Dearest Amanda,Dearest Pluchi, you have been on my mind and in my heart a lot, since reading your messages. I was so sad to learn of your father passing, and to think of you and your loved ones enduring such a deeply painful experience magnified and amplified by such terrible circumstances. You, your mother and father were the first presences in my ‘field’ when I woke up this morning, and as I lay quietly, a stream of energy/visions came through. I feel to share this message below and hope that what I saw/felt reflects the communication I received accurately.
You mentioned that you wonder if you did the wrong thing by encouraging him not to have the vaccine? When I heard your question run through my mind, I heard a strong “NO!” and saw a silhouette of a man powerfully shaking his head, repeatedly. I feel you can see for yourself just from the information coming through this site, even this thread alone, that natural immunity is the only intelligent pathway through this experience. Most people genuinely paying attention know and feel how maliciously evil and toxic the vaccines are, and on a deeper level, even if they can’t consciously acknowledge it, can subconsciously intuit that the dark forces are attempting to thieve as many souled beings as possible to use for their deceitful and wicked plans.
Your father trusted and valued your judgement about the vaccines and in leaving the density we exist in, he did not give in to the darkness, he simply chose to step fully into the light. I feel he left quickly because his soul chose as little suffering as possible - not only for himself but also I feel he wished to try to minimise the pain for the ones he loves. In no way are you to think that you have done the ‘wrong thing’ by encouraging him not to have a vaccine. This is purely the dark forces trying to find cracks in your ‘armour’, trying to influence your family in the direction they want you to go. But you are stronger and wiser than that. Hold fast to your own deepest guidance and always trust your intuition / higher self. Gently, I remind you that he left this realm without the ‘Mark of the Beast’. Perhaps you could see your vaccine advice to him actually prevented him from experiencing terrible drawn out suffering he would likely have endured had he received the vaccine (although for you I know it does not remotely feel like that right now). Also, i can share (from personal experience) that we never pass on ‘alone’. We are never alone, no matter what we perceive. You were right there with him energetically, and he could feel that.
You mentioned he was a wonderful father. Equally so, I feel you have been a wonderful and deeply loving daughter, and I feel your father is acknowledging he has been greatly blessed by your Illuminating and delightful presence in his life. Our children are utterly precious and our greatest teachers - and a huge part of the reason we strive to seek the light with ourselves and in others. The love you feel for one another streams freely between you, and always will. Your precious father has transitioned into a different density, and yes, he is in his lightbody, but he is also right here with you, standing tall, strong, walking right beside you. You know, deep in your soul, that separation is purely illusion. I see part of his consciousness is still fully connected to you all, streaming beautiful golden light to you. He is right there anytime you feel open to communicate; but this might take some time, it is not easy to navigate when you are traumatised and in a state of profound grief.
I deeply respect that it might feel like small comfort to say all of this, given that it’s not the same as being able to be physically in the presence of someone you love profoundly, hold them close, look deeply into their eyes/soul, connect and exchange energy. We communicate so much on the physical/metaphysical level simultaneously; we are such tactile, demonstrative beings, so accustomed to expressing love in a multitude of ways, and right now the loss of that form of connection, the familiarity and precious comfort of the physical is a searing pain far beyond anything words can describe. Still, I am shown there are many ways for you to be connected and, in time, you will learn to feel his presence more acutely, sense he is close and find ways to communicate, if you feel open to that.
In time, you may begin to notice many signs/ messages (some in nature) that he is around and communicating with you. (Did he have thing for birds, butterflies, or is that you?) I also see you playing music he loved, you are dancing to it and singing, and your soul is shining... and his eyes are full of light, he is smiling and laughing.
It might be helpful for you to keep a dream diary (if you don’t already) and write down everything you can remember as soon as you wake up. You are likely to receive some powerful messages during your sleep cycles.
I saw an image of your father sitting in a favourite chair, it’s like a ‘memory’ - the room is very warm, he is comfortable, there is golden light all around... he is laughing heartily at something your mother has said, or that you have said. In this memory there are two females in the room whom I cannot properly see, but I can feel how much he loves these ‘lights of his life’. (Perhaps there are more members of your family I am not seeing, but I feel this message is for you and your mother) I feel he is asking you to visualise and remember him - strong, happy, healthy, smiling and laughing. It also feels to me he is saying he has had a good life, he is grateful.
Something that may offer you some comfort, support and might resonate at this time (and perhaps for your beloved mother?) is a post that Joe offered some time ago about the afterlife... they are excerpts from a book that you might already be familiar with... it was the first thing that came up energetically when I felt your pain. It might bring some kind of comfort to you to explore this if you feel guided. If you have read it, perhaps it might help to revisit it? Descriptions of the "afterlife"
I feel your father is in a good place energetically. He feels to me to be more concerned about those he has left behind, but I feel he will try to offer you energetic support to the best of his ability, without interfering in your free will, as you journey forward. Perhaps in time, you might see he is wearing a different ‘spacesuit’ without the limitations of the physical realms, and with this comes new pathways of knowledge, reflection, new ways of learning and ‘being’. A bit like going on a long journey to discover a new path of learning... like graduating to a ‘university’ of sorts.
I hope nothing I have said appears thoughtless or insensitive, or causes you greater pain, dear one. I don’t have the ability to tune into people at will... but when it happens this way I just do my best to trust what I receive and be as respectful as I can when relaying the information (if I am guided to do so).
Offering a gentle, tender hug to you and much love to you and your family as you find a way through this challenging terrain. Remember to care for yourself as best as you can and be mindful to be around those who are respectful of what you are experiencing who will hold a nurturing, warm space for you to express yourself authentically, and who will gently support you to gradually raise your frequency as you move through deep emotional release.
Dear Pluchie, in the days to come, you will gradually unfurl yourself again like a beautiful flower and find ways to stand tall again, basking in the sun and drawing on the strength and light your father has gifted you through his love. A big part of him is always with you. I am told he is only a ‘birdsong’ away.
Amanda xx
I read your email with tears pouring down all the way to my neck. It surely sounds like my dad!
I have been worried/sad because I do not dream about dad, I do not feel his presence, I do not see signs that tell me he is around or fine. Except, the day my brother called to say that dad was gone, a candle I had lit in my house was blown off with force only a couple of minutes after this call, no windows (they are sealed), no drafts, nothing. My husband and I thought it was him who came to say farewell.
Yes, Amanda, you are so right, mom and dad love to dance. We have this old song that we dance to like maniacs. Every time they came to visit me in the USA, we have our dance-off, my husband caught so many of these moments in videos. I watch them and smile. Dad was funny, so funny! Loving, caring, the kindest soul. The messages of love coming from so many people have been remarkable. The lights of his life were his two granddaughters, he adored them! He used to say to them "you don't know how much I love you, you are my adoration". He loved animals, it might surprise you to hear that his cat passed away the same evening as my dad. I was sobbing when dad passed away, but when I heard about his cat "Negrito" passing, my sobs turned into laughter, out-loud laughter. How was that even possible? He took his old cat!
Amanda, a day after dad's burial, my mom was taken to the hospital, she had been feeling sick, but she started to look worse, she was diagnosed with covid, delta variant. She is there now. We are devastated, but trusting that she will recover. She wants to come and stay with me, and she says that she is going to recover. At this point, I am taking a day at a time, she is in a bit of a bad shape, but they took her in earlier than dad, so I have faith that she will get well because I want my mama. I was also thinking that the 'birdsong' sounds like my dad's whistle. My dad has a particular way of whistling, he whistled that tune of his while walking, and today for the first time in months I whistled just like my dad while I was cooking. I caught myself doing it and got a bit sad and decided that I will share that with my brothers when we meet online to do his prayers.
I will keep a dream diary, I haven't dreamed about dad, I only had a crazy dream and saw his face briefly, he was smiling, I wish I could remember it, I did for half a day, but I cannot remember now. I will also revisit the description of the afterlife, I translated one for my older brother. We do not live in the same country, but we are all very close and talk often, Mom and dad raised us to love and help each other.
I want to express to you my deepest appreciation for your message, your hugs, your advice, and the time that you put to communicate with me. I feel peace in my heart knowing that dad is well and watching us. Blessings to you and your loved ones.