport also write about these numbers in an entry written on 10 May 2021 called "COVID vaccine deaths: the numbers point to a catastrophe"
Apparently they are undercounting these vaccine injuries, or they are 'bouncing' when an attempt is made to report them. This doesn't surprise me, especially if the "vaccine" is the real threat to humanity, and Covid-19 was just an excuse to lock everyone down and control them.

If people are shedding the spike protein after the shots then I've been exposed in a major way. I help a 45 yr old man 3 days a week who has cerebral palsy and he's had both shots. As I dress and feed him his meals I'm in close proximity and he's always coughed a lot especially while eating. Occasionally he'll have explosive sneezes that send a spray of particles out for quite a distance. Considering this I've likely inhaled the spikes :-(. But no sign of illness. I take the immune booster suppliments, vit. C, D3, zinc, Nac and also do a sweat with my sauna blanket 1 or 2 times a week. The last few weeks I've been drinking an herb tea with Burdock, Dandelion and Milk Thistle for kidney, liver and blood support. So I'm thinking that if a persons immune system is in good shape this exposure to the spike may not be much of an issue and the body will expel it. Hopeful news.

This man also takes all these supplements as well. After the shots I noticed he's coughing a lot more. His speech, which has never been very clear, is more jumbled and hard to understand.
I noticed certain symptoms being around vaccinated people a couple of weeks ago. I though I was getting another virus! But, I've been exposed to (and had) Covid-19, so it could have been an immune reaction to those around me shedding this spike protein! This hasn't re-occurred.

I think what you're doing to enhance your immune system is really important. I feel sorry for those people who've already been injected with this bioweapon. If they are not in good health, they probably won't last long.
To come in this thread is to enter a twilight zone.

Just to say that friends of mine, living in Barcelona, who I considered sane, very naturalist, paying attention to everything, working with natural products, obsessed in their own way with good food, etc. And well! I just learned that they were vaccinated. The reason? To protect themselves from Covid. The father and daughter work in the education field. To protect themselves....

Every time I hear that a friend has been vaccinated it's like losing that friend in a fog, it's really like grieving actually.

In Spain the propaganda is hard, strong. Spanish people show a very low dose of good sense.
It is like my family - super intelligent, super smart (what happened to me???) but they have all either had or are going to get the vaccination and will not believe one word against it. The PTB must believe they are nearly home and dry with this global response.:-O

My nephew is English but has lived in Spain for years with his wife, so some of the "low dose of good sense" will no doubt have rubbed off on to them from their Spanish friends and being faced with rhetoric from the government, news agencies etc.
Apparently they are undercounting these vaccine injuries, or they are 'bouncing' when an attempt is made to report them. This doesn't surprise me, especially if the "vaccine" is the real threat to humanity, and Covid-19 was just an excuse to lock everyone down and control them.

It's not apparently... It's a fact.
I've been away for far too long...I'm having problems logging in. If I can, I will share in the swamp what's been up with me. In any case, I have seen several videos showing the magnetic properties of the vaccinations. It seems real. And it does seem that the PTB are going all in on forcing us to take them. I will just add here, remember what I shared much earlier on this thread what Dr. Karla Turner shared re: her visions of what the "invaders" were trying to do to us: give us "safety" as long as we let them rule the roost, thus giving them our birthright as long as they let us live. That hits home now more than ever. We really are in a time now when we MUST stand up and claim our birthright and our sovereignty, or we will be controlled and ultimately destroyed as a species. The "invasion" has already happened, as Laura once envisioned: it has happened with hyperdimensional entities taking over the minds of psychopathic humans.
Funny thing, as I was writing my previous post on this thread, I came to think of how you with your expertice (and maybe equipment) could figure out what this magnet business is all about. I also thought that we haven't heard from you in quite a it's good to see you posting.

s anyone else not getting the visual for the UFO video part of this? All I can see is a picture of Trump
Yeah, same here. No UFO footage could be seen in that clip. Weird.
I went to some stores yesterday, felt like I was walking out of The Twilight Zone. Little pharmacy I use had the door open for the first time in I don't know how long, and no masked staff. They were downright giddy in there. Before, it was only drive through access. I then went to the farm store, hoping to find some de-worming paste (for the horse). They've been out of it for 6 months, as have all their area stores. Told me it was because of distribution problems due to C-19 layoffs. Anyway, employees there were upset because the customers were coming into the store w/o masks. Manager told them it was OK now, but the masks were still part of their uniforms. I guess almost everyone got the memo. Might go to the grocery store today to see what that looks like.
... I'm sat having a coffee. Next to me is a man and a woman talking about the vaccine. The woman doesn't trust it, the man is trying to convince her otherwise. Points he's putting forward

- Why would they give people a vaccine that will kill them? Don't you understand, without people they won't have an income.

- Stop believing things you read online. There's more real problems to worry about.


Poor lady is being bulldozed by this man. I hope she has a steadfast resolve.

All she needs to say is that I'm not taking it because I choose not to. End of story.
I feel sorry for those people who've already been injected with this bioweapon. If they are not in good health, they probably won't last long.
Dr. Fleming said in the Highwire interview that the deaths of the previously experimented ferrets translates to a year and a half (pretty sure on this - memory :rolleyes:) in the vaxxed humans. That's why the PTB want to make sure everyone gets the vax ASAP before people start dropping like flies.

Is anyone else not getting the visual for the UFO video part of this? All I can see is a picture of Trump
You can see it here (17:52) - not very impressive as it's not vid from cellphone, but "military" vid - fuzzy and grey:

Every time I hear that a friend has been vaccinated it's like losing that friend in a fog, it's really like grieving actually.

Same here, loreta. :shock:

Just when will be the point when I'll have to withdraw from most of the people I know in order to preserve my health?
And under which pretext?

Or is it still too early for such considerations?

I'm currently planning some ads for a support group to get people in touch and help them share their concerns with others about vaccinations and their fears of being pushed to the fringes of society if they don't comply.
Something along that line...
Update: I just did a test on my neighbour, who got 2 Mod er nas a few months ago. My magnets did not stick to the site of her inj ection.
I asked my partner if I could try this on them, because they have had the shots.

Nothing. No sticking at all. It is several weeks later though. Could it be selective? Or just an internet faked thing?

I'm not believing it for now, although the other research is interesting, and perhaps applied selectively?

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