Australia: Gladys Berejiklian encourages businesses to refuse entry to millions of unvaccinated Australians and to sack unvaccinated staff:

"It's all about choice. If you want to stay unvaccinated, that's fine, but don't expect to have the same freedoms as vaccinated people."

What I see at this time as a consequence of this COVID narrative, is something that is not being discussed and has the potential to impact our lives in a dramatic way, one is a healthcare crisis, and the other is disruption in the food supply chain.

First the healthcare crisis.

In the past week, where I live, in BC. It was reported on the local TV station, (shocked me because they are all about the narrative) that several nurses had walked out of the ER, related to staffing issues and also burnout, they were feeling overwhelmed and could not take it anymore. In the OR there are similar issues, one operating room had to be shut down reported by one physician, because there is no qualified nursing staff to run the OR room and also they had no Nurse Anesthetists, they have two vacancies for those positions. This in an area where prior to the COVID issues, the wait list for elective hip replacement surgery was 2 years.

As everywhere at this time, there are reports of increasing numbers of COVID due to the so called delta variant. But what I wonder is how many of the hospitalizations are the result of vaccine injury, there has been another push to get everyone to receive the jab, I did see a couple of young people last week, looked possibly 12 or older in a jab center which was set up at the entrance of a local shopping mall. Information is so tightly controlled, vaccine injuries will never disclosed.

Also nursing staff are reluctant to speak out, they are bound by a confidentially agreement (part of the contract of employment) that covers patient confidentiality but also disclosure of issues occurring within the health authority.

It is not mandatory as yet for nursing staff at the hospital to receive the jab, but if they pushed it, I suspect several nurses will take early retirement, some young nurses that are aware or sitting on the fence will quit, I suspect and seek employment in another area of the job market, they have parents to fall back on. Depends on how many have been taken up with the narrative, jabs do not cause injury.

There are also staffing shortages in residential care homes, I did hear that a begging post was sent out to a Facebook group page related to a facility, because they were unable to staff shifts, it's an ongoing issue, shortage of RN's LPN's and care aides. The jab has been declared mandatory for all workers, with the expectation that they will be fully jabbed by October 12th. Interesting date, right at the start of what would in normal times be considered the start of flu jab season in faculty with the push to get everyone jabbed by November. No doubt the elderly will receive the so called booster jab starting in October. Makes me wonder will we see a repetition of the elderly being used as scapegoats again for a bunch of talking heads, who's only response is problem, reaction, solution without realizing the consequences of their actions.

In the area where I live, it is a university city, and they have a nursing program, several students have voiced they will not apply for employment at the regional hospital, they have stated it was because they were so badly treated by the staff. Which will only add to the crisis, because a new tower block at the hospital, to increase bed capacity for the region, is scheduled to open next year, where they will find the staff, lord only knows.

The BC premier gave an announcement regarding the healthcare staffing shortage. He mentioned about diverting patients away from the ER into primary care centers, I suspect this is another name for walk in clinics (there is also a shortage of MD's in the area, as a result many citizens do not have access to a a family physician, they are not accepting new patients). I did hear, that a physician at a walk in clinic in the area, he refused to treat 2 patients because they were unvaccinated. The clinic has since been closed, I suspect his actions maybe under review.

Anyway, this is just a brief glimpse of what healthcare looks like in my area, how this will all play out is anyone's guess. But I don't think this is exclusive to the area where I live, I think this is happening worldwide, it not being reported by the MSM.

As an example, in the US they are offering sign on bonuses to attract staff anything from #20,000 with increased pay and benefits, relocation allowance up to $10,000 one hospital in South Carolina offering as much as $40,000. This is coercive insanity, all this amounts to is robbing Peter to pay Paul.

As for the truckers crisis, which in all honesty I know very little about, other than because COVID, again we see a shortage of professional truckers able to transport goods, which will create shortages in the food and other essential products i.e medical supplies in the supply chain, and does not bode well for the winter months, for those food supplies that can be transported. We have seen crop failures due to extreme heat, flooding and wildfire activity.

Again, truckers in Tampa, Florida are being offered sign on bonuses, this from a recruitment website, note also the offering of nursing sign on bonuses.

I know this was a long post, but it is the reality, as I see it developing into a crisis. Sounds bleak, I know, but a motto I heard many decades ago. Be Prepared.
OK, this is from the deep woo-woo dept.


The Unami word Monongahela means "falling banks", in reference to the geological instability of the river's banks. Moravian missionary David Zeisberger (1721–1808) gave this account of the naming: "In the Indian tongue the name of this river was Mechmenawungihilla (alternatively spelled Menawngihella), which signifies a high bank, which is ever washed out and therefore collapses."[11]


a discussion on /pol/ - INTERSTATES BEING CLOSED - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
My cousin 🤫😁☺️ so proud


  • Dr. Jeremy Henrichs, a member of the Mahomet-Seymour school board and a physician for the University of Illinois Athletic Department, was targeted by state investigators due to his opposition to mandatory masks
  • Henrichs’ support of optional masking led to a complaint being filed, at which point the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) opened an investigation to do their “due diligence”
  • An email from a medical investigator asked Henrichs for a “detailed statement on your opinion about masks, and whether you support and will enforce a mask mandate based on your elected position as a school board member”
  • An attorney for Henrichs questioned whether the investigation had legal standing and suggested it was an attempt to “coerce or intimidate a public official in the performance of his public duties”
  • The IDFPR investigation has since been called a “frightening abuse of power” by state Sen. Chapin Rose, R-Mahomet, who filed a complaint in response and asked the Office of the Executive Inspector General to investigate the case
  • After backlash, the agency issued a letter of apology to Henrichs, backpedaling on their inquiry
Dr. Jeremy Henrichs, a member of the Mahomet-Seymour school board and a physician for the University of Illinois Athletic Department, was targeted by state investigators who said they had opened an official investigation due to his opposition to mandatory masks in classrooms.1

The chilling governmental overreach is just the latest example of state and federal governments attempting to intimidate and silence those who question mask mandates and other official COVID-19 responses. Henrichs had previously voted in favor of a plan that would make mask usage optional unless infection rates rose quickly — at which point mandatory masks would be reimposed.

However, due to updated CDC guidelines recommending masks for all students, the state enacted a statewide school mask mandate requiring masks for all students in class. Henrichs’ support of optional masking led to a complaint being filed, at which point the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) opened an investigation to do their “due diligence.”2

State Uses Coercion and Intimidation Tactics​

August 11, 2021, Henrichs received an email from a medical investigator asking for a “detailed statement on your opinion about masks, and whether you support and will enforce a mask mandate based on your elected position as a school board member.”3 “This would fall under the unprofessional-conduct part of the Medical Practice Act,” the email added.4

It’s unclear at what point during the pandemic having an opinion contrary to the “official” rhetoric became reason for investigation, but we’re well past that point now. An attorney for Henrichs responded, questioning whether the investigation had legal standing and suggesting it was an attempt to “coerce or intimidate a public official in the performance of his public duties.”

State law prohibits the intimidation of public officials going about their official duties, but IDFPR investigators said they are required to investigate every complaint about a medical professional. Why Henrichs’ opinions on masks are open for investigation is another issue entirely.

In an email, a state investigator stated, “What the medical disciplinary board wants to know is if the doctor will support and enforce the mask mandate by the governor.” An IDFPR spokesperson also stated in an email, as reported by WCIA news:5
“IDFPR takes all allegations against licensees seriously. Complaints filed with the Department, as well as investigations undertaken by the Department, are confidential, unless and until a public complaint or discipline is issued by the Department. If the Department determines a physician violated the Medical Practice Act, an appropriate course of action will be taken.”

Targeted for Questioning Mandatory Masking​

The IDFPR investigation has since been called a “frightening abuse of power” by Sen. Chapin Rose, R-Mahomet, who filed a complaint in response and asked the Office of the Executive Inspector General to investigate the case.6 In a statement, Henrichs called the overreach a direct threat:7
"I have considered authoritative medical evidence that questions the necessity of mandatory masking in our schools. As a result, the IDPFR has threatened my medical licensure unless I expressly support and enforce a mask mandate for all students. The IDPFR has commanded me to 'toe the line' or suffer personal and professional consequences.
The IDPFR's actions constitute a direct threat from the state to the well-being of my family and all board members to freely and independently exercise the duties of elected office.”

Other regulatory bodies have issued similar threats and warnings attempting to silence physicians. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), which regulates the practice of medicine in Ontario, is among them. In April 2021, it issued a statement prohibiting physicians from making comments or providing advice that goes against the official narrative.

According to CPSO, physicians, in isolated incidents, have been spreading blatant “misinformation” via social media, which is undermining “public health measures meant to protect all of us.” In response, they released their “Statement on Public Health Misinformation” on April 30, 2021, which reads:8
“The College is aware and concerned about the increase of misinformation circulating on social media and other platforms regarding physicians who are publicly contradicting public health orders and recommendations.
Physicians hold a unique position of trust with the public and have a professional responsibility to not communicate anti-vaccine, anti-masking, anti-distancing and anti-lockdown statements and/or promoting unsupported, unproven treatments for COVID-19.
Physicians must not make comments or provide advice that encourages the public to act contrary to public health orders and recommendations. Physicians who put the public at risk may face an investigation by the CPSO and disciplinary action, when warranted.
When offering opinions, physicians must be guided by the law, regulatory standards, and the code of ethics and professional conduct. The information shared must not be misleading or deceptive and must be supported by available evidence and science.”

While threatening physicians with investigation and disciplinary action should they speak out regarding the many inconsistencies and questions surrounding pandemic lockdowns, masks and COVID-19 vaccines, CPSO had the gall to add that it’s not intending to stifle healthy public debate about how to “best address aspects of the pandemic.” “Rather, our focus is on addressing those arguments that reject scientific evidence and seek to rouse emotions over reason,” it added.9

IDFPR Issues Apology to Henrichs​

After backlash, including Rose’s call for an investigation into IDFPR’s actions, the agency issued a letter of apology to Henrichs, backpedaling on their inquiry. In an email to Henrichs’ attorney, Dina Torrisi Martin, general counsel for IDFPR, stated:10
“The initial response to your inquiry requested information that the Department does not need. Please disregard the questions posed in the emails of August 11 and 17, 2021. On behalf of the Department, I sincerely apologize for the tone and content of those communications.
I would like to provide context for the Department’s approach to complaints. Pursuant to its duties under the Medical Practice Act, 225 ILCS 60, for years, the Department has generally maintained a practice of opening an investigation of every complaint it receives relating to individuals licensed by the Department.
As you can understand, not every complaint requires a detailed investigation or action; however, that determination cannot be made at the time of the initial filing.”

Mario Treto Jr., IDFPR’s secretary, also stated that a preliminary review of the complaint has concluded with the strong recommendation that the complaint be closed. In a statement, Henrichs said he appreciated the apology, but “until this complaint has, in fact, formally been dismissed,” he has “nothing further to say at this time.”11

State Boards Threaten Licenses, Don’t Define ‘Misinformation’​

A spokeswoman for Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker, Jordan Abudayyeh, stated, “The Pritzker administration has not and will not seek disciplinary action against the professional licenses of individuals who disagree with the mask mandate.”12 Yet, according to a statement released by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), they absolutely could.

In a news release titled, “Spreading COVID-19 Misinformation May Put Medical License at Risk,” FSMB stated that the “dramatic increase in the dissemination of COVID-19 vaccine 'misinformation' and 'disinformation' by physicians and other health care professionals on social media platforms, online and in the media” led to the release of their latest threat, which they called a “statement”:13,14
“Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license.
Due to their specialized knowledge and training, licensed physicians possess a high degree of public trust and therefore have a powerful platform in society, whether they recognize it or not.
They also have an ethical and professional responsibility to practice medicine in the best interests of their patients and must share information that is factual, scientifically grounded and consensus-driven for the betterment of public health.
Spreading inaccurate COVID-19 vaccine information contradicts that responsibility, threatens to further erode public trust in the medical profession and puts all patients at risk.”

Markedly absent from the statement is a definition of what constitutes “misinformation,” leaving the word wide open for interpretation. It’s not only physicians that are being hunted down but also academics.
Virtually anyone who speaks out about data that go against the official COVID propaganda can be labeled a dangerous “agent of misinformation,” which is what happened to Harvard epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff, who wrote a paper against lockdowns but couldn’t get it published.

Kulldorff and colleagues soon banded together to write the Great Barrington Declaration,15 which calls for “focused protection” of the elderly and those in nursing homes and hospitals, while allowing businesses and schools to remain open. Soon after, they too were attacked and accused of spreading misinformation and being “COVID deniers.”16

Professor Mark Crispin Miller, who has taught classes on mass persuasion and propaganda at the New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development for the last two decades, is another example. After challenging students to investigate current propaganda narratives surrounding mask mandates, Miller was placed under conduct review for spreading “dangerous misinformation.”

Miller fought back, suing 19 of his department colleagues for libel after they signed a letter to the school dean demanding a review of Miller’s conduct.17 Miller also launched a petition to New York University in support of academic freedom, free speech and free inquiry, without which he states, “‘education’ … will be mere training for compliance, stunting students’ minds instead of opening them — a practice fatal to democracy, and, finally, to humanity itself.”18

Are State Boards Maintaining Hit Lists?​

Jumping on the libel bandwagon, MedPage Today conducted an investigation into 20 physicians it says are spreading “COVID-19 misinformation,” including me, noting that “not one of 20 physicians who've peddled such falsehoods has been disciplined by their state licensing agency for doing so.”19

MedPage Today contacted 10 states that license physicians, apparently to ask them why they haven’t disciplined physicians for spreading undefined “misinformation.” In Illinois, IDFPR stated that if the agency "determines a licensee committed violations against the Act that regulates their profession, an appropriate course of action will be taken.
Complaints filed with and investigations undertaken by IDFPR are confidential, unless and until a public complaint or discipline is issued by the Department."20

From MedPage Today’s investigation, it seems that states have put together lists of the people they’re targeting to delicense, but none has taken action against the physicians they’re accusing of spreading unidentified “bad info.” Perhaps that’s because sharing information isn’t a crime, but stifling it — and engaging in unfounded threats and intimidation — is.


How is everyone doing with the mask mandates? I recently have been refusing and entering businesses regardless but that often causes a lot of conflict and aggression, which is expected and am not phased whatsoever. But honestly it feels like I’m just agitating the program and NOT REALLY doing anything to change anything. It really reminds me of one of the chapters in the wave where Laura asked about 666. Forcing their way of currency on us. Meaning if we were to expect to live without complying to their forced STS ways you might as well be dead. Lol so I’m wondering should I just play this game and stay behind the scenes and just observe and inform those who ask? I almost feel like all of this is SUPPOSED to happen and when chaos and destruction comes it will sort itself out. Anyone else starting to feel like that? I feel so silly wearing the darn thing and would honestly love some points of view from people. I know a lot of you are in worse situations and I hope everyone is keeping their vibes high and staying aware
Eric Clapton also speaks on this YouTube message sharing his experience after being vaccinated / the effects on him physically and his new awareness around this subject.
You are absolutely SPOT ON !!!!!

I sent it to a huge list of friends because Eric is speaking plainly and directly to the Soul.
Yes, I whole heartedly agree! His is a very unique perspective and most of us can relate to his feelings of isolation in that family/his own kids don't share his outlook or even want to hear it - plus the extreme polarization with him caught in the middle and as a vaxxed injured it threatens his continued livelihood at the very least. I would hope there would be a way to send him the healing Covid protocol that might aid in his recovery from his vax injury. He really represents that segment of older people who felt very much at risk from Covid which strongly influenced their decision to take the jab while believing the "safe and effective" mantra.

I noticed they may be hurling epithets, but they haven't started throwing rotten objects, yet. :lol:
Or . . . shoes!

In his Guardian essay, al-Zaidi explained that he threw the shoe to defend his country. "When I threw the shoe in the face of the criminal, George Bush, I wanted to express my rejection of his lies, his occupation of my country, my rejection of his killing my people," al-Zaidi wrote.
Shoe-throwing, or shoeing, showing the sole of one's shoe or using shoes to insult are forms of protest in many parts of the world. Shoe-throwing as an insult dates back to ancient times, being mentioned in verse 8 of Psalm 60 and the similar verse 9 of Psalm 108 in the Old Testament.

Hillary Clinton was the most recent target of a shoe at the head while giving a speech in Las Vegas, Nevada on April 10. “What was that, a bat? ... Was that part of Cirque de Soleil?” she asked, surprised by the flying object.

Alison Ernst, the shoe thrower, gave no reason for her protest, which is odd since usually there's supposed to be a point to such an act. Stranger still, Ernst once claimed to have evidence that James Holmes, the guy who shot up an Aurora movie theater in 2012, killing 12 people — was innocent.

In the Muslim world, throwing a shoe is extremely offensive. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was the target of this indecency during his trip to Cairo on Feb. 5, 2013. A Syrian man tried to hit the president with a shoe, accusing Ahmadinejad of the indecency of aiding in the “killing his brothers.”

This was not a successful outing for the Israeli ambassador. Dagan was at the University of Stockholm on Feb. 5, 2009 giving a speech about forthcoming elections and Israeli involvement in Gaza. But what anyone remembers is that one woman threw a shoe at Dagan, hitting him in the chest, and screaming "murders" and "intifada." Another person threw a book.

The shoe-thrower asked for it back. “It was a red Nike shoe,” she explained.

During a speech at a British think-tank on Feb. 11, 2013, an Iraqi man hurled his shoes at former US envoy to Iraq, Paul Bremer. The man yelled, “You f***** up my country, you destroyed the country” before being escorted out.

To this Bremer suggested the man “improve his aim if he wants to do things like that.” He then said, “If he had done that while Saddam Hussein had been alive he would be a dead man right now.” It's unclear why the former Iraqi president would care if someone threw a shoe at Paul Bremer.

A total of 12 videos here involving shoe protest with 4 no longer available. In addition to the ones posted above are:
  • Former Chinese President Wen Jiabao

  • Former International Monetary Fund Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn

  • Former Australian Prime Minister John Howard [unavailable]

  • Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf [unavailable]

  • Former Chief Minister of Pakistan, Arbab Ghulam Rahim

  • Home Minister of India Palaniappan Chidambaram [unavailable]

  • President of Taiwan, Ma Ying-Jeou [unavailable]

How is everyone doing with the mask mandates? I recently have been refusing and entering businesses regardless but that often causes a lot of conflict and aggression, which is expected and am not phased whatsoever. But honestly it feels like I’m just agitating the program and NOT REALLY doing anything to change anything.

I feel the same.. Here, we're supposed to wear masks inside (shops etc) and outside (except, allowed to take it off while doing "strenuous" exercise), whenever we leave our home at all, or face a $5000-ish fine. I've been sporadically going to the shops with no mask. This hasn't yet attracted any conflict or aggression, thankfully - those would greatly phase me, to be honest :) - nobody's said anything at all to me. It's just that I so enjoy the occasional sight of a maskless person in the supermarket, I want to join in. Usually though, I just wear a loose mask hanging down under my nose. It's, so far, very rare to see any police around where I live. Aside from possibly giving a momentary joy to someone who sees me I figure the same as what you said. But also, I don't know what's right, I feel at the same time a bit bad about wearing a mask at all. It seems like not such a huge deal, but is that true? Dunno.

As for outside, I never wear one. Some people here do but most of the other regular dog walkers in my neighbourhood don't, and we all have a little smile and "g'day" for each other as we pass..

The way I look at it is, IF the whole covid narrative as seen on TV was true, then it would make sense to wear a mask in a crowded shop.. I don't believe it, but most people seem to, so, whatever.. But, even if it was all true, wearing a mask while walking down a deserted street or playing with my dog in a field makes no sense at all and the ONLY reason to do it would be because the government unreasonably said to, so, nope.
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Just attended a silent protest at my local council chambers, in connection with the truckies blockade happening all over Australia, challenging the ridiculous situation in Australia. So amazing to stand in a large gathering of people who were for the most part mask free, standing in solidarity together, smiles, hugs, positive connection. Total strangers hugging me. It was so lovely... I was staring to feel a little alone in my perspective until today.

One guy I knew was very covered up/in disguise… I asked him how he was feeling and he said he was very nervous. I asked “Why?” he said “ Look at all the police” and I replied “So what? What do you think they’re going to do?” He said.... “Ummmm arrest you, lock you up, take all your money...” I just laughed and said “good luck arresting all of us!” and then he just disappeared into the crowd. The police were walking around filming everyone and doing their best to intimidate people, but people just smiled and ignored them.

A very uplifting and refreshing change to see also afterwards, people wandering the streets mask free, congregating in groups, laughing, smiling, hugging. This is normal behaviour. 🌈💛
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